U.S. House Election Results Thread

MSNBC says Democrats need 12 more seats to take the House.
Lot of GOP seats to be flipped in CA

Looks like Dems take the House but Senate and Governorships are disappointments
Just how bad was the governorship races for Dems?

Bad. Abrams will be lucky to get to a run-off if she can somehow get Kemp below 50%, but even then she is about 99% going to lose.
Yeah I know she lost badly which is a damn shame primarily because Kemp is the king of the douche nozzles, but how bad across the country was it?

A mixed bag, though a lot of the rust belt swing states, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota went Democrat. That could be an ominous sign for Trump in 2020.
The Dem House has already said they are going to subpoena Trump's tax returns. Ouch.
If a subpoena is made against the sitting executive, then issues of separation of powers will arise. These would likely play out by the executive asserting “executive privilege”, which is the power claimed by the President and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government to access information and personnel relating to the executive branch.

ROFLMAO! It will go to the supreme court which WE CONTROL! ROFLMAO! Good luck.

Wrong. They can ask to receive any current serving politicians tax returns directly from the IRS, and there would have to be an exceptional reason for them NOT to comply.
See, I dont think that is 100% accurate. The house cannot simply subpoena someone's tax records in hopes of finding dirt. There will have to be charges brought up first that will warrant the subpoena of such records.

Also, as I've stated numerous times, the law that allows then to make such a subpoena also says that they can do so only if it doesn't identify a particular taxpayer, and it can only be done in closed executive session, which means any information gathered is secret and confidential. In other words, they won't be able to tell anybody what they found.

Not my words, just my understanding of what the tax law says about it.

You don't think they have reason to subpoena them? He's being sued in how many states for violations of the Emoluments Clause? Not to mention that him having funding from Russia is part of the Russia investigation... of which he said he has gotten none.

Not to mention, EVERY Presidential candidate since Nixon has provided their tax returns, EXCEPT Trump.
I get that, but what I'm saying is, if you read the actual tax law, it actually says (strangely), that they can only subpoena them as long as it doesn't identify a particular taxpayer. Yes, I agree, that makes no sense whatsoever, why would you subpoena a document that doesn't identify anyone....but, the wording is there.

It also says that because such subpoena can only be made in closed executive session, that all information is secret and confidential, which means that whatever us found would not be able to go any further than those present in the executive session.

It just seems like it's going to be difficult for them to get anywhere with that information, unless it is leaked....and if its leaked, then someone in that closed session will be in major trouble, as they would be the only ones to have the information.
MSNBC says Democrats need 12 more seats to take the House.
Lot of GOP seats to be flipped in CA

Looks like Dems take the House but Senate and Governorships are disappointments
Just how bad was the governorship races for Dems?

Bad. Abrams will be lucky to get to a run-off if she can somehow get Kemp below 50%, but even then she is about 99% going to lose.
Yeah I know she lost badly which is a damn shame primarily because Kemp is the king of the douche nozzles, but how bad across the country was it?

The Dems took KS.
The demonRATS are likely to make psychotic comments and commit acts of lunacy daily that Will benefit Trump in 2020....I personally can't wait for MAD Maxine to scream "IMPEACH 45" on the House floor....especially when you need 2/3 of the Senate to approve that....and the Repubs picked up a Senator or 2 tonight!

After scaring the Fuck out of voters, the ABNORMALS may push the public hard right! Although, these subversives will never pass anything, they will babble on about yanking tax cuts, begging illegals to commit crimes, rant and rave about Trump's next SCOTUS pick etc. This might work out even better with NOW a complete OBSTRUCTIONIST HOUSE!!!!!
Republicans increased power in the Senate. Democrats won't have a say in Supreme Court confirmations. Great news.
The Dems will likely work on a legislation blitz for a good year. They won't dig too much into Trump, and they will instead let the Mueller investigation play out. Nunes just got castrated, which helps things along all by itself.
Hey Trumpbots? Despite a 'BOOMING' economy (which is not actually booming)...you lost control of the House.

Looks good on you, you xenophobic, un-American, racist, misogynistic, uneducated, stupid, mostly old, hicks from the sticks.

And it's all thanks to your lunatic Messiah...Trump. It takes a pretty, big loser POTUS to lose the House with a sub-4% unemployment rate.

I can hear him starting to quack already.

Bye bye Trump in 2020.
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Hey Trumpbots? Despite a 'BOOMING' economy (which is not actually booming)...you lost control of the House.

Looks good on you xenophobic, un-American, racist, misogynistic, hicks from the sticks.

And it's all thanks to your lunatic Messiah...Trump. It takes a pretty, big loser POTUS to lose the House with a sub-4% unemployment rate.

I can hear him starting to quack already.

Bye bye Trump in 2020.
In your marxist dreams.
The Dims winning the house only confirms how stupid half this country is.
Hey Trumpbots? Despite a 'BOOMING' economy (which is not actually booming)...you lost control of the House.


And it's all thanks to your lunatic Messiah...Trump.

I can hear him starting to quack already.

Bye bye Trump in 2020.

This is conventional.

It certainly wasn't like when Clinton or Obama had their asses handed to them in their first mid-terms.

it was expected.

You still did not get the senate....in fact.......

So pull your head out of your ass and get ready for some fun times.

Please put Nancy Pelosi back in the speakership. We need her help.
Folks, the purpose of this thread is to talk about the election results. If you want to branch out into other political topics start a new thread please. Thank you
Hey Trumpbots? Despite a 'BOOMING' economy (which is not actually booming)...you lost control of the House.

Looks good on you xenophobic, un-American, racist, misogynistic, hicks from the sticks.

And it's all thanks to your lunatic Messiah...Trump. It takes a pretty, big loser POTUS to lose the House with a sub-4% unemployment rate.

I can hear him starting to quack already.

Bye bye Trump in 2020.
In your marxist dreams.
The Dims winning the house only confirms how stupid half this country is.
Why do you want Republicans to keep looting the country?

You didn't get anything.

They didn't loot anything.

Only Hillary looted the WH.

You will barely have the house.
Republicans get their first House gain in PA-14
Republicans get their first House gain in PA-14
You said:

That you will act like a bunch of spoiled children and waste our time and money with unnecessary hearings because you can’t get over the fact you lost an election?

Seriously, I thought you were the tiniest bit brighter. I apologize for the mistake.

Judges, even ones appointed by Republicans, will never find criminals innocent in front of the entire nation with everyone watching. They would have a legacy as a minion and a traitor. Even Kavanaugh wants to appear legitimate. If (more like when) crimes are discovered, they will have the book thrown at them.

All the crimes committed by the Trump Cabinet will now be put under a spotlight.
Fancy apartments
the Emoluments clause
European vacations
First class for the entire family
and on and on.
All that money is still owed. Even though some left. Theft is theft.

And if you think that people who have been looting the tax payers only did the tiny bit that was discovered, you are happily mistaken.

This is a next of criminal vipers.

Democrats will put them under a microscope and drag their criminal a$$es out into the light of day.
Well, you can't just single out trump for all of that. The Obama's also took extravagant vacations. I mean, let's be fair here.
Obama did not.

Republicans investigated his toenail clippings.

They may have said he took extravagant vacations but he didn't.

In fact, remember how they complained he played too much golf?

Then in turns out Trump spent more money on golf in less than the first year that Obama did in his entire eight.
Rome, Tuscany, neckar island, Martha's vineyard? They took plenty of lavish vacations. All I'm saying is, you can't blame one president while ignoring others.
The Obamas were a small core family unit - Barack, Michelle, the daughters and grandmother - who travelled mostly together on vacation to the same location, thus keeping security and other related costs as modest as possible. They took a couple of vacations each year and utilized Camp David for shorter getaways. When they travelled, they largely stayed in family properties or with friends, and the Secret Service and related staff were put up in rented accommodations that didn’t funnel back into the President’s pocket.

The extended Trump family have all demanded security and have travelled widely around the world for personal and business interests, with the taxpayers footing the bills for SS and related costs. The Trumps most often stay at Trump properties, and charge the Treasury for the accommodations for SS and other government staff. Trump has travelled so often in his first two years that he has already surpassed the cost of Obama’s personal travel over his 8 years.

There is NO comparison!
I'm not trying to compare. The argument was that both presidents, and their families, took lavish vacations.

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