UCLA Students Support Concentration Camps for Trump Supporters

I have been saying for years that snowflakes are the new Stalinists. Here's the irrefutable proof:

Jesus H Christ this nation is fucked. If you think AOC is an idiot wait for the next group.

The same type of people like Hitler so since the Jews were available thay were the victims and not the only ones. They are a great danger since they have been educated by Socialist in school. Soon as they become the victims they will cry for there Mamas.

Speaking of Jews .. how about those Trump supporters torch marching in Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us”?

You think we can’t do a google search and find a righty kook spewing crazy on YouTube ?

As I already pointed out, people that saw off the heads of the innocent support Hillary and the Dims. There are a number of Dims in Congress who defend these vermin.

Warning: graphic contents:

ISIS cutting off heads at DuckDuckGo
I'm not surprised in the slightest that liberalfilth are Nazis. I already proved that liberals were Nazis years ago with a simple fact: they fellate/swallow the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating hate ideology on this planet, the Islam bag of pus they think is so wonderful.
They are exactly like the Nazis they like to think they oppose. Such idiots...so leftist of them.

Oppose? The democrats have always been just like the nazis.

The violence, the need to control, the obsession with classifying people into groups, the fetish for ghettos and concentration camps, the similarities go on and on.
I have been saying for years that snowflakes are the new Stalinists. Here's the irrefutable proof:

They wouldn't be so eager if they were the ones that had to come and get us.

Who are they going to get to take us?

Well, you have to understand they're dope addled deviants and faggots, so their 'plan' is some ridiculous hybrid fantasy of using black street thugs and criminal illegal aliens led by La Raza lawyers in some sort of great Aztlan 'ethnic cleansing' scheme or other, never mind that their black tugs might object to their 'partners' ideas, seeing as how blacks and hispanics routinely kill each other over dope and territory, and neither demographic likes faggots, either, but there you go, that's their stupid dope addled loony 'plan'. And, they're going to shove all the Xians in ovens, and legalize pedophilia, too; don't forget that great election winning dream.
They are exactly like the Nazis they like to think they oppose. Such idiots...so leftist of them.

Pro paying the American worker a living wage?

lol the Nazis never paid workers a living wage; they would never have gotten the Krupp's and the the other industrialists' backing if Hitler hadn't crushed the unions. Hitler was not Mussolini. He hated the Strasserites as well.
I have been saying for years that snowflakes are the new Stalinists. Here's the irrefutable proof:

We in Arizona keep waiting for the BIG ONE that breaks Kali off into the Pacific and we get beach-front property in Yuma.
I have been saying for years that snowflakes are the new Stalinists. Here's the irrefutable proof:

Jesus H Christ this nation is fucked. If you think AOC is an idiot wait for the next group.

The same type of people like Hitler so since the Jews were available thay were the victims and not the only ones. They are a great danger since they have been educated by Socialist in school. Soon as they become the victims they will cry for there Mamas.

Speaking of Jews .. how about those Trump supporters torch marching in Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us”?

You think we can’t do a google search and find a righty kook spewing crazy on YouTube ?

That was just more FAKE NEWS made up by your lying libtard media...…

Those were all libtards acting like Trump Suporters…
I have been saying for years that snowflakes are the new Stalinists. Here's the irrefutable proof:

trump supporters need to be incarcerated for their own good. They are crazy as hell and jeopardize the world and every sane citizen of America.

I knew we could get one of the forum snowflakes to support Stalinism.

Bunch of religious kooks out to kill others ? Sounds like conservatives to me .

The vast majority of violence comes from the left….

Take a poll in any prison you dumb ass know nothing libtard.
What a load of crap. The same people who support Trump, use a single data point to "prove" Democrats, liberals and progressives reject freedom and seek to overturn our economic system when reality tells us that our system has devolved into a plutocracy.

The GOP has turned the United States into a system for the special interests, corporations ("they are people too") and by the special interests. They support what amounts to a monarchy, and continue the RED SCARE total bullshit with no basis in reality.

That most of them really believe this BIG LIE is mindful of a 'B' movie, that people can be so naive, ignorant and hateful ought to remain in a book of fiction. Sadly, it exists in the 21st Century in the United States.

None dare call them patriots.

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