U.S. State Department Report: Anti-Semitism Skyrocketing Worldwide Against Jews.

Jan 17, 2010
What is it the Jews are doing to make this happen? This is what happened right before Hitler took over in Europe. Maybe people are being fed up with Israel and its actions towards the Palestinians. I know the SPLC and ADL will be upset about this. Responses?

Anti-Semitism rising worldwide, US report finds - Telegraph

Criticism of Israel and Zionism led to a rise of anti-Jewish sentiment around the world in 2009, the US said on Thursday in a report that denounced "new forms" of anti-Semitism.

"Traditional and new forms of anti-Semitism continued to arise, and a spike in such activity followed the Gaza conflict in the winter of 2008-2009," the State Department said in an annual report.

"Often despite official efforts to combat the problem, societal anti-Semitism persisted across Europe, South America, and beyond and manifested itself in classic forms," it said.

Such incidents, it said, involved attacks on Jews or places of worship as well as desecration of cemeteries and accusations of undue Jewish influence on government policy and media.
Wow...this makes sense now....You like Hitler and you hate the Jews.

A fine specimen you are...I must say.
What is it the Jews are doing to make this happen? This is what happened right before Hitler took over in Europe. Maybe people are being fed up with Israel and its actions towards the Palestinians. I know the SPLC and ADL will be upset about this. Responses?

Anti-Semitism rising worldwide, US report finds - Telegraph

Criticism of Israel and Zionism led to a rise of anti-Jewish sentiment around the world in 2009, the US said on Thursday in a report that denounced "new forms" of anti-Semitism.

"Traditional and new forms of anti-Semitism continued to arise, and a spike in such activity followed the Gaza conflict in the winter of 2008-2009," the State Department said in an annual report.

"Often despite official efforts to combat the problem, societal anti-Semitism persisted across Europe, South America, and beyond and manifested itself in classic forms," it said.

Such incidents, it said, involved attacks on Jews or places of worship as well as desecration of cemeteries and accusations of undue Jewish influence on government policy and media.

I got bad news for you. You're an anti-semite. You may not think you are. You may have friends who are Jewish. You may be disgusted by neo nazis etc.
But the truth is that when you ask a question like "what are the Jews doing to make this happen" then you reveal your mindset, which is that of an anti-semite.
The Jews (like we are all one person acting one way) are not doing anything. Anti-semitism rears its ugly head whenever there is a downturn in the economy and people want someone to blame. The Malaysian premier blamed "Jewish speculators" when his country's currency went into the crapper. I didnt know only Jews could be futures traders, but there you have it.
What is it the Jews are doing to make this happen? This is what happened right before Hitler took over in Europe. Maybe people are being fed up with Israel and its actions towards the Palestinians. I know the SPLC and ADL will be upset about this. Responses?

Anti-Semitism rising worldwide, US report finds - Telegraph

Criticism of Israel and Zionism led to a rise of anti-Jewish sentiment around the world in 2009, the US said on Thursday in a report that denounced "new forms" of anti-Semitism.

"Traditional and new forms of anti-Semitism continued to arise, and a spike in such activity followed the Gaza conflict in the winter of 2008-2009," the State Department said in an annual report.

"Often despite official efforts to combat the problem, societal anti-Semitism persisted across Europe, South America, and beyond and manifested itself in classic forms," it said.

Such incidents, it said, involved attacks on Jews or places of worship as well as desecration of cemeteries and accusations of undue Jewish influence on government policy and media.

I got bad news for you. You're an anti-semite. You may not think you are. You may have friends who are Jewish. You may be disgusted by neo nazis etc.
But the truth is that when you ask a question like "what are the Jews doing to make this happen" then you reveal your mindset, which is that of an anti-semite.
The Jews (like we are all one person acting one way) are not doing anything. Anti-semitism rears its ugly head whenever there is a downturn in the economy and people want someone to blame. The Malaysian premier blamed "Jewish speculators" when his country's currency went into the crapper. I didnt know only Jews could be futures traders, but there you have it.

what is the religion/ethnicity of the financiers at aig, goldman sachs, ex-lehman brothers, and 95% of the people in charge of the federal reserve? and you are ging to tell me people of that religion/ehtnicity aren't responsble for the financial collapse?
What is it the Jews are doing to make this happen? This is what happened right before Hitler took over in Europe. Maybe people are being fed up with Israel and its actions towards the Palestinians. I know the SPLC and ADL will be upset about this. Responses?

Anti-Semitism rising worldwide, US report finds - Telegraph

Criticism of Israel and Zionism led to a rise of anti-Jewish sentiment around the world in 2009, the US said on Thursday in a report that denounced "new forms" of anti-Semitism.

"Traditional and new forms of anti-Semitism continued to arise, and a spike in such activity followed the Gaza conflict in the winter of 2008-2009," the State Department said in an annual report.

"Often despite official efforts to combat the problem, societal anti-Semitism persisted across Europe, South America, and beyond and manifested itself in classic forms," it said.

Such incidents, it said, involved attacks on Jews or places of worship as well as desecration of cemeteries and accusations of undue Jewish influence on government policy and media.

I got bad news for you. You're an anti-semite. You may not think you are. You may have friends who are Jewish. You may be disgusted by neo nazis etc.
But the truth is that when you ask a question like "what are the Jews doing to make this happen" then you reveal your mindset, which is that of an anti-semite.
The Jews (like we are all one person acting one way) are not doing anything. Anti-semitism rears its ugly head whenever there is a downturn in the economy and people want someone to blame. The Malaysian premier blamed "Jewish speculators" when his country's currency went into the crapper. I didnt know only Jews could be futures traders, but there you have it.

what is the religion/ethnicity of the financiers at aig, goldman sachs, ex-lehman brothers, and 95% of the people in charge of the federal reserve? and you are ging to tell me people of that religion/ehtnicity aren't responsble for the financial collapse?

Just like most of the illegals in this country are Mexicans. It doesn't mean you hate them. It just means the majority of illegals are, well...Mexican. And that's why people focus on Mexican illegals more so on the other illegals.

Same here.
That's unfortunate if true. I have to wonder, though, if the State Department is misconstruing disillusionment with Israel as "anti-Semitism" like Zionists here are apt to do.
That's unfortunate if true. I have to wonder, though, if the State Department is misconstruing disillusionment with Israel as "anti-Semitism" like Zionists here are apt to do.

There is no misconstruing. Like yourself and the other brain dead here, criticism of Israel is usually just a thinly veiled excuse for anti semitism. And that is popping up all over Europe.
That's unfortunate if true. I have to wonder, though, if the State Department is misconstruing disillusionment with Israel as "anti-Semitism" like Zionists here are apt to do.

There is no misconstruing. Like yourself and the other brain dead here, criticism of Israel is usually just a thinly veiled excuse for anti semitism. And that is popping up all over Europe.
IMO, when a country or a region brings in cheap labor such as America has also done by granting illegals legal status. That country/region is also inviting in whatever those immigrants bring with them. I understand why Israel does what it does to a certain extent. Yet I can also see that if Israel is not very careful it will only breed problems that should be avoided. A few out of control bankers do not make up an entire ethnic group but it sure does give food for the fire to those who would desire to see Israel and America both destroyed.
Islamic Populations in Europe
After World War II, Western Europe welcomed a large immigrant labor force to help rebuilding efforts. Later more immigrants were admitted to meet rapid economic growth, allow family reunification, and provide asylum. At first, concerns over the influx of workers from other countries were "largely about race and ethnicity," notes Ceri Peach, a professor of social geography at Oxford University, in a 2007 report (PDF) from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). The rise of Islamic regimes after the Iranian revolution in 1979--and more recently the increase in terrorism--has called attention to the fact that many of these immigrants were not only ethnically different but also Muslim.Europe: Integrating Islam - Council on Foreign Relations
Congratulations for most incoherent post of the week.

You cannot see the correlation between bringing in cheap labor into country/region and then the cheap labor turning on the former inhabitants of that country once they believe they have been treated unfairly? Happens in everyday life too. The workers believe they should make equal wages as management/owner or at the very least be treated fairly. Given the opportunity the workers will take over management even if they really cannot handle the job of management. You really are not very bright are you?
Congratulations for most incoherent post of the week.

You cannot see the correlation between bringing in cheap labor into country/region and then the cheap labor turning on the former inhabitants of that country once they believe they have been treated unfairly? Happens in everyday life too. The workers believe they should make equal wages as management/owner or at the very least be treated fairly. Given the opportunity the workers will take over management even if they really cannot handle the job of management. You really are not very bright are you?

Yes because this happened when the British imported Indians as cheap labor in South Africa. Or when the U.S. imported Chinese as cheap labor. Or when Israel imported Philippinos as cheap labor. Or when Kuwait imported Palestinians as cheap labor.

Oh wait a minute. None of those things support your point.
You lose.
Remind what your "point" had to do with the OP again?
Congratulations for most incoherent post of the week.

You cannot see the correlation between bringing in cheap labor into country/region and then the cheap labor turning on the former inhabitants of that country once they believe they have been treated unfairly? Happens in everyday life too. The workers believe they should make equal wages as management/owner or at the very least be treated fairly. Given the opportunity the workers will take over management even if they really cannot handle the job of management. You really are not very bright are you?

Yes because this happened when the British imported Indians as cheap labor in South Africa. Or when the U.S. imported Chinese as cheap labor. Or when Israel imported Philippinos as cheap labor. Or when Kuwait imported Palestinians as cheap labor.

Oh wait a minute. None of those things support your point.
You lose.
Remind what your "point" had to do with the OP again?
Islamic Populations in Europe

After World War II, Western Europe welcomed a large immigrant labor force to help rebuilding efforts. Later more immigrants were admitted to meet rapid economic growth, allow family reunification, and provide asylum. At first, concerns over the influx of workers from other countries were "largely about race and ethnicity," notes Ceri Peach, a professor of social geography at Oxford University, in a 2007 report (PDF) from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). The rise of Islamic regimes after the Iranian revolution in 1979--and more recently the increase in terrorism--has called attention to the fact that many of these immigrants were not only ethnically different but also Muslim.
Western Europe has experienced an increase in immigration from all around the globe in the last decade. The European Union's June 2009 strategy report on immigration (PDF) shows a total of 18.5 million registered non-EU nationals and an estimated 8 million illegal immigrants living in the European Union. According to a 2008 Brookings study, the EU countries with the largest percentages of Muslims are France at an estimated 8 percent, Netherlands estimated at 6 percent, Germany at 4 percent, and the United Kingdom at 3 percent of the population. And Muslim populations exceed 20 percent in some major EU cities.
Federal reserve System Article

If you are to blind to see the correlation that a few are banking on then I cannot help you to see it.
So the Federal Reserve is importing cheap Muslim labor in order to fuel anti-semitism?
Color me skeptical.
So the Federal Reserve is importing cheap Muslim labor in order to fuel anti-semitism?
Color me skeptical.
Those people rising up now look at our federal reserve as their problem. Why blame the people where you live when America and Israel looks like the best good scape goat when they do not understand that the whole of the problems lies with their own leaders who have helped create the whole global meltdown mess? That is the nature of people. They are not going to look into their own backyards to clean up the dogshit there first.

When the black people in Africa started killing whites at random they could care less if those whites were the ones that made them subservient or not. They were whites so therefore targets as all white people were considered the enemy whether they were or not. Again the nature of people to point to one thing they see as a common threat, even if it is not.

Major Islamic figure/leaders throughout have been screaming Israel and America are the enemies for a long time. You think these people are not going to look at the largest sects of religions in these countries as the culprits? It is like associating Hilter with Christianity and claiming all Christians are like Hitler instead of seeing the basic fact that the guy was a nutjob. Jews that do not truly act like Jews and Christians that are not really Christian like at all can cause hatred to build for the ones that are.

Recently the killing of Mabhouh's in Dubai has been blamed on Israel in many places. Israel lays no claim to being involved. False flag operations to stir the pot of shit are known about but do you really think that the average Muslim Joe around the world is going to think it all over that well before getting mad at Israel? In my mind I would be asking first how did these assassins get into, out of and past all the Dubia checks? They must have had help in Dubia? Dubia is mostly Arabs is it not? Are these Arabs in Dubia Jews also? Again most generally people don't think about all aspects first before coming to a conclusion.

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