U.S. House Election Results Thread

Hey Trumpbots? Despite a 'BOOMING' economy (which is not actually booming)...you lost control of the House.

Looks good on you, you xenophobic, un-American, racist, misogynistic, uneducated, stupid, mostly old, hicks from the sticks.

And it's all thanks to your lunatic Messiah...Trump. It takes a pretty, big loser POTUS to lose the House with a sub-4% unemployment rate.

I can hear him starting to quack already.

Bye bye Trump in 2020.
All this proves is that violence and immaturity and racism works.

Republicans just have to light up some cities while saying “not my Speaker” tonight, beat up women and children who identify with the left wing, shoot the majority whip in the hip while trying to kill him and dozens of other Democrat House members, and just general militant behavior to scare the shit out of Democrats.
Here is the 1924 tax law that allows congress to subpoena tax returns:

Disclosure to Committees of Congress

(1)Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure

Also, I may have misunderstood part of the text. It doesn't matter if the return identifies any particular person, rather, it is saying that if the information does identify a particular taxpayer, then the information will only be disclosed in closed executive session, which makes more sense.

A closed executive session is as follows:

In the Congress of the United States, a closed session (formally a session with closed doors) is a parliamentary procedure for the Senate or the House of Representatives to discuss matters requiring secrecy.
The discussions which take place in a closed session are subject to confidentiality rules
and are similar to an executive session, which itself can be open or closed. An executive session is for business which includes the President of the United States.
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ptbw forever said:
All this proves is that violence and immaturity and racism works.

Republicans just have to light up some cities while saying “not my Speaker” tonight, beat up women and children who identify with the left wing, shoot the majority whip in the hip while trying to kill him and dozens of other Democrat House members, and just general militant behavior to scare the shit out of Democrats.

You're Predicting Things
By What Dems Have Done ??

Conventionally the party in the WH loses seats in the off years elections.
But I thought you guys swore that Trump made it....different.

He should have made things very different. With such a complete jackass at the helm, Democrats should have taken both the House and the Senate in a landslide. But they did not.

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Conventionally the party in the WH loses seats in the off years elections.
But I thought you guys swore that Trump made it....different.

I don't know who you guys are.

I always expected to lose the house.

But then again....I thought we'd lose the WH too....oh snap.

And we get 5 bonus seats in an off election year.

Not bad.

Let's just hope that Ruth experiences a lot of pain when she goes soon...she deserves it.

And she'll go knowing that Susan Collins no longer matters and some John Bircher is going to get rammed up Kagens oversized ass.
Assuming Trump does not deliberately start a war to save his political butt...IMO, tonight is the beginning of the end of Trump's Presidency. And January 2021 will be the end.

Despite a 'booming' economy with a sub 4% unemployment rate...he actually lost the House.
That is pretty pathetic.
Been watching my district. MN 1 Hagedorn is winning but it's within a few hundred. Republicans might be able to flip it
Assuming Trump does not deliberately start a war to save his political butt...IMO, tonight is the beginning of the end of Trump's Presidency. And January 2021 will be the end.

Despite a 'booming' economy with a sub 4% unemployment rate...he actually lost the House.
That is pretty pathetic.

Please don't share your wet dreams on the board.

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