U.S. military decimated under Obama

Actually Defense contractors don't love war. They love weapons development. That is the biggest expense to the government. Once a system is tested at government expense they can sell it to anyone. If you're in a war expense is a major factor, and cuts have to be made. New weapons have to take a back seat to sheer numbers.

Don't get money to develop new weapons systems if no one's depleting their existing supplies in wars.

Meanwhile our enemies are developing newer and more sophisticated weapons making ours obsolete. Yeah...brilliant
Which enemies are those who are developing "newer and more sophisticated weapons"? :lmao:

Russia...now go shave
Actually Defense contractors don't love war. They love weapons development. That is the biggest expense to the government. Once a system is tested at government expense they can sell it to anyone. If you're in a war expense is a major factor, and cuts have to be made. New weapons have to take a back seat to sheer numbers.

Don't get money to develop new weapons systems if no one's depleting their existing supplies in wars.

Meanwhile our enemies are developing newer and more sophisticated weapons making ours obsolete. Yeah...brilliant
Which enemies are those who are developing "newer and more sophisticated weapons"? :lmao:

Russia...now go shave
Obama has done a lot to decimate the military but one of the worse things is that he hasn't defined their mission. They don't know what they suppose to be doing.

Obama doesn't know what he is doing in foreign policy and in his incompetency he has not defined the role of the military.

When the stupid Libtards elected an extreme far Left Affirmative Action Community Organizer that never had the sense of duty or courage to serve in the military as the Commander in Chief they really screwed this country.

Dismantling the greatest military on earth and demoralizing the military and making us weaker is part of that "fundamental change" that Hussein promised us. We can thank the Moon Bats for it.

And that is the key

The militaries mission is evolving. More focused on the war on terror than on nation building. The mission of our military should not be the worlds policeman, Let the EU take the lead on threats in Europe and the Middle East. Let Japan and South Korea have the lead in Asia with the US in a supporting role

Left loons like you are hilarious...and clueless in military matters.
You seem to be the one who lacks understanding of how the military was restructured after the collapse of the USSR and restructured to fight the kinds of wars it was called upon to fight at a later date in the 21st Century. The big infantry divisions were transferred from Europe to Desert Storm for a final going away party and returned home to be turned into special op's such as were used to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan in record time with record low casualties or sophisticated air assisted armored assault units that cut through Iraq in record time with minimum casualties. Coupled with the advanced air assets the new restructured military proved the wisdom of the transformation begun by Bush 41 and completed under Clinton. Bush 43 transformed that military that took a dozen years and two administrations to build and turned the highly trained forces equipped with expensive equipment into a conventional occupation force that was poorly trained and equipped or suited for the task at hand and had to be rebuilt and trained for the task at hand, suffered unnecessary casualties and lost or gave away billions upon billions of equipment.
Any "decimation" as you call it is a result of having to draw down and eliminate the occupation forces created during the last administration and rebuild the force as intended by forward thinking people who correctly predicted the military need and created the successful force that was destroyed by the Bush/Cheney wars.

Notice, how the liberals (socialist/marxists that we call liberals) see this as great news.
We still have the world's largest military.....Why cry about that?
Apparently the military industrial fat cats that Eisenhower warned us against aren't rich enough yet.
But how else do we conquer the world with a nation still on a war footing since WWII and the largest military that no other nation has?
China has more people in uniform than we do.
China has more people than we do. IF we want more in uniform, either we really raise pay or else draft. You want that?

That's not the issue.

He said we have the largest military and that was not true.

We had a very large military after WWII but we cut back like we always do because liberals don't see the need of a large active duty military during peacetime. They gut the military and then harass Republicans when they attempt to rebuild what Democrats decimated.
The days of global warfare with large naval forces, massed armor and large armies are past

Future warfare will involve cyber attacks which bring your enemy and its economy to its knees
We still have the world's largest military.....Why cry about that?
Apparently the military industrial fat cats that Eisenhower warned us against aren't rich enough yet.
But how else do we conquer the world with a nation still on a war footing since WWII and the largest military that no other nation has?
China has more people in uniform than we do.
China has more people than we do. IF we want more in uniform, either we really raise pay or else draft. You want that?

That's not the issue.

He said we have the largest military and that was not true.

We had a very large military after WWII but we cut back like we always do because liberals don't see the need of a large active duty military during peacetime. They gut the military and then harass Republicans when they attempt to rebuild what Democrats decimated.
What kind of military did Hoover rebuild?
Wait, with such a decimated/ destroyed military, Oblama can pull off that coup d'état...
Don't get money to develop new weapons systems if no one's depleting their existing supplies in wars.

Meanwhile our enemies are developing newer and more sophisticated weapons making ours obsolete. Yeah...brilliant
Which enemies are those who are developing "newer and more sophisticated weapons"? :lmao:

Russia...now go shave
Don't get money to develop new weapons systems if no one's depleting their existing supplies in wars.

Meanwhile our enemies are developing newer and more sophisticated weapons making ours obsolete. Yeah...brilliant
Which enemies are those who are developing "newer and more sophisticated weapons"? :lmao:

Russia...now go shave
Obama has done a lot to decimate the military but one of the worse things is that he hasn't defined their mission. They don't know what they suppose to be doing.

Obama doesn't know what he is doing in foreign policy and in his incompetency he has not defined the role of the military.

When the stupid Libtards elected an extreme far Left Affirmative Action Community Organizer that never had the sense of duty or courage to serve in the military as the Commander in Chief they really screwed this country.

Dismantling the greatest military on earth and demoralizing the military and making us weaker is part of that "fundamental change" that Hussein promised us. We can thank the Moon Bats for it.

And that is the key

The militaries mission is evolving. More focused on the war on terror than on nation building. The mission of our military should not be the worlds policeman, Let the EU take the lead on threats in Europe and the Middle East. Let Japan and South Korea have the lead in Asia with the US in a supporting role

Left loons like you are hilarious...and clueless in military matters.
You seem to be the one who lacks understanding of how the military was restructured after the collapse of the USSR and restructured to fight the kinds of wars it was called upon to fight at a later date in the 21st Century. The big infantry divisions were transferred from Europe to Desert Storm for a final going away party and returned home to be turned into special op's such as were used to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan in record time with record low casualties or sophisticated air assisted armored assault units that cut through Iraq in record time with minimum casualties. Coupled with the advanced air assets the new restructured military proved the wisdom of the transformation begun by Bush 41 and completed under Clinton. Bush 43 transformed that military that took a dozen years and two administrations to build and turned the highly trained forces equipped with expensive equipment into a conventional occupation force that was poorly trained and equipped or suited for the task at hand and had to be rebuilt and trained for the task at hand, suffered unnecessary casualties and lost or gave away billions upon billions of equipment.
Any "decimation" as you call it is a result of having to draw down and eliminate the occupation forces created during the last administration and rebuild the force as intended by forward thinking people who correctly predicted the military need and created the successful force that was destroyed by the Bush/Cheney wars.

That's it? That's your response? :lol:
The days of global warfare with large naval forces, massed armor and large armies are past

Future warfare will involve cyber attacks which bring your enemy and its economy to its knees
Can you name a country we could use that on. Directed emp bigger threat.........
Apparently the military industrial fat cats that Eisenhower warned us against aren't rich enough yet.
But how else do we conquer the world with a nation still on a war footing since WWII and the largest military that no other nation has?
China has more people in uniform than we do.
China has more people than we do. IF we want more in uniform, either we really raise pay or else draft. You want that?

That's not the issue.

He said we have the largest military and that was not true.

We had a very large military after WWII but we cut back like we always do because liberals don't see the need of a large active duty military during peacetime. They gut the military and then harass Republicans when they attempt to rebuild what Democrats decimated.
What kind of military did Hoover rebuild?

I don't know you tell me.

What kind do you like. Muslim outreach, Ebola fighters, Disaster clean up?

Maybe just people in fancy clothes that look good in parades. No guns mind you. Guns are dangerous evil things that 2 year olds use to kill their parents.
The days of global warfare with large naval forces, massed armor and large armies are past

Future warfare will involve cyber attacks which bring your enemy and its economy to its knees
Can you name a country we could use that on. Directed emp bigger threat.........

EMP usually involves a nuclear blast. We don't want to go there
The days of global warfare with large naval forces, massed armor and large armies are past

Future warfare will involve cyber attacks which bring your enemy and its economy to its knees

We're going to wreck ISIS's economy and cyber attack their AK47s?

Sorry toots

But ISIS is no threat to our current military, The question is, do we want to use them?
The days of global warfare with large naval forces, massed armor and large armies are past

Future warfare will involve cyber attacks which bring your enemy and its economy to its knees

'Mostly true.' :)

Would say that wars involving nation vs nation/nation's military vs nation's military are past. And that now wars are between individual non-affiliated actors like terrorist groups.

Because of the massive mutual harm, wars like those of the recent past aren't practical any more. And the temptation to use WMD makes them an undesireable risk. Wars are always about money. When ya boil it all down it's about who controls things worth money. Better to negotiate then then go to war if doing so is gonna cause trillions of dollars in damage when you were trying to secure something only worth billions.

But because individuals can now wage war pretty much independently of their nation as seen on 9/11/2001, and as will undoubtedly be seen in the near-future, nations are realizing their mutual differences with other nations isn't as bad as all that. Terrorism is going to bring national level peoples together against a common foe. If some terror group operating from your country gets your country bombed in response you have a very good motivation to help whoever's doing the bombing lest you be guilty by association. This is what's happening in Pakistan, Yemen, and elsewhere with the US drone war.

The problem though remains nations may not overtly go to war any more, but might instead opt to use terror groups as their proxies. A terror group's detonation of a nuclear weapon presents a very real difficulty for who it was used against because no one directly responsible survived. So who can you retaliate against if everyone who actually did the deed was vaporized? What if the nuke came from an ally where it was stolen? What if it was your own nuke that got stolen or something?

As long as WMD exist, actors who'll use them will try to get them. Anything without a 0% chance of occuring has a 100% chance of occuring given unlimited time. Only way to have a 0% chance is to dismantle all nuclear weapons. And that's never gonna happen.
The days of global warfare with large naval forces, massed armor and large armies are past

Future warfare will involve cyber attacks which bring your enemy and its economy to its knees
Can you name a country we could use that on. Directed emp bigger threat.........

EMP usually involves a nuclear blast. We don't want to go there
We alrdy have a non nuke weapon that shuts off everything in its path, speculation the Carnival cruise ship was hit by one.
Don't get money to develop new weapons systems if no one's depleting their existing supplies in wars.

Meanwhile our enemies are developing newer and more sophisticated weapons making ours obsolete. Yeah...brilliant
Which enemies are those who are developing "newer and more sophisticated weapons"? :lmao:

Russia...now go shave

(again with the "now go shave"....is that some reference to something?)

uh-oh ... Russia is about to enter the 20th century.

We're in big trouble now.

Your cyber attack is bs...not one prospective opponent we might face it would work on by itself..... Might work on us and Eu......
There's really no new weapons systems. Only more efficient and accurate ones. We've hit a ceiling of sorts technology-wise where all we have to do now is make things smaller, lighter, faster, etc. But the weapons systems are just variations on centuries old themes (solid projectiles travelling down a pipe, or some explosive device carried aloft by a rocket.) So in 30 years our stuff will be 30 years smaller or faster, but not 30 years newer. There's nothing left to invent that's really new. More disturbing, it only took us about 5 years to invent from scratch the atomic bomb. If you can get the fissile material (U-238 or plutonium) the actual mechanics and engineering is so simple engineering grad students at MIT are tasked with doing it and most succeed (absent the fissile material of course.)

I expect future weapons systems to be things whose effects are discreet. A mushroom cloud isn't discreet so not something you can get away with actually using. Biological and chemical, cyber, and some other stuff I've read about suggest the holy grail of weapons research is anything with big effect but low observability.

You must have missed the Navy's new Laser Weapon System. Star Wars technology the left said was impossible to develop
They also made fun of it. Stupid liberals.
The days of global warfare with large naval forces, massed armor and large armies are past

Future warfare will involve cyber attacks which bring your enemy and its economy to its knees

We're going to wreck ISIS's economy and cyber attack their AK47s?

Sorry toots

But ISIS is no threat to our current military, The question is, do we want to use them?
Dear Lord help me. I just hate fucking liberals.
There's really no new weapons systems. Only more efficient and accurate ones. We've hit a ceiling of sorts technology-wise where all we have to do now is make things smaller, lighter, faster, etc. But the weapons systems are just variations on centuries old themes (solid projectiles travelling down a pipe, or some explosive device carried aloft by a rocket.) So in 30 years our stuff will be 30 years smaller or faster, but not 30 years newer. There's nothing left to invent that's really new. More disturbing, it only took us about 5 years to invent from scratch the atomic bomb. If you can get the fissile material (U-238 or plutonium) the actual mechanics and engineering is so simple engineering grad students at MIT are tasked with doing it and most succeed (absent the fissile material of course.)

I expect future weapons systems to be things whose effects are discreet. A mushroom cloud isn't discreet so not something you can get away with actually using. Biological and chemical, cyber, and some other stuff I've read about suggest the holy grail of weapons research is anything with big effect but low observability.

You must have missed the Navy's new Laser Weapon System. Star Wars technology the left said was impossible to develop
They also made fun of it. Stupid liberals.

Laser beams disperse in the atmosphere limiting their effective range. Offensive lasers are completely useless in fog or through clouds or other atmospheric debris. SDI laser tests were staged to show them as destructive weapons. In reality, the missiles they supposedly destroyed were rigged to collapse by wires, preset to explode, etc.

Lasers don't make good weapons. Ask any physicist.
Gee a report by the Heritage Foundation critical of President Obama? Say it isn't so..........



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