Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Absolutely. I also applaud those who went to school overseas. The ONLY ones I will criticize about avoiding that clusterfuck death chamber are the ones who fled the country.

I have never been a fan of conscription and I don't plan on starting to be one.

Our military is more than awesome as a volunteer group, and more than how awesome it was during Viet Nam.

Ali didn't flee the country and yet your side condemned him. Called him a draft dodger. You just put your foot in your mouth. I started a thread about you. Go check it out.

You are so full of shit and now trying to backpeddle. :lol:
Ali avoided the draft officially?

Link, please.

omg really? You are the dumbest American I have ever run into and I am not kidding. Do I have to provide a link proving we landed on the moon? Fuck that. No more you asking me for links dummy. :cuckoo: I'm not your monkey.

Ali was eventually arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges; he was stripped of his boxing title, and his boxing license was suspended. He was not imprisoned, but did not fight again for nearly four years while his appeal worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it was eventually successful.

Muhammad Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who cares what Rosie O'Donnell says, but cons love to bring her up.


Ted and Rosie are fair game. Ted is right about Obama, as we all know.

Shallow calling Ted a pedophile is just the usual slander that you fucking demagogues are known for.

Shallow knows that he's lying, but as a fucking scumbag, he doesn't care. Just like when he lied about Zimmerman calling Martin a "coon."

Lying is what Shallow does.
Ali didn't flee the country and yet your side condemned him. Called him a draft dodger. You just put your foot in your mouth. I started a thread about you. Go check it out.

You are so full of shit and now trying to backpeddle. :lol:
Ali avoided the draft officially?

Link, please.

omg really? You are the dumbest American I have ever run into and I am not kidding. Do I have to provide a link proving we landed on the moon? Fuck that. No more you asking me for links dummy. :cuckoo: I'm not your monkey.

Ali was eventually arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges; he was stripped of his boxing title, and his boxing license was suspended. He was not imprisoned, but did not fight again for nearly four years while his appeal worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it was eventually successful.

Muhammad Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're catching on to what I mean when I say I applaud anyone who avoided the Viet Nam draft officially.

Good boy.
Actually, Mitt Romney DID seek out Ted Nugent's endorsement...............

Ted Nugent isn't backing down from his fiery rhetoric about President Obama.

The Republican rocker and Mitt Romney backer stood by his controversial remarks, in which he called the commander in-chief "vile," "evil" and "America-hating," in addition to saying if Obama is reelected, “I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

"I spoke at the NRA and I will stand by my speech,” Nugent told the Dana Loesch radio show on Tuesday, adding he was being unfairly criticized.

"I'm a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally," the 63-year-old gun enthusiast griped. "And there are some power-abusing, corrupt monsters in our federal government that despise me because I have the audacity to speak the truth."

The Secret Service also entered the picture following his rant at the National Rifle Convention in St. Louis over the weekend. A spokesman said the organization would conduct an "appropriate follow-up" given the nature of the violent rhetoric.

Nugent told radio host Glenn Beck on Wednesday thathe had an appointment with the Secret Service on Thursday.

"I'm sure we'll have a great conversation," said Nugent. "Bottom line is, I've never threatened anybody's life in my life."

Team Romney — who sought out Nugent's endorsement — also weighed in after Democratic National Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz called on the Republican presidential candidate to condemn Nugent's remarks.

Read more: Secret Service to meet with Ted Nugent over fiery Obama rhetoric - NY Daily News

Nugent also stated that it was Romney that called him when he was interviewed on Glen Beck's radio show.

My question is, why did Romney's team get all bent out of shape when someone said that Mrs. Romney never worked a day in her life (and in reality, the person who said that meant that she'd never worked outside the home a day in her life), yet remain strangely silent when someone who he'd sought an endorsement from starts talking about being either dead or in jail if Obama is reelected, as well as talking about chopping the heads off of others on voting day?

Saying that someone never worked outside the home is MUCH different than calling for the wholesale slaughter of other Americans.

But..............what else can one expect from the Guardians Of the Plutocracy?

the New York Daily news?
you are kidding right
Ali avoided the draft officially?

Link, please.

omg really? You are the dumbest American I have ever run into and I am not kidding. Do I have to provide a link proving we landed on the moon? Fuck that. No more you asking me for links dummy. :cuckoo: I'm not your monkey.

Ali was eventually arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges; he was stripped of his boxing title, and his boxing license was suspended. He was not imprisoned, but did not fight again for nearly four years while his appeal worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it was eventually successful.

Muhammad Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're catching on to what I mean when I say I applaud anyone who avoided the Viet Nam draft officially.

Good boy.

Boy times have changed. I remember back in my day only unpatriotic scumbag draft dodging liberal hippies would say such a thing. And I notice no righties coming to your defense. Especially the ones that served.
omg really? You are the dumbest American I have ever run into and I am not kidding. Do I have to provide a link proving we landed on the moon? Fuck that. No more you asking me for links dummy. :cuckoo: I'm not your monkey.

Ali was eventually arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges; he was stripped of his boxing title, and his boxing license was suspended. He was not imprisoned, but did not fight again for nearly four years while his appeal worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it was eventually successful.

Muhammad Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're catching on to what I mean when I say I applaud anyone who avoided the Viet Nam draft officially.

Good boy.

Boy times have changed. I remember back in my day only unpatriotic scumbag draft dodging liberal hippies would say such a thing. And I notice no righties coming to your defense. Especially the ones that served.
Times have had 40+ years to change, obviously. Not all who you perceive as "righties" think the same, obviously. See, I think for myself. You should give it a try.

Monolithic thought........

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Actually, Mitt Romney DID seek out Ted Nugent's endorsement...............

Ted Nugent isn't backing down from his fiery rhetoric about President Obama.

The Republican rocker and Mitt Romney backer stood by his controversial remarks, in which he called the commander in-chief "vile," "evil" and "America-hating," in addition to saying if Obama is reelected, “I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

"I spoke at the NRA and I will stand by my speech,” Nugent told the Dana Loesch radio show on Tuesday, adding he was being unfairly criticized.

"I'm a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally," the 63-year-old gun enthusiast griped. "And there are some power-abusing, corrupt monsters in our federal government that despise me because I have the audacity to speak the truth."

The Secret Service also entered the picture following his rant at the National Rifle Convention in St. Louis over the weekend. A spokesman said the organization would conduct an "appropriate follow-up" given the nature of the violent rhetoric.

Nugent told radio host Glenn Beck on Wednesday thathe had an appointment with the Secret Service on Thursday.

"I'm sure we'll have a great conversation," said Nugent. "Bottom line is, I've never threatened anybody's life in my life."

Team Romney — who sought out Nugent's endorsement — also weighed in after Democratic National Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz called on the Republican presidential candidate to condemn Nugent's remarks.

Read more: Secret Service to meet with Ted Nugent over fiery Obama rhetoric - NY Daily News

Nugent also stated that it was Romney that called him when he was interviewed on Glen Beck's radio show.

My question is, why did Romney's team get all bent out of shape when someone said that Mrs. Romney never worked a day in her life (and in reality, the person who said that meant that she'd never worked outside the home a day in her life), yet remain strangely silent when someone who he'd sought an endorsement from starts talking about being either dead or in jail if Obama is reelected, as well as talking about chopping the heads off of others on voting day?

Saying that someone never worked outside the home is MUCH different than calling for the wholesale slaughter of other Americans.

But..............what else can one expect from the Guardians Of the Plutocracy?

the New York Daily news?
you are kidding right

Yes, even they have been taken over.

In 1983, 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the U.S.

At the time, Ben Bagdikian was called "alarmist" for pointing this out in his book, The Media Monopoly.

In 1992 fewer than two dozen of these extraordinary creatures own and operate 90% of the mass media

Controlling almost all of America's newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, books, records, movies, videos, wire services and photo agencies.

In 2004, 5 huge corporations -- Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS) -- now control most of the media industry in the U.S. General Electric's NBC is a close sixth.

Media Reform Information Center

Clinton should have never went along with deregulating the media. Now they own it all. Even the liberal media. Even MSNBC will only go so far. This is why the Fairness Doctrine is important and why the media shouldn't be subject to the free markets where the rich can buy it all up and then brainwash us like they have clearly brainwashed you.

This is why things like the Fairness Doctrine and stations like NPR are important? Because people like you are brainwashed. They've been telling you for 30 years the media is liberal and meanwhile they own it.
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You're catching on to what I mean when I say I applaud anyone who avoided the Viet Nam draft officially.

Good boy.

Boy times have changed. I remember back in my day only unpatriotic scumbag draft dodging liberal hippies would say such a thing. And I notice no righties coming to your defense. Especially the ones that served.
Times have had 40+ years to change, obviously. Not all who you perceive as "righties" think the same, obviously. See, I think for myself. You should give it a try.

Monolithic thought........


This makes you worse than the other righties on USMB. Anyone want to argue in your defense? Didn't think so.
Still trying to figure what exactly has the left's panties in such a bunch....
First it was that Ted said that he would be dead or in jail this time next year....
Still trying to figure how the lefties feel threatened by that.
Then the Braveheart reference...I think he meant symbolically cutting their heads off by voting them out.That's why he said come November.

And why does Romney have to apologize for what someone else said.

Not Denying your Accusations, but that's fairly Heavy to be Fronting without Substance. :thup:




As far as the pedophile thing, it comes from a read between the lines, interpret how you will, statement he made on Behind the Music. They use the phrase "young girls" but like I said thats open to interpretation

However, there is Spins top 100 sleaziest moments. Ted comes in at #63

63. Ted Nugent signs on as his teenage honey's legal guardian to make the relationship legit.


So there's that.

Everyone in Rock has Fucked "underage" girls... Pedophilia is a Specific thing... Making that Accusation needs Proof.

As for his Draft Dodging... That's an Honorable thing to the Left, so why would a Liberal Hammer him for it? :dunno:



Hey you asked for links. Personally, I dont think the "everybodys doing it " argument is a valid one.

But I'm not condemning Nugent as a draft dodger or pedophile. I'm condemning him for being a lunatic. And before anyone blasts me, he IS the Motor City MADMAN, is he not?
As far as the pedophile thing, it comes from a read between the lines, interpret how you will, statement he made on Behind the Music. They use the phrase "young girls" but like I said thats open to interpretation

However, there is Spins top 100 sleaziest moments. Ted comes in at #63

So there's that.

Everyone in Rock has Fucked "underage" girls... Pedophilia is a Specific thing... Making that Accusation needs Proof.

As for his Draft Dodging... That's an Honorable thing to the Left, so why would a Liberal Hammer him for it? :dunno:



Hey you asked for links. Personally, I dont think the "everybodys doing it " argument is a valid one.

But I'm not condemning Nugent as a draft dodger or pedophile. I'm condemning him for being a lunatic. And before anyone blasts me, he IS the Motor City MADMAN, is he not?

He isn't a pedophile unless the 17 year old had not reached puberty!
Boy times have changed. I remember back in my day only unpatriotic scumbag draft dodging liberal hippies would say such a thing. And I notice no righties coming to your defense. Especially the ones that served.
Times have had 40+ years to change, obviously. Not all who you perceive as "righties" think the same, obviously. See, I think for myself. You should give it a try.

Monolithic thought........


This makes you worse than the other righties on USMB. Anyone want to argue in your defense? Didn't think so.

Who would have thought that thinking independently is worthy of criticism? Of course, what hacks think is always stunning, but still, that's a new bar you just set! :lmao:
So lets get this straight..........

A bunch of right wing NRA members sitting in the presence, for ONE speech, of crazy Nugent saying dumb shit means ALL of them and all right wingers must obviously believe what he says for themselves.


Barack Obama sitting for TWENTY YEARS worth of speeches in crazy left wing preacher Rev Wright's presence.........doesnt mean shit, it doesn't mean Obama agrees with any of that, he just so happened to be in the presence when all twenty years worth of crazy shit was said.

Oh, ok, now I get it. Only righties believe what someone in their presence says, but lefties are so smart and independent that they can shit in the presence of whackos, even nod in agreement, but that doesn't mean thats how they think. Ok. Got it.
Ted Nugent like so many teabagger extremists is trying really hard to become relevant. Not gonna happen. He's a fool and a gasbag.

I saw him standing around with Sarah Palin in a clip on cable news, appropriate. These two gun violence advocates should run together.

So a line drawn in the sand comment equates violence to you? Maybe you should fear it then.
I guess give me liberty or give me death must give you nightmares.

Drawing a line in the sand against an imaginary enemy is lame.

Obama hasn't proposed any anti-gun legislation in his first term, and has rarely mentioned the topic.

To a certain extent, we wish Obama were the villain that Romney and the NRA make him out to be. We have no interest in preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves, but we do think society would be safer with more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals or to ban certain classes of military weapons from civilian use. Unfortunately, though, the president that Republicans portray as a wolf in sheep's clothing is really just a sheep. If the NRA persists in crying wolf despite this obvious fact, it's because gun owners might become complacent if they realized the battle against gun control has been largely won — which might prompt them to stop sending money to the NRA.

Crying wolf over Obama and gun control -

Only in your mind is their a imaginary enemy. obama and people like you are the enemy. Any attempt of the government to do any gun grab and their will be lose of life and blood on the streets.
So a line drawn in the sand comment equates violence to you? Maybe you should fear it then.
I guess give me liberty or give me death must give you nightmares.

Drawing a line in the sand against an imaginary enemy is lame.

Obama hasn't proposed any anti-gun legislation in his first term, and has rarely mentioned the topic.

To a certain extent, we wish Obama were the villain that Romney and the NRA make him out to be. We have no interest in preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves, but we do think society would be safer with more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals or to ban certain classes of military weapons from civilian use. Unfortunately, though, the president that Republicans portray as a wolf in sheep's clothing is really just a sheep. If the NRA persists in crying wolf despite this obvious fact, it's because gun owners might become complacent if they realized the battle against gun control has been largely won — which might prompt them to stop sending money to the NRA.

Crying wolf over Obama and gun control -

Only in your mind is their a imaginary enemy. obama and people like you are the enemy. Any attempt of the government to do any gun grab and their will be lose of life and blood on the streets.

STFU Barnie Fife. Put your bullet away. :lol:
Didn't they call Clinton a draft dodger? What is this called? Perfect endorsement for Romney.

Oh, and can the right create one more threat about eating dog food? And they say they aren't getting their marching orders from Drudge/Fox/Rush? :eusa_liar:

Would someone please arrest and charge Ted Nugent before someone gets hurt? Make an example of him. Hell, Chaney had a guy arrested just for walking up to him and calmly telling him he disagreed with his policies. And the man was with his kid. The charges were later dropped. Do I need to post a link? Republicans have such short memories and I doubt they heard about this on Rush, Drudge or Fox. Seriously, Ted needs to be arrested for his comments.

Or can anyone explain them to me? Only a lawyer could argue that this wasn't a threat. Or a Republican. They can argue anything. Global warming, giving the rich unfair tax breaks, war for money, attacking women, threatening the president, discrimination, pollution, corporations are people, hiring illegals (jobs Americans won't do), murder ala Zimmerman, ALEC, Citizens United, etc.
The GD RepubliCON$ are nothing but low-life degenerate dregs of society...utter GUTTESNIPE!!! *spits*

I love Ted's music, but I think it's funny how this guy claims to be a great American when in fact he ran like a coward when it came time for him to fight for our country during Vietnam. Yes, good old Ted was a draft dodger by getting a student deferment. Please explain to me how you get a student deferment when you are playing in band 300 days a year, when did he find time to study??
That summumabatch ran for the hills like the Chicken Hawk COWARD that he is!!

Actually, Mitt Romney DID seek out Ted Nugent's endorsement...............

Ted Nugent isn't backing down from his fiery rhetoric about President Obama.

The Republican rocker and Mitt Romney backer stood by his controversial remarks, in which he called the commander in-chief "vile," "evil" and "America-hating," in addition to saying if Obama is reelected, “I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

"I spoke at the NRA and I will stand by my speech,” Nugent told the Dana Loesch radio show on Tuesday, adding he was being unfairly criticized.

"I'm a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally," the 63-year-old gun enthusiast griped. "And there are some power-abusing, corrupt monsters in our federal government that despise me because I have the audacity to speak the truth."

The Secret Service also entered the picture following his rant at the National Rifle Convention in St. Louis over the weekend. A spokesman said the organization would conduct an "appropriate follow-up" given the nature of the violent rhetoric.

Nugent told radio host Glenn Beck on Wednesday thathe had an appointment with the Secret Service on Thursday.

"I'm sure we'll have a great conversation," said Nugent. "Bottom line is, I've never threatened anybody's life in my life."

Team Romney — who sought out Nugent's endorsement — also weighed in after Democratic National Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz called on the Republican presidential candidate to condemn Nugent's remarks.

Read more: Secret Service to meet with Ted Nugent over fiery Obama rhetoric - NY Daily News

Nugent also stated that it was Romney that called him when he was interviewed on Glen Beck's radio show.

My question is, why did Romney's team get all bent out of shape when someone said that Mrs. Romney never worked a day in her life (and in reality, the person who said that meant that she'd never worked outside the home a day in her life), yet remain strangely silent when someone who he'd sought an endorsement from starts talking about being either dead or in jail if Obama is reelected, as well as talking about chopping the heads off of others on voting day?

Saying that someone never worked outside the home is MUCH different than calling for the wholesale slaughter of other Americans.

But..............what else can one expect from the Guardians Of the Plutocracy?
Nothing else, but vile, hatred and hypocrisy.

Who cares what Rosie O'Donnell says, but cons love to bring her up.


Ted and Rosie are fair game. Ted is right about Obama, as we all know.

Shallow calling Ted a pedophile is just the usual slander that you fucking demagogues are known for.

Shallow knows that he's lying, but as a fucking scumbag, he doesn't care. Just like when he lied about Zimmerman calling Martin a "coon."

Lying is what Shallow does.
Ted Nugent is a bonifed, tried and true PERVERT that has a known history of preying on UNDERAGE GIRLS...

WikiPedia said:
In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with seventeen-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. Due to the age difference they could not marry so Nugent joined Massa's parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian, an arrangement that Spin magazine ranked in October 2000 as #63 on their list of the "100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock".
Source = Ted Nugent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's who the Republicans and self-proclaimed "Conservatives" are currently defending, uplifting and promoting to the hilt.


So a line drawn in the sand comment equates violence to you? Maybe you should fear it then.
I guess give me liberty or give me death must give you nightmares.

Drawing a line in the sand against an imaginary enemy is lame.

Obama hasn't proposed any anti-gun legislation in his first term, and has rarely mentioned the topic.

To a certain extent, we wish Obama were the villain that Romney and the NRA make him out to be. We have no interest in preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves, but we do think society would be safer with more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals or to ban certain classes of military weapons from civilian use. Unfortunately, though, the president that Republicans portray as a wolf in sheep's clothing is really just a sheep. If the NRA persists in crying wolf despite this obvious fact, it's because gun owners might become complacent if they realized the battle against gun control has been largely won — which might prompt them to stop sending money to the NRA.

Crying wolf over Obama and gun control -

Only in your mind is their a imaginary enemy. obama and people like you are the enemy. Any attempt of the government to do any gun grab and their will be lose of life and blood on the streets.

First off, I most likely own more guns than you. And if there was an ACTUAL REAL threat from Obama, Id be right beside you screaming Hell no!

Second, How to Use There, Their and They're with Examples - wikiHow ( sorry about the grammar nazi moment )

and Third, As there has been NO MOVE AT ALL from Obama to grab guns...either you're Nostrodamus or you're imagining it...unless you're just crazy, in which case, sorry, take your meds Im sure itll be alright. :lol::cuckoo::lol:
So lets get this straight..........

A bunch of right wing NRA members sitting in the presence, for ONE speech, of crazy Nugent saying dumb shit means ALL of them and all right wingers must obviously believe what he says for themselves.


Barack Obama sitting for TWENTY YEARS worth of speeches in crazy left wing preacher Rev Wright's presence.........doesnt mean shit, it doesn't mean Obama agrees with any of that, he just so happened to be in the presence when all twenty years worth of crazy shit was said.

Oh, ok, now I get it. Only righties believe what someone in their presence says, but lefties are so smart and independent that they can shit in the presence of whackos, even nod in agreement, but that doesn't mean thats how they think. Ok. Got it.

Oh so now you understand the difference? :clap2:

That Rosen woman was not speaking for me or Obama. But Romney did seek out Ted Nugents endorsement.

And I already brought up Rev. Wright. Took you long enough to spin it back on us. Did you have to wait to read the Drudge article before you knew how to spin it?

Rev. Wright said God damn the America that was racist until 1970. God damn slavery and what we did to Indians. Understandable. You made Obama make a half hour speech. Now you don't want Romney to disavow what Nugent said? Great. Then he agrees with the lunatic. :clap2:

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