U.S. Marine Banned From Wearing Dress Blues for HS Graduation


Making light of a serious issue - that being anti America forces trying to bring down our county - is just another tactic of the anti America Lefties.

It's the FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL'S POLICY, Dumbshit. Read the fucking article.

Got zippo to do with "Liberals", got squatso to do with "honor", got bupkis to do with "America", got fuck-all to do with "lefties", and it's got Sweet Fanny Adams to do with anything except the blatant need of the OP to go look in the Yellow Pages under L for "Life" and get one.
They sure try hard to be victims in everything they do. I wonder how a Marine feels about the #RussianW trying to make him out to be a victim for their own purposes....
Nobody is doing that. The policy is wrong. How would you feel about becoming a U.S. Marine? Oh, not up to the challenge. Got it. Loser.
You most certainly are. How embarrassing for someone, for partisan purposes trying to make a Marine out as some kind of victim.
Obviously they have forgotten why they have the freedom to make such a big stink. All the more reason to wear that uniform.

God bless you and our service people always!!!

I`m pretty sure the last war we started was to find wmds . God doesn`t bless those who start wars for fun and profit and since the end of WW2 that`s what they`ve all been for.
Oh WAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! This story comes up at a graduation every fucking year. The school requires EVERYONE to be in their cap and gown, no exceptions. Why does him joining the military make him an exception to the same rule everyone else has to follow? You'd think of all people, a kid about to enroll in the Marines would understand following orders.
If you don't understands this because you have no honor.

I understand that you have no valid argument.
You have made no argument.

Actually, I did, far more logical than yours, you just didn't like it because it wasn't filled with your biased emotional sap.

Stop being a snowflake.
That young Marine would kick your scrawny mouthy little punk ass.
Ah....and now you are suggesting that this young Marine is not only a victim but your violence-by-proxy thug. Interesting.
I understand that you have no valid argument.

We understand you have no comprehension skills.

What part of everyone has to follow the dress code do you not understand?
What part of duty, honor, country, don't you understand?

Who else gets an exception?
My points was that he should get an exception for putting his life on the line for his country
Your point really is that you want this Marine to be a victim for your agenda.
Who else gets an exception?
My points was that he should get an exception for putting his life on the line for his country

Who else should get an exception? Should students enrolling in the police academy get one? They put their lives in jeopardy. How about kids enrolling in the fire department? Do they get an exception?

You seem to think because one decides to put a uniform on to become an armed agent for the government that makes them above the same rules the rest of us have to follow. Generally, that kind of mentality exists in totalitarian countries. Another example of how American conservatives have so much in common with their Communist enemies.
He had already been through boot camp.

Again, tell me how that exempts him from the same rules as everybody else at his graduation?

Exceptions can and should be made for people who put their lives on the line to defend our country.
I'm guessing this young Marine, like most who serve, didn't join in order to get "exceptions".
The OP is for big government telling individual school districts what their graduation dress code should be instead of leaving it up to the district itself.

The OP says no such thing. Anti America Lefties like you are always trying to create a false narrative.
Who else should get an exception? Should students enrolling in the police academy get one? They put their lives in jeopardy. How about kids enrolling in the fire department? Do they get an exception?

You seem to think because one decides to put a uniform on to become an armed agent for the government that makes them above the same rules the rest of us have to follow. Generally, that kind of mentality exists in totalitarian countries. Another example of how American conservatives have so much in common with their Communist enemies.
He had already been through boot camp.

Again, tell me how that exempts him from the same rules as everybody else at his graduation?

Still waiting for an argument justifying why he does not have to follow the same rules everyone else in his class does.

Flag draped caskets you skinny little anti-American punk assed bitch.

He's dead already? That's sad. If he isn't dead, your answer had nothing to do with justifying him not following his school rules.
Can you just imagine a young Marine going to his Gunny Sgt and whining about not getting to wear his uniform at his HS graduation? Anyone want to guess what his Gunny would say?
The OP is for big government telling individual school districts what their graduation dress code should be instead of leaving it up to the district itself.

The OP says no such thing. Anti America Lefties like you are always trying to create a false narrative.
Yes he does...he wants this school district FORCED to change their policy....sounds like you do. How about you let them deal with their own district and you deal with the school district where you live. Have you even checked what your local school district's graduation dress code policy is?
U.S. Marine Banned From Wearing Dress Blues for HS Graduation



Wars, pestilence, scandals, spying, corruption, crime, poverty, genocide, floods, fires, earthquakes, nuclear proliferation--- and this is what passes for "news" on your planet?
He is a man of honor. Something you know nothing about.
I'm sure he is...he's a Marine....not a whiner like the #RussianW posters here are. But it is very interesting watching you trying to make a Marine into a victim.
I'm saying the policy is wrong and should be changed. He is above the fray because of his duties as a U.S. Marine.
I would agree that the policy should allow him and others in uniform (if he's already gone thru boot camp, not before)...but that's that school district's call, is it not?
The sooner we are fully aware that the left are traitors worthy of a traitors death because they are 100%absolute enemies to this country (really all liberty) will be the day we need to organize to do what absolutely must be done.

They have declared war and they have absolutely drawn first blood. Not sure how long it will take before we do not stand for it any longer and give them the war they so desperately want.

Trust this. If a faggot professor ever swung a padlock at me and it even came within a whisker of my head, that will be the last moments of that persons pathetic life.

Don't kill him. Just loosen a few of his teeth.
Who else should get an exception? Should students enrolling in the police academy get one? They put their lives in jeopardy. How about kids enrolling in the fire

Blah blah blah. This is the perverted thinking of the Left. Everyone gets a trophy - no exceptions - no discrimination - every culture equal etc etc. It's this kind of thinking that hates a president who supports exceptionalism. It's this kind of thinking that welcomes an awful ideology with it's awful law into our country.

Who said anything about everyone getting a trophy? Now, you're just extrapolating because you still can't make a logical case. I'm asking you why a Marine should get an exception to the dress code because he puts his life on the line when nobody else going into other professions taking on the same risk gets the same deference?

Neither one of you can give me an answer other than your biased emotional babble towards people in the military.
He WAS ALREADY in that profession. What a dummy.

The OP is for big government telling individual school districts what their graduation dress code should be instead of leaving it up to the district itself.

The OP says no such thing. Anti America Lefties like you are always trying to create a false narrative.
Oh, yes, that is exactly what the OP wants, as do the Alt Right: to end civil liberties throughout the country and rule from the Capitol, a la President Snow in the hunger games.
Can you just imagine a young Marine going to his Gunny Sgt and whining about not getting to wear his uniform at his HS graduation? Anyone want to guess what his Gunny would say?

Something like my first post here I imagine.
The sooner we are fully aware that the left are traitors worthy of a traitors death because they are 100%absolute enemies to this country (really all liberty) will be the day we need to organize to do what absolutely must be done.

They have declared war and they have absolutely drawn first blood. Not sure how long it will take before we do not stand for it any longer and give them the war they so desperately want.

Trust this. If a faggot professor ever swung a padlock at me and it even came within a whisker of my head, that will be the last moments of that persons pathetic life.

Don't kill him. Just loosen a few of his teeth.
I see that you too are into violence-via-the-internet-because-it's-safer.
Another ad hominem attack because like I said before, you got nothing

You need to look up 'ad hominem'.
ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
  1. 1.
    (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "vicious ad hominem attacks"
  2. 2.
    relating to or associated with a particular person.
    "the office was created ad hominem for Fenton"
Another ad hominem attack because like I said before, you got nothing

You need to look up 'ad hominem'.

"What is an example of ad hominem fallacy?
An ad hominem argument is one that is used to counter another argument; but, it is based on feelings or prejudice, rather than facts, reason or logic. It is often a personal attack on one's character rather than an attempt to address the issue at hand."

It would appear I'm quite up to snuff on the definition. Maybe you need to go back to school. Or did you even finish?

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