U.S. House Election Results Thread

Duhnald should now prepare for Duhnie Jr. to be indicted:

""""""..... if they manage to flip the 23 seats they need to secure the House in November, as they are narrowly favored to do....

Experts expect Democrats to pursue controversial items like Trump's tax returns, and to delve into his business dealings from decades ago. They may also seek public hearings with Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr., who is a key figure in the Russia investigation. Democrats could also go after top officials like Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who has faced scrutiny over his financial dealings.

"There is no question that there will be an exponential increase in requests from Congress going to the administration if Democrats take one of the chambers," said Justin Rood, who directs the Congressional Oversight initiative at the nonpartisan Project On Government Oversight."""""

The White House's 'worst nightmare': Midterm win would unleash Democrats eager to investigate Trump
Published 4:52 PM ET Sat, 4 Aug 2018
Executive Order kills it, just like the mulatto did for Eric Holder when he could have involved Barry in the Fast & Furious case....which now, with a new, aggressive AG could be reopened!....Like to see that jug earred baboon squirm!
Wow, they actually elected this empty-headed, buck-toothed screamer. How ignorant of them. I guess parts of America are more degenerated than even I thought.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wins, Becoming Youngest Woman Ever Elected To Congress | HuffPost

Most of the new democrats in the house are moderate pragmatists.

This will be fun to watch.

How will Pelosi treat them when she has this shrew calling for czarists actions.

Several of the new ones ran saying they would not support Pelosi.

If the democrats believe they are united, they are fooling themselves.

Look at Kansas.

They have a pretty conservative legistlature. But they elected morons like Kathleen S., Bill Graves, and Joan Finney (and Sam Brownback who is a moron for a completely different reason). You think it was democrats who beat Kobach ? No. It is the moderate arm of the GOP that hates the conservative arm. They sided with the democrat and now they own the mess they will create trying to preserve an unsustainable education cost.
Analysis you did not get last night.

When either party has complete control of Congress --- the big rotting issues never get fixed anyways.

The Repubs had a vast advantage in House and a majority in the Senate and STILL had enough Repub protest votes from lame duck retards in the Senate to block attempts at fixing stuff.

So the UNTOLD story here is -------------------------- Even tho the Dems took the House gavel, they didn't get a SAFE or commanding majority. And there are now enough loony tunes on their bench now that THEY will have a major problem even STARTING major legislation efforts.

Immigration? 10 Dem progressive loony birds in the House will say "too tough"..

Healthcare? 24 Dem progressive loony birds in the House will sing "not enough"..

Repubs aren't the ones with greatest "fractured party". The Dems are.
Herding loony birds is WORSE than herding cats. So don't sweat it Repubs. And for the Dems -- if OBSTRUCTION and REVENGE is your goal -- you're gonna only create a lot more self-inflicted wounds like the Kavanaugh debacle or the "russia russia russia" investigation.

There needs to be more independent voices in Congress that aren't under the direct control of 2 party leadership. Until Americans start LOOKING at qualified alternatives to the 2 dying, inept parties -- this country will continue it's slide into self-destruction..

Having more opinions represented doesn't mean chaos. If folks are focused on problem solving and not just campaigning and "winning" or destroying the other -- we all win..
The Repubs had a vast advantage in House and a majority in the Senate and STILL had enough Repub protest votes in the Senate to block attempts at fixing stuff.
Which is an indication that those were bad ideas, not good ideas.


Not really. The votes the Repubs lost on those issues wasn't about the content. They came from 3 or 4 PROTEST votes from the "never-Trumpsters". No alternatives or REAL EFFORT was put into alternatives from those loony birds.

Dems now have the exact problem in the House. Except they have MORE of a fracture on policy issues than the Repbubs ever had. And THOSE loony birds will have just rhetoric and half-baked maxist plans that fail on basic economics, math and common sense. They WILL NOT get the effect of a majority in the House for the next 2 year either. Because --- it's only the 4 party LEADERS that decides what bills go forward, who gets to speak, what they say, and how they will vote.

The rest of them are totally irrelent..

Two party system IS the tyranny our Founders warned about.. Needs to be euthanized before it kills America.
"Tom Sullivan’s son, Alex, was shot and killed in a horrific mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, in 2012. Last night, he unseated an incumbent to win Colorado's state House seat for District 37."
The Repubs had a vast advantage in House and a majority in the Senate and STILL had enough Repub protest votes in the Senate to block attempts at fixing stuff.
Which is an indication that those were bad ideas, not good ideas.


Not really. The votes the Repubs lost on those issues wasn't about the content. They came from 3 or 4 PROTEST votes from the "never-Trumpsters". No alternatives or REAL EFFORT was put into alternatives from those loony birds.

Dems now have the exact problem in the House. Except they have MORE of a fracture on policy issues than the Repbubs ever had. And THOSE loony birds will have just rhetoric and half-baked maxist plans that fail on basic economics, math and common sense. They WILL NOT get the effect of a majority in the House for the next 2 year either. Because --- it's only the 4 party LEADERS that decides what bills go forward, who gets to speak, what they say, and how they will vote.

The rest of them are totally irrelent..

Two party system IS the tyranny our Founders warned about.. Needs to be euthanized before it kills America.
Yes, really. And the objections would have been more widespread, if the gop wasn't terrified of losing their next elections due to the Trump cult. The fact that those few, brave objectors existed actually served to give cover to other republicans, who knew the things they opposed would be obstructed due to these brave objectors. This allowed the other, more sane republicans to have their cake and eat it, too.
The Repubs had a vast advantage in House and a majority in the Senate and STILL had enough Repub protest votes in the Senate to block attempts at fixing stuff.
Which is an indication that those were bad ideas, not good ideas.


Not really. The votes the Repubs lost on those issues wasn't about the content. They came from 3 or 4 PROTEST votes from the "never-Trumpsters". No alternatives or REAL EFFORT was put into alternatives from those loony birds.

Dems now have the exact problem in the House. Except they have MORE of a fracture on policy issues than the Repbubs ever had. And THOSE loony birds will have just rhetoric and half-baked maxist plans that fail on basic economics, math and common sense. They WILL NOT get the effect of a majority in the House for the next 2 year either. Because --- it's only the 4 party LEADERS that decides what bills go forward, who gets to speak, what they say, and how they will vote.

The rest of them are totally irrelent..

Two party system IS the tyranny our Founders warned about.. Needs to be euthanized before it kills America.
Yes, really. And the objections would have been more widespread, if the gop wasn't terrified of losing their next elections due to the Trump cult. The fact that those few, brave objectors existed actually served to give cover to other republicans, who knew the things they opposed would be obstructed due to these brave objectors. This allowed the other, more sane republicans to have their cake and eat it, too.

Legislation was bogus BECAUSE of attempts to satisfy the loony birds. Gonna happen your flock for the next 2 years. Trying to satisfy EVERYONE in just 2 party affiliations produces garbage legislation because the PROCESS and the POWER is owned by just FOUR party bosses in Congress.
Wa Wa! The best Congressman in the country Steve King won reelection! YAY!

Greg Gianforte reelected also. The Usual Suspects put MILLIONS in the last few days in the campaign to remove Gianforte and Steve King and also both had The Usual Suspects Smear Campaign and Paul Mega Cuck Ryan trashed both of them in public being the Beta Cuck Faggot Soy Boi he is and after all this both Gianforte and King were relected. Excellent!
Senate is the big picture and thus more reflective. House comes from segments of states where is easier to rabble rouse, pack a bunch of non performers into a bus and take them to the piolls (should be illegal and certainly unwise), etc

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