U.S. House Election Results Thread

In Obama's 1st Mid-Term, I read, he lost double-digit seats in the House. In an election where historically the Democrats should have had a HUGE night, picking up many more seats than they did, the Democrats were able to eke out enough votes to take over the House ... while LOSING more, important seats in the Senate.

Democrats can claim a win, but it is a loss for the country because - as promised - the Democrats will immediately begin keeping their promise to their radical base of starting more investigations and attempts to take down the President and anyone connected to him in acts of hate and revenge for him beating Hillary in 2016.

The country will be stagnant, mired in gridlock and partisan revenge...

In Obama's 1st Mid-Term, I read, he lost double-digit seats in the House. In an election where historically the Democrats should have had a HUGE night, picking up many more seats than they did, the Democrats were able to eke out enough votes to take over the House ... while LOSING more, important seats in the Senate.

Democrats can claim a win, but it is a loss for the country because - as promised - the Democrats will immediately begin keeping their promise to their radical base of starting more investigations and attempts to take down the President and anyone connected to him in acts of hate and revenge for him beating Hillary in 2016.

The country will be stagnant, mired in gridlock and partisan revenge...


O.K. by me.
In Obama's 1st Mid-Term, I read, he lost double-digit seats in the House.

When Obama took office, the unemployment rate was 7.3%. For his first midterms, it had risen to 9.4%. Of course he lost seats...the economy still sucked.

But when Trump took office, the U-3 was 4.7. And now it has gone down to 3.7%. And despite this, he lost the House.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

So Trump lost seats/the House while the economy is supposed to be great and getting 'greater'.

That just shows you how much America despises that manchild Trump.
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Tonight, Trump lost the House.

In 2020, barring a war, I guarantee you he will lose the White House.

Tonight, Trump lost the House.

In 2020, barring a war, I guarantee you he will lose the White House.


Would you promise to move to Canada if you are wrong. Or are you full of shit like those other left wingers ?
In Obama's 1st Mid-Term, I read, he lost double-digit seats in the House.

When Obama took office, the unemployment rate was 7.3%. For his first midterms, it had risen to 9.4%. Of course he lost seats...the economy still sucked.

But when Trump took office, the U-3 was 4.7. And now it has gone down to 3.7%. And despite this, he lost the House.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

So Trump lost seats/the House while the economy is supposed to be great and getting 'greater'.

That just shows you how much America despises that manchild Trump.

Obama didn't just lose the house, he got creamed.

Nobody expected it even six months out.

After all, they had just gotten it in 2006 and improved their holding in 2008.

This isn't like that wipeout.

The booming economy is a great backdrop.

Except this is an off-year election. Guess what historically happens.

Only the GOP didn't lose senate seats.
Tonight, Trump lost the House.

In 2020, barring a war, I guarantee you he will lose the White House.

Unless he has a persona change, I agree. He'll say and do enough stupid stuff to lose favor. His and gop bad policy results will again rear their ugly head and we will all be reminded why supply side economics and no regulations are terrible ideas. Terrible.
Tonight, Trump lost the House.

In 2020, barring a war, I guarantee you he will lose the White House.

Unless he has a persona change, I agree. He'll say and do enough stupid stuff to lose favor. His and gop bad policy results will again rear their ugly head and we will all be reminded why supply side economics and no regulations are terrible ideas. Terrible.

Oh look...more prognostications.

We'll have an election in 2020.

The democrats will run.....

Hillary Clinton ?

Joe Biden ?

Elizabeth Warren ?

Now that would be funny.
Tonight, Trump lost the House.

In 2020, barring a war, I guarantee you he will lose the White House.

Unless he has a persona change, I agree. He'll say and do enough stupid stuff to lose favor. His and gop bad policy results will again rear their ugly head and we will all be reminded why supply side economics and no regulations are terrible ideas. Terrible.

Oh look...more prognostications.

We'll have an election in 2020.

The democrats will run.....

Hillary Clinton ?

Joe Biden ?

Elizabeth Warren ?

Now that would be funny.
Believe it or not, people dont want an unstable and dishonest divider as president. If he weren't attached to a spin able set of outcomes, he would have been impeached by now.
Tonight, Trump lost the House.

In 2020, barring a war, I guarantee you he will lose the White House.

Unless he has a persona change, I agree. He'll say and do enough stupid stuff to lose favor. His and gop bad policy results will again rear their ugly head and we will all be reminded why supply side economics and no regulations are terrible ideas. Terrible.

Oh look...more prognostications.

We'll have an election in 2020.

The democrats will run.....

Hillary Clinton ?

Joe Biden ?

Elizabeth Warren ?

Now that would be funny.
Believe it or not, people dont want an unstable and dishonest divider as president. If he weren't attached to a spin able set of outcomes, he would have been impeached by now.

Uh..people elected him.

So you might want to rethink that statement.

It helps when his opponent is a total asswipe.

I am not fan of Trumps.

But I voted for him and I'll do it again.
Tonight, Trump lost the House.

In 2020, barring a war, I guarantee you he will lose the White House.

Unless he has a persona change, I agree. He'll say and do enough stupid stuff to lose favor. His and gop bad policy results will again rear their ugly head and we will all be reminded why supply side economics and no regulations are terrible ideas. Terrible.

Oh look...more prognostications.

We'll have an election in 2020.

The democrats will run.....

Hillary Clinton ?

Joe Biden ?

Elizabeth Warren ?

Now that would be funny.
Believe it or not, people dont want an unstable and dishonest divider as president. If he weren't attached to a spin able set of outcomes, he would have been impeached by now.

Uh..people elected him.

So you might want to rethink that statement.

It helps when his opponent is a total asswipe.

I am not fan of Trumps.

But I voted for him and I'll do it again.
You reinforced my point. Thanks. Few like trump the man or how he acts. It's very unprofessional. People must have thought he would become more presidential and take the leadership role serioursly. But like I said, the results we are seeing are juuust good enough that they can be spun into huge wins for you and the right.
Tonight, Trump lost the House.

In 2020, barring a war, I guarantee you he will lose the White House.

Unless he has a persona change, I agree. He'll say and do enough stupid stuff to lose favor. His and gop bad policy results will again rear their ugly head and we will all be reminded why supply side economics and no regulations are terrible ideas. Terrible.

Oh look...more prognostications.

We'll have an election in 2020.

The democrats will run.....

Hillary Clinton ?

Joe Biden ?

Elizabeth Warren ?

Now that would be funny.
Believe it or not, people dont want an unstable and dishonest divider as president. If he weren't attached to a spin able set of outcomes, he would have been impeached by now.

Uh..people elected him.

So you might want to rethink that statement.

It helps when his opponent is a total asswipe.

I am not fan of Trumps.

But I voted for him and I'll do it again.
You reinforced my point. Thanks. Few like trump the man or how he acts. It's very unprofessional. People must have thought he would become more presidential and take the leadership role serioursly. But like I said, the results we are seeing are juuust good enough that they can be spun into huge wins for you and the right.

Nobody expected him to become better.

It was simply a matter of Not Hillary.
Unless he has a persona change, I agree. He'll say and do enough stupid stuff to lose favor. His and gop bad policy results will again rear their ugly head and we will all be reminded why supply side economics and no regulations are terrible ideas. Terrible.

Oh look...more prognostications.

We'll have an election in 2020.

The democrats will run.....

Hillary Clinton ?

Joe Biden ?

Elizabeth Warren ?

Now that would be funny.
Believe it or not, people dont want an unstable and dishonest divider as president. If he weren't attached to a spin able set of outcomes, he would have been impeached by now.

Uh..people elected him.

So you might want to rethink that statement.

It helps when his opponent is a total asswipe.

I am not fan of Trumps.

But I voted for him and I'll do it again.
You reinforced my point. Thanks. Few like trump the man or how he acts. It's very unprofessional. People must have thought he would become more presidential and take the leadership role serioursly. But like I said, the results we are seeing are juuust good enough that they can be spun into huge wins for you and the right.

Nobody expected him to become better.

It was simply a matter of Not Hillary.

Really...so you now can speak for every American there is?

Sorry...gotta call bull shit on that one.

I can name several Americans off of the top of my head who thought Trump would grow into the Presidency.

They were wrong.
Sun Devil 92 said:
Oh look...more prognostications.

We'll have an election in 2020.

The democrats will run.....

Hillary Clinton ?

Joe Biden ?

Elizabeth Warren ?
Oh look...more prognostications.

We'll have an election in 2020.

The democrats will run.....

Hillary Clinton ?

Joe Biden ?

Elizabeth Warren ?

Now that would be funny.
Believe it or not, people dont want an unstable and dishonest divider as president. If he weren't attached to a spin able set of outcomes, he would have been impeached by now.

Uh..people elected him.

So you might want to rethink that statement.

It helps when his opponent is a total asswipe.

I am not fan of Trumps.

But I voted for him and I'll do it again.
You reinforced my point. Thanks. Few like trump the man or how he acts. It's very unprofessional. People must have thought he would become more presidential and take the leadership role serioursly. But like I said, the results we are seeing are juuust good enough that they can be spun into huge wins for you and the right.

Nobody expected him to become better.

It was simply a matter of Not Hillary.

Really...so you now can speak for every American there is?

Sorry...gotta call bull shit on that one.

I can name several Americans off of the top of my head who thought Trump would grow into the Presidency.

They were wrong.

Then they were as stupid as you are.
Dems took the House as I predicted they would. But not by much and by running moderate candidates out in the heartland--candidates who barely ever mentioned they were Dems.

Now the fun begins. Will these candidates go to DC and play along with Nancy, who they promised not even to vote for? Will they go along with Maxine's impeachment dreams and everything else the progs want? After all, they're just newbies.

Or will they stay strong as moderates for the people who elected them? After all, this was no Blue Tsunami, or even close.

This is going to be interesting to watch, if nothing else.
The results are superb for the Far Left. Trump's ideas like the lowest black unemployment rate of all time were defeated- and the Dems have a good chance to run the rate back up and keep their voters on the plantation in 2020.

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