"U.S. Government FOR SALE"....Koch Brothers are the buyers

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Nope. I don't want ANYBODY to be able to buy politicians that easily dummy. I don't want ANYBODY to be able to do it. Do you understand? Anything at all? Does anything get through that thick skull of yours?
The OP writer focused on the Koch brothers, with the implication only right leaning money is trying to buy the government. This was a heavily biased and hypocritical OP.

Jesus dude.... you're full of surprises.
What's Soros' budget?

Just some facts.....

Koch Industries, an oil refiner, is the nation’s second largest private company with about $100 billion in annual revenue.
Soros is chairman of
Soros Fund Management, a highly successful hedge fund that has provided financial and investment strategies to a variety of funds. As of June 30, 2009, the hedge fund had holdings valued at $4.2 billion.
So it's okay your billionaire is trying to buy the government since he isn't as big a billionaire as the Kochs.

Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Nope. I don't want ANYBODY to be able to buy politicians that easily dummy. I don't want ANYBODY to be able to do it. Do you understand? Anything at all? Does anything get through that thick skull of yours?
The OP writer focused on the Koch brothers, with the implication only right leaning money is trying to buy the government. This was a heavily biased and hypocritical OP.

Jesus dude.... you're full of surprises.
Only to people who have very mistaken preconceived notions.
What's Soros' budget?

Just some facts.....

Koch Industries, an oil refiner, is the nation’s second largest private company with about $100 billion in annual revenue.
Soros is chairman of
Soros Fund Management, a highly successful hedge fund that has provided financial and investment strategies to a variety of funds. As of June 30, 2009, the hedge fund had holdings valued at $4.2 billion.

Uhm ,thanks?
I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Learn the history, you are sounding really stupid.
We the People, Not We the Corporations

On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government. Human beings are people; corporations are legal fictions.
We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens Unitedand other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.
The Supreme Court is misguided in principle, and wrong on the law. In a democracy, the people rule.
We Move to Amend.

". . . corporations have no consciences, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires. Corporations help structure and facilitate the activities of human beings, to be sure, and their 'personhood' often serves as a useful legal fiction. But they are not themselves members of “We the People” by whom and for whom our Constitution was established."
~Supreme Court Justice Stevens, January 2010
We the People, Not We the Corporations | Move to Amend

Again, you aren't following history, you are cherry picking. The Democrats sold you out causing Citizens United to take a case to the Supreme Court. Had the Democrats not passed the bill to begin with, Citizens United would not of had a case.
Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Nope. I don't want ANYBODY to be able to buy politicians that easily dummy. I don't want ANYBODY to be able to do it. Do you understand? Anything at all? Does anything get through that thick skull of yours?
The OP writer focused on the Koch brothers, with the implication only right leaning money is trying to buy the government. This was a heavily biased and hypocritical OP.

Jesus dude.... you're full of surprises.
Only to people who have very mistaken preconceived notions.

Ha ha.. perhaps.

The OP writer focused on the Koch brothers, with the implication only right leaning money is trying to buy the government. This was a heavily biased and hypocritical OP.

Does the AMOUNT of money spent to "bribe" a politician matter?
Yes, be the price $1 or $1 million still makes the bribed a whore, but one must admit that republican politicians are just a bit more expensive whores.
The OP writer focused on the Koch brothers, with the implication only right leaning money is trying to buy the government. This was a heavily biased and hypocritical OP.

Does the AMOUNT of money spent to "bribe" a politician matter?
Yes, be the price $1 or $1 million still makes the bribed a whore, but one must admit that republican politicians are just a bit more expensive whores.
You have not spent any time on opensecrets.org, have you. If you had, you would not have said such a hilariously ignorant thing.
What's Soros' budget?

Just some facts.....

Koch Industries, an oil refiner, is the nation’s second largest private company with about $100 billion in annual revenue.
Soros is chairman of
Soros Fund Management, a highly successful hedge fund that has provided financial and investment strategies to a variety of funds. As of June 30, 2009, the hedge fund had holdings valued at $4.2 billion.

So, the Kochs actually PRODUCE something useful (oil) and Soros makes his money by destroying the middle class peoples of the world and manipulating the various money supplies around the world. In other words Soros is a huge scumbag but because he tosses a few coins out to the peasants like the drug lords did you think he's A-OK. What a silly person you are.
So it's okay your billionaire is trying to buy the government since he isn't as big a billionaire as the Kochs.


Don't be silly (tough challenge, isn't it?)...I'm not here to defend Soros......Start your own thread regarding how bad Soros may be, but this one is about the RIDICULOUS amount of money that the Kochs are willing to pour into the bribery scheme....and that amount is NOT just philanthropy.
Hey, nat. Guess which Presidential candidate raised the most money in 2008?

Guess which one raised the most in 2012?

So it's okay your billionaire is trying to buy the government since he isn't as big a billionaire as the Kochs.


Don't be silly (tough challenge, isn't it?)...I'm not here to defend Soros......Start your own thread regarding how bad Soros may be, but this one is about the RIDICULOUS amount of money that the Kochs are willing to pour into the bribery scheme....and that amount is NOT just philanthropy.
I have not even mentioned Soros. I am talking about ALL the special interests who have bought our American Politboro.

Dumbass. Stop being so obtuse.
The OP writer focused on the Koch brothers, with the implication only right leaning money is trying to buy the government. This was a heavily biased and hypocritical OP.

Does the AMOUNT of money spent to "bribe" a politician matter?
Yes, be the price $1 or $1 million still makes the bribed a whore, but one must admit that republican politicians are just a bit more expensive whores.

Really? Did you looked at Obama's billion dollar campaign budget? Who was the bigger whore in 2012? It looks like Obama by a long shot,over Romney.
Hey, nat. Guess which Presidential candidate raised the most money in 2008?

Guess which one raised the most in 2012?


Well, if you did a cost-result ratio analysis, then republican donors spend more money on diminishing results...Just ask Jeb Bush donors.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Learn the history, you are sounding really stupid.
We the People, Not We the Corporations

On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government. Human beings are people; corporations are legal fictions.
We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens Unitedand other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.
The Supreme Court is misguided in principle, and wrong on the law. In a democracy, the people rule.
We Move to Amend.

". . . corporations have no consciences, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires. Corporations help structure and facilitate the activities of human beings, to be sure, and their 'personhood' often serves as a useful legal fiction. But they are not themselves members of “We the People” by whom and for whom our Constitution was established."
~Supreme Court Justice Stevens, January 2010
We the People, Not We the Corporations | Move to Amend

Again, you aren't following history, you are cherry picking. The Democrats sold you out causing Citizens United to take a case to the Supreme Court. Had the Democrats not passed the bill to begin with, Citizens United would not of had a case.
That's not really true. At issue was McCain Feingold, which first of all was a bipartisan bill signed by W. Citizens United also overruled prior law holding that corp money could be restricted in politics.
Really? Did you looked at Obama's billion dollar campaign budget? Who was the bigger whore in 2012? It looks like Obama by a long shot,over Romney.

I'm not defending one party over another....but you SHOULD note (based on the above chart) who spent more money on the campaign..................Was it Obama or was it Romney?
The special interests donate to our Politboro's campaign war chests in exchange for deductions, exemptions, and credits in the tax code, to the tune of $1.2 trillion of wealth transference up the food chain every year. They also receive regulatory loopholes for themselves, while competitive start-ups are given an unlevel playing field.

Our House N*ggers have had a 98 percent re-election rate for the past half century. Our Senate averages about 80 percent.

That's a Politboro, fools. It ain't a Democratic or Republican thing. There's only one Party, and it is two-faced.

Figure it out!
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Really? Did you looked at Obama's billion dollar campaign budget? Who was the bigger whore in 2012? It looks like Obama by a long shot,over Romney.

I'm not defending one party over another....but you SHOULD note (based on the above chart) who spent more money on the campaign..................Was it Obama or was it Romney?
It's the money RECEIVED that matters. That's money which is expecting something in return.

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