Uganda passes Law givng Homosexuals Life in Prison sentence.

Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.

Don't get to worked up over some tiny grammar shit head.

Works out just fine. Don't see to many race mixing whores around here...usually when you do its the white slut with her halfbreed mexican/negro kid and SHOCKER! No father around. They know how people around here feel about it. We make sure to let them know. So the millions in California that voted against allowing faggots marry are haters eh? LOL...sure thing sparky.

Did the voters in CA say all gays deserve to die? No.

Not sure where you are. But I have been all over the South, and have seen interracial couples pretty much everywhere, from small towns & rural areas to major cities.

But you still have no say. The civil rights movement was successful. And soon all 50 states will recognize gay marriages.
Nope they said they wanted marriage to between a man and a woman,stop moving the goalposts when your point is refuted. The people chose to not recognize faggot marriage an activist judge or judges goes behind them and destroys the very point of democracy which is voting. Why even vote if some tyrant in a robe is going to just change the outcome? Yes they are every where but I see very few I said the ones I do see are not welcome here and usually don't last here. Hard to make ends meet when the mexican or negro you laid down with leaves your worthless ass. :) Oh successful indeed! Now instead of clean,nice,respectful schools we have gangs,rapes,drugs and negro scum with an IQ no larger than my shoe size taking up space and resources white kids could be using to get ahead in life. Evolution obviously wasn't kind to negro's. When they couldn't get negro's to move to a white town they kidnapped the white kids and sent them to negro schools and vice versa...that's your idea of accomplishing something. I am so very glad me and my wife are so involved in my kids schooling. I studied the schools here before choosing one to send them to including whichw as the whitest. I picked their teachers and its all worked out really well. I will do the same when we move to Tn. We are moving in the summer so I will have plenty of time to do so.

I'm not. I am happily married to my wife. Why do you ask? Why do the rest of us have to put up with faggotry? Allowing them destroy the institution of traditional marriage. Give them this they will push for more. Allowing them to teach faggot history to kids,teach about anal sex in sex ed classes. I will not allow my kids to take those classes,school is for learning about education not sex. They will be taught that at home so I know what's being taught and by whom.

How do you have to put up with anything? There have always been gays. You want them hiding so you don't even have to see them? Sorry, those days are gone and will not be back. But gay marriages will not effect you at all.

Affect me? No probably not. Other than letting another degeneracy swamp America I mean the last ones have done so well ya know...shall we study the test scores from before integration to now? I am sure my side would be held up as in the right there. See what you obviously don't grasp is fags don't stop at just getting marriage allowed next will be what they have in California teaching about faggot history and faggotry in sex ed class etc etc...not gonna happen with my kids pal.

So its about test scores? Nah, that is just camouflage for your ignorance and hate.

If its about test scores, lets make it about test scores. The kids with the high scores and the people with the college degrees get to stay. How about that?

You see, you might be able to claim something with averages, but when it comes to individuals, you have nothing. There are plenty of blacks, Hispanics, and mixed race children who are at the top of their academics. And there are plenty of white kids who are dumb as rocks. I wonder where you and yours would fall in the big picture?
Sodomy is considered a sin, an abomination in the eyes if God. Homosexuality is a sick abnormality.
I don't care how some of you people try to sugarcoat it , it goes againsts the normal way men and women are supposed to interact. Homosexuality is not normal. It is an unnatural abberation of the
human race.Case closed.
Sodomy is considered a sin, an abomination in the eyes if God. Homosexuality is a sick abnormality.
I don't care how some of you people try to sugarcoat it , it goes againsts the normal way men and women are supposed to interact. Homosexuality is not normal. It is an unnatural abberation of the
human race.Case closed.

Does it bother you that you may not be able to travel to Uganda if this bill is passed?
Sodomy is considered a sin, an abomination in the eyes if God. Homosexuality is a sick abnormality.
I don't care how some of you people try to sugarcoat it , it goes againsts the normal way men and women are supposed to interact. Homosexuality is not normal. It is an unnatural abberation of the
human race.Case closed.

Does it bother you that you may not be able to travel to Uganda if this bill is passed?

No it does not bother not one bit , I can travel there I am black. You a white homo loving
devil will be lynched on the spot!. With your race mixing ideology.
You are the one who can not travel to Uganda!!
Sodomy is considered a sin, an abomination in the eyes if God. Homosexuality is a sick abnormality.
I don't care how some of you people try to sugarcoat it , it goes againsts the normal way men and women are supposed to interact. Homosexuality is not normal. It is an unnatural abberation of the
human race.Case closed.

That is all well and good if we are talking about church membership. But we are not.

This is simply a backwards and barbaric sentence for something that should not even be a crime.
Sodomy is considered a sin, an abomination in the eyes if God. Homosexuality is a sick abnormality.
I don't care how some of you people try to sugarcoat it , it goes againsts the normal way men and women are supposed to interact. Homosexuality is not normal. It is an unnatural abberation of the
human race.Case closed.

Does it bother you that you may not be able to travel to Uganda if this bill is passed?

No it does not bother not one bit , I can travel there I am black.

You'd have to do a much better job of hiding your 'lifestyle' there than you do here, miss.
Sodomy is considered a sin, an abomination in the eyes if God. Homosexuality is a sick abnormality.
I don't care how some of you people try to sugarcoat it , it goes againsts the normal way men and women are supposed to interact. Homosexuality is not normal. It is an unnatural abberation of the
human race.Case closed.

You bring God to my house for dinner and I will ask him why he gave gays all that talent and made right wing Christians proud to be ignorant. Just that awful Christian Muzak is enough to condemn so many Christians to Hell for eternity.
Did the voters in CA say all gays deserve to die? No.

Not sure where you are. But I have been all over the South, and have seen interracial couples pretty much everywhere, from small towns & rural areas to major cities.

But you still have no say. The civil rights movement was successful. And soon all 50 states will recognize gay marriages.
Nope they said they wanted marriage to between a man and a woman,stop moving the goalposts when your point is refuted. The people chose to not recognize faggot marriage an activist judge or judges goes behind them and destroys the very point of democracy which is voting. Why even vote if some tyrant in a robe is going to just change the outcome? Yes they are every where but I see very few I said the ones I do see are not welcome here and usually don't last here. Hard to make ends meet when the mexican or negro you laid down with leaves your worthless ass. :) Oh successful indeed! Now instead of clean,nice,respectful schools we have gangs,rapes,drugs and negro scum with an IQ no larger than my shoe size taking up space and resources white kids could be using to get ahead in life. Evolution obviously wasn't kind to negro's. When they couldn't get negro's to move to a white town they kidnapped the white kids and sent them to negro schools and vice versa...that's your idea of accomplishing something. I am so very glad me and my wife are so involved in my kids schooling. I studied the schools here before choosing one to send them to including whichw as the whitest. I picked their teachers and its all worked out really well. I will do the same when we move to Tn. We are moving in the summer so I will have plenty of time to do so.

How do you have to put up with anything? There have always been gays. You want them hiding so you don't even have to see them? Sorry, those days are gone and will not be back. But gay marriages will not effect you at all.

Affect me? No probably not. Other than letting another degeneracy swamp America I mean the last ones have done so well ya know...shall we study the test scores from before integration to now? I am sure my side would be held up as in the right there. See what you obviously don't grasp is fags don't stop at just getting marriage allowed next will be what they have in California teaching about faggot history and faggotry in sex ed class etc etc...not gonna happen with my kids pal.

"like I said the ones I do see are not welcome here and usually don't last here." Ooh, so big and bad that you can scare off single moms? Yeah, that is something to be proud of. lol

I'm glad you participate in your children's education. And I'm glad you have the constitutional right to speak about what you believe. Funny how that document you hate keeps your rights in place too.
It also allows faggots to destroy this country among others.
Having secret meetings in his Mom's basement and denouncing gays, blacks and white women who marry black men? But it will be a strongly worded denouncement. Not that weak kind. lol

Just don't let Mom find out what the meetings are about.

Not kidding. A family moved in at the end of a cul de sac. Black man, white woman. I'm trying to remember . Early 60's.

My dad looked at me, because I had never ever seen this before, and told me color doesn't count when you're in love.

I'd only known white people.

They wouldn't have lived there long. I have noticed more coal burners lately and even some negro's know they are living here because Wal Marx hired them. Good thing 6 months and I am gone...
Sodomy is considered a sin, an abomination in the eyes if God. Homosexuality is a sick abnormality.
I don't care how some of you people try to sugarcoat it , it goes againsts the normal way men and women are supposed to interact. Homosexuality is not normal. It is an unnatural abberation of the
human race.Case closed.
Nope. Homosexuality is totally normal and natural. I don't care if your religion says you're right, whether it be defending homophobia or slavery. It's wrong.
"God Loves Uganda" is a new film that is in the running for an Oscar. It's about how US Evangelicals are pushing for the anti-gay movement in Uganda.

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