Uganda passes Law givng Homosexuals Life in Prison sentence.

Libs can't blame their darlings for anything. A. African nation is doing this because of white Christians or imperialism.

THREE white Christians changed the whole country. That's some powerful juju there.

It won't do a thing about the number of homosexuals either. Homosexuality is a naturally occurring anamoly. It has existed in the same percentage among human beings as long as human beings have been keeping records and noted in the burial places of primitive people who had no records.
American right wingers going to Africa and teaching those people to fear gays. Telling them that gays "turn" their children. That's what's behind the hate. This has been going on for years.
Not only that, if you know someone who is gay and didn't "turn them in", you could go to jail yourself. Republicans and right wingers haven't been able to spread such hatred here, but they have been very successful in Uganda. I'm sure they are still trying. Republicans hate gays more than Muslims or blacks.

Rachel Maddow on MSNBC has been covering this for a while. While it's a shame, I'm not Ugandan, I've never been to Uganda, I can't say I ever intended to go there, so I don't really care what they do in their own country.
American right wingers going to Africa and teaching those people to fear gays. Telling them that gays "turn" their children. That's what's behind the hate. This has been going on for years.
Not only that, if you know someone who is gay and didn't "turn them in", you could go to jail yourself. Republicans and right wingers haven't been able to spread such hatred here, but they have been very successful in Uganda. I'm sure they are still trying. Republicans hate gays more than Muslims or blacks.

Rachel Maddow on MSNBC has been covering this for a while. While it's a shame, I'm not Ugandan, I've never been to Uganda, I can't say I ever intended to go there, so I don't really care what they do in their own country.

Right winger fundagelicals have been visiting Uganda and Russia for years lobbying the governments, claiming to be "experts" and insisting gays want their children. It hasn't been working in this country for awhile, but they feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment by what those governments are doing.

Russian Parliament Hosts U.S. Anti-Gay Activist Paul Cameron | Religion Dispatches

Anti-Gay Evangelist Scott Lively Takes Credit for Russia's Anti-Gay Laws: VIDEO| Gay News

As the Rev. Kapya Kaoma explains, these young people no doubt believe they’re doing good, but their African adventure is part of a worldwide Christian-right counterattack. Kaoma is an Anglican priest who had to flee Uganda after becoming an outspoken opponent of the growing spiritual and political power of right-wing American Christians in that country. Not only have evangelical leaders like Engle sent waves of young missionaries into Uganda, Kaoma observes, they have nurtured local leaders like Robert Kayanja and Martin Ssempa, prominent Ugandan pastors who were trained and educated in the United States. Ssempa in particular (who lives in Las Vegas when not preaching in Kampala) has become an incendiary force behind the anti-gay legislation, screening gay porn films for his congregation that depict extreme S/M sex acts and telling them that gays want the freedom “to eat the poo-poo of your children.” I know that sounds like an Onion story, but it appears to be the truth.

"God Loves Uganda": Africa"s terrifying Christian revival
I can make the arguement it's worth objecting to and working against from America, but only if you belive there's a long-game going on where US evangelicas are hoping to get much of the rest of the world to pass these kinds of laws so eventually they can say "look, the rest of the world is against this, time for us to catch to them here in the US." But while I believe in long-games, I think this would be too smart for evangelicals and conservatives who can't even get their poop together to win an election against a black guy with a Muslim name. No offense, just saying how pathetic are they.
Liberals here in the west think that allowing civil unions, but not same sex marriage is exactly the same as jailing gays or execeuting them for being gay. They call people who support civil unions "american taliban"
I just listened to this on NPR last night as I was driving my dog to his appointment - it's a horrific law, a backwards law. Better than death? That's kind of like saying - cutting a hand off is better than cutting a head off when both are barbaric punishments - even more so when the punishment is for an act of nature that shouldn't be a crime in the first place if not for the dominant religion of that area.

Worst and most disgusting is the involvement of some American churches in the creation of this law - and make no mewling excuses about "death" - the first version of the law they pushed for involved death! This was supported by American Christians! Not the majority of them, but those who felt they "lost the gay war" in America and decided they could better force their way in Africa! :mad:

Uganda Passes Anti-Gay Bill That Includes Life In Prison : Parallels : NPR

Uganda's Parliament ignored Western criticism and passed a bill on Friday that punishes acts of homosexuality with prison terms that can include life in prison.

...The Anti-Homosexuality Bill, it's actual name, also makes it a crime to "promote" homosexuality, which could mean simply offering HIV counseling.

It also makes it a crime punishable by five years in prison for renting an apartment to an LGBT person and not informing on your tenant to authorities.

"It's trying to make it impossible for people to have private lives," says Jessica Stern, executive director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, based in New York.

"If you're perceived to be LGBT, no one's going to rent to you, for fear of their own criminal responsibility," she adds. "So if this law is enacted in its current form, it's basically a homelessness sentence for LGBT Ugandans."

"There are these factions of the evangelical community in the U.S. that believe they've more or less lost the fight against the homosexual agenda," says Malika Zouhali Worrall, who co-directed the documentary . Kuchu is a word for "queer" in Uganda. "Therefore they're trying to pre-empt it in other countries."

....When the bill was first introduced in 2009, it was dubbed the "Kill the Gays Bill" because of its death penalty provision. That was later removed, but it galvanized the LGBT community in Uganda, which mobilized international support and took on a cautious public role in Uganda.

...(LGBT's)...They're also trying to figure out how to stay safe in a country where mob attacks are commonplace. Wambere says that just a few weeks ago he heard some people on his street talking about him.

"They were like, 'These are the people when the law passes, we shall deal with them,' " Wambere said.

The bill puts Museveni in a bind. Western countries have threatened to withhold financial aid if the bill goes through. But the bill has wide public support in the country.

Frederick Golooba Mutebi, a columnist for the newspaper The East African, says it will be easier for the president to reject a second bill passed in Parliament on Friday. That measure outlaws miniskirts and other "suggestive" clothing.

:mad: :mad: :mad:
It's their country and the majority of the citizens support the anti-homo law.

So who are we to tell them different?? ..... :cool:

The American left believes it controls the world and only Christians stand in the way of complete planetary domination.
It's their country and the majority of the citizens support the anti-homo law.

So who are we to tell them different?? ..... :cool:

Because - "we" have been instrumental in pushing this law forward. We are already telling them what to do.

Other than that, we have a right to speak out against human rights violations (and they have a right to ingore it).
Secular humanist Americans busybodies flood Africa and the Middle East.

Hell bent on changing the people into their version of what they believe is best for them.

And telling the people their morals and culture is outdated.

Basically, the same tactics they used on the Native Americans.

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So true........ secular humanist Americans busybodies flood Africa and the Middle East.

dunno about that...these guys don't strike me as very think?:eusa_whistle:

?God Loves Uganda?: Africa?s terrifying Christian revival -

In the case of Uganda, a nation of 35 million people with many different ethnic and linguistic groups, Christians from the United States and other Western nations have evidently supplied a social glue that became part of Ugandan identity, and have also provided many of the social services that longtime president Yoweri Museveni’s weak central government cannot manage. In the years following the ouster of Idi Amin, Uganda’s notorious 1970s dictator, evangelical Christians helped bring medical care and literacy to many of the poorest and most deprived people in Uganda. These undisputed good works were part of a larger strategy to fuel an evangelical revival in the developing world, which from the Christian point of view has worked brilliantly.

The brilliant end result? One of the most disgusting anti-gay legislative efforts in a Christian country. Typically, as a religion, at least in western countries - they have been more tolerant of gays.

Hell bent on changing the people into their version of what they believe is best for them.

Not in Uganda.

And telling the people their morals and culture is outdated.

Basically, the same tactics they used on the Native Americans.

Any culture which dehumanizes a group of people who have done nothing wrong, deserves to be considered "out dated".
If anyone in the US has been pushing for this law in Uganda, they are working against their own interests because any homosexual from Uganda who shows up in the US after it's passed will almost certainly be granted asylum.
If anyone in the US has been pushing for this law in Uganda, they are working against their own interests because any homosexual from Uganda who shows up in the US after it's passed will almost certainly be granted asylum.

I don't think they think that far ahead as they're too busy turning Uganda into "God's Country"...
American right wingers going to Africa and teaching those people to fear gays. Telling them that gays "turn" their children. That's what's behind the hate. This has been going on for years.
Not only that, if you know someone who is gay and didn't "turn them in", you could go to jail yourself. Republicans and right wingers haven't been able to spread such hatred here, but they have been very successful in Uganda. I'm sure they are still trying. Republicans hate gays more than Muslims or blacks.

Even more far left propaganda!
American right wingers going to Africa and teaching those people to fear gays. Telling them that gays "turn" their children. That's what's behind the hate. This has been going on for years.
Not only that, if you know someone who is gay and didn't "turn them in", you could go to jail yourself. Republicans and right wingers haven't been able to spread such hatred here, but they have been very successful in Uganda. I'm sure they are still trying. Republicans hate gays more than Muslims or blacks.

Even more far left propaganda!
C Street politics: The Family sponsors death for homosexuals in Uganda - Portland Progressive |

November 27, 2009
C Street politics: The Christian mafia is advocating the death penalty for homosexuals in Uganda. The Family at C Street, aka the Christian mafia, is backing proposed anti-gay legislation in Uganda that will sentence homosexuals to death.

The Family at C Street is actively supporting the Ugandan leaders who are championing this draconian legislation, legislation that would institute the death penalty for homosexuality.

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