U.S. House Election Results Thread

Republicans increased power in the Senate. Democrats won't have a say in Supreme Court confirmations. Great news.
They didn't have any say anyway.

So, a distinction without a difference.
He's Right
Dems Lost Seats In The Senate
So They'll Lose A Seat On The Judiciary Committee
And Collins Has Been Rendered Irrelevant Too

Nuke, Nuke
Nuke, Nuke, Nuke...
Dems took the House as I predicted they would. But not by much and by running moderate candidates out in the heartland--candidates who barely ever mentioned they were Dems.

Now the fun begins. Will these candidates go to DC and play along with Nancy, who they promised not even to vote for? Will they go along with Maxine's impeachment dreams and everything else the progs want? After all, they're just newbies.

Or will they stay strong as moderates for the people who elected them? After all, this was no Blue Tsunami, or even close.

This is going to be interesting to watch, if nothing else.

Dem's lied pretending to be right leaning moderates just like they lied in 2008. Hell some of them were siding with Trump on the border wall and Kavanaugh. Here's the problem, the most bat shit crazy liberals in the House will chair all the committees. In 2020 after these so called moderate Dem's have been forced to vote for the liberal agenda for 2 years voters will send them packing just like they did in 2010.
Dimocraps whipping boys Nunez and Gohmert reelected by comfortable margins.
King was kept in office, so it seems that those Iowa voters were able to put his moment of oral diarrhea in perspective.
American Political Revolutions Never Come Easy
Read more at pDB Daily Update ^

This was never going to be easy. No political revolution ever progresses in a straight line. The American system – the Constitution itself – strongly agitates against rapid, radical political change of any kind.

In the first two years of the Barack Obama Administration, Americans saw rapid, radical political change and rebelled against it, turning the House over to Republicans in 2010 and then the Senate in 2014. Americans again saw rapid over the past two years, as President Donald Trump reversed about 90% of the Obama era from the history books, and reacted last night by turning the House back to the Democrats.

This is not only nothing out of the ordinary, it is exactly how the nation’s founders consciously wanted the system to work. No one on either side has to like it, but it is important to recognize this reality of the American system and work to affect change within its confines.

So, just as happened in 2010, we end up with a split decision as the voters basically send a signal to Washington, D.C. to slow down. The country writ large isn’t necessarily opposed to the general direction things have been moving, but just wants to take more time to think about things before they happen. This isn’t always a productive dynamic within the voting public, but we have no choice but to accept the verdict and move on.

In the House of Representatives, where I was hopeful that the Republicans would be able to retain a small majority, the Democrat gain will end up being around 30 net seats, perhaps a few more. In the Senate, it’s most likely going to be 55 Republicans vs. 45 Democrats/Commies for the next two years, which is exactly where I had figured we’d end up since January.

The sad part of it all is that we will now get nothing out of the House of Representatives other than hearings and subpoenas and bombastic posturing by clowns like Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff for 24 solid months. The good part of that is that those clowns and others will no doubt so disgust the voting public with their outrageous behavior that the voters will rebel again in 2020 and turn the House back over to the Republicans. We can always hope, anyway.

The 55 seat majority in the Senate (which is what it will be whenever someone wakes up and declares McSally and Rosendale the winners in their races) means that Mitch McConnell no longer has to worry about getting Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski’s squish votes on every judicial nominee. And praise the lord, fellow squishes Jeff Flake and Bob Corker will no longer be around because they retired. What a relief that is.

Another blessing is that we Texans won’t have to hear any more nonsense about Beto O’Rourke. Well, at least until January, that is, when he declares his candidacy for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination, at which point he becomes the nation’s problem child. But everyone should be grateful to Ted Cruz for at least giving us a two month break.

Speaking of breaks, what is that new noise you are hearing from your radios and television sets this morning? Why, it’s the sound of non-political commercials! Isn’t that a joyful noise? Yes, I had commercials as much as the next guy, but I have honestly missed them as the commercial breaks have been filled with nothing but negative political ads for the last two months.

In my home state of Texas, Republicans once again won every statewide election – as they have done in every cycle for the past quarter-century – but leaders of the Texas GOP will be waking up this morning with an uneasy feeling. While Governor Greg Abbot and a few other officeholders won their re-elections by the traditional double-digit margins, Cruz only prevailed against his well-funded opponent by 3% and several others, including Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, saw their winning edges cut to 5%.

Yes, Irish Bob O’Rourke’s ability to pour $80 million of California/New York money into his race at the top of the ticket had a significant in races all the way up and down the ballot. But there is little question that Texas Repubs need to do some real soul-searching and find ways to broaden their appeal, particularly to middle-class suburban women and Hispanics if they want to retain their statewide dominance for the next decade or more.

Some other observations:

In conceding his very close loss to Ron DeSantis in Florida’s governor’s race, Democrat Andrew Gillum displayed a high degree of class and dignity that will help sustain him as a force in Florida poltics for years to come. We have not heard the last of this guy. Unfortunately, Democrat Stacey Abrams, the Democrat candidate for Governor in Georgia, can’t summon those same qualities within herself and will keep her state in turmoil despite her obvious defeat. Sad. Back in Texas, Republican Dan Crenshaw, the Purple Heart veteran who was smeared by the sick people at Saturday Night Live over the weekend, won his race and will serve in the House of Representatives for the next two years. There is still justice in this world, although you often have to look too hard to find it. It is truly gratifying that Jon Tester, the Democrat slug who smeared Admiral Ronny Jackson, is dying this long, slow political death up there in Montana this morning. Couldn’t happen to a more rotten guy. Nevada is officially a blue state now, and that is frightening. One wonders how long it will take the Democrats to completely screw up the state money printing machine that is Las Vegas. I give it a decade. Scott Walker finally, at long last, lost an election in the blue state of Wisconsin, ending one of the most amazing political success stories of modern times. We haven’t heard the last of Walker. Once again, CNN completely outclassed all other TV outlets with its election coverage. John King is without question, far and away the best election night analyst in the known universe. While Fox News was having a coffee chat session with a bunch of pundits, King and Wolf Blitzer were taking CNN’s viewers on constant whirlwind, county-by-county, sometimes precinct-by-precinct tours of myriad house, senate and gubernatorial races all over the country. I won’t turn the channel over to CNN again before 2020, but when Election Night comes around that November, I’ll make an exception. Finally, as I was wrapping this up, just a few moments ago, President Donald Trump (I never tire of typing those three glorious words) whipped this out to Twitter land:

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!

7:04 AM - Nov 7, 2018 13.5K 8,171 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy If you thought the man was going to be intimidated by Speaker San Fran Nan or Bugeyes Adam Schiff, well, think again.
Except Republicans Picked Up Seats In The Senate
And Reid Didn't Craft His Nuclear Option Until 2013
Republicans Will Have A Majority On All Senate Committees
And Self-Righteous Collins Is Irrelevant

The Purge said:
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!

7:04 AM - Nov 7, 2018 13.5K 8,171 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy If you thought the man was going to be intimidated by Speaker San Fran Nan or Bugeyes Adam Schiff, well, think again.

Duhnald should now prepare for Duhnie Jr. to be indicted:

""""""..... if they manage to flip the 23 seats they need to secure the House in November, as they are narrowly favored to do....

Experts expect Democrats to pursue controversial items like Trump's tax returns, and to delve into his business dealings from decades ago. They may also seek public hearings with Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr., who is a key figure in the Russia investigation. Democrats could also go after top officials like Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who has faced scrutiny over his financial dealings.

"There is no question that there will be an exponential increase in requests from Congress going to the administration if Democrats take one of the chambers," said Justin Rood, who directs the Congressional Oversight initiative at the nonpartisan Project On Government Oversight."""""

The White House's 'worst nightmare': Midterm win would unleash Democrats eager to investigate Trump
Published 4:52 PM ET Sat, 4 Aug 2018
Duhnald should now prepare for Duhnie Jr. to be indicted
Was Money Passed ??
Were Papers Exchanged ??
No, That Would Be...Democrats

Experts expect Democrats to pursue controversial items like Trump's tax returns
We Had A Tax Cheat For A Treasury Secretary
And Then What Happened ??
and to delve into his business dealings from decades ago.
You Do Know He Can Only Be Tossed From Office
For Things He Did While In Office, Right ??
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WaitingFor2020 said:
No, she got elected by WOMEN who are sick and tired of old white men running things.
Sure It Wasn't Injuns That Wanted Their Land Back ??

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