U.S. House Election Results Thread

The Dem House has already said they are going to subpoena Trump's tax returns. Ouch.
If a subpoena is made against the sitting executive, then issues of separation of powers will arise. These would likely play out by the executive asserting “executive privilege”, which is the power claimed by the President and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government to access information and personnel relating to the executive branch.

ROFLMAO! It will go to the supreme court which WE CONTROL! ROFLMAO! Good luck.
Trump may feel he is safe, but it's open season on every criminal around him.

If they are innocent, they only need to answer a few questions.

But if they aren't?

Republican judges want to appear legitimate.

I don't see them as lenient to criminals.
Those around him won't talk to the enemy. Nope. Enjoy getting NOTHING done..I am looking forward to it.
No, Republicans will work with Democrats. The next election is two years away. 50 Senate Seats will be up.

We already know Republicans have looted America. Democrats have two years to let tax cuts for billionaires sink in.

The map was horrible for a Blue Wave now, but wait for two years.

Then we will see the Blue Wave.

Everyone will see what a bunch of criminals the Republicans are.

Even Republicans.
Shocker Oklahoma 5 flips. Who would have thought.
If the Dems take the House, Trump’s legislative agenda is derailed. Good for America

Any legislative agenda that is derailed is good.

When Ruth dies.....the court is ours for a long long time.

Hopefully Sotomeyer or Kagen suffers a siezure sometime soon.
Your patetic small gains tonight will be wiped out 3X in 2 years + 4 more DJT. Americans don't want harrassment like on SCJ-Manafort-Flynn-Papadopulous. Trump will spin you hacks like WalMart rotisserie chicken. Americans want good, not more BO waste.

If that were true, you wouldn't see so many seats flipping in areas where Trump won in 2016.
All they ever do is pitch a fit and obstruct Republicans. A lot less is going to get done now, since a Democrat House will never cooperate with President Trump and the Senate on anything.
For Election night and tomorrow -- put your general comments into the 3 "official threads" in the "sticky section" at the top of the politics forum please...

I'll merge this thread into the "House" sticky thread..
MSNBC says Democrats need 12 more seats to take the House.
Lot of GOP seats to be flipped in CA

Looks like Dems take the House but Senate and Governorships are disappointments
Just how bad was the governorship races for Dems?

Bad. Abrams will be lucky to get to a run-off if she can somehow get Kemp below 50%, but even then she is about 99% going to lose.
Yeah I know she lost badly which is a damn shame primarily because Kemp is the king of the douche nozzles, but how bad across the country was it?
The Democratic Party is currently up 4 pick ups in governorships

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