U.S. Senator John Kerry Being Considered For U.S. Secretary Of Defense

We can't let a war veteran who was smeared by SwiftBoat Vets for Lies be SecDef!

Do we need a Sec of Defense who made these statements to a Congressional Committee while Americans were still fighting and dying in Vietnam?

It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit, the emotions in the room, the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam, but they did. They relived the absolute horror of what this country, in a sense, made them do.

They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, tape wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the country side of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.

That is called aiding and abetting the enemy.

another bullshit myth.

In September 2004, Vice Admiral Ronald A. Route, the Navy Inspector General, completed a review of Kerry's combat medals, initiated at the request of Judicial Watch. In a memo to the Secretary of the Navy, Gordon England, Route stated:[79]
“ Our examination found that existing documentation regarding the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals indicates the awards approval process was properly followed. In particular, the senior officers who awarded the medals were properly delegated authority to do so. In addition, we found that they correctly followed the procedures in place at the time for approving these awards

Conducting any additional review regarding events that took place over 30 years ago would not be productive. The passage of time would make reconstruction of the facts and circumstances unreliable, and would not allow the information gathered to be considered in the context of the time in which the events took place.

Our review also considered the fact that Senator Kerry's post-active duty activities were public and that military and civilian officials were aware of his actions at the time. For these reasons, I have determined that Senator Kerry's awards were properly approved and will take no further action in this matter.
Remember what I said about you being stupid?

You just confirmed.

Kerry's medals have nothing to do with his lying testimony to Congress.

If Rassman believes everything that Kerry said about the American military then he has been smoking those orchid's.

Nobody has said that Kerry was not in Vietnam even though it was a short period of time. His heroics are what is in question.

I never met Kerry or Rassman in Vietnam but some vets did even though he was there for such a short period of time and they have every right to speak to his so called valor.

No man has the right to question another man's valor or honor if that man served in combat

Kerry did that himself when he became an intellectual and a war protester.
Kerry is your typical left over 60's hippie who came to realize that smoking dope and practicing free love was not going to cut it. SO he joined the establishment he so despised. He then sought the ladder of social status. He married a wealthy woman. Then he became a career politician.
What makes Kerry qualified to be Sec'y of Defense? He's a close ally to the president AND a far left liberal.
Should Obama appoint Kerry, he will show he has zero interest in bi partisan politics.
...and national security.

The troops will not respect Kerry as SecDef. Idiot leftists who say they will are full of shit.
No man has the right to question another man's valor or honor if that man served in combat

Kerry did that himself when he became an intellectual and a war protester.
Kerry is your typical left over 60's hippie who came to realize that smoking dope and practicing free love was not going to cut it. SO he joined the establishment he so despised. He then sought the ladder of social status. He married a wealthy woman. Then he became a career politician.
What makes Kerry qualified to be Sec'y of Defense? He's a close ally to the president AND a far left liberal.
Should Obama appoint Kerry, he will show he has zero interest in bi partisan politics.
...and national security.

The troops will not respect Kerry as SecDef. Idiot leftists who say they will are full of shit.

They (some) don't respect Obama, they keep serving. They will keep serving regardless of what moron gets appointed to warrior in deputy-chief.
every marxist president deserves a commie tool as defense minister....

And didn't Kerry throw away his medals he won in Vietnam? Wasn't that degrading? Wouldn't that new position involve him awarding medals?? :confused:

Kerry did that himself when he became an intellectual and a war protester.
Kerry is your typical left over 60's hippie who came to realize that smoking dope and practicing free love was not going to cut it. SO he joined the establishment he so despised. He then sought the ladder of social status. He married a wealthy woman. Then he became a career politician.
What makes Kerry qualified to be Sec'y of Defense? He's a close ally to the president AND a far left liberal.
Should Obama appoint Kerry, he will show he has zero interest in bi partisan politics.
...and national security.

The troops will not respect Kerry as SecDef. Idiot leftists who say they will are full of shit.

They (some) don't respect Obama, they keep serving. They will keep serving regardless of what moron gets appointed to warrior in deputy-chief.

The military have long memories. And the truth is out there for anyone to see.

Kerry's Winter Soldier testimony was sheer fabrication. Most of his witnesses made up their statements.

Let's look at the truth here, instead of the leftist bullshit.

WinterSoldier.com - Newly Discovered Army Reports Discredit "Winter Soldier" Claims

In 2005, I visited the National Archives at College Park, Maryland with Vietnam veteran and researcher John Boyle. Sifting through the limited material available, we found summary data for the WSI allegations the Army had investigated. The Army's Criminal Investigative Division (CID) had opened cases for 43 WSI "witnesses" whose claims, if true, would qualify as crimes. An additional 25 Army WSI participants had criticized the military in general terms, without sufficient substance to warrant any investigation.

The 43 WSI CID cases were eventually resolved as follows: 25 WSI participants refused to cooperate, 13 provided information but failed to support the allegations, and five could not be located. No criminal charges were filed as a result of any of the investigations. The individual CID case files, which had been available to the public beginning in 1994, were withdrawn from public access around 2003, when the National Archives realized that the documents should have been embargoed until the personal information they contained could be removed, or "redacted," as required by the Privacy Act of 1974.

Early in 2007, Boyle learned that a historian had copied the entire collection of CID war crime investigation summaries at the National Archives, including those involving the VVAW, while they were still publicly available. The historian permitted Boyle to photocopy these documents, which we have now posted at WinterSoldier.com:

Army CID Investigations of VVAW War Crimes Allegations​

Kerry lied. This is undeniable. His witnesses lied. This is undeniable.

Anyone who says otherwise is an abject fool.

You folks nearly put a guy up as Commander in Chief who protested for the Vietnam war, then went to France and had an auto accident with a Catholic Priest, killing his passenger.

Fer sure..

wasnt Clinton against that War too?.......:eusa_think:
LOL..the Loons worst nightmare...a black man in the White House and a man who actually served with distinction as Secretary of Defense..
Kerry would do a good job

Of course he will be attacked by the party that gave us Donald Rumsfeld

How soon we forget that Dick Cheney was a secretary of defense with a bizzillion deferments. Worst chicken hawk in gubmint EVAH....

At least Kerry served. As long as we don't have to listen to his wife talk... I'm OK with it.
Oh yeah, asswipe.....you learned a lot in third grade to come up with that fairy tale. :clap2:

LOL..the Loons worst nightmare...a black man in the White House and a man who actually served with distinction as Secretary of Defense..
So asswipe...the argument against Kerry running the military has NOTHING to do with:

- Him lying about other troops in Vietnam to Congress.
- Embelishing his military record in Vietnam even with a self-inflicted injury to go home early.
- Calling troops today "stupid" compared to people in college.
- Claiming the war in Iraq was "lost."
- Claiming troops in Iraq were violating the LOAC by "terrorizing women and children.

Eh, dumbfuck....none of that has anything to do with the opposition to John fucking Ketchup.

Oh, I'll compare my 3 college degrees with an asswipe like you anyday.

Oh yeah, asswipe.....you learned a lot in third grade to come up with that fairy tale. :clap2:

LOL..the Loons worst nightmare...a black man in the White House and a man who actually served with distinction as Secretary of Defense..

Well at least I got to third grade....:D

Yo mama still wiping yaw ass, boy?
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...and national security.

The troops will not respect Kerry as SecDef. Idiot leftists who say they will are full of shit.

They (some) don't respect Obama, they keep serving. They will keep serving regardless of what moron gets appointed to warrior in deputy-chief.

The military have long memories. And the truth is out there for anyone to see.

Let's look at the truth here, instead of the leftist bullshit.

WinterSoldier.com - Newly Discovered Army Reports Discredit "Winter Soldier" Claims
and here I thought Davey was a Heli hero :mad:

It's NOT the military, it is veterans, who do NOT speak for all veterans, you're claiming speak for the US Military

Asshole like you too young to know anything listen to a bunch of drunks at Vietnam Era Posts or other loser clubs. Been there. Done that. Handed them their collective asses on paper platters. :lol:

Veterans will say "Should have fragged his ass" Frag? Hmmm, seems like crimes were committed. Can't have it both ways. We all know Ma Lai was not an anomaly. My Lai Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Helicopter intervention

Warrant Officer One Hugh Thompson, Jr., a helicopter pilot from an aero-scout team, saw a large number of dead and dying civilians as he began flying over the village—all of them infants, children, women, and old men, with no signs of draft-age men or weapons anywhere. Thompson and his crew witnessed an unarmed passive woman being kicked and shot at point-blank range by Captain Medina (Medina later claimed that he thought she had a grenade).[18] The crew made several attempts to radio for help for the wounded. They landed their helicopter by a ditch, which they noted was full of bodies and in which there was movement. Thompson asked a sergeant he encountered there (David Mitchell of the 1st Platoon) if he could help get the people out of the ditch, and the sergeant replied that he would "help them out of their misery". Thompson, shocked and confused, then spoke with Second Lieutenant Calley, who claimed to be "just following orders". As the helicopter took off, they saw Mitchell firing into the ditch.

American hero: Hugh Thompson, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hugh Clowers Thompson, Jr. (April 15, 1943 – January 6, 2006) was a United States Army helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War. He is best known for his role in stopping the My Lai Massacre, in which a group of US Army soldiers tortured and killed several hundred unarmed Vietnamese civilians, mutilating their bodies after they had been murdered. Although initially ill-treated in some quarters for their intervention, Thompson and his crew, Glenn Andreotta and Lawrence Colburn, were recognized and decorated many years later for their heroism at My Lai. Andreotta had died in combat three weeks after the massacre, and so was honored posthumously.

not all veterans signed letters and stuff for the same reasons. a coordinated smear campaign Swift Vets and POWs for Truth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Credibility of the veterans and their testimony

Since the first day of the WSI event and for more than thirty years since, individuals and organizations have sought to discredit or at least minimize the painful revelations brought forth at that event. Critics have claimed that participants were frauds; that they were told to not cooperate with later investigators; that their testimonies were inaccurate or just plain fabricated.[18] To date, no records of fraudulent participants or fraudulent testimony have been produced.[10] Winter Soldier Investigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There was no war during Obama's youth. There was also no draft.


It was a shame that Obama could not have been born sooner as he might could have held Kerry's hand when he was winning all those battles and medals. (killing all the VC barbers)

James Rassmann (born ~1948) is a former Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department lieutenant who served with the U.S. Army's 5th Special Forces Group in the Vietnam War in 1968 and 1969.[1] Now a resident of the U.S. state of Oregon, he has credited U.S. Senator John Kerry with having rescued him from the Bay Hap River on March 13, 1969.[1]

Rassman recommended Kerry for a Silver Star medal, but the two did not maintain a relationship for the following 30 years. Rassman gained national prominence during the 2004 Presidential election when he publicly denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's campaign against Kerry.

Rassman is now a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputy sheriff and an "avid" orchid grower.[1]

So someone that lied about his Vietnam "heroic actions," lied about other Vietnam Vets to Congress and while in Congress accused US troops of war crimes in Iraq.....is up for SECDEF.

This is further proof liberals hate the military by choosing an enemy of the US military to oversee it.

He didn't lie about anything.

And yeah..he was a hero.

It's disgusting that conservatives trashed the war record of a bonafide American Hero.

But that's nothing new..they do it on a regular basis. Did it to Jack Murtha. Did it Max Cleland. Did it to Tammy Duckworth.

This wasn't a lie?


Did they bring charges against everyone in Vietnam as a result of his testimony?
He got a purple heart by wounding himself with a grenade playing with it.....that is a fucking lie when you accept an award for a bogus action.

Other Vietnam Vets claim he lied about "war crimes" done in Vietnam.

Hell, just his recent statements the last 10 years about US military troops being stupid people and that troops in Iraq were "terrorizing women and children" makes him a piece of shit not worthy of being SECDEF.

I'm sure you scum have a soft spot for Charles Manson too.



Navy Inspector General report on medals

In September 2004, Vice Admiral Ronald A. Route, the Navy Inspector General, completed a review of Kerry's combat medals, initiated at the request of Judicial Watch. In a memo to the Secretary of the Navy, Gordon England, Route stated:[79]
"Our examination found that existing documentation regarding the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals indicates the awards approval process was properly followed. In particular, the senior officers who awarded the medals were properly delegated authority to do so. In addition, we found that they correctly followed the procedures in place at the time for approving these awards

Conducting any additional review regarding events that took place over 30 years ago would not be productive. The passage of time would make reconstruction of the facts and circumstances unreliable, and would not allow the information gathered to be considered in the context of the time in which the events took place.

Our review also considered the fact that Senator Kerry's post-active duty activities were public and that military and civilian officials were aware of his actions at the time. For these reasons, I have determined that Senator Kerry's awards were properly approved and will take no further action in this matter.
John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Asked why he had declined to sign the release earlier, Kerry responded:
"The call for me to sign a 180 form came from the same partisan operatives who were lying about my record on a daily basis on the Web and in the right-wing media. Even though the media was discrediting them, they continued to lie. I felt strongly that we shouldn't kowtow to them and their attempts to drag their lies out"


James Rassmann (born ~1948) is a former Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department lieutenant who served with the U.S. Army's 5th Special Forces Group in the Vietnam War in 1968 and 1969.[1] Now a resident of the U.S. state of Oregon, he has credited U.S. Senator John Kerry with having rescued him from the Bay Hap River on March 13, 1969.[1]

Rassman recommended Kerry for a Silver Star medal, but the two did not maintain a relationship for the following 30 years. Rassman gained national prominence during the 2004 Presidential election when he publicly denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's campaign against Kerry.

Rassman is now a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputy sheriff and an "avid" orchid grower.[1]

If Rassman believes everything that Kerry said about the American military then he has been smoking those orchid's.

Nobody has said that Kerry was not in Vietnam even though it was a short period of time. His heroics are what is in question.

I never met Kerry or Rassman in Vietnam but some vets did even though he was there for such a short period of time and they have every right to speak to his so called valor.

No man has the right to question another man's valor or honor if that man served in combat

Especially not men like Davey who never saw combat and people like Quantum Blowhard
Hey I'm not a John Kerry or Obama fan at all but why is this a dumb move for obama?

I just think its a good move for him, get the clintons out of his admin and bring in a guy who is well respected amongst the democrat party.

Hillary had an 80% approval rating & the foreigners loved Bill Clinton. I don't see how John Kerry is going to be good at all. He has no respect here or abroad.

yes he does.

You just still lie in lie land.

The man is an American hero and VERY bright

I'd love to see BOTH of you back up your opinions and if you do I will read your posts and your links.

Kerry lost to Bush, that means people like Bush more than they like him, and they hate Bush.
James Rassmann (born ~1948) is a former Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department lieutenant who served with the U.S. Army's 5th Special Forces Group in the Vietnam War in 1968 and 1969.[1] Now a resident of the U.S. state of Oregon, he has credited U.S. Senator John Kerry with having rescued him from the Bay Hap River on March 13, 1969.[1]

Rassman recommended Kerry for a Silver Star medal, but the two did not maintain a relationship for the following 30 years. Rassman gained national prominence during the 2004 Presidential election when he publicly denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's campaign against Kerry.

Rassman is now a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputy sheriff and an "avid" orchid grower.[1]

If Rassman believes everything that Kerry said about the American military then he has been smoking those orchid's.

Nobody has said that Kerry was not in Vietnam even though it was a short period of time. His heroics are what is in question.

I never met Kerry or Rassman in Vietnam but some vets did even though he was there for such a short period of time and they have every right to speak to his so called valor.

No man has the right to question another man's valor or honor if that man served in combat

Every man, and woman, has the right to question every other person on Earth in any way they want to.
Never mind John Kerry ..... what about the liar number one, Susan Rice considered for Secretary of State?

Makes me sick!

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