UFOs: I want to go on record right now.

Exactly. That's why the 'U' stands for 'Unidentified'. These objects are real and there is video evidence of them flying in ways that are impossible by all known technology. That is all that we know, everything else is speculation.

Right. When I was about 8 years old and living out in the desert of Southern California, me and my older brother both saw some objects in the night sky late one evening that I know even now defied the ability of any aircraft we have today... based on the apparent distance, speed and formation... however, there's no why I can say they were some sort of space alien craft.. I dont know what they were. could have been some natural phenomena or who knows what?
maybe something our government has, only thing thats certain is we both saw something real... and very unknown as to what they were, so guess they were UFO's.
Yep, and they pose a threat to national security because we don't know what they are.

It's doubtful that they're Russian or Chinese technology, hopefully. Because if it is, they have leapfrogged our technology by 100+ years. And I doubt the US gov't would be telling us if that was the case...

So to me, it leaves a question that can only be answered by looking at the obvious.
They're either ET, or humans from the future coming back in time.

The second one is physically impossible to me. You cannot go back in time until a wormhole is created, which has never been created yet.
So super qualified eye-witnesses, that protect our country and have nuclear weapons at their disposal, and have the evidence on video, is not good enough for you?

You're better than that?
OK, I get where you're coming from. You're either a religious zealot, or a total denier.

And you didn't used to be that way Fort Fun. We've known each other for a very long time. Outside of this board. Unless you're a different Fort Fun...
So super qualified eye-witnesses, that protect our country and have nuclear weapons at their disposal, and have the evidence on video, is not good enough for you?

You're better than that?
Evidence of what? You are playing the shell game.

Be direct. And don't throw a hissy fit. It's not a Trump thread. it's the science section.
Lol, i'm not throwing a hissy fit. I'm sorry if you think so FFI.

You're saying that testimony from Navy pilots and government officials is not enough for you. Videos from Navy cockpits are not enough for you. Countless reports in the past mean nothing to you.

You want an actual UFO to play with?

If so, get out of the conversation. Because you cannot be rationalized with.
Testimony that they saw objects is, indeed, not enough for me to believe they were alien spacecraft. It's not enough for any rational person.
Although the Pentagon and Navy agree that they are Unknown Aerial Phenomena, or UAP's, they also refuse to say they are alien. But they do insist that they are real and have flying dynamics that are not scientifically possible at this time.

So let's put your brains on this and try to explain what the military can't, and believes to be a threat to national security?

What do you think they are?
I'm not saying UFOs exist...but I find it pretty arrogant for people to believe we are the only beings in existence considering the thousands+ of gallaxies, millions of planets, etc...

'God created the heavenS and the earth'...

Just saying...
I don't know what explanations you have posted. You're just refusing for the sake of refusing.
Hallucinations, false memories, optical illusions, mundane objects in the atmosphere, atnospheric phenomena, all the usual ones that have held up for a century in lieu of any good evidence whatsoever that they are something else.

This is the brick wall you are running into. Headfirst.

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