UFOs: I want to go on record right now.

I can't believe we can agree so much on such an important topic, yet totally disagree here.

You're basically saying that everyone is crazy, stupid, or a liar. Including our military and their video and radar equipment.
I can't believe we can agree so much on such an important topic, yet totally disagree here.

You're basically saying that everyone is crazy, stupid, or a liar. Including our military and their video and radar equipment.
No I am not. I just agreed with the people refusing to call them alien aircraft. The people YOU cited.

So, nice try. Not really.
Run by the people who refuse to accept alien craft as the explanation?

Sounds like you are the one calling them liars.

Let's be crystal clear on that.
I'm providing a good explanation. You are not. You're trying to tell me they're crazy, or high, or seeing a balloon.
You definitely didn't watch the video, because you replied too fast to watch.

You're just denying for the sake of denying.
If you can't be bothered, start watching at 6:30 in the video, to hear two Navy pilots, including a TOP GUN pilot, describe what they saw.

And tell me that's hallucinations, false memory, optical illusions, mundane objects. If you can watch that and still say that, I will have to conclude that you are crazy.

That's the only obvious conclusion. Please watch it, starting at 6:30. Please do that for me, as a friend.

UFO's are real. Call them UAP's if you like. But they are real, there is no denial anymore. People who deny them are now subject to ridicule. Ain't that funny?

Synopsis of Unconventional Flying Objects: JSE Review
By: H.E. Puthoff
Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, TX 78759
SUBJECT: Synopsis of Unconventional Flying Objects, by Paul Hill, Hampton Roads Publ. Co.,
Charlottesville, VA, 1995 (ISBN 1-57174-027-9)
JSE Review by H. E. Puthoff, Ph.D., Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, TX 78759

To the degree that the engineering characteristics of UFOs can be estimated by empirical
observation, in my opinion the above-referenced, recently-published book by Paul Hill provides
the most reliable, concise summary of engineering-type data available. [1] The data were
compiled over decades of research by a Chief Scientist-Manager at NASA's Langley Research
Center [2] who acted as an informal clearinghouse for UFO-related data. The strength of the
compilation lies in its thoughtful separation of wheat from chaff, and the analysis of the former into coherent patterns, including detailed calculations. Perhaps surprising to the casually interested, under careful examination the observations, rather than defying the laws of physics as naive interpretation might suggest, instead appear to be solidly commensurate with them, as the
following discussion shows.

One of the most consistently-observed characteristics of UFO flight is a ubiquitous pattern in
which they tilt to perform all maneuvers. Specifically, they sit level to hover, tilt forward to move
forward, tilt backward to stop, bank to turn, and descend by "falling-leaf" or "silver- dollar-wobble" motions. Detailed analysis by Hill shows that such motion is inconsistent with aerodynamic requirements, but totally consistent with some form of repulsive force-field propulsion. Not satisfied with paper analyses alone, Hill arranged to have various forms of jet-supported and rotor-supported circular flying platforms built and tested. Hill himself acted as test pilot in early, originally-classified, versions, and found the above motions the most economical for control purposes. Pictures of these platforms are included in the text.
One of the consequences of the above identification of field propulsion type by Hill is his
conclusion, supported by detailed calculation, computer simulation and wind-tunnel studies, that
supersonic flight through the atmosphere without sonic booms is easily engineered. Manipulation
of the acceleration-type force field would, even at supersonic speeds, result in a constant-
pressure, compression-free zone without shockwave in which the vehicle is surrounded by a
subsonic flow-pattern of streamlines, and subsonic velocity ratios. An additional benefit of such
field control is that drops of moisture, rain, dust, insects, or other low-velocity objects would follow streamline paths around the craft rather than impact it.

Another puzzle resolved by Hill's analysis is that craft observed to travel continuously at Mach 4
or 5 do not appear to generate temperatures sufficiently high to be destructive to known
materials. In other words, UFOs appear to prevent high aerodynamic heating rates, rather than
permitting a heating problem, then surviving it with heat- resistant materials as is the case of the
Shuttle whose surface temperatures can reach 1300 degrees C. The resolution of this potential
problem is shown by Hill to derive from the fact that the force-field control that results in the
prevention of shockwave drag as discussed above is also effective in preventing aerodynamic
heating. In effect the airflow approaches, then springs away from the craft, depositing no energy
in the process.

Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis Paperback ...


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