U.S. military chooses rarely-used charge for Bergdahl

.”under Polish pressure the Germans in the southern and eastern districts were subjected to oppressive treatment. On Aug. 19 1920 the Poles felt strong enough, indeed, to make an attempt to seize the country by force. On all sides bands of Poles, chiefly recruited from Congress Poland, usurped authority. A number of Germans were forcibly carried across the frontier into Poland, and many were killed. Several weeks elapsed before it was possible to quell this rising and restore order…It had been suggested by the Entente that non-resident Upper Silesians of the German Reich should vote outside Silesia, at Cologne. Germany protested against this, and her protest was recognized as valid by the Entente. In January 1921 the date of the plebiscite was fixed for March 20 1921.
An immediate revival took place in the use of terrorism by the Poles, especially in the districts of Rybnik, Pless, Kattowitz, and Beuthen. It reached its climax in the days preceding the plebiscite. Voters from other parts of the German Reich were frequently refused admission to the polls; sometimes they were maltreated and even in some instances murdered; and houses where outvoters were staying were set on fire… The day after the plebiscite the Polish excesses recommenced, and from that date onwards continued without interruption… Practically all the towns voted for Germany… the first days of May witnessed a new Polish insurrection which assumed far greater proportions than the former one. Korfanty had secretly raised a well-organized Polish force which was provided with arms and munition from across the border, and was reinforced by large bodies of men from Poland…
By June 20 the British troops had again occupied the larger towns, while the Poles had the upper hand in the rural districts. As a result of the difficulties in paying his men and providing them with food Korfanty now lost control over his followers. Independent bands were formed which plundered the villages, ill-treated the Germans, and murdered many of them.”

- 1922 Encyclopaedia Britannica, “SILESIA, UPPER”
The Brits forced Hitler to invade them then. Like the Poles did. Good to know! Sneaky assed Jooosss.

Yep, Hitler found that out. So you're kinda two fucksticks rolled into one, a racist and a socialist. Just like any sane person. :rolleyes:
England declared war on Germany numb nuts. Remember that. Hitler never wanted war with England. Poland was murdering German citizens Germany had every right and responsibility to defend them. Hitler didn't find that out Hitler was overwhelmed and thought he knew better than his military leaders. NS can work and does if you want that. It doesn't work for what I want because nationalism is a problem. Racial Socialism is socialism JUST for white folks.
Nobody liked the alliance with Stalin (remember that he was fighting Hitler too), but at least we cut it off when the war ended...

Now, do you have anything else to support your racist socialist views???

If you do, you might want to start your own thread on that.
Cut what off!? We allowed Communism to destroy half the fucking world. We allowed Stalin to murder 20 million christians. We should have united with Hitler (like Patton wanted to do after the war) and attacked USSR. Communism is Jewish,Jews invented communism.Of course the jewish string pullers wanted the US to attack Germany and not Russia.
Germany invaded Poland based on fake "evidence"....

But we can discuss it...on your own thread...

Then we can talk about how you hate the US and our vets....

You were there? You know it was "fake"? I bet you got that "information" from some main stream source aka the victors books or newspapers owned by a jew. Oh and no I don't hate our vets and the US.I hate the US government and its choice to start a brothers war. My father and grandfather were veterans. My grandfather fought the japs in the pacific. I feel sorry for them for fighting a foreign war while back home their government was stabbing them in the back. American Soldiers went to fight that "evil" natzis all the while in the US their government was shoving integration,affirmative action,diversity aka less white people etc down our throats...all the while we could have helped created an empire that would have lived for thousands of years. The jew knew what he was doing.
All the history sources back me up.

If you disagree, let's hear it, Herr Feldwebel
View attachment 49541
As I said. The ones that are jewish owned and written by the victors. Color me shocked.

Feldwebel Shultz...

I'm not surprised...
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because FDR and the US had declared economic war on them.

How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor by Robert Higgs
The fact that they had invaded and raped their way across much of the pacific rim had little to do with economic sancutions,right?
Not our problem. We didn't seem to care Germany was creating a empire until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. We NEVER cared that USSR murdered 20 million christians and spread communism across the world for 80 years.
Uhm, Germany declared war on us, professor. And yes, many cared and it was debated heatedly. Germany made the decision for us.
US allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor therefore forcing Germany's hand because of their treaty with Japan. Lindbergh and America First was right Roosevelt and his jew pals were wrong.
Ah, there we go. It didn't take long for the little Nazi to pop up.
Amazing the convergence and divergence on these sites. Just recently, Odium and I were brothers in arms against CPS kidnapping children. Of course he probably didn't realize I'm not white and not part of the Nazi club. :biggrin:
The jew lover doing what jews do. Calling names and ignoring facts. No surprise here.
Did you get really fucked up celebrating Labor Day???

This is a thread on Bergdahl....
Nope that was on Saturday :D
Anyway...back on topic...I hope the traitor gets life behind bars.
Why? He did nothing wrong.
The fact that they had invaded and raped their way across much of the pacific rim had little to do with economic sancutions,right?
Not our problem. We didn't seem to care Germany was creating a empire until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. We NEVER cared that USSR murdered 20 million christians and spread communism across the world for 80 years.
Uhm, Germany declared war on us, professor. And yes, many cared and it was debated heatedly. Germany made the decision for us.
US allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor therefore forcing Germany's hand because of their treaty with Japan. Lindbergh and America First was right Roosevelt and his jew pals were wrong.
Ah, there we go. It didn't take long for the little Nazi to pop up.
Amazing the convergence and divergence on these sites. Just recently, Odium and I were brothers in arms against CPS kidnapping children. Of course he probably didn't realize I'm not white and not part of the Nazi club. :biggrin:
I have known that for a while Saint. You are also religious and I am not...well not in the same sense. I am also not a natzi. I am a Racial Socialist. Its a real ideology look it up. I also know the US has not gotten better since ww2 but much much worse.
I am also not a natzi. I am a Racial Socialist. Its a real ideology look it up. I also know the US has not gotten better since ww2 but much much worse.
And how is socialism going to work for a race that lives in various countries around the world? Assuming socialism could work anywhere.
The fact that they had invaded and raped their way across much of the pacific rim had little to do with economic sancutions,right?
Not our problem. We didn't seem to care Germany was creating a empire until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. We NEVER cared that USSR murdered 20 million christians and spread communism across the world for 80 years.
Uhm, Germany declared war on us, professor. And yes, many cared and it was debated heatedly. Germany made the decision for us.
US allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor therefore forcing Germany's hand because of their treaty with Japan. Lindbergh and America First was right Roosevelt and his jew pals were wrong.
Ah, there we go. It didn't take long for the little Nazi to pop up.
Amazing the convergence and divergence on these sites. Just recently, Odium and I were brothers in arms against CPS kidnapping children. Of course he probably didn't realize I'm not white and not part of the Nazi club. :biggrin:
I'm white, but not racist...

Welcome !!!
Why? He did nothing wrong.
I have known that for a while Saint. You are also religious and I am not...well not in the same sense. I am also not a natzi. I am a Racial Socialist. Its a real ideology look it up. I also know the US has not gotten better since ww2 but much much worse.
Not our problem. We didn't seem to care Germany was creating a empire until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. We NEVER cared that USSR murdered 20 million christians and spread communism across the world for 80 years.
Uhm, Germany declared war on us, professor. And yes, many cared and it was debated heatedly. Germany made the decision for us.
US allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor therefore forcing Germany's hand because of their treaty with Japan. Lindbergh and America First was right Roosevelt and his jew pals were wrong.
Ah, there we go. It didn't take long for the little Nazi to pop up.
Amazing the convergence and divergence on these sites. Just recently, Odium and I were brothers in arms against CPS kidnapping children. Of course he probably didn't realize I'm not white and not part of the Nazi club. :biggrin:
I'm white, but not racist...

Welcome !!!
aka he has lots of white guilt.
I am also not a natzi. I am a Racial Socialist. Its a real ideology look it up. I also know the US has not gotten better since ww2 but much much worse.
And how is socialism going to work for a race that lives in various countries around the world? Assuming socialism could work anywhere.
The world will be ours. We will repopulate the world with just our race.

Thank you for an example of your racism....

Don't forget to vote Democrat.....
Uhm, Germany declared war on us, professor. And yes, many cared and it was debated heatedly. Germany made the decision for us.
US allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor therefore forcing Germany's hand because of their treaty with Japan. Lindbergh and America First was right Roosevelt and his jew pals were wrong.
Ah, there we go. It didn't take long for the little Nazi to pop up.
Amazing the convergence and divergence on these sites. Just recently, Odium and I were brothers in arms against CPS kidnapping children. Of course he probably didn't realize I'm not white and not part of the Nazi club. :biggrin:
I'm white, but not racist...

Welcome !!!
aka he has lots of white guilt.

I don't owe Democrats a damn thing for their sins....

I just believe that people don't have to be enslaved.
I am also not a natzi. I am a Racial Socialist. Its a real ideology look it up. I also know the US has not gotten better since ww2 but much much worse.
And how is socialism going to work for a race that lives in various countries around the world? Assuming socialism could work anywhere.
The world will be ours. We will repopulate the world with just our race.

You can't start your race war until you clean up your room. Besides, you'll want fresh socks for the march.
I am also not a natzi. I am a Racial Socialist. Its a real ideology look it up. I also know the US has not gotten better since ww2 but much much worse.
And how is socialism going to work for a race that lives in various countries around the world? Assuming socialism could work anywhere.
The world will be ours. We will repopulate the world with just our race.

You can't start your race war until you clean up your room. Besides, you'll want fresh socks for the march.
Tell him not to forget his gun
Not our problem. We didn't seem to care Germany was creating a empire until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. We NEVER cared that USSR murdered 20 million christians and spread communism across the world for 80 years.
Uhm, Germany declared war on us, professor. And yes, many cared and it was debated heatedly. Germany made the decision for us.
US allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor therefore forcing Germany's hand because of their treaty with Japan. Lindbergh and America First was right Roosevelt and his jew pals were wrong.
Ah, there we go. It didn't take long for the little Nazi to pop up.
Amazing the convergence and divergence on these sites. Just recently, Odium and I were brothers in arms against CPS kidnapping children. Of course he probably didn't realize I'm not white and not part of the Nazi club. :biggrin:
I'm white, but not racist...

Welcome !!!
Race traitor! :p
I am also not a natzi. I am a Racial Socialist. Its a real ideology look it up. I also know the US has not gotten better since ww2 but much much worse.
And how is socialism going to work for a race that lives in various countries around the world? Assuming socialism could work anywhere.
The world will be ours. We will repopulate the world with just our race.

You can't start your race war until you clean up your room. Besides, you'll want fresh socks for the march.
Tell him not to forget his gun
View attachment 49549
In no sane world does that *thing* make the rank of Colonel, much less merit expert infantry, airborne badges. That picture would offend any veteran.

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