U.S. military chooses rarely-used charge for Bergdahl

The jew lover doing what jews do. Calling names and ignoring facts. No surprise here.
Did you get really fucked up celebrating Labor Day???

This is a thread on Bergdahl....
Nope that was on Saturday :D
Anyway...back on topic...I hope the traitor gets life behind bars.
Why? He did nothing wrong.
Not our problem. We didn't seem to care Germany was creating a empire until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. We NEVER cared that USSR murdered 20 million christians and spread communism across the world for 80 years.
Uhm, Germany declared war on us, professor. And yes, many cared and it was debated heatedly. Germany made the decision for us.
US allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor therefore forcing Germany's hand because of their treaty with Japan. Lindbergh and America First was right Roosevelt and his jew pals were wrong.
Ah, there we go. It didn't take long for the little Nazi to pop up.
Amazing the convergence and divergence on these sites. Just recently, Odium and I were brothers in arms against CPS kidnapping children. Of course he probably didn't realize I'm not white and not part of the Nazi club. :biggrin:
I have known that for a while Saint. You are also religious and I am not...well not in the same sense. I am also not a natzi. I am a Racial Socialist. Its a real ideology look it up. I also know the US has not gotten better since ww2 but much much worse.
Funny thing is, you and I are so close to agreement except for the whole Jew thing. I write at length about the primacy of Western Civilization, the white race, and those minorities like myself that embrace white culture. Jews have always played a vital role in this with contributions of incalculable value. I see them as part of the greatness of Western society and modernity. I don't buy into the Nazi propaganda and that's exactly what it is.
Is that why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor?
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because FDR and the US had declared economic war on them.

How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor by Robert Higgs
Liar. The US adviced Japan that if they continued to wage war in China the US would cut them off. Japan caused it by attacking in China, unless of course you believe we should have done nothing and allowed the Japanese to continue to slaughter millions of China's civilians.
The jew lover doing what jews do. Calling names and ignoring facts. No surprise here.
Did you get really fucked up celebrating Labor Day???

This is a thread on Bergdahl....
Nope that was on Saturday :D
Anyway...back on topic...I hope the traitor gets life behind bars.
Why? He did nothing wrong.
Uhm, Germany declared war on us, professor. And yes, many cared and it was debated heatedly. Germany made the decision for us.
US allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor therefore forcing Germany's hand because of their treaty with Japan. Lindbergh and America First was right Roosevelt and his jew pals were wrong.
Ah, there we go. It didn't take long for the little Nazi to pop up.
Amazing the convergence and divergence on these sites. Just recently, Odium and I were brothers in arms against CPS kidnapping children. Of course he probably didn't realize I'm not white and not part of the Nazi club. :biggrin:
I have known that for a while Saint. You are also religious and I am not...well not in the same sense. I am also not a natzi. I am a Racial Socialist. Its a real ideology look it up. I also know the US has not gotten better since ww2 but much much worse.
Funny thing is, you and I are so close to agreement except for the whole Jew thing. I write at length about the primacy of Western Civilization, the white race, and those minorities like myself that embrace white culture. Jews have always played a vital role in this with contributions of incalculable value. I see them as part of the greatness of Western society and modernity. I don't buy into the Nazi propaganda and that's exactly what it is.
Your choice,if you believe most of that read the book Natures Eternal Religion. Hell read what jews themselves say about the fact they aren't white.DNA tests have proven that.
Is that why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor?
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because FDR and the US had declared economic war on them.

How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor by Robert Higgs
Liar. The US adviced Japan that if they continued to wage war in China the US would cut them off. Japan caused it by attacking in China, unless of course you believe we should have done nothing and allowed the Japanese to continue to slaughter millions of China's civilians.
US slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians. What's the difference.
I am also not a natzi. I am a Racial Socialist. Its a real ideology look it up. I also know the US has not gotten better since ww2 but much much worse.
And how is socialism going to work for a race that lives in various countries around the world? Assuming socialism could work anywhere.
The world will be ours. We will repopulate the world with just our race.

So you advocate genocide of all non white races and want to complain about the Jews?
Your choice,if you believe most of that read the book Natures Eternal Religion. Hell read what jews themselves say about the fact they aren't white.DNA tests have proven that.
Yeah, we should all read a book to get as educated as you. Who cares if Jews aren't Caucasian?
US slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians. What's the difference.
They were fighting to the death and many more would have died, along with many more Americans. You know nothing about the war, only that some white people died.
Your choice,if you believe most of that read the book Natures Eternal Religion. Hell read what jews themselves say about the fact they aren't white.DNA tests have proven that.
Yeah, we should all read a book to get as educated as you. Who cares if Jews aren't Caucasian?
US slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians. What's the difference.
They were fighting to the death and many more would have died, along with many more Americans. You know nothing about the war, only that some white people died.
The civilians weren't fighting you moronic fool. Just like the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS in Dresden weren't fighting. They were civilians.
Your choice,if you believe most of that read the book Natures Eternal Religion. Hell read what jews themselves say about the fact they aren't white.DNA tests have proven that.
Yeah, we should all read a book to get as educated as you. Who cares if Jews aren't Caucasian?
US slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians. What's the difference.
They were fighting to the death and many more would have died, along with many more Americans. You know nothing about the war, only that some white people died.
The civilians weren't fighting you moronic fool. Just like the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS in Dresden weren't fighting. They were civilians.
I've read accounts where Japansese civilians were throwing themselves under US tanks with explosives, like the Islamofascists of today.

Japan: No Surrender in World War Two
Total sacrifice
Although some Japanese were taken prisoner, most fought until they were killed or committed suicide. In the last, desperate months of the war, this image was also applied to Japanese civilians. To the horror of American troops advancing on Saipan, they saw mothers clutching their babies hurling themselves over the cliffs rather than be taken prisoner.

Not only were there virtually no survivors of the 30,000 strong Japanese garrison on Saipan, two out of every three civilians - some 22,000 in all - also died.
U.S. military chooses rarely-used charge for Bergdahl

Military prosecutors have reached into a section of military law seldom used since World War II in the politically fraught case against U.S. Army Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier held prisoner for years by the Taliban after leaving his post in Afghanistan.

Observers wondered for months if Bergdahl would be charged with desertion after the deal brokered by the U.S. to bring him home. He was -- as well as misbehavior before the enemy, a much rarer offense that carries a stiffer potential penalty in this case.

Bergdahl could face a life sentence if convicted of the charge, which accuses him of endangering fellow soldiers when he "left without authority; and wrongfully caused search and recovery operations."
Doesn't sound so bad......misbehaving.

Treason just sounded so politically-incorrect.

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