Uganda passes Law givng Homosexuals Life in Prison sentence.

US should take some lessons from Uganda. :)

You're welcome to move there, kiddo.

Africa is for Africans. Not white Americans. Soon enough the backlash here will begin...might even see the 2nd revolution over this faggotry business here. Well that would be the straw that broke the camel's back. People I hope are getting real tired of activist judges forcing shit on people.
US should take some lessons from Uganda. :)

You're welcome to move there, kiddo.

Africa is for Africans. Not white Americans. Soon enough the backlash here will begin...might even see the 2nd revolution over this faggotry business here. Well that would be the straw that broke the camel's back. People I hope are getting real tired of activist judges forcing shit on people.

Doubt it, something like 60% of the country supports gay marriage now. It is only a matter of time before it is legal nationwide.
You're welcome to move there, kiddo.

Africa is for Africans. Not white Americans. Soon enough the backlash here will begin...might even see the 2nd revolution over this faggotry business here. Well that would be the straw that broke the camel's back. People I hope are getting real tired of activist judges forcing shit on people.

Doubt it, something like 60% of the country supports gay marriage now. It is only a matter of time before it is legal nationwide.

Based on a poll of 1k people in one location yes. If I polled 1k people in NY or California I would expect that. In Ga or Tn or NC hell no. Its only going to become legal in the laws sense we will never accept it and it will only show us the deviants behind it all and give us a chance to take revenge. At the poll or in other ways.
Africa is for Africans. Not white Americans. Soon enough the backlash here will begin...might even see the 2nd revolution over this faggotry business here. Well that would be the straw that broke the camel's back. People I hope are getting real tired of activist judges forcing shit on people.

Doubt it, something like 60% of the country supports gay marriage now. It is only a matter of time before it is legal nationwide.

Based on a poll of 1k people in one location yes. If I polled 1k people in NY or California I would expect that. In Ga or Tn or NC hell no. Its only going to become legal in the laws sense we will never accept it and it will only show us the deviants behind it all and give us a chance to take revenge. At the poll or in other ways.

Wrong, they are national polls. Those that don't accept will just have to deal with it.
of 1k people lol...out of a nation of over 300 million...give me a break. Oh sure yeah we will deal with it. That kind of snob attitude ain't gonna get you anywhere...the calls for secession and independence are going to grow big time. Go ahead force something on everyone that the majority doesn't want. Enjoy the back lash.I know your kind. ROTHSTEIN...shocker there....same kind that pushes the degenerate garbage on all countries...then you will be just shocked when the normal people revolt or fight back.
of 1k people lol...out of a nation of over 300 million...give me a break. Oh sure yeah we will deal with it. That kind of snob attitude ain't gonna get you anywhere...the calls for secession and independence are going to grow big time. Go ahead force something on everyone that the majority doesn't want. Enjoy the back lash.I know your kind. ROTHSTEIN...shocker there....same kind that pushes the degenerate garbage on all countries...then you will be just shocked when the normal people revolt or fight back.

Oh look, another right winger who doesn't believe polls. The fact of the matter is that support for gay marriage continues to rise as the old die off and are replaced by younger, more open minded voters. Things have changed drastically in the last ten years and will continue to move in the direction of support for gay marriage.
Again 1k people don't represent 300 million slick. Yeah we have all heard the drivel about the old dying off the young replacing them etc etc etc. I am 29. So I am young. My wife is 27 again young. Neither of us approve of this garbage. Its all in how you are raised. Wrong way or right way. We were raised the right way. So go ahead shove it down the people's throats when "hate crimes" against faggots increase don't cry about it.
Oh and I guarantee you will see a mass exodus of parents taking kids from public schools once more states follow California's example of allowing faggotry into sex ed classes and homo history etc.
Again 1k people don't represent 300 million slick. Yeah we have all heard the drivel about the old dying off the young replacing them etc etc etc. I am 29. So I am young. My wife is 27 again young. Neither of us approve of this garbage. Its all in how you are raised. Wrong way or right way. We were raised the right way. So go ahead shove it down the people's throats when "hate crimes" against faggots increase don't cry about it.

Sounds like you were both raised the scumbag way.
Again 1k people don't represent 300 million slick. Yeah we have all heard the drivel about the old dying off the young replacing them etc etc etc. I am 29. So I am young. My wife is 27 again young. Neither of us approve of this garbage. Its all in how you are raised. Wrong way or right way. We were raised the right way. So go ahead shove it down the people's throats when "hate crimes" against faggots increase don't cry about it.

Sounds like you and your wife were raised to be hateful assholes.

The two of you can keep living in your little fantasy world. The rest of us will continue living in a country that continues to become more tolerant of gay marriage.
Best way to combat hate is being nice to the haters. I know that's difficult at times, but think about it: a Nazi or white supremacist is absolutely convinced all Jews, blacks, and minorities are this n that. Then those they have these opinions of actually give them a fair hearing, listen to what they have to say, interact in their threads and treat them with respect. Suddenly all their prejudiced claims are revealed as the irrational and untrue claims we knew they were to everybody else.

"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Best way to combat hate is being nice to the haters. I know that's difficult at times, but think about it: a Nazi or white supremacist is absolutely convinced all Jews, blacks, and minorities are this n that. Then those they have these opinions of actually give them a fair hearing, listen to what they have to say, interact in their threads and treat them with respect. Suddenly all their prejudiced claims are revealed as the irrational and untrue claims we knew they were to everybody else.

"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Well I'm not Jewish, black or a minority. I'm a white woman. So I'm gonna keep telling him he's a piece of shit. (generally though, I have a lot of respect for your method)
I am going to buy Bodey a first class one way ticket to Uganda.
Things really have been going great for Independent Africa since European Imperialist's left the Dark Continent.

Again 1k people don't represent 300 million slick. Yeah we have all heard the drivel about the old dying off the young replacing them etc etc etc. I am 29. So I am young. My wife is 27 again young. Neither of us approve of this garbage. Its all in how you are raised. Wrong way or right way. We were raised the right way. So go ahead shove it down the people's throats when "hate crimes" against faggots increase don't cry about it.

Sounds like you and your wife were raised to be hateful assholes.

The two of you can keep living in your little fantasy world. The rest of us will continue living in a country that continues to become more tolerant of gay marriage.
You keep dreaming that the whole country thinks like you do,that's why it takes activist judges to force it on the population eh>?
Your opinion which means less to me than the shit my dog shits out. :)

Oh heaven's to betsy! A racist and homophobic hateful piece of shit doesn't care what I think?! Quick, bring me my fainting couch so that I may clutch my pearls in distress!
Funny to bad not very smart.
Things really have been going great for Independent Africa since European Imperialist's left the Dark Continent.

Oh yeah! Totally! LOL

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