U.S. oil industry prepares to boost production — but with a giant warning

Not so much. Biden opened up the 80 million acres of NEW leases in the gulf a few months ago. But some environmentalist group challenged it in Federal Courts and won. So the lease was cancelled again.
So I mean, Biden did reopen the leases.

Most of what has been discussed are land leases.

And how hard did the Biden Admin fight against said group's challenge?

So they can say "hey we tried, but some group sued and beat us"
Trump produced more oil than Xiden.
Xiden's war on energy is a disaster (he stopped permits on Federal land)

Trump had gas at $2.30/gal and Xiden has gas at $6/gal, so America loves Trump and hates Xiden.
Don't think it's just Biden's stupidity. He is deliberately choking off our oil production.

The tards are so stuck on "Because Biden!", they can't make the logical leap to asking that if Biden is producing more than Trump did, and yet the price of gas is higher in December 2021 than it was in December 2017, then who is the real culprit?

The last thing their propagandists want them to do is ask that question. It is strictly verboten not to blame Biden. It always has to be Biden.

I'll be starting a separate topic about why oil prices are where they are in the next day or two.

The oil companies are part of the problem, but there is more to it than that.
Nice try, idiot. I have proven you a liar over and over.
You AGAIN claim Biden said don't drill! This is fucking unbelievable. You have a serious mental issue. Seek help.
The simple indisputable fact is that Biden increased production in his first year by 31 percent and Trump increased it by only 21 percent.
Yes, read the graph. PLEASE read it. Really read it. It proves that very fact. Look at where oil production was at the end of 2017, and then look at where it was at the end of 2021.
Biden stomps Trump into the dirt.
You hoisted yourself with your own petard and don't even know it! :lol:
1. How long do oil wells produce?
2. So why aren't the wells Trump had producing in 2020 still producing?
3. Why is oil production still below Trump's 2020 peak?
4. Could it be that Xiden's stupid war on oil scared oil companies? Look at the $billions wasted on the KeystoneXL pipeline. Oil companies don't trust Xiden and the democrats.
Xiden's poll numbers are "pathetic"
It is truly bizarre how someone can post evidence which shows Biden approved more drilling on public land than Trump or Obama, and someone can look at that post, quote it, and then say Biden halted drilling on public land.

What IS that?!??

Childish post.
Trump's peak in 2020 and $2.30/gal gas kicks Xiden's senile oil hating head in.
WTF happened to the oil wells Trump had in 2020? Where did they go?
Maybe we can end this stupid discussion about how it was Biden's fault that gas prices are souring. (Finally)

Sure, Biden pissed off the oil companies when he first too office. He pulled the plug on an uncompleted pipeline. He pulled new leases. He even pulled the permits on some wells. But what he didn't do was stop the flow of existing wells and pipelines already in production. Production and new well drilling was slowed due to, at least in part to Covid and oil field employee's not being able to come to work because they had covid, or had been around someone who had tested positive.
But, the biggest reason, at least for the last 4 or 5 months, has been the oil companies themselves keeping their production low, and waiting patiently for the trading price to increase. They are smart people. They know how to manipulate the oil markets. Especially with an anti oil president and a war looming.
And their excuses worked like a charm. The cut their overhead, earned billions in extra profit. The millions in bonuses were paid. And now, they can get back to the business of producing oil. Their vacation is just about over.

P.S. Not the bold print in the article. They, themselves are ramping up oil production. And Biden hasn't done anything. He hasn't reinstated all those permits. He hasn't opened up the oil leases. He hasn't reversed anything the oil companies have been complaining about that's caused them to produce less oil. The oil companies made the same decision they could've made months ago.

U.S. oil industry prepares to boost production — but with a giant warning

HOUSTON — Executives at some of the world’s biggest oil and gas producers said on Monday they are ramping up their crude production as U.S. gasoline prices surge to $4 a gallon amid expectations that President Joe Biden and Congress would ban imports of Russian petroleum — but the companies warned not to expect new supplies overnight.

Exxon Mobil and Chevron are both boosting oil production at the mammoth Permian Basin field in West Texas and New Mexico, strategies that both oil majors laid out last year but that have taken on new urgency because of the surge in oil prices to their highest level in 14 years.
You admit that biden did everything in his power to reduce oil production except blow up the existing well heads

obama freely admitted that the democrat objective was to make fossil fuel unaffordable

but now with gas prices for drivers going through the roof suddenly biden dont know nuthin bout nuthin

dont blame him we’re told blame putin

but that ain't going to fly

no way
In 2020 Germany brought its LAST coal plant online

Yeah, that is a NEW plant outside of Detteln. They are looking to build 12 gigawatts of new gas powered plants now.

The tards are so stuck on "Because Biden!", they can't make the logical leap to asking that if Biden is producing more than Trump did, and yet the price of gas is higher in December 2021 than it was in December 2017, then who is the real culprit?

The last thing their propagandists want them to do is ask that question. It is strictly verboten not to blame Biden. It always has to be Biden.

I'll be starting a separate topic about why oil prices are where they are in the next day or two.

The oil companies are part of the problem, but there is more to it than that.
The graphs showing the Biden is producing we less have already been posted, numbnuts.
Covid...you dope
True, but they were drilled and were producing in 2020, then covid killed demand, they pumped less, so why can't they be made produce what they produced in 2020?
Oil prices immediately change on the potential of supply changes in either direction. There can be absolutely no change in actual supply while the promise or potential for supply or stifling impact the price immediately. That’s why prices spiked immediately when Obama declared the reversal of bush-era extraction and the price spiked immediately when the current cabal stopped the pipeline and reversed trump-era lifting of restrictions.
In summer 2008, prices immediately dropped when W Bush reversed an exec order Bush 1 had put in place in 1991 and the price dropped like a rock the minute the moratorium was lifted at the end of September of 2008.
Did Trump have an economy sucking pandemic before his term to make you able to try to be slick and compare apples to dildos?

Biden claimed the pandemic was over.....how'd that work out?
Childish post.
Trump's peak in 2020 and $2.30/gal gas kicks Xiden's senile oil hating head in.
WTF happened to the oil wells Trump had in 2020? Where did they go?
Bankrupted via the plannedemic. Fracking.......Obama had banned Fracking. Trump got it going after legal battles.

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