U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Vaccines have been one of the best things to come out of fetal tissue research.

BOSTON (AP) -- The furor on Capitol Hill over Planned Parenthood has stoked a debate about the use of tissue from aborted fetuses in medical research, but U.S. scientists have been using such cells for decades to develop vaccines and seek treatments for a host of ailments, from vision loss to cancer and AIDS.

Anti-abortion activists triggered the uproar by releasing undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials that raised questions of whether the organization was profiting from the sale of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood has denied making any profit and said it charges fees solely to cover its costs.

University laboratories that buy such cells strongly defend their research, saying tissue that would otherwise be thrown out has played a vital role in lifesaving medical advances and holds great potential for further breakthroughs.

Fetal cells are considered ideal because they divide rapidly, adapt to new environments easily and are less susceptible to rejection than adult cells when transplanted.

"If researchers are unable to work with fetal tissue, there is a huge list of diseases for which researchers would move much more slowly, rather than quickly, to find their cause and how they can be cured," Stanford University spokeswoman Lisa Lapin said in an email.

From 2011 through 2014 alone, 97 research institutions - mostly universities and hospitals - received a total of $280 million in federal grants for fetal tissue research from the National Institutes of Health. A few institutions have consistently gotten large shares of that money, including Yale, the University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital, which is affiliated with Harvard.

The U.S. government prohibits the sale of fetal tissue for profit and requires separation between researchers and the women who donate fetuses. Some schools go further, requiring written consent from donors.

Many major universities declined to make scientists available for interviews about their fetal tissue work, saying they fear for the researchers' safety because the issue is so highly charged. The Planned Parenthood uproar led to a failed attempt by Republicans to strip the organization of federal funding.

Researchers use fetal tissue to understand cell biology and human development. Others use it to look for treatments for AIDS. Research on spinal cord injuries and eyesight-robbing macular degeneration involves transplanting fetal cells into patients. European researchers recently began putting fetal tissue into patients' brains to try to treat Parkinson's, a strategy that previously had mixed results.

More: U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

It's great to hear some credible input from scientists about the need for this valuable research instead of emotional hysteria from those who oppose such research.
So, if we use the criteria that wrongs being committed benefit those in medical need from research done on their tissue, we can then justify any number of atrocities.

Lets say that adult t-cells when extracted from males aged 25 to 50 of the african ethnic group (blacks) could cure sickle cell anemia.

I think that using your criteria, a case could be made for increasing the frequency of death penalty cases, and lowering the appeal process. After all, the life is going to be terminated anyway, so why not benefit from the tissue? Just get a donor card from their mothers...

Would it be okay to then start slaughtering black prisoners?
I'm still trying to get answers from people who oppose fetal tissue research, and oppose donation of fetal parts/organs.

Are there instances of babies being aborted/harvested for body parts, that would not have been simply thrown away?

Is there profit going to planned parenthood for these parts?
I'm still trying to get answers from people who oppose fetal tissue research, and oppose donation of fetal parts/organs.

Are there instances of babies being aborted/harvested for body parts, that would not have been simply thrown away?

Is there profit going to planned parenthood for these parts?
To begin.....What is being discussed is the law that says that aborters cannot specifically target organs for the purpose of harvesting tissue. That is called an atrocity.

In addition to that, while some are calling for the closure of PP, many are just stating that because of they are running a slaughterhouse for profit, they should not be permitted taxpayer funding.

PP can survive (or not) as a private entity. I don't really care. As a healthcare provider, they are bottom tier anyway, and an unnecessary redundancy in the post obamacare world...
Stem cell research moved well beyond the need for embryonic cells.

"From 2011 through 2014 alone, 97 research institutions - mostly universities and hospitals - received a total of $280 million in federal grants for fetal tissue research from the National Institutes of Health..." Who was President during that time?
I'm still trying to get answers from people who oppose fetal tissue research, and oppose donation of fetal parts/organs.

Are there instances of babies being aborted/harvested for body parts, that would not have been simply thrown away?

Is there profit going to planned parenthood for these parts?
To begin.....What is being discussed is the law that says that aborters cannot specifically target organs for the purpose of harvesting tissue. That is called an atrocity.

In addition to that, while some are calling for the closure of PP, many are just stating that because of they are running a slaughterhouse for profit, they should not be permitted taxpayer funding.

PP can survive (or not) as a private entity. I don't really care. As a healthcare provider, they are bottom tier anyway, and an unnecessary redundancy in the post obamacare world...
I'm in favor of the atrocious tax payer slaughter of 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses, however redundant in the post Obamacare world, to provide fetal body parts for "wanted" babies that need them to survive.

Your melodramatic and hysterical appeals don't matter when a couple has a baby with a bad liver, or heart, and needs saving
well then. they should recruit a bunch of you who feels like they to do. TO become broodmares and breed a bunch a clobs of cells so they can have it
Op you can be the very first volunteer. just think you can be hero
problem solved. or go with monkeys can't be much different than these scientist.

Vaccines have been one of the best things to come out of fetal tissue research.

BOSTON (AP) -- The furor on Capitol Hill over Planned Parenthood has stoked a debate about the use of tissue from aborted fetuses in medical research, but U.S. scientists have been using such cells for decades to develop vaccines and seek treatments for a host of ailments, from vision loss to cancer and AIDS.

Anti-abortion activists triggered the uproar by releasing undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials that raised questions of whether the organization was profiting from the sale of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood has denied making any profit and said it charges fees solely to cover its costs.

University laboratories that buy such cells strongly defend their research, saying tissue that would otherwise be thrown out has played a vital role in lifesaving medical advances and holds great potential for further breakthroughs.

Fetal cells are considered ideal because they divide rapidly, adapt to new environments easily and are less susceptible to rejection than adult cells when transplanted.

"If researchers are unable to work with fetal tissue, there is a huge list of diseases for which researchers would move much more slowly, rather than quickly, to find their cause and how they can be cured," Stanford University spokeswoman Lisa Lapin said in an email.

From 2011 through 2014 alone, 97 research institutions - mostly universities and hospitals - received a total of $280 million in federal grants for fetal tissue research from the National Institutes of Health. A few institutions have consistently gotten large shares of that money, including Yale, the University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital, which is affiliated with Harvard.

The U.S. government prohibits the sale of fetal tissue for profit and requires separation between researchers and the women who donate fetuses. Some schools go further, requiring written consent from donors.

Many major universities declined to make scientists available for interviews about their fetal tissue work, saying they fear for the researchers' safety because the issue is so highly charged. The Planned Parenthood uproar led to a failed attempt by Republicans to strip the organization of federal funding.

Researchers use fetal tissue to understand cell biology and human development. Others use it to look for treatments for AIDS. Research on spinal cord injuries and eyesight-robbing macular degeneration involves transplanting fetal cells into patients. European researchers recently began putting fetal tissue into patients' brains to try to treat Parkinson's, a strategy that previously had mixed results.

More: U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research

It's great to hear some credible input from scientists about the need for this valuable research instead of emotional hysteria from those who oppose such research.

Yeah, not one mention of an actual cure....the op was not truthful.........they are lying..no cures at all.

and when the nazi and Japanese doctors were experimenting on living humans, they also said it was in the name of science....
they can grow an ear on the back of a mouse. but they can't go without aborted babies

how sick
There is no cures or anything good that has come from aborted babies. Only adult stem cells has created cures. This is another bullshit thread, created by a supporter of dead babies. Not to mention making excuses for planned parenthood breaking the law. Thread fail.
I'm still trying to get answers from people who oppose fetal tissue research, and oppose donation of fetal parts/organs.

Are there instances of babies being aborted/harvested for body parts, that would not have been simply thrown away?

Is there profit going to planned parenthood for these parts?
To begin.....What is being discussed is the law that says that aborters cannot specifically target organs for the purpose of harvesting tissue. That is called an atrocity.

In addition to that, while some are calling for the closure of PP, many are just stating that because of they are running a slaughterhouse for profit, they should not be permitted taxpayer funding.

PP can survive (or not) as a private entity. I don't really care. As a healthcare provider, they are bottom tier anyway, and an unnecessary redundancy in the post obamacare world...
I'm in favor of the atrocious tax payer slaughter of 1st and 2nd trimester fetuses, however redundant in the post Obamacare world, to provide fetal body parts for "wanted" babies that need them to survive.

Your melodramatic and hysterical appeals don't matter when a couple has a baby with a bad liver, or heart, and needs saving
If you had any cognitive ability at all, you'd know that these livers and hearts and other organs are not used as transplant tissue.

Your 'let them slaughter children at any cost' attitude is in decline as more and more people come to see the specific targeting of organ tissue during abortions as the crimes they are.

Thanks for playing.
Who knew in 1945 that the Germans were right to have medical experiments on people. Of course those weren't real people but Jews and gypsies, gays and the disabled. Just like black men weren't real human beings when we gave them syphilis.

There are so many unwanted people. Prisoners, the homeless, fatties, anexoretics. Once medical experiments are conducted on human beings for fun, there's no end to those declared not human anymore.

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