U.S. warns on small planes, but says no plots known


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Washington (CNN) -- U.S. officials say terrorists could try to use small aircraft in attacks, but have no specific information that such a plot is in the works, according to a new notice distributed by federal officials.

"Violent extremists with knowledge of general aviation and access to small planes pose a significant potential threat to the Homeland," according to an intelligence bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.
Who's gonna be the first to accuse Obama and the Dems for fear mongering?
(Ya know, like the Libs blamed Bush and the Repubs for doing the same thing......)

U.S. warns on small planes, but says no plots known - CNN.com
Violent extremists with knowledge of general aviation and access to small planes pose a significant potential threat to the Homeland," according to an intelligence bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.

You mean (gasp!) corporate jets?

Yeah!...we know.
Washington (CNN) -- U.S. officials say terrorists could try to use small aircraft in attacks, but have no specific information that such a plot is in the works, according to a new notice distributed by federal officials.

"Violent extremists with knowledge of general aviation and access to small planes pose a significant potential threat to the Homeland," according to an intelligence bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.
Who's gonna be the first to accuse Obama and the Dems for fear mongering?
(Ya know, like the Libs blamed Bush and the Repubs for doing the same thing......)

U.S. warns on small planes, but says no plots known - CNN.com

Yeah..because it's like, man, never happened, like, before..

Oh wait.

Plane intentionally crashed into Texas IRS building

Bummer dude.
Washington (CNN) -- U.S. officials say terrorists could try to use small aircraft in attacks, but have no specific information that such a plot is in the works, according to a new notice distributed by federal officials.

"Violent extremists with knowledge of general aviation and access to small planes pose a significant potential threat to the Homeland," according to an intelligence bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.
Who's gonna be the first to accuse Obama and the Dems for fear mongering?
(Ya know, like the Libs blamed Bush and the Repubs for doing the same thing......)

U.S. warns on small planes, but says no plots known - CNN.com

It IS fear mongering. I don't think there's anyone who lived through 9/11, whether on TV or in person, that isn't already aware that terrorists might try to use planes to attack us.

Putting out this kind of "warning" is just inciting new worries and fears, when people are already well aware that it's a possibility.
Washington (CNN) -- U.S. officials say terrorists could try to use small aircraft in attacks, but have no specific information that such a plot is in the works, according to a new notice distributed by federal officials.

"Violent extremists with knowledge of general aviation and access to small planes pose a significant potential threat to the Homeland," according to an intelligence bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.
Who's gonna be the first to accuse Obama and the Dems for fear mongering?
(Ya know, like the Libs blamed Bush and the Repubs for doing the same thing......)

U.S. warns on small planes, but says no plots known - CNN.com

It IS fear mongering. I don't think there's anyone who lived through 9/11, whether on TV or in person, that isn't already aware that terrorists might try to use planes to attack us.

Putting out this kind of "warning" is just inciting new worries and fears, when people are already well aware that it's a possibility.

Kinda missed the point......... :lol:
Washington (CNN) -- U.S. officials say terrorists could try to use small aircraft in attacks, but have no specific information that such a plot is in the works, according to a new notice distributed by federal officials.

"Violent extremists with knowledge of general aviation and access to small planes pose a significant potential threat to the Homeland," according to an intelligence bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.
Who's gonna be the first to accuse Obama and the Dems for fear mongering?
(Ya know, like the Libs blamed Bush and the Repubs for doing the same thing......)

U.S. warns on small planes, but says no plots known - CNN.com

Yeah..because it's like, man, never happened, like, before..

Oh wait.

Plane intentionally crashed into Texas IRS building

Bummer dude.

Runner up!! :clap2:
Who's gonna be the first to accuse Obama and the Dems for fear mongering?
(Ya know, like the Libs blamed Bush and the Repubs for doing the same thing......)

U.S. warns on small planes, but says no plots known - CNN.com

Yeah..because it's like, man, never happened, like, before..

Oh wait.

Plane intentionally crashed into Texas IRS building

Bummer dude.

Runner up!! :clap2:

He's no runner up - he's the lead imbecile in the moron parade. The resident Village Idiot, without a doubt.
New border security act...
Border bill would expand Homeland Security powers
26 Sept.`11 – Border security or federal land grab?
That question is driving a heated debate over a controversial bill to give the Department of Homeland Security sweeping authority over federal lands within 100 miles of the U. S. border. The proposed National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act would let the agency waive 36 federal environmental protection laws in the name of better border patrols on public lands. Supporters say it would help U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents secure the nation's borders. Opponents say it would give Homeland Security unchecked authority to disregard major environmental laws covering wilderness areas, national parks and wildlife refuges.

Montana Rep. Denny Rehberg, one of 49 Republican co-sponsors of the measure, said: "The simple idea of the bill is to provide the border patrol with the same access on federal land that it currently has on state and private land. There is nothing about this bill that creates any new authority to intrude into the lives of Americans." Critics, including Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., say the bill would grant the federal government overreaching powers. "It's a federal land grab at its worst," Tester said. "I just can't see how any lawmaker would think it's a good idea to allow the Department of Homeland Security to make sweeping decisions about our land and ignore our rights without any public accountability."

The bill would give the secretary of Homeland Security authority over federal lands within 100 miles of the U.S. international and maritime borders for "activities that assist in securing the border (including access to maintain and construct roads, construct a fence, use vehicles to patrol and set up monitoring equipment)." The measure also waives the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, the National Park Service Organic Act, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, the National Historic Preservation Act and the Clean Air Act. Homeland Security spokesman Matt Chandler said the agency does not comment on the specifics of pending legislation.

Let's see, one federal agency sold 2,000 automatic weapons to foreign drug cartels and terrorist groups and another government agency tells us to watch out for low flying Cessnas. You almost gotta laugh.

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