U.S. oil industry prepares to boost production — but with a giant warning

Nope. Wrong, piss drinker.
Biden raised oil production to higher levels at the end of his first year than Trump did.
Why does Trump hate America?
Biden approved more drilling on public land than Trump did.
Why does Trump hate America?
Trump produced more oil than Xiden.
Xiden's war on energy is a disaster (he stopped permits on Federal land)

Trump had gas at $2.30/gal and Xiden has gas at $6/gal, so America loves Trump and hates Xiden.
1. You only look at private land approvals, because Xiden stopped them drilling on federal land, duh.
Look at barrels produced. Trump wins.

Wow. Just...wow. I've lost count of how many willfully blind tards I have encountered today, but you take the cake.

Read my post again, tard, and please explain to the audience at home how you translated "Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president" into "Xiden stopped them from drilling on public lands."

2. Trump had a better energy sector than Xiden, duh. Look at the price of gas for Trump vs Xiden, duh. Trump wins.
I showed you that Saudi Arabia is exporting less oil now than during the depths of the pandemic. I showed you Biden increased production by 31 percent compared to Trump's pathetic 21 percent.

I can't make it any simpler for your dumb ass to understand. Seriously.
Fact: Starting from almost the same amount of US oil production upon taking office, Biden increased US oil production by 31 percent in his first year while Trump only increased production by 21 percent.

Fact: Saudi Arabia is exporting less oil today than during the pandemic.

Fact: Oil companies are deliberately slow walking their production in order to keep profits as high as possible.

Fact: Joe Biden has approved far more public land leases for oil drilling than Trump did.

But, you know, Fox Fake News knows the rubes are too stupid to find this out for themselves and they will parrot "Because Biden!" because it feels good to be wrong, and reading is hard!
The Trumper zombie lies are...yea...undying
Trump produced more oil than Xiden.
Nope. That's a flat out lie. It has been proven you are lying. Why do you willfully blind submissive cucks lie?

This mystery may never be solved.

Xiden's war on energy is a disaster (he stopped permits on Federal land)
Another lie. You are deliberately lying now.
Yes, let's look at barrels of oil produced. Great idea!
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - Qb
In Trump's first full month in office, US oil production was 255,059,000 barrels.
In Biden's first full month in office, US oil production was 273,646,000 barrels.
At the end of 2017, US oil production was 309,359,000 barrels. An increase of 21 percent.
At the end of 2021, US oil production was 358,588,000 barrels. An increase of 31 percent.
The graph below shows Trump's peak at 2020, the slope of Xiden's production is lower and slower, duh.


America loves Trump's $2.30/gal and hates Xiden's $6/gal.
The Biden admin does what progressives want.

The fact you can't even answer or admit this just shows you know you can't retort without looking like an idiot, well more of an idiot.

Not so much. Biden opened up the 80 million acres of NEW leases in the gulf a few months ago. But some environmentalist group challenged it in Federal Courts and won. So the lease was cancelled again.
So I mean, Biden did reopen the leases.
The graph below shows Trump's peak at 2020, the slope of Xiden's production is lower and slower, duh.

View attachment 613347

America loves Trump's $2.30/gal and hates Xiden's $6/gal.
2020 was four years into Trump's presidency. You see how long it took for production to get that high? Four years.

Apples and oranges, idiot.

So get back to me in 2024 and let's see where oil production is at.

When comparing apples to apples, 2017 vs. 2021, Biden stomps Trump into the dirt on oil production. Even your own graph shows that! :lol:

Nope. That's a flat out lie. It has been proven you are lying. Why do you willfully blind submissive cucks lie?
This mystery may never be solved.
Another lie. You are deliberately lying now.
When you call someone a liar, prove it. LIAR
Biden has been doing the maximum in his power to increase production as much as he can but OPEC+ have been very reluctant to increase supply... This is a simple game of a cartel of both OPEC and US/Global investors driving the price up by keeping supply at pandemic levels...

War has just killed the supply more... This is a war, simple choice drop sanctions and get cheaper oil or pay higher prices... IT is pay the ransom or take the pain...

Those German Nuke plants:
View attachment 613202

Renewables were taking up the slack of Nuclear but they didn't expect this war and they did leave themselves in this position... In fairness to Europe they tried to get a pipeline from middle east but Russia using Syria stopped it...

Another Graph
View attachment 613208

Germany will put on hold the the reduction on Nuclear... But if you look at this Germany were on there way to getting rid of Coal & Lignite before going for imported Gas. That has back fired but the plan looked reasonable....
Lol, is all I can say. You're an idiot.
When you call someone a liar, prove it. LIAR
I already proved you a liar several times. Starting in post 25.

Your link is from Biden's first day.

He reversed course and approved more public land drilling than Trump. And America increased production far more in 2021 than Trump did in 2017.

Why does Trump hate America?

All caught up now, liar?
2020 was four years into Trump's presidency. You see how long it took for production to get that high? Four years.
Apples and oranges, idiot.
So get back to me in 2024 and let's see where oil production is at.
When comparing apples to apples, 2017 vs. 2021, Biden stomps Trump into the dirt on oil production. Even your own graph shows that! :lol:
Trump worked hard on getting the US to be energy independent and producing oil.
Xiden shut down the KeystoneXL pipeline, that says that Xiden's war on energy means don't drill, and don't make pipelines, you will just waste capital. Better to just return capital to stakeholders.

In 2023 US oil production won't be much higher because of Xiden's war on energy.

Trump wins on oil production. Read the graph.
Let's get one thing extremely straight here, without all the emotional bickering and BS propaganda.

WE THE PEOPLE are the oil companies customers. Not their friends. Oil companies go through these cycles when they can come up with a good enough excuse. Why? Because their profits increase when their overhead goes down and the market prices increase. Market prices increase when oil companies slow production. US oil companies slow production at the same time OPEC does, because it drastically increases the stock prices.

This is how it's always been done. From a corporate stand point, to keep their investors paid and their continued investment, plus dish out all the bonuses and recoup all the money they put into R&D, it's almost a must.

THE only way to counter this is to stop using as much fuel. If you can cut you usage in half, the oil companies will produce more and the prices will go back down?

Have you people forgotten what happened under W and Obama? We all cut out usage, we carpooled, ride share. People started investing in hybrid cars, solar panels and wind turbines. This is what forced the oil companies, including OPEC to ramp up production.
This is another situation where the right and the left can come together. But y'all would all rather argue like a bunch of entitled kids.

Don't let facts actually get in the way of propaganda.

Oil and Gas production is up...

Biden can't order private companies to drill... Do you want change laws where the federal government can take over private companies?

There is a limit to Biden's power... As I said US Oil companies are drilling what they can either can or want to drill...

The proposed pipeline had to go through Syria and Russian influence stopped it... Now who abandoned Syria to Russia?

Renewables in Europe has been very successful . I am sorry that you can't see that... Wind is fairly reliable in winter especially. Nuclear is not reliable in summer if there is a drought(run out of water to cool reactors)...

What Germany could do is leverage Lignite in the short term, it is not possible to spin up old Nuclear plants easilly...

Nuclear isn't all it is cracked up to be... Europe has water problems and they can't run effectively at certain times...
I agree they took Nuclear offline too quick but I don't think Germany factored in a Russian war...

The Nuclear scale down was demanded by the Germany people... I think the original plan was to cut out Coal and Lignite first... Saying that Germany has only move less that 5% in the last 10 years, they were scaling down Nuclear for a couple of decades before that...

Yeah, renewable are so successful that Germany is restarting coal fired powerplants.

You are a moron.
It is truly bizarre how someone can post evidence which shows Biden approved more drilling on public land than Trump or Obama, and someone can look at that post, quote it, and then say Biden halted drilling on public land.

What IS that?!??
I already proved you a liar several times. Starting in post 25.
Your link is from Biden's first day.
He reversed course and approved more public land drilling than Trump. And America increased production far more in 2021 than Trump did in 2017.
Why does Trump hate America?
All caught up now, liar?
Trump produced more oil in 2020 than Xiden does now. QED
Trump had $2.30/gal gas and Xiden is approaching $6/gal, EPIC FAIL.
Xiden hates America, and America hates Xiden. You all caught up?
Trump worked hard on getting the US to be energy independent and producing oil.
Xiden shut down the KeystoneXL pipeline, that says that Xiden's war on energy means don't drill, and don't make pipelines, you will just waste capital. Better to just return capital to stakeholders.

In 2023 US oil production won't be much higher because of Xiden's war on energy.

Trump wins on oil production. Read the graph.
Nice try, idiot. I have proven you a liar over and over.

You AGAIN claim Biden said don't drill! This is fucking unbelievable. You have a serious mental issue. Seek help.

The simple indisputable fact is that Biden increased production in his first year by 31 percent and Trump increased it by only 21 percent.

Yes, read the graph. PLEASE read it. Really read it. It proves that very fact. Look at where oil production was at the end of 2017, and then look at where it was at the end of 2021.

Biden stomps Trump into the dirt.

You hoisted yourself with your own petard and don't even know it! :lol:

Trump produced more oil in 2020 than Xiden does now. QED
Again, apples and oranges, tard. It took FOUR years for Trump to get production that high.

In his first year, Trump increased the rate of production far less than Biden did. So let's see where oil production is three years from now.

This is a fact you cannot run away from. And since you insist on continuing your lies, I am done with you. I'm not wasting any more time on you.
It is truly bizarre how someone can post evidence which shows Biden approved more drilling on public land than Trump or Obama, and someone can look at that post, quote it, and then say Biden halted drilling on public land.
What IS that?!??
I said Xiden stopped drilling on FEDERAL land, and posted a link proving it.
None of your links disprove that fact.
Learn to read before you post lies.

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