U.S. soldiers in S Korea

Our amazing Pres. Trump is already talking about reducing the size of the U.S. military presence in South Korea, which is currently around 30,000 soldiers.

This will save the American taxpayer a boatload of money. .... :thup:
South Korea Blindsided By Trump War Games Agreement
South Korea said it needed to “to find out the precise meaning or intentions” of Trump’s comments.

If Trump wants to save us fuckin money, get rid of Pruit and stop pimping tax payers with his weekly fuckin golf trips and guarding his fuckin family.
The point is:

Peace in Korea is possible, but it can only come as a result of a very careful step by step process. A process where each side takes a step and each step in verified.

Trump just gave away the farm with no definitive requirements that NoKo take equivalent steps. There was no quid pro quo. At least nothing definitive and nothing verifiable.

Hell Trump can't even make a solid deal with a porn star. Kim Jong Un is eating him alive.
Pres. Trump has also suspended military war games and exercises with South Korea.

Calling them, "expensive and provocative".

Thank you Pres. Trump..... :thup:

He has to give up something and war games happen all over the world and heck .. save some bucks for the Wall..
I don't mind giving up the war games, wasted time and money, but to pull US soldiers away from areas that we must maintain just in case is stupid and I see this coming very soon...Putin wants it.
The point is:

Peace in Korea is possible, but it can only come as a result of a very careful step by step process. A process where each side takes a step and each step in verified.

Trump just gave away the farm with no definitive requirements that NoKo take equivalent steps. There was no quid pro quo. At least nothing definitive and nothing verifiable.

Hell Trump can't even make a solid deal with a porn star. Kim Jong Un is eating him alive.
Already China and Japan are talking about easing sanctions, what the fuck do we have to bargain with? Everything Trump touches, ends up in a shit pile.
Trump is doing the right thing.

We need those American soldiers guarding our southern border from illegals flooding across rather than guarding the Korean border.
Trump is doing the right thing.

We need those American soldiers guarding our southern border from illegals flooding across rather than guarding the Korean border.

Why don't you build a wall across the Canadian border while your at it!

Stalin would be so proud of you trumpbots!
Trump is doing the right thing.

We need those American soldiers guarding our southern border from illegals flooding across rather than guarding the Korean border.

Yeah! Just gun those immigrants down with heavy caliber machine guns....blow 'em up with incindiary explosives!

Just a freakin' wonderful idea!
Trump is doing the right thing.

We need those American soldiers guarding our southern border from illegals flooding across rather than guarding the Korean border.
Why don't you idiots get with facts, illegal immigration is down. Nobody wants to come to this country with that orange ass ho in charge...the few that do want in, are now trying to get out, with their children
Anyone else notice the trend by Trump and his Trumpbots to persecute and otherwise demean anyone they percieve as weak...like poverty stricken immigrants or the Canadian Prime miniter (since Canada is relatively weak militarily)?

While at the same time they respect and promote relations with bullys? Like Putin, Kim Jong Un and every other dictator?

This seems to be a primitive mindset that western civilization had grown past a long time ago.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
Fake News Liberals are bummed out and they want everyone else to be bummed out as well..

They'll turn any great news into a negative ... screw them...

I think the Iran Deal and the ACA, the Paris Accord and the UN are good deals, what Trump did yesterday, not impressed.
Must be why all of the above are imploding.......because good deals tend to do that.
Why would they? They've had the capability to hit Seoul in a surprise attack for years now, and this during times of greater tension between the two. Why would they do it now while they're getting along better than ever, while they just had a historic meeting with an American president, and while Chinese sanction of their provocative actions is at an all time low? Plus the same math would be in play absent American troops as with them. The north has no hope of invading the south, so their only option would be a surprise missile strike, which they could do, but would lead to their own immediate destruction. This regime has survived for decades, they're not suicidal.
You've never heard of a ruse before?
You know I think I have heard that word before, and it's entirely possible the north is negotiating in bad faith. It wouldn't be the first time. Regardless, history shows us they're not suicidal, and any missile strike would lead to their destruction. And an invasion would be solidly repelled by the south alone, and there's no question that American troops would be back on the peninsula in short order were an invasion attempted. There's no downside to giving peace a chance here.

So you believe that if NoKo were to launch a single nuke against SoKo or Japan, the U.S. would retaliate with a full blown nuke strike against NoKo knowing that NoKo would do the same against us? I don't think so.

Having a nuke strike against NoKo as the only option doesn't work.
Why is that the only option? I said in the post you quoted, "and there's no question that American troops would be back on the peninsula in short order were an invasion attempted." Furthermore, the idea that North Korea could hit the U.S. with a nuke is unrealistic. Seoul? Probably. Japan? Probably not, but maybe. The U.S.? Very unlikely. And yes, I believe that the U.S. would hit them with a nuclear strike that would take out their power structures in very short order wherein no retaliatory strike could even be attempted.

First, a U.S. force returning to Korea would take an awful lot of time.

Second, if we did hit them with nukes, they'd level Seoul in minutes.

Third, if we hit them with nukes, the fallout would blow over SoKo & China causing massive casualties in both countries and possible provoking a war with China.
So we went from a hypothetical U.S. retaliatory nuclear strike against North Korea for them insanely striking South Korea first, to us nuking them for no reason and then them nuking Seoul in retaliation. As neither of these hypothetical scenarios are remotely likely I don't see the use in continuing to debate them as you change the terms to continue to argue.
You've never heard of a ruse before?
You know I think I have heard that word before, and it's entirely possible the north is negotiating in bad faith. It wouldn't be the first time. Regardless, history shows us they're not suicidal, and any missile strike would lead to their destruction. And an invasion would be solidly repelled by the south alone, and there's no question that American troops would be back on the peninsula in short order were an invasion attempted. There's no downside to giving peace a chance here.

So you believe that if NoKo were to launch a single nuke against SoKo or Japan, the U.S. would retaliate with a full blown nuke strike against NoKo knowing that NoKo would do the same against us? I don't think so.

Having a nuke strike against NoKo as the only option doesn't work.

You think the NKs can even attempt to hit the US with a nuke? Your name is gullible with a capital "G".
More than half the time their missiles don't even launch.

Half their missiles would cause absolute devastation.
Which they have no incentive to use, and we have the ability to shoot out of the sky. Apologies if I'm not willing to preclude the possibility of peace because of your circular arguing.
You've never heard of a ruse before?
You know I think I have heard that word before, and it's entirely possible the north is negotiating in bad faith. It wouldn't be the first time. Regardless, history shows us they're not suicidal, and any missile strike would lead to their destruction. And an invasion would be solidly repelled by the south alone, and there's no question that American troops would be back on the peninsula in short order were an invasion attempted. There's no downside to giving peace a chance here.

So you believe that if NoKo were to launch a single nuke against SoKo or Japan, the U.S. would retaliate with a full blown nuke strike against NoKo knowing that NoKo would do the same against us? I don't think so.

Having a nuke strike against NoKo as the only option doesn't work.
Why is that the only option? I said in the post you quoted, "and there's no question that American troops would be back on the peninsula in short order were an invasion attempted." Furthermore, the idea that North Korea could hit the U.S. with a nuke is unrealistic. Seoul? Probably. Japan? Probably not, but maybe. The U.S.? Very unlikely. And yes, I believe that the U.S. would hit them with a nuclear strike that would take out their power structures in very short order wherein no retaliatory strike could even be attempted.

First, a U.S. force returning to Korea would take an awful lot of time.

Second, if we did hit them with nukes, they'd level Seoul in minutes.

Third, if we hit them with nukes, the fallout would blow over SoKo & China causing massive casualties in both countries and possible provoking a war with China.
So we went from a hypothetical U.S. retaliatory nuclear strike against North Korea for them insanely striking South Korea first, to us nuking them for no reason and then them nuking Seoul in retaliation. As neither of these hypothetical scenarios are remotely likely I don't see the use in continuing to debate them as you change the terms to continue to argue.

Where the hell did you get the idea that we were going to nuke them for no reason? That is bull fucking shit.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:

You would have really loved Stalin!
The point is:

Peace in Korea is possible, but it can only come as a result of a very careful step by step process. A process where each side takes a step and each step in verified.

Trump just gave away the farm with no definitive requirements that NoKo take equivalent steps. There was no quid pro quo. At least nothing definitive and nothing verifiable.

Hell Trump can't even make a solid deal with a porn star. Kim Jong Un is eating him alive.
Lying about the agreement will only make you look like an asshole, bud.

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