Uganda passes Law givng Homosexuals Life in Prison sentence.

Africa is for Africans. Not white Americans. Soon enough the backlash here will begin...might even see the 2nd revolution over this faggotry business here. Well that would be the straw that broke the camel's back. People I hope are getting real tired of activist judges forcing shit on people.

Doubt it, something like 60% of the country supports gay marriage now. It is only a matter of time before it is legal nationwide.

Based on a poll of 1k people in one location yes. If I polled 1k people in NY or California I would expect that. In Ga or Tn or NC hell no. Its only going to become legal in the laws sense we will never accept it and it will only show us the deviants behind it all and give us a chance to take revenge. At the poll or in other ways.

What "other ways," pussy?
US should take some lessons from Uganda. :)

You're welcome to move there, kiddo.

Africa is for Africans. Not white Americans. Soon enough the backlash here will begin...might even see the 2nd revolution over this faggotry business here. Well that would be the straw that broke the camel's back. People I hope are getting real tired of activist judges forcing shit on people.

What's being "forced" on people?
The Ugandan parliament passed a law that will give openly homosexuals individuals a life
in prison sentence if caught by the Ugandan Police authorities. The previous bill was calling for a death sentence for homosexual acts, but was now negotiated down to a life
sentence for any homosexual acts, and penalties for anyone who does not report homosexuals to the Police authorities.

The bill is now waiting for the President of Uganda signature. Uganda says that pro homosexual groups from outside the country have been pressing certain members
of the Ugandan government to legalize homosexuality, but they were rebuffed by
many political and religious activist in Uganda, who see homosexuality as Satanic,
and something evil that is being promoted by elements from the Europe and America.

or---> bbcworld news/Africa
click on Africa.


And gays waste their time with Duck Dynasty and Chick Fil A. Not to bright are they?
Africa is for Africans. Not white Americans. Soon enough the backlash here will begin...might even see the 2nd revolution over this faggotry business here. Well that would be the straw that broke the camel's back. People I hope are getting real tired of activist judges forcing shit on people.

Doubt it, something like 60% of the country supports gay marriage now. It is only a matter of time before it is legal nationwide.

Based on a poll of 1k people in one location yes. If I polled 1k people in NY or California I would expect that. In Ga or Tn or NC hell no. Its only going to become legal in the laws sense we will never accept it and it will only show us the deviants behind it all and give us a chance to take revenge. At the poll or in other ways.

It will only be legal in the laws? Well duh! That is sorta the point of laws. Yeah, and the word "legal".

I doubt anyone cares if a group of haters accepts it. Hell, you dislike desegregation and the civil rights movement too. And you oppose interracial marriage. How is that working out for you???
Doubt it, something like 60% of the country supports gay marriage now. It is only a matter of time before it is legal nationwide.

Based on a poll of 1k people in one location yes. If I polled 1k people in NY or California I would expect that. In Ga or Tn or NC hell no. Its only going to become legal in the laws sense we will never accept it and it will only show us the deviants behind it all and give us a chance to take revenge. At the poll or in other ways.

What "other ways," pussy?

Having secret meetings in his Mom's basement and denouncing gays, blacks and white women who marry black men? But it will be a strongly worded denouncement. Not that weak kind. lol
You're welcome to move there, kiddo.

Africa is for Africans. Not white Americans. Soon enough the backlash here will begin...might even see the 2nd revolution over this faggotry business here. Well that would be the straw that broke the camel's back. People I hope are getting real tired of activist judges forcing shit on people.

What's being "forced" on people?
Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.
Oh heaven's to betsy! A racist and homophobic hateful piece of shit doesn't care what I think?! Quick, bring me my fainting couch so that I may clutch my pearls in distress!
Funny to bad not very smart.

"Too", sweetums.
Don't get to worked up over some tiny grammar shit head.
Doubt it, something like 60% of the country supports gay marriage now. It is only a matter of time before it is legal nationwide.

Based on a poll of 1k people in one location yes. If I polled 1k people in NY or California I would expect that. In Ga or Tn or NC hell no. Its only going to become legal in the laws sense we will never accept it and it will only show us the deviants behind it all and give us a chance to take revenge. At the poll or in other ways.

It will only be legal in the laws? Well duh! That is sorta the point of laws. Yeah, and the word "legal".

I doubt anyone cares if a group of haters accepts it. Hell, you dislike desegregation and the civil rights movement too. And you oppose interracial marriage. How is that working out for you???

Works out just fine. Don't see to many race mixing whores around here...usually when you do its the white slut with her halfbreed mexican/negro kid and SHOCKER! No father around. They know how people around here feel about it. We make sure to let them know. So the millions in California that voted against allowing faggots marry are haters eh? LOL...sure thing sparky.
Africa is for Africans. Not white Americans. Soon enough the backlash here will begin...might even see the 2nd revolution over this faggotry business here. Well that would be the straw that broke the camel's back. People I hope are getting real tired of activist judges forcing shit on people.

What's being "forced" on people?
Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.

Who forced you to engage in faggotry?

Who forced you to marry a person of the same sex?

Inquiring minds want to know...:eusa_eh:
What's being "forced" on people?
Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.

Who forced you to engage in faggotry?

Who forced you to marry a person of the same sex?

Inquiring minds want to know...:eusa_eh:

I'm not. I am happily married to my wife. Why do you ask? Why do the rest of us have to put up with faggotry? Allowing them destroy the institution of traditional marriage. Give them this they will push for more. Allowing them to teach faggot history to kids,teach about anal sex in sex ed classes. I will not allow my kids to take those classes,school is for learning about education not sex. They will be taught that at home so I know what's being taught and by whom.
Africa is for Africans. Not white Americans. Soon enough the backlash here will begin...might even see the 2nd revolution over this faggotry business here. Well that would be the straw that broke the camel's back. People I hope are getting real tired of activist judges forcing shit on people.

What's being "forced" on people?
Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.

Don't get to worked up over some tiny grammar shit head.
Based on a poll of 1k people in one location yes. If I polled 1k people in NY or California I would expect that. In Ga or Tn or NC hell no. Its only going to become legal in the laws sense we will never accept it and it will only show us the deviants behind it all and give us a chance to take revenge. At the poll or in other ways.

It will only be legal in the laws? Well duh! That is sorta the point of laws. Yeah, and the word "legal".

I doubt anyone cares if a group of haters accepts it. Hell, you dislike desegregation and the civil rights movement too. And you oppose interracial marriage. How is that working out for you???

Works out just fine. Don't see to many race mixing whores around here...usually when you do its the white slut with her halfbreed mexican/negro kid and SHOCKER! No father around. They know how people around here feel about it. We make sure to let them know. So the millions in California that voted against allowing faggots marry are haters eh? LOL...sure thing sparky.

Did the voters in CA say all gays deserve to die? No.

Not sure where you are. But I have been all over the South, and have seen interracial couples pretty much everywhere, from small towns & rural areas to major cities.

But you still have no say. The civil rights movement was successful. And soon all 50 states will recognize gay marriages.
Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.

Who forced you to engage in faggotry?

Who forced you to marry a person of the same sex?

Inquiring minds want to know...:eusa_eh:

I'm not. I am happily married to my wife. Why do you ask? Why do the rest of us have to put up with faggotry? Allowing them destroy the institution of traditional marriage. Give them this they will push for more. Allowing them to teach faggot history to kids,teach about anal sex in sex ed classes. I will not allow my kids to take those classes,school is for learning about education not sex. They will be taught that at home so I know what's being taught and by whom.

How do you have to put up with anything? There have always been gays. You want them hiding so you don't even have to see them? Sorry, those days are gone and will not be back. But gay marriages will not effect you at all.
Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.

False. Gay marriage is legal in 17 states. In 11 of them, it was approved by the state legislature or referendum.
What's being "forced" on people?
Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.

Don't get to worked up over some tiny grammar shit head.
It will only be legal in the laws? Well duh! That is sorta the point of laws. Yeah, and the word "legal".

I doubt anyone cares if a group of haters accepts it. Hell, you dislike desegregation and the civil rights movement too. And you oppose interracial marriage. How is that working out for you???

Works out just fine. Don't see to many race mixing whores around here...usually when you do its the white slut with her halfbreed mexican/negro kid and SHOCKER! No father around. They know how people around here feel about it. We make sure to let them know. So the millions in California that voted against allowing faggots marry are haters eh? LOL...sure thing sparky.

Did the voters in CA say all gays deserve to die? No.

Not sure where you are. But I have been all over the South, and have seen interracial couples pretty much everywhere, from small towns & rural areas to major cities.

But you still have no say. The civil rights movement was successful. And soon all 50 states will recognize gay marriages.
Nope they said they wanted marriage to between a man and a woman,stop moving the goalposts when your point is refuted. The people chose to not recognize faggot marriage an activist judge or judges goes behind them and destroys the very point of democracy which is voting. Why even vote if some tyrant in a robe is going to just change the outcome? Yes they are every where but I see very few I said the ones I do see are not welcome here and usually don't last here. Hard to make ends meet when the mexican or negro you laid down with leaves your worthless ass. :) Oh successful indeed! Now instead of clean,nice,respectful schools we have gangs,rapes,drugs and negro scum with an IQ no larger than my shoe size taking up space and resources white kids could be using to get ahead in life. Evolution obviously wasn't kind to negro's. When they couldn't get negro's to move to a white town they kidnapped the white kids and sent them to negro schools and vice versa...that's your idea of accomplishing something. I am so very glad me and my wife are so involved in my kids schooling. I studied the schools here before choosing one to send them to including whichw as the whitest. I picked their teachers and its all worked out really well. I will do the same when we move to Tn. We are moving in the summer so I will have plenty of time to do so.

Who forced you to engage in faggotry?

Who forced you to marry a person of the same sex?

Inquiring minds want to know...:eusa_eh:

I'm not. I am happily married to my wife. Why do you ask? Why do the rest of us have to put up with faggotry? Allowing them destroy the institution of traditional marriage. Give them this they will push for more. Allowing them to teach faggot history to kids,teach about anal sex in sex ed classes. I will not allow my kids to take those classes,school is for learning about education not sex. They will be taught that at home so I know what's being taught and by whom.

How do you have to put up with anything? There have always been gays. You want them hiding so you don't even have to see them? Sorry, those days are gone and will not be back. But gay marriages will not effect you at all.

Affect me? No probably not. Other than letting another degeneracy swamp America I mean the last ones have done so well ya know...shall we study the test scores from before integration to now? I am sure my side would be held up as in the right there. See what you obviously don't grasp is fags don't stop at just getting marriage allowed next will be what they have in California teaching about faggot history and faggotry in sex ed class etc etc...not gonna happen with my kids pal.
Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.

False. Gay marriage is legal in 17 states. In 11 of them, it was approved by the state legislature or referendum.

So in a majority the people had absolutely no say in it. My point proven.
Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.

False. Gay marriage is legal in 17 states. In 11 of them, it was approved by the state legislature or referendum.

So in a majority the people had absolutely no say in it. My point proven.

No, in 6 of 17 cases, they had no say. Your point was disproven as a lie.
Faggotry. Legalized marriage. If its not being forced put every single state that has approved it on the ballot and let ALL the people vote on it. It takes a judge in almost every instance to approve this filth. The people had no say so in it.

Don't get to worked up over some tiny grammar shit head.

Works out just fine. Don't see to many race mixing whores around here...usually when you do its the white slut with her halfbreed mexican/negro kid and SHOCKER! No father around. They know how people around here feel about it. We make sure to let them know. So the millions in California that voted against allowing faggots marry are haters eh? LOL...sure thing sparky.

Did the voters in CA say all gays deserve to die? No.

Not sure where you are. But I have been all over the South, and have seen interracial couples pretty much everywhere, from small towns & rural areas to major cities.

But you still have no say. The civil rights movement was successful. And soon all 50 states will recognize gay marriages.
Nope they said they wanted marriage to between a man and a woman,stop moving the goalposts when your point is refuted. The people chose to not recognize faggot marriage an activist judge or judges goes behind them and destroys the very point of democracy which is voting. Why even vote if some tyrant in a robe is going to just change the outcome? Yes they are every where but I see very few I said the ones I do see are not welcome here and usually don't last here. Hard to make ends meet when the mexican or negro you laid down with leaves your worthless ass. :) Oh successful indeed! Now instead of clean,nice,respectful schools we have gangs,rapes,drugs and negro scum with an IQ no larger than my shoe size taking up space and resources white kids could be using to get ahead in life. Evolution obviously wasn't kind to negro's. When they couldn't get negro's to move to a white town they kidnapped the white kids and sent them to negro schools and vice versa...that's your idea of accomplishing something. I am so very glad me and my wife are so involved in my kids schooling. I studied the schools here before choosing one to send them to including whichw as the whitest. I picked their teachers and its all worked out really well. I will do the same when we move to Tn. We are moving in the summer so I will have plenty of time to do so.

I'm not. I am happily married to my wife. Why do you ask? Why do the rest of us have to put up with faggotry? Allowing them destroy the institution of traditional marriage. Give them this they will push for more. Allowing them to teach faggot history to kids,teach about anal sex in sex ed classes. I will not allow my kids to take those classes,school is for learning about education not sex. They will be taught that at home so I know what's being taught and by whom.

How do you have to put up with anything? There have always been gays. You want them hiding so you don't even have to see them? Sorry, those days are gone and will not be back. But gay marriages will not effect you at all.

Affect me? No probably not. Other than letting another degeneracy swamp America I mean the last ones have done so well ya know...shall we study the test scores from before integration to now? I am sure my side would be held up as in the right there. See what you obviously don't grasp is fags don't stop at just getting marriage allowed next will be what they have in California teaching about faggot history and faggotry in sex ed class etc etc...not gonna happen with my kids pal.

"like I said the ones I do see are not welcome here and usually don't last here." Ooh, so big and bad that you can scare off single moms? Yeah, that is something to be proud of. lol

I'm glad you participate in your children's education. And I'm glad you have the constitutional right to speak about what you believe. Funny how that document you hate keeps your rights in place too.
Based on a poll of 1k people in one location yes. If I polled 1k people in NY or California I would expect that. In Ga or Tn or NC hell no. Its only going to become legal in the laws sense we will never accept it and it will only show us the deviants behind it all and give us a chance to take revenge. At the poll or in other ways.

What "other ways," pussy?

Having secret meetings in his Mom's basement and denouncing gays, blacks and white women who marry black men? But it will be a strongly worded denouncement. Not that weak kind. lol

Just don't let Mom find out what the meetings are about.
Who forced you to engage in faggotry?

Who forced you to marry a person of the same sex?

Inquiring minds want to know...:eusa_eh:

I'm not. I am happily married to my wife. Why do you ask? Why do the rest of us have to put up with faggotry? Allowing them destroy the institution of traditional marriage. Give them this they will push for more. Allowing them to teach faggot history to kids,teach about anal sex in sex ed classes. I will not allow my kids to take those classes,school is for learning about education not sex. They will be taught that at home so I know what's being taught and by whom.

How do you have to put up with anything? There have always been gays. You want them hiding so you don't even have to see them? Sorry, those days are gone and will not be back. But gay marriages will not effect you at all.

Watch what happens after. I have not a problem with gay marriage. I do have a problem with the forcing of other folks to accecpt gay marriage, gay wedding cakes et al. And it'ts coming.

Watch what will happen. You will have whacko activitsts screaming their way thru every ones life.
Last edited:
What "other ways," pussy?

Having secret meetings in his Mom's basement and denouncing gays, blacks and white women who marry black men? But it will be a strongly worded denouncement. Not that weak kind. lol

Just don't let Mom find out what the meetings are about.

Not kidding. A family moved in at the end of a cul de sac. Black man, white woman. I'm trying to remember . Early 60's.

My dad looked at me, because I had never ever seen this before, and told me color doesn't count when you're in love.

I'd only known white people.
American right wingers going to Africa and teaching those people to fear gays. Telling them that gays "turn" their children. That's what's behind the hate. This has been going on for years.
Not only that, if you know someone who is gay and didn't "turn them in", you could go to jail yourself. Republicans and right wingers haven't been able to spread such hatred here, but they have been very successful in Uganda. I'm sure they are still trying. Republicans hate gays more than Muslims or blacks.

Rachel Maddow on MSNBC has been covering this for a while. While it's a shame, I'm not Ugandan, I've never been to Uganda, I can't say I ever intended to go there, so I don't really care what they do in their own country.

Right winger fundagelicals have been visiting Uganda and Russia for years lobbying the governments, claiming to be "experts" and insisting gays want their children. It hasn't been working in this country for awhile, but they feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment by what those governments are doing.

Russian Parliament Hosts U.S. Anti-Gay Activist Paul Cameron | Religion Dispatches

Anti-Gay Evangelist Scott Lively Takes Credit for Russia's Anti-Gay Laws: VIDEO| Gay News

As the Rev. Kapya Kaoma explains, these young people no doubt believe they’re doing good, but their African adventure is part of a worldwide Christian-right counterattack. Kaoma is an Anglican priest who had to flee Uganda after becoming an outspoken opponent of the growing spiritual and political power of right-wing American Christians in that country. Not only have evangelical leaders like Engle sent waves of young missionaries into Uganda, Kaoma observes, they have nurtured local leaders like Robert Kayanja and Martin Ssempa, prominent Ugandan pastors who were trained and educated in the United States. Ssempa in particular (who lives in Las Vegas when not preaching in Kampala) has become an incendiary force behind the anti-gay legislation, screening gay porn films for his congregation that depict extreme S/M sex acts and telling them that gays want the freedom “to eat the poo-poo of your children.” I know that sounds like an Onion story, but it appears to be the truth.

"God Loves Uganda": Africa"s terrifying Christian revival

Why don't you get a few of your buddies together and go over to Uganda and try to change their minds? quick talking about it and DO something. If you're so worried about it. Like I said previously: sex, drugs and abortion - the Big Three with liberals. That's all they care about. A new candidate comes up for some public office and they are the only issues that concern them. Pretty pitiful.

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