U.s. Leaves pregnant christian to hang


Silver Member
Sep 12, 2012
No assistance has come for mom facing death sentence
Published: 2 hours ago

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Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, right, and her husband, Daniel Wani
Meriam Yehya Ibrahim is clinging to her faith, even if her country has condemned her, and her husband’s country – the U.S. – has thus far abandoned her to a death sentence.

Ibrahim’s attorney, Osman Mubarak, said Sunday in a radio interview that his client still has not received any firm assistance from the U.S. beyond empty declarations, even after the case received international media attention in recent days.

Yet Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to be hanged to death for purportedly leaving Islam and marrying an American Christian, has no plans to renounce her Christian faith in order to avoid the death penalty.

Mubarak replied in the negative on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 the Answer, when asked whether the jailed Ibrahim is considering leaving Christianity for Islam now that she has been sentenced to death.

“No, she thinks that the court is wrong, and she is refusing to abdicate her husband and she will continue her life with him,” he stated, “And he visits her once a week. Once a week the jail administration allows him to visit her.”

Mubarak explained to Klein’s audience the court gave Ibrahim two options: “To be executed to death or to return back to Islam.

The Religion of " peace" :lol:
No assistance has come for mom facing death sentence
Published: 2 hours ago

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Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, right, and her husband, Daniel Wani
Meriam Yehya Ibrahim is clinging to her faith, even if her country has condemned her, and her husband’s country – the U.S. – has thus far abandoned her to a death sentence.

Ibrahim’s attorney, Osman Mubarak, said Sunday in a radio interview that his client still has not received any firm assistance from the U.S. beyond empty declarations, even after the case received international media attention in recent days.

Yet Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to be hanged to death for purportedly leaving Islam and marrying an American Christian, has no plans to renounce her Christian faith in order to avoid the death penalty.

Mubarak replied in the negative on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 the Answer, when asked whether the jailed Ibrahim is considering leaving Christianity for Islam now that she has been sentenced to death.

“No, she thinks that the court is wrong, and she is refusing to abdicate her husband and she will continue her life with him,” he stated, “And he visits her once a week. Once a week the jail administration allows him to visit her.”

Mubarak explained to Klein’s audience the court gave Ibrahim two options: “To be executed to death or to return back to Islam.

The Religion of " peace" :lol:
Islam, IMO is a devilish cult as a religion.
No assistance has come for mom facing death sentence
Published: 2 hours ago

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Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, right, and her husband, Daniel Wani
Meriam Yehya Ibrahim is clinging to her faith, even if her country has condemned her, and her husband’s country – the U.S. – has thus far abandoned her to a death sentence.

Ibrahim’s attorney, Osman Mubarak, said Sunday in a radio interview that his client still has not received any firm assistance from the U.S. beyond empty declarations, even after the case received international media attention in recent days.

Yet Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to be hanged to death for purportedly leaving Islam and marrying an American Christian, has no plans to renounce her Christian faith in order to avoid the death penalty.

Mubarak replied in the negative on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 the Answer, when asked whether the jailed Ibrahim is considering leaving Christianity for Islam now that she has been sentenced to death.

“No, she thinks that the court is wrong, and she is refusing to abdicate her husband and she will continue her life with him,” he stated, “And he visits her once a week. Once a week the jail administration allows him to visit her.”

Mubarak explained to Klein’s audience the court gave Ibrahim two options: “To be executed to death or to return back to Islam.

The Religion of " peace" :lol:

Everyone should be following this story as it shows that Islam is not a religion of tolerance. This is why many who have dropped out of Islam are afraid to say so, and this woman wasn't even a Muslim in the first place.
International pressure mounts for release of pregnant Meriam Ibrahim...
Sudan faces mounting condemnation over pregnant woman's death sentence
Sunday 25 May 2014 ~ Calls grow for release of Meriam Yahya Ibrahim and her toddler son and for her sentence, including 100 lashes, to be rescinded
Sudan is facing mounting condemnation for sentencing a pregnant woman to be whipped and then hanged for adultery and apostasy, and for keeping her shackled in prison with her toddler son a month before she is due to give birth. Governments, the UN and human rights groups have called on the Sudanese government to immediately release Meriam Yahya Ibrahim, 27, and overturn both her death sentence and sentence of 100 lashes. More than 100,000 people have backed a call by Amnesty International to release Ibrahim.

Ibrahim was arrested after a Muslim relative claimed her marriage to a US citizen was invalid, and thus adulterous, because he is a Christian. Ibrahim was also found guilty of apostasy. But she said she had been brought up a Christian and refused to renounce her faith. Her lawyers have lodged an appeal against the sentence, which may be heard in Khartoum this week. Ibrahim is being held in harsh conditions and is constantly shackled, according to Amnesty. Her 20-month-old son, Martin, has been kept in prison with her since February. Ibrahim has been told that her execution will be deferred for two years to allow her to deliver and then wean her baby.

Her husband, Daniel Wani, who left Sudan for the US in 1998, has travelled to Khartoum to try to secure the release of his wife and son. He said Ibrahim was being denied medical treatment and he had not been allowed to visit her or Martin, according to media reports. The Sudanese authorities have reportedly refused to release the child to his father's care because of his Christian faith. Ibrahim – a graduate of Sudan University's school of medicine – told the court she was the daughter of a Sudanese Muslim father and an Ethiopian Christian mother, but was raised as a Christian after her father left the family when she was six.

According to Human Rights Watch, article 126 of Sudan's criminal code says a Muslim who renounces Islam is guilty of apostasy, punishable by death, unless the accused recants within three days. The UK government has summoned Sudan's chargé d'affaires in London to the Foreign Office to hear its "deep concern". In a statement, Foreign Office minister Mark Simmonds said: "This barbaric sentence highlights the stark divide between the practices of the Sudanese courts and the country's international human rights obligations." The Sudanese government must respect the right to freedom of religion or belief, he added.

Sudan to defer death sentence for 2 years to nurse newborn baby...
Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy gives birth in prison
Tuesday 27 May 2014 ~ Husband and lawyer are denied access to Meriam Ibrahim after she gives birth to girl a month before due date
A Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy has given birth to a baby girl in the Khartoum prison where she is being held with her 20-month-old son. Meriam Ibrahim, 27, gave birth in the early hours of Tuesday, a month before her due date. Amnesty International said the condition of the mother and baby was not known as Ibrahim's lawyer and her husband, a US citizen, had been denied access to her. Omdurman women's prison has a basic clinic, where the child is thought to have been born. Ibrahim has been shackled since being imprisoned. "The Sudanese government must guarantee her safety and the safety of her children, including the newborn baby," said Amnesty's Manar Idriss. Amnesty has called for Ibrahim's unconditional release.

This month a court ruled that Ibrahim's marriage to a Christian man was invalid and that she was guilty of apostasy and adultery. Ibrahim was sentenced to 100 lashes for adultery and to be hanged for apostasy. Ibrahim denied the charges, telling the court she was the daughter of a Sudanese Muslim man and an Ethiopian Christian woman, and had been brought up as a Christian after her father left when she was six. She refused to renounce her faith. Her lawyers lodged an appeal against the convictions last week. "There is no timeframe for the appeal. They usually take a few months, but given the international attention this might be much quicker," Idriss said.

If the appeal fails, Ibrahim's lawyers may seek rulings from Sudan's supreme court and constitutional court. Sudan has faced mounting international criticism over the case, with the UK government calling the convictions and sentences barbaric. The US state department said it was deeply disturbed by the case. Globally, more than 700,000 people had backed Amnesty's call for Ibrahim's release by noon on Tuesday, including 113,500 in the UK.

Idriss said conditions inside the prison were reasonable, but Amnesty was concerned about the use of restraints. It described shackling as cruel and inhuman. Ibrahim has told her lawyers that the shackles are painful and make movement difficult. Daniel Wani, Ibrahim's husband, who lives in Manchester, New Hampshire, is in Khartoum trying to secure his wife and children's release. The couple decided it was better for their young son, Martin, to remain with his mother. The Sudanese authorities have said they will defer Ibrahim's death sentence for two years to allow her to nurse her newborn baby.

Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy gives birth in prison | World news | theguardian.com
As a Sudanese women, it should be the head male in her family that could apply to SA on her behalf.
US cannot help her. She might be married to an american, but she does not carry a US passport.

>>2:256 There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.<<

Statues, images of the saints or a crucifix are idolaters, not believers in allah/god.
So why doesn't it include the choice of one's religion??...

Sudan on U.S. Citizen's Wife Sentenced to Death for Christianity: ‘Freedom of Choice is Cornerstone of...Islam’
May 29, 2014 - [This story has been updated to include responses that the Embassy of Sudan made to questions submitted by CNSNews.com.]
In a statement on a Sudanese court's death-for-apostasy conviction of a Christian mother of two--who is the wife of a U.S. citizen--the Embassy of Sudan in Washington, D.C., says "it is important to emphasize that freedom of choice is the cornerstone of both Islam and Christianity." In another statement to CNSNews.com, the Sudanese embassy said: "It is unfair to accuse the government of Sudan of imprisoning the two infants."

Meriam Ibrahim--the wife of U.S. citizen Daniel Wani and the mother of their 20-month-old son, Martin, and newborn daughter, Maya—has been imprisoned in Sudan along with her children and faces a death sentence for refusing to renounce her Christianity. “This case remains a legal issue and not a religious or a political one,” said the Sudanese embassy in the statement posted on its website. “It is unwise and dangerous to politicize the issue at hand to spur religious tension between the two peaceful faiths with similar foundations. Notably, it is important to emphasize that freedom of choice is the cornerstone of both Islam and Christianity.”

The statement did not mention Ibrahim’s imprisoned children or her U.S. citizen husband. On Thursday, CNSnews.com asked two questions of the Embassy of Sudan. The first: On what grounds has the government of Sudan imprisoned the young children of a U.S. citizen? The second: Because the government of Sudan says "freedom of choice is the cornerstone" of Islam, do Meriam Ibrahim and her two children have the freedom to choose to be Christians without being imprisoned or executed by your government?

Family betrayal got woman in trouble with Sudan authorities...
The REAL reason pregnant mother was sentenced to death in Sudan? 21 May 2014 | Jealous family got her charged to STEAL her successful business, claims her American husband's legal team; The family of Meriam Ibrahim schemed to get her put in prison for apostasy and adultery claim the pregnant mother's lawyers; Her half-brother and half-sister wanted to steal her successful general store; Meriam Ibrahim , 27, sentenced to death last week for refusing to renounce her Christian faith in front of Sudanese court which considers her a Muslim; A doctor and owner of shopping mall, she was also charged with adultery for marrying Christian Daniel Wani and sentenced to 100 lashes; Meriam - who is eight months pregnant - is being held with her 20-month-old son, Martin, in a women's jail in Khartoum; Daniel flew to Sudan and this week saw her and Martin first time since she was thrown in jail in September; Daniel, a biochemist, was born in war-torn Sudan but fled to the U.S. in 1998. He settled in Manchester, New Hampshire with his brother Gabriel; Daniel says Martin is a U.S. citizen, but State Department would not confirm the boy's legal status
It has been billed as high-minded prosecution to uphold the strict rules of Shariah law. But MailOnline can reveal that the real reasons why a pregnant woman in Sudan has been sentenced to death for being a Christian are all too human. Jealousy and greed drove Meriam Ibrahim&#8217;s own family to file a lawsuit against her alleging apostasy and adultery which led to the criminal charges she now faces, it is claimed.


Heartbreaking: This image captures the first time Daniel Wani, a Us citizen living in Manchester, New Hampshire was allowed to see his son, Daniel, and wife, Meriam Ibrahim, since September after she was jailed for marrying a Christian

Her half brother and half sister - who had not seen her for decades - tracked her down so they could get rid of her and take over her successful general store, Meriam&#8217;s lawyers alleged. The legal team for Meriam, whose husband is an American citizen, are being paid for by Justice Centre Sudan, a US-based non-profit that campaigns for human rights in the African country.


Cruel: Martin, above, is pictured biting his lip unaware of the terrible fate his mother, Meriam, faces after being sentenced to hang for refusing to consider herself a Christian. His family claim he is American because his father has been granted U.S. citizenship

A spokesman for the organization said: &#8216;We believe the family filed the lawsuit because they want to gain control of the business. &#8216;If Meriam stays in jail she could lose everything and they could be the ones to benefit.&#8217; The spokeswoman added that if Meriam is forced to leave Sudan then her half brother and half sister may well take over the business as well. It is not clear if, under Sudanese law, such a scheme would work as intended, or if a business owner would be allowed to sell it on.


Rotten care: Martin is given a drink by prison guards. Daniel is not allowed to take custody of Martin because the authorities have ruled that the toddler is Muslim

But it gives a disturbing new insight into the reasons why an eight-months pregnant woman has been thrown in a prison cell in shackles with her 20-month old boy whilst expecting her second child - and become the center of an international outcry. The heartbreaking situation was illustrated by exclusive pictures obtained by MailOnline which showed Meriam&#8217;s husband Daniel, who is in a wheelchair, holding Martin under the close watch of prison guards with rifles slung over their shoulders.

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NO HELP from the weakling in the White House but....

Sudanese woman sentenced to die for Christian faith to be freed, report says

*Fox News.com ^

The Sudanese woman sentenced to death earlier this month after refusing to renounce her Christian faith will reportedly be freed in the next few days. A foreign ministry official told the BBC that Meriam Ibrahim, 27, is guaranteed religious freedom in the country, despite a judge's earlier ruling that she should be hanged for apostasy. Ibrahim gave birth to a girl early Tuesday at a prison clinic in Omdurman, near Khartoum, one of her attorneys told FoxNews.com by phone.
There is a petition you can sign

A Christian Sudanese woman sentenced to hang for apostasy will be "freed within days", a foreign ministry official told AFP Saturday, after her case triggered an international outcry.

Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag was condemned to death on May 15 under the Islamic Sharia law that has been in place in Sudan since 1983 and which outlaws conversions under pain of death.

"The lady will be freed within days in line with legal procedure that will be taken by the judiciary and the ministry of justice," Abdullah al-Azraq, a foreign ministry undersecretary, told AFP.

Azraq, who spoke via telephone from London, did not elaborate.

The 27-year-old gave birth to a baby girl on Tuesday in a women's prison in Khartoum's twin city of Omdurman.

Her husband, U.S. citizen Daniel Wani, visited Ishag and the baby on Thursday, after being denied access earlier in the week, and told AFP both were in "good health."

Ishag was born to a Muslim father but told the court during her trial that she had never been a Muslim herself.

The court gave her three days to "recant" her faith and when she refused, Ishag was handed the death penalty and sentenced to 100 lashes for "adultery".

Under Sudan's interpretation of Sharia, a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man, so any such relationship is regarded as adulterous.

Her case sparked international condemnation, with British Prime Minister David Cameron saying Saturday he was "appalled" by the "barbaric" sentence given to Ishag.

Britain and Canada had summoned the Sudanese envoys to their countries last week and told them the sentence violated Sudan's international human rights obligations.

United Nations experts have called the conviction "outrageous" and said it must be overturned.

Sudan, while defending the verdict, had earlier hinted that Ishag might be freed, saying on May 18 the verdict was &#8220;preliminary&#8221;.
Sudanese Woman Sentenced to Death to be Freed - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Mum's the word for Obama & Kerry...
Will Obama Save Meriam Ibrahim and Her Babies?
June 4, 2014 - As of this writing, Meriam Ibrahim sits shackled in the cell in the Omdurman Federal Women's Prison in Sudan that she shares with her two babies, Martin and Maya.
This is the family of an American citizen — being persecuted for their Christian faith by a foreign government. How did they end up in a Sudanese prison? Meriam's husband is Daniel Wani, a naturalized U.S. citizen, who, according to the Manchester Union Leader, moved from Sudan to New Hampshire in 1998. He was naturalized in 2005. In December 2011, according to the Daily Mail, he and Meriam were married in a Christian church in Sudan. Their son, Martin, was born 20 months ago in Sudan. Their daughter, Maya, was born last week in the Omdurman prison. Meriam, who is 27, was raised as a Christian in Sudan by her Ethiopian Orthodox mother. Her father, a Muslim, reportedly abandoned the family when Meriam was six.

In Sudan, the children of Muslim fathers are not allowed to be Christians — no matter what their hearts, minds and souls tell them. Freedom of conscience does not exist. On May 15, a Sudanese court convicted Meriam of "apostasy" because she refused to renounce her Christianity and become a Muslim. For this "crime," the Sudanese court sentenced her to death. The court also convicted Meriam of "adultery" — for her relationship with her own husband — because Sudan refuses to recognize the marriage of a Christian man to a Muslim woman. For this "crime," the court sentenced her to be flogged before she is hanged. Martin is in jail with his mother because Sudan considers him to be a Muslim, too, and will not release him to his Christian father. Sudan will allow Meriam to nurse the infant Maya in prison for two years — then it will hang Meriam.

Meriam has demonstrated a saintly courage. Daniel recounted for the Mail a conversation she had with him when he was allowed to visit her in prison. "If they want to execute me then they should go ahead and do it because I'm not going to change my faith," she told her husband. "I refuse to change. I am not giving up Christianity just so that I can live. I know I could stay alive by becoming a Muslim and I would be able to look after our family, but I need to be true to myself."

British Prime Minister David Cameron has personally spoken out in defense of this wife of a U.S. citizen. "The way she is being treated is barbaric and has no place in today's world," Cameron told the Times of London. "Religious freedom is an absolute, fundamental human right. I urge the government of Sudan to overturn the sentence and immediately provide appropriate support and medical care for her and her children. The U.K. will continue to press the government of Sudan to act."

US Senate speaks out...
Unanimous Senate Tells Sudan: Immediately Release Meriam and Her Children
June 4, 2014 -- In an act of unmitigated bipartisanship, all Republicans and all Democrats in the U.S. Senate joined together on Tuesday evening to unanimously approve a resolution demanding the “immediate and unconditional release” of Meriam Ibrahim and her two children from the Sudanese prison where they are being held because Meriam refuses to renounce her Christian faith.
Ibrahim, the wife of U.S. citizen Daniel Wani, has been incarcerated at the Omdurman Federal Women’s Prison along with the couple’s 20-month-old son, Martin, and 1-week old daughter, Maya. She currently faces a death sentence. Meriam and Daniel, who is also a Christian, were married at a Christian church in Sudan in December 2011. Meriam’s father was a Muslim, but her mother was a Christian. The father reportedly abandoned the family when Meriam was six, and the mother raised her as a Christian. On May 15, a Sudanese court convicted Ibrahim of "apostasy" and "adultery." The court said she was guilty of “apostasy” because she refused to renounce her Christian faith and become a Muslim like her father. The court said she was guilty of “adultery” because of her relationship with her own husband. Sudan refuses to recognize the marriage of a Christian man to a Muslim women.

Ibrahim's lawyers in Sudan have appealed her case, and the court has said she can nurse her newborn baby (born in the prison last week) until the girl is two years old. At that point, if Ibrahim does not win an appeal--or if pressure from the U.S. and other nations does not persuade Sudan to release her--she will be hanged. “A Sudanese court affirmed a sentence of death by hanging for 27-year-old Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag, a Christian woman accused of apostasy for refusing to recant her Christian faith, and ordered her to receive 100 lashes for adultery because under Sudan’s Shari’ah law such inter-religious marriages are illegal,” says the resolution unanimously approved by the Senate. “The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which the Government of Sudan has acceded, provides that ‘everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion,” says the resolution. “The Senate condemns the charge of apostasy and death sentence of Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag and calls for immediate and unconditional release of her and her children,” says the resolution.

The resolution was initially sponsored by Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Robert Menendez (D.-N.J.); Sen. Marco Rubio (R.-Fla.), who is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee; Sen. Chris Coons (D.-Del.), who is the chair of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs; and Sen. Jim Inhofe (R.-Okla.), the ranking member of the Armed Services Committee. “Imprisoning a woman for simply refusing to recant her faith is a deplorable act that speaks to the kind of religious intolerance that, while blatantly and ignorantly continues to exist today, has no place in the world,” Rubio said. “While the Senate made strides in its commitment to religious freedom, Ms. Ibrahim is still in the fight of her life,” Rubio said. “The world is watching as we await the decision of the Sudanese court, and today’s passage is a testament to our obligation to Ms. Ibrahim and her young family.” “I applaud my Senate colleagues for coming together to call for the unconditional release of Ms. Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman currently imprisoned for peacefully practicing her faith,” said Inhofe. “I hope this resolution will continue to put pressure on the government of Sudan to recognize the importance of religious freedom and incorporate this foundational value into the country's new constitution.”

On Saturday, British Prime Minister David Cameron called on Sudan to release Ibrahim and called Sudan's treatment of her “barabaric." The White House and State Department have issued statements condemning Ibrahim’s conviction and imprisonment, but, so far, neither President Barack Obama nor Secretary of State Kerry have personally spoken out about Sudan's imprisonment of the wife and children of a U.S. citizen. Until Ibrahim's husband, Daniel Wani, signed a Privacy Act waiver on Monday, the State Department declined to admit that he was a U.S. citizen. However, even after the State Department admitted on Monday that Wani is indeed a U.S. citizen, it would not admit that his two children, imprisoned with his wife in Sudan, are also U.S. citizens.

Unanimous Senate Tells Sudan: Immediately Release Meriam and Her Children | CNS News
It doesn't mean shit to a muslim in the White House!

It is difficult to believe that the president of the Sudan would listen to anyone. After all, he had over 2 millions Christian murdered in the past, and not too long ago he said he didn't want any more Christians or Black tribes residing in the country. Why is it in this modern world of today, innocent people are still being murdered by Muslims because of their religious beliefs?
It doesn't mean shit to a muslim in the White House!

It is difficult to believe that the president of the Sudan would listen to anyone. After all, he had over 2 millions Christian murdered in the past, and not too long ago he said he didn't want any more Christians or Black tribes residing in the country. Why is it in this modern world of today, innocent people are still being murdered by Muslims because of their religious beliefs?

Because they are inhuman fucking animals that need to be dispatched from this world....and since muslims REFUSE to clean up their own mess (or as I suppose, most actually AGREE with what their terrorist brothers do), the LOGICAL course would be to dispatch them all, for simple self preservation!


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