UGH: What a joke Obama has made us

I disagree with your analysis, which smacks of Turnspeak.
What is "turnspeak?"

If you disagree with my comment, please be specific in your criticism. What is it you disagree with?
Turnspeak - the cynical inverting or distortion of facts which, for example, makes the victim appear as culprit.
~~Joan Peters

Or simply giving discredit to the wrong person.
Still not specific.

You don't think Obama is intelligent while Bush is embarrassingly ignorant?

And do you think the Iraq invasion was at all necessary?

Or do you not believe Bush wrecked our economy?

Again, specifics -- or your comments are a waste of time.
I won't waste your valuable time,

Bush has a higher IQ than Obama.

Saddam was murdering his own people by the thousands.

A Democrat Congress and cretins like Barney Frank ruined the economy.

Bush is a patriot.

Obama is a Muslim who is changing America for his Communist friends and the Ayatollah. Just like Alinsky preached.
Bush has a higher IQ than Obama.
I don't know what the IQ of either Bush or Obama is. but putting aside your feelings toward Obama, do you honestly believe Bush is more intelligent?

Saddam was murdering his own people by the thousands.
That is none of our business. We are not the cops of the world. How long would we last by taking it upon ourselves to routinely defend the oppressed of the world?

A Democrat Congress and cretins like Barney Frank ruined the economy.
To simplify what could turn out to be an endless debate I'll just say Bill Clinton (whom I have no respect for) left Office with the National economy showing a projected two-and-a-half trillion dollar surplus. Bush quickly transformed that surplus into a multi-trillion dollar deficit and he left Office with the economy on the verge of collapse.

Bush is a patriot.
I think you know better than that. Bush's criminal actions have disgraced this Nation in the eyes of the world. And he did it for self-serving reasons.

Obama is a Muslim who is changing America for his Communist friends and the Ayatollah. Just like Alinsky preached.
Obama is a skillful orator, a highly intelligent, well-educated political animal who has risen from the ranks of urban community organizer to the ultimate National Office with the aid of the banking and finance industries -- which he manages to patronize while simultaneously promoting various socialist policies. But don't be deluded by propagandists like Limbaugh and Hannity into believing Obama is a communist. Communism is diametrically opposite the goals of Obama's most purposeful supporters -- the ultimate capitalists who financed his rise to the Presidency.
And you're full.... of shit. Really guy! You're not worth my time.
Keepers at NYC's Bronx Zoo have installed plexiglas barriers beyond the bars of some cages in the primate exhibit because the monkeys there are known to defecate into their hands and throw it when something upsets them. The monkeys do this when they are frustrated because all that a monkey in a cage can do when he doesn't like something is throw shit.

Ignorance and stupidity are metaphorical cages. Personal insults and empty ad hominem comments are analogous to handfuls of shit to be tossed out in place of intelligent, reasoned, logical arguments.
Holy shit! Looks like our limp-wristed leader really was not properly vetted!

Hell, there's even MORE photos leaking out! Apparently with all of the Obamas off pudding away tax dollars in Cuba a Muslim cleaning lady stumbled up these pics in the residential wing of the White House. I hear that they were hidden away inside an old, greasy KFC bucket.


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