U. S. Mortgage Debt Is Worse Than Federal Deficit!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Old, Fat, White People--Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts, dumping substance and other treasure into the sea--easily seem able to miss a lot of what real problems are about, in the debt crisis.

U. S. mortgage debt is $14.0 tril, backed by nothing of any apparent value! The bankers lend money to people who can't even keep up the value of their property! The bankers need to be sent to the corner. "Will Work For Food!" is all about banking thanks to Boehner, Mitchell, Cantor, and Bush II, Terms I and II.

Total Mortgage Debt Near All Time Highs | Problem Bank List

The housing debt crisis, and the federal deficit crisis: Are not the fault of Obama-Biden, or Pelosi-Reid.

The alledged "policy Problem" is smoke and mirrors, and way of out context, in the United States.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Great Socialist Advanced Nations, mainly did public works and created value. Then there is the United States Ivy League, and what it created: Singularly in The Colonies, themselves!)
The Old, Fat, White People--Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts, dumping substance and other treasure into the sea--easily seem able to miss a lot of what real problems are about, in the debt crisis.

U. S. mortgage debt is $14.0 tril, backed by nothing of any apparent value! The bankers lend money to people who can't even keep up the value of their property! The bankers need to be sent to the corner. "Will Work For Food!" is all about banking thanks to Boehner, Mitchell, Cantor, and Bush II, Terms I and II.

Total Mortgage Debt Near All Time Highs | Problem Bank List

The housing debt crisis, and the federal deficit crisis: Are not the fault of Obama-Biden, or Pelosi-Reid.

The alledged "policy Problem" is smoke and mirrors, and way of out context, in the United States.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Great Socialist Advanced Nations, mainly did public works and created value. Then there is the United States Ivy League, and what it created: Singularly in The Colonies, themselves!)

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD............who gave this asshole a membership???!!!!:slap::blowup:
Anyone sees why little kids are not allowed to learn about things in schools. Total Net Debt in the United States is closer to $55.0 tril.

So far, you only know about half of it.

That would make it a half-assed whole, or something like that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Great Writer's Guild know many non-Negro dialects: To spread around Lands of Many Nations!)
Anyone sees why little kids are not allowed to learn about things in schools. Total Net Debt in the United States is closer to $55.0 tril.

So far, you only know about half of it.

That would make it a half-assed whole, or something like that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Great Writer's Guild know many non-Negro dialects: To spread around Lands of Many Nations!)

Actually if you count all the entitlements, and all the state and local Debts, and future obligations I believe the number is closer to 110 Trillion dollars.
Anyone sees why little kids are not allowed to learn about things in schools. Total Net Debt in the United States is closer to $55.0 tril.

So far, you only know about half of it.

That would make it a half-assed whole, or something like that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Great Writer's Guild know many non-Negro dialects: To spread around Lands of Many Nations!)

Actually if you count all the entitlements, and all the state and local Debts, and future obligations I believe the number is closer to 110 Trillion dollars.

a. National debt $13 trillion
b. State and Local debt $2.5 trillion
c. State and Local pensions (underfunded) $3 trillion
d. Social Security $7.7 trillion*
e. Medicare $ 38 trillion*
f. Total US debt $64.2 trillion
g. Total GDP of entire world $61.0 trillion
*covers commitments for 75 years

b., c. The Other National Debt - Kevin D. Williamson - National Review Online

d., e. The 81% Tax Increase - Forbes.com

f. The Final Hour: 65 Trillion - U.S. Financial Obligations Exceed The Entire World's GDP

g. Silver: Declining supply, increasing demand - Precious Metals - Resource Investor
The U.S. Federal Reserve keeps tabs on the Total Credit Market, and others--not many--do know about it.

See how Socialist it all really is, following the original Marxist Manifesto agenda. Instead of hoarding commodity money, and distributing it around to armies, artistocrats, artisans, whores, and clergy and to priates and to robbers alike: There is enough credit market money to go around.

Everything else is a distribution problem.

Schedule M, in the U. S. federal tax code, began to address with the first-ever, equal-amount COLA on a national basis. Incomes with no federal income tax liability still could a refund.

The Republicans took that away and so it no longer applies in this tax year, due April 15, or so, of next year.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Writer's Guild: Knows a thing-or-two about shovel-ready stimulus spending!)
The Old, Fat, White People--Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts, dumping substance and other treasure into the sea--easily seem able to miss a lot of what real problems are about, in the debt crisis.

U. S. mortgage debt is $14.0 tril, backed by nothing of any apparent value! The bankers lend money to people who can't even keep up the value of their property! The bankers need to be sent to the corner. "Will Work For Food!" is all about banking thanks to Boehner, Mitchell, Cantor, and Bush II, Terms I and II.

Total Mortgage Debt Near All Time Highs | Problem Bank List

The housing debt crisis, and the federal deficit crisis: Are not the fault of Obama-Biden, or Pelosi-Reid.

The alledged "policy Problem" is smoke and mirrors, and way of out context, in the United States.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Great Socialist Advanced Nations, mainly did public works and created value. Then there is the United States Ivy League, and what it created: Singularly in The Colonies, themselves!)

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD............who gave this asshole a membership???!!!!:slap::blowup:

C'mon!! You've been here, a LONG time!!!!

Anyone would guess that the Tea Berserker GOP has learned nothing all from the Japanese, natural events calamities.

Nuclear Reactors have their place and role virtually certain, in our world of Plenty!

A certain stasis of furture events is required, to be able to find that ghost numbers yet to happen are real, or that other variables and events won't happen.

For this reason, Jewish people gave the world and Einstein!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes Gave the Lands Of Many Nations: Fire Water, even! Entitlements no longer big problem!)
U. S. Mortgage Debt Is Worse Than Federal Deficit!
....And, one o' these days, we'll be able.....​

"It's bizarre but, it turns out, Wall Street cut corners when it created those mortgage-backed investments that triggered the financial collapse. Now that banks want to evict people, they're unwinding these exotic investments to find, that often, the legal documents behind the mortgages aren't there. Caught in a jam of their own making, some companies appear to be resorting to forgery and phony paperwork to throw people - down on their luck - out of their homes.

While trying to save her house, she discovered something we did not know: back when Wall Street was using algorithms and computers to engineer those disastrous mortgage-backed securities, it appears they didn't want old fashioned paperwork slowing down the profits.

"This was back when it was a white hot fevered pitch to move as many of these as possible," Pelley remarked.

"Exactly. When you could make a whole lotta money through securitization. And every other aspect of it could be done electronically, you know, key strokes. This was the only piece where somebody was supposed to actually go get documents, transfer the documents from one entity to the other. And it looks very much like they just eliminated that stuff all together," Szymoniak said.

Szymoniak's mortgage had been bundled with thousands of others into one of those Wall Street securities traded from investor to investor. When the bank took her to court, it first said it had lost her documents, including the critical assignment of mortgage which transfers ownership. But then, there was a courthouse surprise."
Anyone gains the sense of what the Old, Fat, White People--Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts, dumping substance and other treasure into the sea--intended to life in the United States, after all.

Even Kentucky voted in Rand Paul--apparently one of their own. . .or kind. . .or something!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Writer's Guild now need snappy, new Negro dialect: Really Soon, Faster than too slow, ASAP-word! Senator Robert Byrd could understand this! "Bitter Clingers. . . ." Well!)

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