U.S. House Election Results Thread

Post all comments relating to the results of U.S. House races in this thread

This means the looting of America is over.

$30,000.00 dining room tables

$80,000.00 phone booths

Bullet proof desks

Private jets

Italian vacations

Republicans can appoint judges, but Democrats can investigate.

IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you imagine all these investigations into Trump's people violating the Hatch Act? Abuse of travel funds? Legislation to prevent Meuller from being fired? You might see people like Zinke and others resigning right and left before they get their cushy lives turned upside-down.

If you guys spend the next two years doing nothing but witchhunts instead of legislating and trying to get stuff done do you really think you’re going to hold onto that majority in 2020 much less win the presidency?

Two years of gridlock
Post all comments relating to the results of U.S. House races in this thread

This means the looting of America is over.

$30,000.00 dining room tables

$80,000.00 phone booths

Bullet proof desks

Private jets

Italian vacations

Republicans can appoint judges, but Democrats can investigate.

IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you imagine all these investigations into Trump's people violating the Hatch Act? Abuse of travel funds? Legislation to prevent Meuller from being fired? You might see people like Zinke and others resigning right and left before they get their cushy lives turned upside-down.
And don't forget the Emoluments Clause.

Not just Trump will be investigated, but everyone in his cabinet. Just because some resigned doesn't mean they get away.

The looting of America will stop.

Can you imagine how pissed voters will be when they find out just how much money some of the swamp rats in the Trump Administration have been stealing from the tax payers the last 2 years?
Post all comments relating to the results of U.S. House races in this thread

This means the looting of America is over.

$30,000.00 dining room tables

$80,000.00 phone booths

Bullet proof desks

Private jets

Italian vacations

Republicans can appoint judges, but Democrats can investigate.

IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you imagine all these investigations into Trump's people violating the Hatch Act? Abuse of travel funds? Legislation to prevent Meuller from being fired? You might see people like Zinke and others resigning right and left before they get their cushy lives turned upside-down.
And not one thing about it means shit.... Without the Senate nothing will come of the left wing bull shit....
Post all comments relating to the results of U.S. House races in this thread

This means the looting of America is over.

$30,000.00 dining room tables

$80,000.00 phone booths

Bullet proof desks

Private jets

Italian vacations

Republicans can appoint judges, but Democrats can investigate.

IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you imagine all these investigations into Trump's people violating the Hatch Act? Abuse of travel funds? Legislation to prevent Meuller from being fired? You might see people like Zinke and others resigning right and left before they get their cushy lives turned upside-down.

If you guys spend the next two years doing nothing but witchhunts instead of legislating and trying to get stuff done do you really think you’re going to hold onto that majority in 2020 much less win the presidency?

Two years of gridlock
Yep, that's my prediction. 2 years of gridlock, president trump, not being able to be effective as president will lose the election in 2020, and the Senate will turn blue in 2022, giving Democrats complete control.

Just a prediction....
The Dem House has already said they are going to subpoena Trump's tax returns. Ouch.
If a subpoena is made against the sitting executive, then issues of separation of powers will arise. These would likely play out by the executive asserting “executive privilege”, which is the power claimed by the President and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government to access information and personnel relating to the executive branch.

ROFLMAO! It will go to the supreme court which WE CONTROL! ROFLMAO! Good luck.
Republicans get their first House gain in PA-14
Republicans get their first House gain in PA-14
You said:

That you will act like a bunch of spoiled children and waste our time and money with unnecessary hearings because you can’t get over the fact you lost an election?

Seriously, I thought you were the tiniest bit brighter. I apologize for the mistake.

Judges, even ones appointed by Republicans, will never find criminals innocent in front of the entire nation with everyone watching. They would have a legacy as a minion and a traitor. Even Kavanaugh wants to appear legitimate. If (more like when) crimes are discovered, they will have the book thrown at them.

All the crimes committed by the Trump Cabinet will now be put under a spotlight.
Fancy apartments
the Emoluments clause
European vacations
First class for the entire family
and on and on.
All that money is still owed. Even though some left. Theft is theft.

And if you think that people who have been looting the tax payers only did the tiny bit that was discovered, you are happily mistaken.

This is a next of criminal vipers.

Democrats will put them under a microscope and drag their criminal a$$es out into the light of day.
The Dem House has already said they are going to subpoena Trump's tax returns. Ouch.
If a subpoena is made against the sitting executive, then issues of separation of powers will arise. These would likely play out by the executive asserting “executive privilege”, which is the power claimed by the President and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government to access information and personnel relating to the executive branch.

ROFLMAO! It will go to the supreme court which WE CONTROL! ROFLMAO! Good luck.

Wrong. They can ask to receive any current serving politicians tax returns directly from the IRS, and there would have to be an exceptional reason for them NOT to comply.
Now back to reality. No Congressional inquiry has been authorized by any committee. The majority of that committee would have to authorize the subpoena. Let’s get real. Trump “might” have business dealings in Russia isn’t going to cut it, since that is not illegal.

If those things happens, then if a subpoena goes to Trump or the IRS it’s going to immediately be responded to with an “executive privilege” claim. To overcome that, it will go to Judicial branch. It’s going to be very hard to claim the tax returns are "essential to the justice of the case" without already knowing they prove something specific. No court is going to authorize a fishing expedition.

The Dem House has already said they are going to subpoena Trump's tax returns. Ouch.
If a subpoena is made against the sitting executive, then issues of separation of powers will arise. These would likely play out by the executive asserting “executive privilege”, which is the power claimed by the President and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government to access information and personnel relating to the executive branch.

ROFLMAO! It will go to the supreme court which WE CONTROL! ROFLMAO! Good luck.

Wrong. They can ask to receive any current serving politicians tax returns directly from the IRS, and there would have to be an exceptional reason for them NOT to comply.
The facts say you are wrong. Executive privilege LOL! Have fun obstructing for 2 years until the GOP takes 60 plus seats in Senate and over 250 in house.
The Dem House has already said they are going to subpoena Trump's tax returns. Ouch.
If a subpoena is made against the sitting executive, then issues of separation of powers will arise. These would likely play out by the executive asserting “executive privilege”, which is the power claimed by the President and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government to access information and personnel relating to the executive branch.

ROFLMAO! It will go to the supreme court which WE CONTROL! ROFLMAO! Good luck.
Trump may feel he is safe, but it's open season on every criminal around him.

If they are innocent, they only need to answer a few questions.

But if they aren't?

Republican judges want to appear legitimate.

I don't see them as lenient to criminals.
Republicans get their first House gain in PA-14
Republicans get their first House gain in PA-14
You said:

That you will act like a bunch of spoiled children and waste our time and money with unnecessary hearings because you can’t get over the fact you lost an election?

Seriously, I thought you were the tiniest bit brighter. I apologize for the mistake.

Judges, even ones appointed by Republicans, will never find criminals innocent in front of the entire nation with everyone watching. They would have a legacy as a minion and a traitor. Even Kavanaugh wants to appear legitimate. If (more like when) crimes are discovered, they will have the book thrown at them.

All the crimes committed by the Trump Cabinet will now be put under a spotlight.
Fancy apartments
the Emoluments clause
European vacations
First class for the entire family
and on and on.
All that money is still owed. Even though some left. Theft is theft.

And if you think that people who have been looting the tax payers only did the tiny bit that was discovered, you are happily mistaken.

This is a next of criminal vipers.

Democrats will put them under a microscope and drag their criminal a$$es out into the light of day.
Well, you can't just single out trump for all of that. The Obama's also took extravagant vacations. I mean, let's be fair here.
Obama did not.

Republicans investigated his toenail clippings.

They may have said he took extravagant vacations but he didn't.

In fact, remember how they complained he played too much golf?

Then in turns out Trump spent more money on golf in less than the first year that Obama did in his entire eight.
The Dem House has already said they are going to subpoena Trump's tax returns. Ouch.
If a subpoena is made against the sitting executive, then issues of separation of powers will arise. These would likely play out by the executive asserting “executive privilege”, which is the power claimed by the President and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government to access information and personnel relating to the executive branch.

ROFLMAO! It will go to the supreme court which WE CONTROL! ROFLMAO! Good luck.

Wrong. They can ask to receive any current serving politicians tax returns directly from the IRS, and there would have to be an exceptional reason for them NOT to comply.
The facts say you are wrong. Executive privilege LOL! Have fun obstructing for 2 years until the GOP takes 60 plus seats in Senate and over 250 in house.

Executive privilege does not extend to tax returns from before Trump was President. Besides, what's he got to hide?
Republicans get their first House gain in PA-14
Republicans get their first House gain in PA-14
You said:

That you will act like a bunch of spoiled children and waste our time and money with unnecessary hearings because you can’t get over the fact you lost an election?

Seriously, I thought you were the tiniest bit brighter. I apologize for the mistake.

Judges, even ones appointed by Republicans, will never find criminals innocent in front of the entire nation with everyone watching. They would have a legacy as a minion and a traitor. Even Kavanaugh wants to appear legitimate. If (more like when) crimes are discovered, they will have the book thrown at them.

All the crimes committed by the Trump Cabinet will now be put under a spotlight.
Fancy apartments
the Emoluments clause
European vacations
First class for the entire family
and on and on.
All that money is still owed. Even though some left. Theft is theft.

And if you think that people who have been looting the tax payers only did the tiny bit that was discovered, you are happily mistaken.

This is a next of criminal vipers.

Democrats will put them under a microscope and drag their criminal a$$es out into the light of day.
Well, you can't just single out trump for all of that. The Obama's also took extravagant vacations. I mean, let's be fair here.
Obama did not.

Republicans investigated his toenail clippings.

They may have said he took extravagant vacations but he didn't.

In fact, remember how they complained he played too much golf?

Then in turns out Trump spent more money on golf in less than the first year that Obama did in his entire eight.

More lies on the part of the left.

Why do they lie like this ?

Seems they can't succeed on the truth.
The Dem House has already said they are going to subpoena Trump's tax returns. Ouch.
If a subpoena is made against the sitting executive, then issues of separation of powers will arise. These would likely play out by the executive asserting “executive privilege”, which is the power claimed by the President and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government to access information and personnel relating to the executive branch.

ROFLMAO! It will go to the supreme court which WE CONTROL! ROFLMAO! Good luck.

Wrong. They can ask to receive any current serving politicians tax returns directly from the IRS, and there would have to be an exceptional reason for them NOT to comply.
See, I dont think that is 100% accurate. The house cannot simply subpoena someone's tax records in hopes of finding dirt. There will have to be charges brought up first that will warrant the subpoena of such records.

Also, as I've stated numerous times, the law that allows then to make such a subpoena also says that they can do so only if it doesn't identify a particular taxpayer, and it can only be done in closed executive session, which means any information gathered is secret and confidential. In other words, they won't be able to tell anybody what they found.

Not my words, just my understanding of what the tax law says about it.
The Dem House has already said they are going to subpoena Trump's tax returns. Ouch.
If a subpoena is made against the sitting executive, then issues of separation of powers will arise. These would likely play out by the executive asserting “executive privilege”, which is the power claimed by the President and other members of the executive branch to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government to access information and personnel relating to the executive branch.

ROFLMAO! It will go to the supreme court which WE CONTROL! ROFLMAO! Good luck.
Trump may feel he is safe, but it's open season on every criminal around him.

If they are innocent, they only need to answer a few questions.

But if they aren't?

Republican judges want to appear legitimate.

I don't see them as lenient to criminals.
Those around him won't talk to the enemy. Nope. Enjoy getting NOTHING done..I am looking forward to it.

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