U.S. Meddles in French Election!

That's right, Obama has endorsed the French candidate Mecron, just as he supported Netanyahu's opponent in the Israeli elections.

Where's the outrage? Are there any honest liberals out there?

Dude. He's a PRIVATE citizen. Get a grip.

Bullshit argument. His CIA also hacked the elections.

Flashback: Obama’s CIA Ordered to Hack Marine Le Pen and Other French Presidential Candidates

And so, it turns out the worries over tampered elections were liberal projection all along. As it almost always is.

Also, he WAS the president just a few months ago. So this private citizen excuse is completely disingenuous.
Whoever Obama Endorses needs to ditch Obama...............because it's a curse not a help.................losses votes.

While it appears that it is not an American crime to meddle in the elections of other nations, to work with other nations to meddle in our election is a criminal act.

But there is absolutely no proof that anyone worked with Russia to affect the outcome of our election.

Putin hates the Clintons, He may have allowed the hacked e-mail from Podesta and the DNC to be leaked to wikileaks who leaked it to the world. Those e-mails proved corruption within the DNC, the Clinton campaign and some media outlets. Those facts MAY have affected the election. So fuckin what?

Do you object to voters knowing the truth before voting?
The FISA judge accepted evidence that appeared credible to the Court.

Your opinion on this issue is worthless, the court's has wroth, Redfish.

Your deflection is . . . a deflection and overruled.
According to the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), the State Department gave $349,276 in U.S. taxpayer-funded grants to a political group in Israel to build a campaign operation, which subsequently was used to try to influence Israelis to vote against conservative Benjamin Netanyahu in the March 2015 election for prime minister.

In the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations report about the State Department’s action, Chairman Bob Portman (R-Ohio) said, “It is completely unacceptable that U.S. taxpayer dollars were used to build a political campaign infrastructure that was deployed — immediately after the grant ended — against the leader [Netanyahu] of our closest ally in the Middle East. American resources should be used to help our allies in the region, not undermine them.”

“The State Department ignored warning signs and funded a politically active group in a politically sensitive environment with inadequate safeguards,” said Portman in a July 12, 2016 press release.

The State Department had funded a series of grants in 2013-2014, totaling $349,276, which went to the One Voice Movement, which has Israeli and Palestinian branches: One Voice Israel and One Voice Palestine. (The grant period ended in November 2014.) These groups support peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine, and a two-state solution based on the borders of 1967.

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election

IMHO we can't be doing this, not with our taxpayer dollars. It's one thing for private US citizens to become involved with a foreign election, but it's another for our gov't to be doing this stuff. It's kinda disingenuous for us to bitch about the russians when we're doing the same thing or worse.
Speaking of... hackers dumped Macron's e-mails. Lots of people out there want a weakened west. No doubt Putin had some part in it.
Pathetic globalist cucks want a weakened west.

YOU side with those people.
Yeah that's why Russians took to the streets by the thousands to celebrate Trump :rolleyes:

Speaking of... hackers dumped Macron's e-mails. Lots of people out there want a weakened west. No doubt Putin had some part in it.

I've never seen so many right wing freedom fries eaters so interested in a French election.
They want to see the world burn
The world IS burning, dipshit.
Amazing Graphic Shows That We’re Closer Than We’ve Ever Been To World Peace
Speaking of... hackers dumped Macron's e-mails. Lots of people out there want a weakened west. No doubt Putin had some part in it.
Pathetic globalist cucks want a weakened west.

YOU side with those people.
Yeah that's why Russians took to the streets by the thousands to celebrate Trump :rolleyes:

Because Russians actually LOVE their country, dumbfuck.

The more countries that embrace nationalism, the better it is for a nationalist Russia.

Hillary is a anti-Russian bigot, just like all you assholes are.
Speaking of... hackers dumped Macron's e-mails. Lots of people out there want a weakened west. No doubt Putin had some part in it.

I've never seen so many right wing freedom fries eaters so interested in a French election.
They want to see the world burn
The world IS burning, dipshit.
Amazing Graphic Shows That We’re Closer Than We’ve Ever Been To World Peace
Tell that to Sweden and Germany, asshole.
Speaking of... hackers dumped Macron's e-mails. Lots of people out there want a weakened west. No doubt Putin had some part in it.
Pathetic globalist cucks want a weakened west.

YOU side with those people.
Macron sides with the peope; Le Pen and her cucks side with mentally broken.
Macron sides with the Muslim world.

If his wife wasn't dead already, he would give her to the Muslims and literally be a cuck.

Of course you are so stupid that you call the only people in the western world trying destroy cuckold culture, "cucks"; so obliviously you are not cut out for having such a deep conversation.
Speaking of... hackers dumped Macron's e-mails. Lots of people out there want a weakened west. No doubt Putin had some part in it.
Pathetic globalist cucks want a weakened west.

YOU side with those people.
Macron sides with the peope; Le Pen and her cucks side with mentally broken.
Macron sides with the Muslim world.If his wife wasn't dead already, he would give her to the Muslims and literally be a cuck.Of course you are so stupid that you call the only people in the western world trying destroy cuckold culture, "cucks"; so obliviously you are not cut out for having such a deep conversation.
Your lies are . . . lies, cuck. Macron is for the prosperity and welfare of all the people of France and its culture.
Speaking of... hackers dumped Macron's e-mails. Lots of people out there want a weakened west. No doubt Putin had some part in it.
Pathetic globalist cucks want a weakened west.

YOU side with those people.
Macron sides with the peope; Le Pen and her cucks side with mentally broken.
Macron sides with the Muslim world.If his wife wasn't dead already, he would give her to the Muslims and literally be a cuck.Of course you are so stupid that you call the only people in the western world trying destroy cuckold culture, "cucks"; so obliviously you are not cut out for having such a deep conversation.
Your lies are . . . lies, cuck. Macron is for the prosperity and welfare of all the people of France and its culture.
Spoken like a true, pathetic cuckold.
Speaking of... hackers dumped Macron's e-mails. Lots of people out there want a weakened west. No doubt Putin had some part in it.
Pathetic globalist cucks want a weakened west.

YOU side with those people.
Macron sides with the peope; Le Pen and her cucks side with mentally broken.
Macron sides with the Muslim world.If his wife wasn't dead already, he would give her to the Muslims and literally be a cuck.Of course you are so stupid that you call the only people in the western world trying destroy cuckold culture, "cucks"; so obliviously you are not cut out for having such a deep conversation.
Your lies are . . . lies, cuck. Macron is for the prosperity and welfare of all the people of France and its culture.
Spoken like a true, pathetic cuckold.
That's you in the mirror, ptbwcuck. You far right populists are head toward a terrible defeat.
Pathetic globalist cucks want a weakened west.

YOU side with those people.
Macron sides with the peope; Le Pen and her cucks side with mentally broken.
Macron sides with the Muslim world.If his wife wasn't dead already, he would give her to the Muslims and literally be a cuck.Of course you are so stupid that you call the only people in the western world trying destroy cuckold culture, "cucks"; so obliviously you are not cut out for having such a deep conversation.
Your lies are . . . lies, cuck. Macron is for the prosperity and welfare of all the people of France and its culture.
Spoken like a true, pathetic cuckold.
That's you in the mirror, ptbwcuck. You far right populists are head toward a terrible defeat.
We are far more intelligent and stronger than you will ever be.

The more idiots like you there are, the less politicians the anti-white left has to run in elections.

We are fighting for our survival, and we will mercilessly run you dipshits down if need be to do it.
“I think they expect her to win,” said one diplomat with extensive Russia experience, who believes the Kremlin directed the email hack. “But they’re sending her a message that they are a power to be reckoned with and can mess with her at will, so she had better take them seriously.”

If Hillary had been elected, she would have been subject to constant threats of extortion by exposing her misdeeds. She would have had to comply or else go to war with Russia.

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