U.S. oil industry prepares to boost production — but with a giant warning

Fuel costs are higher for two reasons.

More demand since covid eased and



Again, Do Dems want to end the fossil fuel industry as we know it or not? Have they not made it their goal to make the industry obsolete for energy purposes/
They want to push technology on us before it's ready to fully take over the existing technology, and they know they have to force us to use it because it's a step back from what we are used to, at least currently.

As I have said in other posts, They didn't need to ban or shadow ban horses and buggies to allow the automobile to take over, the automobile was simply the superior product and out-competed horses and buggies.
And the roads those automobiles drove on?

Where did they come from?

Private industry?

Again, Do Dems want to end the fossil fuel industry as we know it or not? Have they not made it their goal to make the industry obsolete for energy purposes/
Fuel costs are higher for two reasons.

More demand since covid eased and

And the roads those automobiles drove on?

Where did they come from?

Private industry?


Actually in the beginning some of them were private, you have heard of private Turnpikes, right?
Those carried over from before when horse drawn transport over distances could be done over paid private roadways.

In the beginning roads were still dirt, and some cobblestone, and the cars handled them just fine, because that's what they were designed to handle.
Do the AGW proponents want more or less fossil fuel production, yes or no?
Generally less... But doing it responsibly... If like now in case of a war then we understand having to up production but our general aim is to reduce...
Are democrats beholden to the AGW proponents, yes or no?
No... There is a lot in the party that want people to be more responsible about the environment and the science behind it. Some are more zealous than others but that is expected when a archaic voting system is used which drives voters into two camps... People who care about the environment are going to have nothing to do with the GOP...
Did Russia fund green groups to get Europe hooked on its fossil fuel, yes or no?
Russia has tried a number of different tactics to make sure that countries have no choice but to buy there oil. There general aim is to stop countries producing there own energy be it fossil or renewable... Russia hasgone for both.
When you tell an industry you are going to snuff it out in 10-20 years why would they invest in future production that has Returns of Investments of 10-20 years?
Biden didn't say he was going to finish it in 10-20 years... Biden might have told them that there industry is in decline and new method are going to take over, same as Hillary told Coal miner about Fracking Gas. And Hillary was right, it is very hard to beat the market.
What Biden said was lets be prepared for it, let's be leaders in this new way.. Biden sees Europe already taking the lead..
This is Denmark's electricity production:

Denmark has no Coal or Gas, it does make wind turbines... So they changed paying money out for energy for investing in employment in the country.
Generally less... But doing it responsibly... If like now in case of a war then we understand having to up production but our general aim is to reduce...

No... There is a lot in the party that want people to be more responsible about the environment and the science behind it. Some are more zealous than others but that is expected when a archaic voting system is used which drives voters into two camps... People who care about the environment are going to have nothing to do with the GOP...

Russia has tried a number of different tactics to make sure that countries have no choice but to buy there oil. There general aim is to stop countries producing there own energy be it fossil or renewable... Russia hasgone for both.

Biden didn't say he was going to finish it in 10-20 years... Biden might have told them that there industry is in decline and new method are going to take over, same as Hillary told Coal miner about Fracking Gas. And Hillary was right, it is very hard to beat the market.
What Biden said was lets be prepared for it, let's be leaders in this new way.. Biden sees Europe already taking the lead..
This is Denmark's electricity production:
View attachment 613482
Denmark has no Coal or Gas, it does make wind turbines... So they changed paying money out for energy for investing in employment in the country.

Denmark is also a small country surrounded by water with consistent winds. And they probably don't have the NIMBY types trying to prevent turbines in places like Massachusetts.

As for the rest of your response, typical apologist rhetoric. Downplaying actual actions by Dems to make Oil/Gas production as difficult as possible to satisfy the demands of the greens/progressives.
Maybe we can end this stupid discussion about how it was Biden's fault that gas prices are souring. (Finally)

Sure, Biden pissed off the oil companies when he first too office. He pulled the plug on an uncompleted pipeline. He pulled new leases. He even pulled the permits on some wells. But what he didn't do was stop the flow of existing wells and pipelines already in production. Production and new well drilling was slowed due to, at least in part to Covid and oil field employee's not being able to come to work because they had covid, or had been around someone who had tested positive.
But, the biggest reason, at least for the last 4 or 5 months, has been the oil companies themselves keeping their production low, and waiting patiently for the trading price to increase. They are smart people. They know how to manipulate the oil markets. Especially with an anti oil president and a war looming.
And their excuses worked like a charm. The cut their overhead, earned billions in extra profit. The millions in bonuses were paid. And now, they can get back to the business of producing oil. Their vacation is just about over.

P.S. Not the bold print in the article. They, themselves are ramping up oil production. And Biden hasn't done anything. He hasn't reinstated all those permits. He hasn't opened up the oil leases. He hasn't reversed anything the oil companies have been complaining about that's caused them to produce less oil. The oil companies made the same decision they could've made months ago.

U.S. oil industry prepares to boost production — but with a giant warning

HOUSTON — Executives at some of the world’s biggest oil and gas producers said on Monday they are ramping up their crude production as U.S. gasoline prices surge to $4 a gallon amid expectations that President Joe Biden and Congress would ban imports of Russian petroleum — but the companies warned not to expect new supplies overnight.

Exxon Mobil and Chevron are both boosting oil production at the mammoth Permian Basin field in West Texas and New Mexico, strategies that both oil majors laid out last year but that have taken on new urgency because of the surge in oil prices to their highest level in 14 years.
It's Bidens fault and no amount of you lying scum saying otherwise will change that fact.
If they can do that now they will sooner or later anyway

china is our #1 enemy in the world
Yes. They have been planning this for a long time.........Take us down with the PETRO DOLLAR.......And remove it as the Reserve Currency.

BRICS was formed for this very reason.

Might as well just pull the trigger on Russia then...........just not NUKES......LOL
I don't give a crap if he was on video saying the moon was flat. He's JUST the president. All he can do it piss off the oil companies. Pull a few permits and block NEW leases on Federal Lands. There's still a billion acres of private lands that can be producing more.
In return for Biden shutting down CANADA'S XL pipeline, and pulling NEW leases, the oil companies fire back at Biden by slowing production.
And who get's hit? It damn sure isn't Biden. He doesn't have to pay for his fuel. FFS, we're paying for our fuel and his.
US oil companies can, at any damn time they choose to, increase oil production. It's their choice. Not Biden's. Not the secretary of energy.
No where will you find any facts or proof that Biden shut down existing oil production in the USA.

We are their customers. Not their friends. Profits aren't patriotic.
^^^ naive mush brain.
Maybe we can end this stupid discussion about how it was Biden's fault that gas prices are souring. (Finally)

Sure, Biden pissed off the oil companies when he first too office. He pulled the plug on an uncompleted pipeline. He pulled new leases. He even pulled the permits on some wells. But what he didn't do was stop the flow of existing wells and pipelines already in production. Production and new well drilling was slowed due to, at least in part to Covid and oil field employee's not being able to come to work because they had covid, or had been around someone who had tested positive.
But, the biggest reason, at least for the last 4 or 5 months, has been the oil companies themselves keeping their production low, and waiting patiently for the trading price to increase. They are smart people. They know how to manipulate the oil markets. Especially with an anti oil president and a war looming.
And their excuses worked like a charm. The cut their overhead, earned billions in extra profit. The millions in bonuses were paid. And now, they can get back to the business of producing oil. Their vacation is just about over.

P.S. Not the bold print in the article. They, themselves are ramping up oil production. And Biden hasn't done anything. He hasn't reinstated all those permits. He hasn't opened up the oil leases. He hasn't reversed anything the oil companies have been complaining about that's caused them to produce less oil. The oil companies made the same decision they could've made months ago.

U.S. oil industry prepares to boost production — but with a giant warning

HOUSTON — Executives at some of the world’s biggest oil and gas producers said on Monday they are ramping up their crude production as U.S. gasoline prices surge to $4 a gallon amid expectations that President Joe Biden and Congress would ban imports of Russian petroleum — but the companies warned not to expect new supplies overnight.

Exxon Mobil and Chevron are both boosting oil production at the mammoth Permian Basin field in West Texas and New Mexico, strategies that both oil majors laid out last year but that have taken on new urgency because of the surge in oil prices to their highest level in 14 years.

So these corporations used free market capitalism, is that what you're saying?
As I have said in other posts, They didn't need to ban or shadow ban horses and buggies to allow the automobile to take over, the automobile was simply the superior product and out-competed horses and buggies.
We seem to have had smarter and more rational progressives back then
And the roads those automobiles drove on?

Where did they come from?

Private industry?

Virtue Signaling ...........Give your entire check to the gov't ........because Socialism........We pay taxes for that shit.........not for BIDEN TO LAUNDER IT IN UKRAINE.
Trumpers are gonna gnaw on this like a dog with a bone...because they got nothing else
Yeah, they don’t have the border/beaner issue, they don’t have the record setting covid killings, they don’t have the discrimination issue as almost dead Joe hires people for their skin color and or vagina, they don’t have all the divisive rhetoric….EQUITY and WHITE SUPREMACY.
The list goes on and on….they have plenty.
Yes. They have been planning this for a long time.........Take us down with the PETRO DOLLAR.......And remove it as the Reserve Currency.

BRICS was formed for this very reason.

Might as well just pull the trigger on Russia then...........just not NUKES......LOL
BRICS is closer to a ladies garden club than it is to the poor man’s NATO or EU
BRICS is closer to a ladies garden club than it is to the poor man’s NATO or EU
It's sole purpose is to replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency. South Africa for it's GOLD and strategic location.

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