UCLA Students Support Concentration Camps for Trump Supporters

What a load of crap. The same people who support Trump, use a single data point to "prove" Democrats, liberals and progressives reject freedom and seek to overturn our economic system when reality tells us that our system has devolved into a plutocracy.

The GOP has turned the United States into a system for the special interests, corporations ("they are people too") and by the special interests. They support what amounts to a monarchy, and continue the RED SCARE total bullshit with no basis in reality.

That most of them really believe this BIG LIE is mindful of a 'B' movie, that people can be so naive, ignorant and hateful ought to remain in a book of fiction. Sadly, it exists in the 21st Century in the United States.

None dare call them patriots.
We actually have two data points.

1- History and the results of left wing socialist policies on a national scale as well as the dismal results, massive death counts and total collapse of the economic system they took over.

2- The stupidity it takes for a person to promote and implement such failures. Which of course includes how a leftist likeyourself will proclaim right wingers are violent while voting for and supporting the mass murder and oppression you are participating in.

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