U.S. oil industry prepares to boost production — but with a giant warning

True, but they were drilled and were producing in 2020, then covid killed demand, they pumped less, so why can't they be made produce what they produced in 2020?
Oil workers were out with covid. Truckers out with covid. Demand fell through the floor. They cut back on production and haven't fully ramped back up yet.

Stop saying stupid shit
But wait...you said COAL plants didn't you

I said they were reopening closed ones, and the one from 2020 was new. Now they are moving to gas, which means the claim that renewables were highly successful, was bullshit.

As anyone who is honest, knew.
You admit that biden did everything in his power to reduce oil production except blow up the existing well heads

obama freely admitted that the democrat objective was to make fossil fuel unaffordable

but now with gas prices for drivers going through the roof suddenly biden dont know nuthin bout nuthin

dont blame him we’re told blame putin

but that ain't going to fly

no way

You didn't read anything you're replying to, did you?
That SHOULD settle this endless nonsense

But it won't.

Trumpers are gonna gnaw on this like a dog with a bone...because they got nothing else

You are 100% correct. They're stuck on it like the left is stuck on Jan 6th, like Trump supporters are stuck on election.
Back and forth, childish BS from both sides.

But I digress. This is just a political forum. I, nor anyone else, is going to right the wrongs of the voters or the people they vote for.
Republicans can go back to when Johnson or Carter was president, to prove some ancient BS about the left, but they can't remember the last 2 boom and bust cycles of the US oil industry. They get all hyped up with BS Fox and NewsMax articles and video's about how Biden pulled the permits on new leases, and don't care that there's not even a well on those leases. Or that their geologist have not even done the testing to see if there's even oil on it.

Republican and democrat voters are just retarded. It's like they want to act like children and fight over petty crap. It get's them through the day if they can trigger someone.
Biden is on video promising to end fossil fuels, so much for you Dems and your lies. :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

I don't give a crap if he was on video saying the moon was flat. He's JUST the president. All he can do it piss off the oil companies. Pull a few permits and block NEW leases on Federal Lands. There's still a billion acres of private lands that can be producing more.
In return for Biden shutting down CANADA'S XL pipeline, and pulling NEW leases, the oil companies fire back at Biden by slowing production.
And who get's hit? It damn sure isn't Biden. He doesn't have to pay for his fuel. FFS, we're paying for our fuel and his.
US oil companies can, at any damn time they choose to, increase oil production. It's their choice. Not Biden's. Not the secretary of energy.
No where will you find any facts or proof that Biden shut down existing oil production in the USA.

We are their customers. Not their friends. Profits aren't patriotic.
I don't give a crap if he was on video saying the moon was flat. He's JUST the president. All he can do it piss off the oil companies. Pull a few permits and block NEW leases on Federal Lands. There's still a billion acres of private lands that can be producing more.
In return for Biden shutting down CANADA'S XL pipeline, and pulling NEW leases, the oil companies fire back at Biden by slowing production.
And who get's hit? It damn sure isn't Biden. He doesn't have to pay for his fuel. FFS, we're paying for our fuel and his.
US oil companies can, at any damn time they choose to, increase oil production. It's their choice. Not Biden's. Not the secretary of energy.
No where will you find any facts or proof that Biden shut down existing oil production in the USA.

We are their customers. Not their friends. Profits aren't patriotic.
When any potential supply is enhanced or stifled the the price is impacted immediately.
Because you red-herringed to wheat exports.
Wheat exports have fallen from 2.2 mt in 2020 to 1.6 mt in 2021.

What was that about red herrings? It must hurt when I'm right and you can't refute it. Here's a tip. Check for facts before you make a goose of yourself.
When any potential supply is enhanced or stifled the the price is impacted immediately.

That's an irrelevant fact.

I'm not saying the oil companies don't have the right to stick it down our throats from time to time. It's business. Get what you can, when you can.

I just don't like the fact that there's no other affordable options. Truckers can't just go hitch up a team of mules to haul all that crap. I'm not going to ride a horse to town for groceries. My ice cream would melt before I got it home.

We're not the ones that pissed them off. Biden did. Take it out on him. Make him pay. Not us.
Oil workers were out with covid. Truckers out with covid. Demand fell through the floor. They cut back on production and haven't fully ramped back up yet.

Stop saying stupid shit
Refineries are balls to the wall again. Fracking got Nuked Covid. Kinda like Obama whi banned it
You are 100% correct. They're stuck on it like the left is stuck on Jan 6th, like Trump supporters are stuck on election.
Back and forth, childish BS from both sides.

But I digress. This is just a political forum. I, nor anyone else, is going to right the wrongs of the voters or the people they vote for.
Republicans can go back to when Johnson or Carter was president, to prove some ancient BS about the left, but they can't remember the last 2 boom and bust cycles of the US oil industry. They get all hyped up with BS Fox and NewsMax articles and video's about how Biden pulled the permits on new leases, and don't care that there's not even a well on those leases. Or that their geologist have not even done the testing to see if there's even oil on it.

Republican and democrat voters are just retarded. It's like they want to act like children and fight over petty crap. It get's them through the day if they can trigger someone.
Biden did more than that. He did executive orders from day 1 to rescind trump regulation reductions and Keystone. Then Paused lol drilling permits. Raised fees on Fed land then the EPA made it take 5 months to get a drilling permit.

Under Trump oul priductuon Peaked at about ,12 million barrels a day. Then the plannedemic and the man made disaster called Biden

Last I read we need about 20 million barrels a day here
US oil companies can, at any damn time they choose to, increase oil production. It's their choice. Not Biden's. Not the secretary of energy.
No where will you find any facts or proof that Biden shut down existing oil production in the USA.
The leftists love these high fuel prices. It is by design for them to take advantage of any situation that will lead to higher prices.

Obama laid it all out back in 2008.

The communists dream is to have FF expensive and for investment in GREEN ENERGY that THEY WILL PROFIT FROM.

Fuck them.
Exactly, they don't work so no foam off their 40 oz malt liquors.....
The Biden admin does what progressives want.

The fact you can't even answer or admit this just shows you know you can't retort without looking like an idiot, well more of an idiot.
Lesh is a defect. Don’t waste your time. It’s quite obvious why our fuel costs are higher. Biden and his party want to go green and immediately and making it difficult on those who don’t agree with them.
Lesh is a defect. Don’t waste your time. It’s quite obvious why our fuel costs are higher. Biden and his party want to go green and immediately and making it difficult on those who don’t agree with them.
Fuel costs are higher for two reasons.

More demand since covid eased and


Lesh is a defect. Don’t waste your time. It’s quite obvious why our fuel costs are higher. Biden and his party want to go green and immediately and making it difficult on those who don’t agree with them.

They want to push technology on us before it's ready to fully take over the existing technology, and they know they have to force us to use it because it's a step back from what we are used to, at least currently.

As I have said in other posts, They didn't need to ban or shadow ban horses and buggies to allow the automobile to take over, the automobile was simply the superior product and out-competed horses and buggies.

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