UC Berkeley Wants Abortion Clinic

The Bible is just a collection of myths. None of it is real. We're not gods, so maybe we shouldn't act like one.

"Many that live deserve death. And some that died deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends."
The Bible is just a collection of myths. None of it is real. We're not gods, so maybe we shouldn't act like one.

"Many that live deserve death. And some that died deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends."
Animals kill their children all the time. Are they playing god? Its a pretty natural thing if you want to be realistic.
Animals act on instinct alone. We're self aware and can make decisions andcan exercise self-restraint.

We're not gods and we're not just base animals.
UC Berkeley Wants Abortion Clinic
Like the FREE SPEECH movement in the 1960's, UC Berkeley is leading the way toward libertarian values, as our founding fathers idealized.
Who made you the official channeler for the founding fathers?
I did. Never said "official".
All US citizens should learn about our history & appreciate the founding ideals.
God is saying ---
A very basic question:
How do you know what "God" said or wants?

Unless you or anyone else who speaks for any "god" can provide any reasonable evidence, your claims are interpreted as fantasy.
The Bible is just a collection of myths. None of it is real. We're not gods, so maybe we shouldn't act like one.

"Many that live deserve death. And some that died deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends."

In your opinion it's a collection of myths.
The Bible is just a collection of myths. None of it is real. We're not gods, so maybe we shouldn't act like one.

"Many that live deserve death. And some that died deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends."

In your opinion it's a collection of myths.

the world is not 6k years old and there isnt a shred of proof Jews were enslaved in Egypt. The bible is a mix of historical fact and myths like the Harry Potter series.
UC Berkeley Wants Abortion Clinic
UC Berkeley should hire full-time abortionist, provide free abortions: student senate

skanks and murderers make good decisions.
News flash: abortion is legal, women possess a right to privacy, and abortion is not ‘murder.’

Most on the authoritarian right make poor decisions, and as a consequence are in no position to dictate to others how to conduct their private lives through the force of law.

Who's going to pay for it?
The Bible is just a collection of myths. None of it is real. We're not gods, so maybe we shouldn't act like one.

"Many that live deserve death. And some that died deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends."

In your opinion it's a collection of myths.

the world is not 6k years old and there isnt a shred of proof Jews were enslaved in Egypt. The bible is a mix of historical fact and myths like the Harry Potter series.

The earth is about 4 1/2 billion years old.

IMO there is no god, when we die, that's it, that's all.

BUT, buuuutttttt, I'm not going to arrogantly tell people there is no god, no heaven, no afterlife. In the end, it may turn out there is some kind of Great Designer out there that has more for us in store.
I doubt it, but I'm not going to tell people one way or another as if it's a fact.
I can just give my opinion.
A very basic question:
How do you know what "God" said or wants?

Unless you or anyone else who speaks for any "god" can provide any reasonable evidence, your claims are interpreted as fantasy.
In my opinion --- those like you who ask such a question have pretty much ignored the signs, the evidence and the reasons for how one could know this God exists. Why you have ignored them could be all kinds of different reasons, so I would not speculate as to why.

But given that, if you think my responding to you in a matter of a few paragraphs of text is going to satisfy you in any way, that would be ridiculous. You have all these defenses ready to pick off any suggestions with, more than likely, cliché responses. We have all been around the block many times before.

I know the God of the Bible exists because of all of His miracles and apparitions that have been indisputable evidence for the supernatural. They are also evidence for Jesus Christ, not Muhammad or Buddha or some Hindu god. That is how I know.

No other religion compares throughout history. If you are going to argue they have their own miracles then I ask you for specifics. I will even concede there is the supernatural occurring to some extent in those other faiths but they are extremely of low level impact by comparison. They may even be demonic. But Christianity has many other major reasons for making the case for its authenticity besides signs and wonders. Reasons the others do not possess either. Not about to take the time expounding on it here.
A very basic question:
How do you know what "God" said or wants?

Unless you or anyone else who speaks for any "god" can provide any reasonable evidence, your claims are interpreted as fantasy.
In my opinion --- those like you who ask such a question have pretty much ignored the signs, the evidence and the reasons for how one could know this God exists. Why you have ignored them could be all kinds of different reasons, so I would not speculate as to why.

But given that, if you think my responding to you in a matter of a few paragraphs of text is going to satisfy you in any way, that would be ridiculous. You have all these defenses ready to pick off any suggestions with, more than likely, cliché responses. We have all been around the block many times before.

I know the God of the Bible exists because of all of His miracles and apparitions that have been indisputable evidence for the supernatural. They are also evidence for Jesus Christ, not Muhammad or Buddha or some Hindu god. That is how I know.

No other religion compares throughout history. If you are going to argue they have their own miracles then I ask you for specifics. I will even concede there is the supernatural occurring to some extent in those other faiths but they are extremely of low level impact by comparison. They may even be demonic. But Christianity has many other major reasons for making the case for its authenticity besides signs and wonders. Reasons the others do not possess either. Not about to take the time expounding on it here.
Christianity is a hodge podge of religions based on the African creation myths of Heru, Auset and Ausar or for some Horus, Isis, and Osiris
If a woman has the mental illness to have her body evacuate a fetus that I was half responsible for, then I would not wish for my child to have to live with a mother with a mental illness. Who knows, that illness may be inherited by the child. I would not want that.

You’re entitled to your own bizarre opinions, but not to force those bizarre opinions on others through force of law.

Yo, you talking about Obama-Care?

Ordinarily I disapprove of abortion, but this is the University in Berkeley. They should not be allowed to propagate. Abortion should not be available it should be required. Perhaps it should be required of all liberals.
UC Berkeley Wants Abortion Clinic
UC Berkeley should hire full-time abortionist, provide free abortions: student senate

skanks and murderers make good decisions.
News flash: abortion is legal, women possess a right to privacy, and abortion is not ‘murder.’

Most on the authoritarian right make poor decisions, and as a consequence are in no position to dictate to others how to conduct their private lives through the force of law.

Who's going to pay for it?
Bernie will, vote for him.
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Ordinarily I disapprove of abortion, but this is the University in Berkeley. They should not be allowed to propagate. Abortion should not be available it should be required. Perhaps it should be required of all liberals.

I've said time and time again, the single best thing about American liberals is that they don't have kids.
Go to a place like Seattle for instance. There are more dogs than children. I'm dead serious about that.

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