U.S. Offers Russia Convicted Arms Dealer In Exchange For Brittney Griner

Political move all the way!

U.S. Offers Russia Convicted Arms Dealer In Exchange For Brittney Griner And Paul Whelan, Report Says​

They can keep that dude. He's worthless. Keep arms dealer and let Griner rot in Siberia.

(and fuck Baylor)
Maybe, but you would be raising hell for her to be back in America.

You know who else should still be locked up?

This traitor....


He put classified documents - hundreds of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan battlefield reports, State Department diplomatic cables and other files - in his pantyhose and then released them, after swearing he would never do so as a condition of his employment as a military intelligence specialist.

He aided the enemy and his sentence was commuted by Obama.
When she pleaded guilty, she said that she unintentionally brought the THC with her since she packed her bags for the long trip to Russia in a hurry, LOL.

In her letter to Biden on July 4th she said,
"I voted for the first time in 2020 and I voted for you. I believe in you. I still have so much good to do with my freedom that you can help restore. I miss my wife! I miss my family! I miss my teammates! It kills me to know they are suffering so much right now. I am grateful for whatever you can do at this moment to get me home."

And now BIden is going to trade an illegal arms dealer for her release. This, at the same time the DOJ tells us "no one is above the law" while letting in millions of illegal aliens.

This Administration is corrupt.
Biden is a traitor. He's allowing, and encouraging a never-ending flood of illegal aliens to invade our country while he does absolutely nothing to stop the invasion. Everything Biden touches turns to shit.

Now he may release a convicted arms dealer, who, once free, may engage in criminal activities that could easily result in the death of innocent Americans.

All this, to free a worthless whore who admits to hating our country. Fuck her. Let her rot right where she is. You know damned well this tattooed clown KNEW she was breaking their laws when she took drugs into Russia. She just believed she could get away with it. She probably has, in the past.

But Biden is a fucking race hustler. He's always ready to screw America if it will get him some extra votes from blacks, or trannies, or any random weirdo walking down the street.
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Fuck that lesbian pothead skank. She thinks she's a "protected class", but she isn't shit when she breaks other country's laws. That stupid bitch has played basketball for a Russian team for eight whole years, and she doesn't know what the laws are in Russia?

So I don't have a single fuck to give, they can keep her for all I care.
Wait - she'd been to Russia previously?

And still tried to smuggle drugs in?

She's an idiot.
Smfh, you racist ass clowns are a joke. Most of you cowards like Trump claim to be so patriotic if a conflict were to start today, you would run and hide somewhere and wait for someone else to volunteer and defend this country.
Honestly, why are we doing anything for her? She tried to smuggle drugs into Russia. Yes it was just hash oil, but are we going to make trades like this for every other American who has been arrested abroad for this exact same crime? Furthermore, we are trading the worlds most notorious arms dealer for her? What the hell is going on in the White House?
Show your source.
It is suported by the ESPN subscribers and the NBA, Is she a guy? I saw an interview and it may not be true, but she had a very deep masculine voice. I also heard that the Russian cops in the court room would be laughing. if she hated America she can stay there. This is tiresome.
You folks are bitching that Biden is getting Griner out of a Russian prison and completely fail to mention that he is also getting Whalen out

Yes. We are talking about Griner. She is a anti-American lefty. But I repeat myself.

We are not talking about Whalen. That does not mean that you get to make stuff up in your head and assign it to us.

He's part of the deal too ya know

I don't know. I didn't start the thread. But, anyone, white, black, fucking green, who refused to be on the court when our National Anthem was played, can go fuck themselves, and die in a russian prisoner for all I care.

That's my point. If the trade is straight up, Whalen for the arms dealer, I would be fine with that, wouldn't really care.
I don't know. I didn't start the thread. But, anyone, white, black, fucking green, who refused to be on the court when our National Anthem was played, can go fuck themselves, and die in a russian prisoner for all I care.

That's my point. If the trade is straight up, Whalen for the arms dealer, I would be fine with that, wouldn't really care.
WTF are you talking about?

You don't even know who the players are here.

Whalen is an arms dealer? Where did that come from
Smfh, you racist ass clowns are a joke. Most of you cowards like Trump claim to be so patriotic if a conflict were to start today, you would run and hide somewhere and wait for someone else to volunteer and defend this country.
I don't care what color she is, her hate for America is an ugliness from the inside.

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