Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Nugent was quoted as saying: "I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam". It was fear, not excessive violence on HIS part that motivated him to duck service.
I applaud anyone who was able to officially avoid the Viet Nam draft, regardless of their motivation.


Do you also applaud those who enlisted but used Daddy's influence to avoid orders to Vietnam?
Absolutely. I also applaud those who went to school overseas. The ONLY ones I will criticize about avoiding that clusterfuck death chamber are the ones who fled the country.

I have never been a fan of conscription and I don't plan on starting to be one.

Our military is more than awesome as a volunteer group, and more than how awesome it was during Viet Nam.
I applaud anyone who was able to officially avoid the Viet Nam draft, regardless of their motivation.


Do you also applaud those who enlisted but used Daddy's influence to avoid orders to Vietnam?
Absolutely. I also applaud those who went to school overseas. The ONLY ones I will criticize about avoiding that clusterfuck death chamber are the ones who fled the country.

I have never been a fan of conscription and I don't plan on starting to be one.

Our military is more than awesome as a volunteer group, and more than how awesome it was during Viet Nam.

Ali didn't flee the country and yet your side condemned him. Called him a draft dodger. You just put your foot in your mouth. I started a thread about you. Go check it out.

You are so full of shit and now trying to backpeddle. :lol:
Speaking of soiling your panties. Did you know in an interview from years ago, Ted told how for week before his draft board physical he stopped going to the bathroom? Oh he still peed and pooped, he just stopped doing it in the bathroom. Ted spent a week crapping his pants so that he didn’t have to go fight in Vietnam.

Of course in later interviews, Ted said that if he had gone to Vietnam, “I would have killed everybody.”

Yeah, if they got a whiff of what was in his pants! :lol:

Come to think of it, maybe Ted IS the perfect spokesman for Mitt Romney.

Nugent was quoted as saying: "I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam". It was fear, not excessive violence on HIS part that motivated him to duck service.

Didn't they call Clinton a draft dodger? What is this called? Perfect endorsement for Romney.

Oh, and can the right create one more threat about eating dog food? And they say they aren't getting their marching orders from Drudge/Fox/Rush? :eusa_liar:

Would someone please arrest and charge Ted Nugent before someone gets hurt? Make an example of him. Hell, Chaney had a guy arrested just for walking up to him and calmly telling him he disagreed with his policies. And the man was with his kid. The charges were later dropped. Do I need to post a link? Republicans have such short memories and I doubt they heard about this on Rush, Drudge or Fox. Seriously, Ted needs to be arrested for his comments.

Or can anyone explain them to me? Only a lawyer could argue that this wasn't a threat. Or a Republican. They can argue anything. Global warming, giving the rich unfair tax breaks, war for money, attacking women, threatening the president, discrimination, pollution, corporations are people, hiring illegals (jobs Americans won't do), murder ala Zimmerman, ALEC, Citizens United, etc.

It wasn't a threat. Certainly nothing akin to a Mike Tyson saying Zimmerman should have been shot by now.

Or a Wanted poster by the New Black Panthers.

You arrest them first.
I love Ted's music, but I think it's funny how this guy claims to be a great American when in fact he ran like a coward when it came time for him to fight for our country during Vietnam. Yes, good old Ted was a draft dodger by getting a student deferment. Please explain to me how you get a student deferment when you are playing in band 300 days a year, when did he find time to study??
Actually, Mitt Romney DID seek out Ted Nugent's endorsement...............

Ted Nugent isn't backing down from his fiery rhetoric about President Obama.

The Republican rocker and Mitt Romney backer stood by his controversial remarks, in which he called the commander in-chief "vile," "evil" and "America-hating," in addition to saying if Obama is reelected, “I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

"I spoke at the NRA and I will stand by my speech,” Nugent told the Dana Loesch radio show on Tuesday, adding he was being unfairly criticized.

"I'm a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally," the 63-year-old gun enthusiast griped. "And there are some power-abusing, corrupt monsters in our federal government that despise me because I have the audacity to speak the truth."

The Secret Service also entered the picture following his rant at the National Rifle Convention in St. Louis over the weekend. A spokesman said the organization would conduct an "appropriate follow-up" given the nature of the violent rhetoric.

Nugent told radio host Glenn Beck on Wednesday thathe had an appointment with the Secret Service on Thursday.

"I'm sure we'll have a great conversation," said Nugent. "Bottom line is, I've never threatened anybody's life in my life."

Team Romney — who sought out Nugent's endorsement — also weighed in after Democratic National Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz called on the Republican presidential candidate to condemn Nugent's remarks.

Read more: Secret Service to meet with Ted Nugent over fiery Obama rhetoric - NY Daily News

Nugent also stated that it was Romney that called him when he was interviewed on Glen Beck's radio show.

My question is, why did Romney's team get all bent out of shape when someone said that Mrs. Romney never worked a day in her life (and in reality, the person who said that meant that she'd never worked outside the home a day in her life), yet remain strangely silent when someone who he'd sought an endorsement from starts talking about being either dead or in jail if Obama is reelected, as well as talking about chopping the heads off of others on voting day?

Saying that someone never worked outside the home is MUCH different than calling for the wholesale slaughter of other Americans.

But..............what else can one expect from the Guardians Of the Plutocracy?
I love Ted's music, but I think it's funny how this guy claims to be a great American when in fact he ran like a coward when it came time for him to fight for our country during Vietnam. Yes, good old Ted was a draft dodger by getting a student deferment. Please explain to me how you get a student deferment when you are playing in band 300 days a year, when did he find time to study??

I'm still wondering how somone can be a good patriot (as Nugent claims), when they were too chicken shit to serve their country when called?

Fuck...........someone who has served just 1 enlistment honorably is more of a patriot than this asshole named Nugent will ever be.
Nugent was quoted as saying: "I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam". It was fear, not excessive violence on HIS part that motivated him to duck service.

Didn't they call Clinton a draft dodger? What is this called? Perfect endorsement for Romney.

Oh, and can the right create one more threat about eating dog food? And they say they aren't getting their marching orders from Drudge/Fox/Rush? :eusa_liar:

Would someone please arrest and charge Ted Nugent before someone gets hurt? Make an example of him. Hell, Chaney had a guy arrested just for walking up to him and calmly telling him he disagreed with his policies. And the man was with his kid. The charges were later dropped. Do I need to post a link? Republicans have such short memories and I doubt they heard about this on Rush, Drudge or Fox. Seriously, Ted needs to be arrested for his comments.

Or can anyone explain them to me? Only a lawyer could argue that this wasn't a threat. Or a Republican. They can argue anything. Global warming, giving the rich unfair tax breaks, war for money, attacking women, threatening the president, discrimination, pollution, corporations are people, hiring illegals (jobs Americans won't do), murder ala Zimmerman, ALEC, Citizens United, etc.

It wasn't a threat. Certainly nothing akin to a Mike Tyson saying Zimmerman should have been shot by now.

Or a Wanted poster by the New Black Panthers.

You arrest them first.

Ok fine. Look at it this way. If I said, "next year this time, mark my words I will either be dead or in jail.",

either USMB moderators would warn me to not make threats or the FBI/Secret Service would show up at my door.

I love it how Republicans are so brainwashed that they think threatening violence is free speech.

But you can't say fuck or pussy on the radio or tv because of conservatives? :cuckoo:
Actually, Mitt Romney DID seek out Ted Nugent's endorsement...............

Ted Nugent isn't backing down from his fiery rhetoric about President Obama.

The Republican rocker and Mitt Romney backer stood by his controversial remarks, in which he called the commander in-chief "vile," "evil" and "America-hating," in addition to saying if Obama is reelected, “I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

"I spoke at the NRA and I will stand by my speech,” Nugent told the Dana Loesch radio show on Tuesday, adding he was being unfairly criticized.

"I'm a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally," the 63-year-old gun enthusiast griped. "And there are some power-abusing, corrupt monsters in our federal government that despise me because I have the audacity to speak the truth."

The Secret Service also entered the picture following his rant at the National Rifle Convention in St. Louis over the weekend. A spokesman said the organization would conduct an "appropriate follow-up" given the nature of the violent rhetoric.

Nugent told radio host Glenn Beck on Wednesday thathe had an appointment with the Secret Service on Thursday.

"I'm sure we'll have a great conversation," said Nugent. "Bottom line is, I've never threatened anybody's life in my life."

Team Romney — who sought out Nugent's endorsement — also weighed in after Democratic National Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz called on the Republican presidential candidate to condemn Nugent's remarks.

Read more: Secret Service to meet with Ted Nugent over fiery Obama rhetoric - NY Daily News

Nugent also stated that it was Romney that called him when he was interviewed on Glen Beck's radio show.

My question is, why did Romney's team get all bent out of shape when someone said that Mrs. Romney never worked a day in her life (and in reality, the person who said that meant that she'd never worked outside the home a day in her life), yet remain strangely silent when someone who he'd sought an endorsement from starts talking about being either dead or in jail if Obama is reelected, as well as talking about chopping the heads off of others on voting day?

Saying that someone never worked outside the home is MUCH different than calling for the wholesale slaughter of other Americans.

But..............what else can one expect from the Guardians Of the Plutocracy?

Proof republicans can argue anything. :lol:
Nugent was quoted as saying: "I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam". It was fear, not excessive violence on HIS part that motivated him to duck service.

Didn't they call Clinton a draft dodger? What is this called? Perfect endorsement for Romney.

Oh, and can the right create one more threat about eating dog food? And they say they aren't getting their marching orders from Drudge/Fox/Rush? :eusa_liar:

Would someone please arrest and charge Ted Nugent before someone gets hurt? Make an example of him. Hell, Chaney had a guy arrested just for walking up to him and calmly telling him he disagreed with his policies. And the man was with his kid. The charges were later dropped. Do I need to post a link? Republicans have such short memories and I doubt they heard about this on Rush, Drudge or Fox. Seriously, Ted needs to be arrested for his comments.

Or can anyone explain them to me? Only a lawyer could argue that this wasn't a threat. Or a Republican. They can argue anything. Global warming, giving the rich unfair tax breaks, war for money, attacking women, threatening the president, discrimination, pollution, corporations are people, hiring illegals (jobs Americans won't do), murder ala Zimmerman, ALEC, Citizens United, etc.

It wasn't a threat. Certainly nothing akin to a Mike Tyson saying Zimmerman should have been shot by now.

Or a Wanted poster by the New Black Panthers.

You arrest them first.

The Secret Service is talking to Nugent, no hint of arrest. And Tyson is out of line but Zimmerman isn't the President. The NEW BP should be investigated, yes.
Specifically, what law did he break, and how?
Threatening violence. You know it.
IOW... you cannot state what law he broke and specify how he did so.

Typical liberal, wanting to throw people in jail for saying things they find offensinve.

you need to have broken the law for secret service to interview you?

i think ascertaining whether or not a statement is a threat is well within their purview.
Do you also applaud those who enlisted but used Daddy's influence to avoid orders to Vietnam?
Absolutely. I also applaud those who went to school overseas. The ONLY ones I will criticize about avoiding that clusterfuck death chamber are the ones who fled the country.

I have never been a fan of conscription and I don't plan on starting to be one.

Our military is more than awesome as a volunteer group, and more than how awesome it was during Viet Nam.

Ali didn't flee the country and yet your side condemned him. Called him a draft dodger. You just put your foot in your mouth. I started a thread about you. Go check it out.

You are so full of shit and now trying to backpeddle. :lol:
Ali avoided the draft officially?

Link, please.
I love Ted's music, but I think it's funny how this guy claims to be a great American when in fact he ran like a coward when it came time for him to fight for our country during Vietnam. Yes, good old Ted was a draft dodger by getting a student deferment. Please explain to me how you get a student deferment when you are playing in band 300 days a year, when did he find time to study??

Did you not see my previous post?

Did you know in an interview from years ago, Ted told how for week before his draft board physical he stopped going to the bathroom? Oh he still peed and pooped, he just stopped doing it in the bathroom. Ted spent a week crapping his pants so that he didn’t have to go fight in Vietnam.
I love Ted's music, but I think it's funny how this guy claims to be a great American when in fact he ran like a coward when it came time for him to fight for our country during Vietnam. Yes, good old Ted was a draft dodger by getting a student deferment. Please explain to me how you get a student deferment when you are playing in band 300 days a year, when did he find time to study??

I'm still wondering how somone can be a good patriot (as Nugent claims), when they were too chicken shit to serve their country when called?

Fuck...........someone who has served just 1 enlistment honorably is more of a patriot than this asshole named Nugent will ever be.

Because he is a CHICKENHAWK: "I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam".

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