U.S. soldiers in S Korea

The U.S. spends billions of dollars annually defending the border between North and South with 30,000 America soldiers.

Time to relocate these soldiers to our southern border and defend our country. ..... :thup:
The U.S military presence on the island of Guam is like an armed fortress in in the pacific ocean. Which can strike any area of Asia if needed with ease. Thus negating the need for costly U.S. military bases in both Japan and South Korea. ... :cool:

I've heard that mainland missiles can hit N. Korea in 26 minutes...
TRUMP was asked about our troops in SK and he clearly said he would like to see the numbers reduced, but we're far from that point...as for the war games we just finished them for this year so saying he is stoping them unless things don't progress is no real give away.
It's amazing how Trumpbots will attempt to make a total failure by Pres. Trump look like a victory.

Kim Jong UN got what he wanted most - the end of joint military exercises. All the U.S got was a very vague promise of denuclearization - with no timetable and no verifications.

Considering that so far N.K. has failed to keep it's end of any agreements, we have no reason to believe Kim Jong Un will hold to this agreement.

Meanwhile Trump has done his best to destroy U.S. relations with our long standing allies.

It's as if some mysterious entity (Putin) was controlling Pres. Trump.
Fake News Liberals are bummed out and they want everyone else to be bummed out as well..

They'll turn any great news into a negative ... screw them...

I think the Iran Deal and the ACA, the Paris Accord and the UN are good deals, what Trump did yesterday, not impressed.
That's because your a partisan hack.

What do you have against any one of them. Do you want preexisting conditions to be covered for the same amount of money or would you rather fill out a long questionnaire?

Would you like Iran to get nukes?

Do you think there is life on Mars, and can you get there, how about your kids or your cat?

Do you want another World War?
Our amazing Pres. Trump is already talking about reducing the size of the U.S. military presence in South Korea, which is currently around 30,000 soldiers.

This will save the American taxpayer a boatload of money. .... :thup:

Yes it will.

The Chinese will be happy.

The North Koreans will be happy.

They're the enemy.

South Koreans less so. They're the allies.

Yes, Trump diplomacy, annoy the crap out of your allies and get played by your enemies. MAIA, Make America Irrelevant Again.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is already talking about reducing the size of the U.S. military presence in South Korea, which is currently around 30,000 soldiers.

This will save the American taxpayer a boatload of money. .... :thup:
Should have been done decades ago. Hopefully Trump follows through.
I see that the Trumpbots only solution for military aggression by NoKo against SoKo in the future is a nuclear missile strike. With U.S. troops gone, a conventional defense of SoKo will not be possible.

To say that having a nuclear strike as our only option is a really, really bad idea is such an understatement, that I won't even go into explaining it.

But my real questions to Trumpbots is:

Do you ever think anything through? Are you truly that stupid?

Are you just blind partisan hacks?

Or do you just want to see the end of America as a world power?

To those paid Russian trolls, I say congradulations! looks like you've won another one.

To those people who are still mad becuase their great grand daddy lose the civil war - get over it.

To anyone else - those people that believe that they are patriotic Americans and who think this is a good deal - GROW A FREAKIN' BRAIN!
It's amazing how Trumpbots will attempt to make a total failure by Pres. Trump look like a victory.

Kim Jong UN got what he wanted most - the end of joint military exercises. All the U.S got was a very vague promise of denuclearization - with no timetable and no verifications.

Considering that so far N.K. has failed to keep it's end of any agreements, we have no reason to believe Kim Jong Un will hold to this agreement.

Meanwhile Trump has done his best to destroy U.S. relations with our long standing allies.

It's as if some mysterious entity (Putin) was controlling Pres. Trump.

Dumbest post I've read this week.

It'a early yet.
I see that the Trumpbots only solution for military aggression by NoKo against SoKo in the future is a nuclear missile strike. With U.S. troops gone, a conventional defense of SoKo will not be possible.

To say that having a nuclear strike as our only option is a really, really bad idea is such an understatement, that I won't even go into explaining it.

But my real questions to Trumpbots is:

Do you ever think anything through? Are you truly that stupid?

Are you just blind partisan hacks?

Or do you just want to see the end of America as a world power?

To those paid Russian trolls, I say congradulations! looks like you've won another one.

To those people who are still mad becuase their great grand daddy lose the civil war - get over it.

To anyone else - those people that believe that they are patriotic Americans and who think this is a good deal - GROW A FREAKIN' BRAIN!

Oh look, another one.
I hope our wonderful Pres. Trump also draws down the number of U.S. soldiers stationed around the numerous military bases in Germany and Japan, which currently is around 40,000 troops in each country.

WWll has been over for 70+ years.

Time to fold the tent and return home. .... :cool:
Except Japan and South Korea are protected under our nuclear umbrella. People worry that the two countries would feel compelled to get nukes if we pull out. Now I don't understand why that would be, since if we can hit NoKo from our silos in the Midwest, we can protect Japan and SoKo from the same silos. However, that is what some people are worrying about.
Personally, I think it would be great if we could remove our military from SoKo and quit threatening NoKo by our very presence. Some people think if we left, though, NoKo would march into the South and take over.
The south is more than capable of repelling an invasion from the north by themselves. Things have changed since the Korean War.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is already talking about reducing the size of the U.S. military presence in South Korea, which is currently around 30,000 soldiers.

This will save the American taxpayer a boatload of money. .... :thup:
I think we should pull out of Korea completely.

Pulling out is for high school students worrying about getting their girlfriend pregnant!
Fake News Liberals are bummed out and they want everyone else to be bummed out as well..

They'll turn any great news into a negative ... screw them...

I think the Iran Deal and the ACA, the Paris Accord and the UN are good deals, what Trump did yesterday, not impressed.

No one is impressed that you are not impressed. Typical libtard!
Our amazing Pres. Trump is already talking about reducing the size of the U.S. military presence in South Korea, which is currently around 30,000 soldiers.

This will save the American taxpayer a boatload of money. .... :thup:
I think we should pull out of Korea completely.

Do you have any reason to believe that NoKo will not attack SoKo, or is it that you just don't give a shit?
I hope our wonderful Pres. Trump also draws down the number of U.S. soldiers stationed around the numerous military bases in Germany and Japan, which currently is around 40,000 troops in each country.

WWll has been over for 70+ years.

Time to fold the tent and return home. .... :cool:
Except Japan and South Korea are protected under our nuclear umbrella. People worry that the two countries would feel compelled to get nukes if we pull out. Now I don't understand why that would be, since if we can hit NoKo from our silos in the Midwest, we can protect Japan and SoKo from the same silos. However, that is what some people are worrying about.
Personally, I think it would be great if we could remove our military from SoKo and quit threatening NoKo by our very presence. Some people think if we left, though, NoKo would march into the South and take over.
The south is more than capable of repelling an invasion from the north by themselves. Things have changed since the Korean War.

Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong.

Do we really want to find out?

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