U.S. Moving Military Equipment to Southern Border


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

in Preparation for Migrant Caravan, Mattis Says

I had no idea that’s what they’re called. Will they really do any good? Only for vehicles but what about young men who can simply leap over them?

The U.S. military has already begun delivering jersey barriers to the southern border in conjunction with plans to deploy active duty troops there, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Sunday as a caravan of Central Americans slowly heads across Mexico toward the United States.Mattis told reporters traveling with him that details of the deployment are still being worked out but he should have them Sunday night. They will include exactly how many forces are needed.The additional troops will provide logistical and other support to the Border Patrol, and will bolster the efforts of the approximately 2,000 National Guard forces already there. The new forces are expected to provide logistical assistance such as air support and equipment, including vehicles and tents.National Guard troops routinely perform those same functions, so it is not clear why active duty forces are being used.

A bit more @ U.S. Moving Military Equipment to Southern Border in Preparation for Migrant Caravan, Mattis Says
It would be good for all citizens to get a better idea of what the border will be like in the next few weeks. Not specifics of course just a general idea. I do not trust Time magazine.

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