U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Transgender School-Bathroom Case

Because the Supreme Court declined to hear the case, the lower court ruling stands.

Schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Only 2 on the court wanted to take the case.

So that means that 4 conservatives agreed that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Another loss for women's rights. Don't care if a woman wants to identify as a man and see men's junk or compete vs. men in sports. The other way around is an entirely different situation and utterly unfair.
I understand your point Azgog, and know that many people feel exactly like you do, male and female, students and parents. The rules though are going to have to be across the board with gender identity accommodations, that is if the goal is fairness for ALL as I continue to wonder.
The word "fair" is not applicable to all. What one may believe another could believe that it is not fair. Tough to quantify fair.
that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.
No, that isnt what happened. Your own link says that, resident retard.
Its also weird your link calls this "sex discrimination" when its not. This transgender illness is based on "gender"
Sex is about biology. Gender is about social construct. IE mental illness. You should tell that dumbass author about the difference.
Bullshit. The term sex discrimination is understood to mean discrimination based on gender and gender is very much about biology
Yeah, denial of biology. Sex discrimination would be based on sex. Not mental illness.
Because the Supreme Court declined to hear the case, the lower court ruling stands.

Schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Only 2 on the court wanted to take the case.

So that means that 4 conservatives agreed that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Another loss for women's rights. Don't care if a woman wants to identify as a man and see men's junk or compete vs. men in sports. The other way around is an entirely different situation and utterly unfair.
I understand your point Azgog, and know that many people feel exactly like you do, male and female, students and parents. The rules though are going to have to be across the board with gender identity accommodations, that is if the goal is fairness for ALL as I continue to wonder.
The word "fair" is not applicable to all. What one may believe another could believe that it is not fair. Tough to quantify fair.
I can’t argue against that as you’re absolutely right. The pursuit of fairness for all, however, does not involve placement of any group above others in regards to comparative groups. The old adage what’s good good for the goose is good to for the gander applies here and if we transition (what a word choice) into a society that it’s going to be “one size fits all” within specific labeling many will be unhappy with that.

Again what stands out for me in this particular case is the student and parents not being satisfied with a gender neutral bathroom and claiming it was going to cause “stigma for life”.

If I would’ve worked at that particular school, I would’ve encouraged other teachers/staff (who cared) to go to the school board and back fair treatment for all, meaning regular bathrooms and one like you would see at the airport for a family bathroom but labeled gender neutral.

If this is the way the leftists want to go and if and when they have the numbers, fair equals ZERO special treatment for any particular group… that is our best shot at fairness. There are many people on the left who do not want that scenario whatsoever and they’re obvious about it- they want special treatment.

If this particular former high schooler (an adult now) truly suffered from not being allowed to use the boys bathroom, there is really something messed up in that family and yes I mean family, not just the offspring.
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Alcoholism is an illness so why are we discriminating against drunk drivers? They can't help it right?
I'm not sure why a genetic disease is different from a mental disease. Just strange how we will accept some diseases to excuse behaviors and not others.
Alcoholism is an illness so why are we discriminating against drunk drivers? They can't help it right?
I'm not sure why a genetic disease is different from a mental disease. Just strange how we will accept some diseases to excuse behaviors and not others.
You know, there is a different mental illness at the heart of this whole Shebaz. It is called vitue signaling.

Leftists keep getting nuttier and nutter as to the things they demand, and all for no other reason than the fact that they receive praise from other nutty leftists.

Its almost like there is a contest going on to see who can outdo one another to demand that the overwhelming majority of normal people must submit to the will of the most abnormal and infinitissimally tiny minority.
Because the Supreme Court declined to hear the case, the lower court ruling stands.

Schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Only 2 on the court wanted to take the case.

So that means that 4 conservatives agreed that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.

Isn't it pathetic that these stupid Moon Bats are confused about Biology?
Here's a solution....

How about trans folks use the bathroom where they were using it before conservatives needed another manufactured culture war battle to fight??

Or do these folks think trans folks just started using the bathroom a couple of years ago?
Well, in the 80s when I was in high school, it was unheard of kids coming out as trans while minors in school. So this would be before the "manufactured culture war". Girls used the girls restroom, boys used the boys restroom. If a kid known to be a boy decided to just start using the girls restroom, there would be hell to pay. Same for a girl that decides to use the boys restroom.
If you go back far enough....there was hell to pay if a kid was gay period.....

Fast forward to today....and all of the fearmongering over trans and bathrooms remain just that...fear mongering.....

Trying to sexually assault children in restrooms is still as illegal now as it was 40 years ago....
No, your solution was for trans folks to use the same restroom they used before conservatives made it a culture war. So the girls should use the girls restroom and the boys should use the boys restroom. If there is anyone thinking about being transgender, don't come out during high school. That is the way it was before the manufactured culture way. So it is your solution.

Are you retracting your solution?
Don't "come out"???

Publicly embracing your severe mental illnesses is some kind of heroic move?
Different context and conversation.
Most people period are against a man with a penis using facilities for women. You have been indoctrinated.

What are your feelings about a man in a dress using the men’s room?
OH!.... so now you admit that not all "transgenders" are transgenders??" - that there are, indeed, "men in woman's dresses??

Wow... you turned a new leaf
You don’t understand transexuals do you?
Better than most for sure.
Good enough to know the term "transgender" is an erroneous word.
They are not transitioning their gender. That is medically, and biologically impossible.
What IS accurate, is the original term - Sexual Dysphoria. But that doesn't have good optics. Doesn't sound very pleasant.
But I will use the term nevertheless....
There are absolutely REAL transgenders. People who are literally born with a "female brain" in a male body. (Also not biologically accurate, but you get what I mean) These people deserve to live their lives, and be accepted as the gender they need to identify as. 100% believe that.
HOWEVER - at least 90% of "transgenders" you see walking around are NOT transgenders.
An effeminate gay man who likes how he looks in women's clothes is not a woman.
A man who gets his dick hard by wearing a dress in public is not a woman, and many crossdressers - in fact, look it up, MOST are heterosexual. They are not women. They are men in women's clothing. And allowing them to walk into women's restrooms in their already horny ass state - is a goddamn travesty. That is wrong!
Problem being - you can't tell by simply meeting one, who is a real transgender, and which one is a dude with a sexual fetish.
that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.
No, that isnt what happened. Your own link says that, resident retard.
Its also weird your link calls this "sex discrimination" when its not. This transgender illness is based on "gender"
Sex is about biology. Gender is about social construct. IE mental illness. You should tell that dumbass author about the difference.
Bullshit. The term sex discrimination is understood to mean discrimination based on gender and gender is very much about biology
Yeah, denial of biology. Sex discrimination would be based on sex. Not mental illness.
The real mental illness is on the part of those who are threatened by others sexuality andgender identity and who delude themselves into believing that they are superior and more sane
that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.
No, that isnt what happened. Your own link says that, resident retard.
Its also weird your link calls this "sex discrimination" when its not. This transgender illness is based on "gender"
Sex is about biology. Gender is about social construct. IE mental illness. You should tell that dumbass author about the difference.
Bullshit. The term sex discrimination is understood to mean discrimination based on gender and gender is very much about biology
The science of biology says there are only two sexes. It isn't based on how one feels today.
I actually agree. There are just two sexes, but with a couple of caveats
Not everyone is clearly biologically entirely male or female. Someone who give the outward appearance of being one gender my be more like the other gender on another level. That has been scientically documented.

Secondly, some people choose to not lable themselves as one or the other -they are non binary. In anycase, it is not just a frivolous choice. There is far more to it than transphobes understand and even want to understand because education is the enemy of bigoted beliefs
Alcoholism is an illness so why are we discriminating against drunk drivers? They can't help it right?
I'm not sure why a genetic disease is different from a mental disease. Just strange how we will accept some diseases to excuse behaviors and not others.
You know, there is a different mental illness at the heart of this whole Shebaz. It is called vitue signaling.

Leftists keep getting nuttier and nutter as to the things they demand, and all for no other reason than the fact that they receive praise from other nutty leftists.

Its almost like there is a contest going on to see who can outdo one another to demand that the overwhelming majority of normal people must submit to the will of the most abnormal and infinitissimally tiny minority.

Leftists? Trump's nominee's went here so it simply must be the correct ruling as he only picks the best so I don't get where this "leftists" nonsense comes from.

The bigger issue here is this taking 5 years to get to this point. The court agreed to hear this years ago but then punted. Make a ruling so we can get on with things.
that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.
No, that isnt what happened. Your own link says that, resident retard.
Its also weird your link calls this "sex discrimination" when its not. This transgender illness is based on "gender"
Sex is about biology. Gender is about social construct. IE mental illness. You should tell that dumbass author about the difference.
How is being transgender an illness?
The ironic thing is that most hypocrite liberals would be horrified if their own young girls were forced to shower with confused boys but the liberal mind says that boys would be discriminated against if they felt uncomfortable showering with their own gender. The real story is that girls are being discriminated against by being forced to watch boys wave their things around in the shower. The Court should be ashamed for not taking up this case.
that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.
No, that isnt what happened. Your own link says that, resident retard.
Its also weird your link calls this "sex discrimination" when its not. This transgender illness is based on "gender"
Sex is about biology. Gender is about social construct. IE mental illness. You should tell that dumbass author about the difference.
Bullshit. The term sex discrimination is understood to mean discrimination based on gender and gender is very much about biology
Yeah, denial of biology. Sex discrimination would be based on sex. Not mental illness.
The real mental illness is on the part of those who are threatened by others sexuality andgender identity and who delude themselves into believing that they are superior and more sane
Its a mental illness. Sorry if that hurts your feelz
that schools can't discriminate against transgender students.
No, that isnt what happened. Your own link says that, resident retard.
Its also weird your link calls this "sex discrimination" when its not. This transgender illness is based on "gender"
Sex is about biology. Gender is about social construct. IE mental illness. You should tell that dumbass author about the difference.
How is being transgender an illness?

Definition of mental illness

: any of a broad range of medical conditions (such as major depression, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, or panic disorder) that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause marked distress or disability and that are typically associated with a disruption in normal thinking, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning

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