Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

So lets get this straight..........

A bunch of right wing NRA members sitting in the presence, for ONE speech, of crazy Nugent saying dumb shit means ALL of them and all right wingers must obviously believe what he says for themselves.


Barack Obama sitting for TWENTY YEARS worth of speeches in crazy left wing preacher Rev Wright's presence.........doesnt mean shit, it doesn't mean Obama agrees with any of that, he just so happened to be in the presence when all twenty years worth of crazy shit was said.

Oh, ok, now I get it. Only righties believe what someone in their presence says, but lefties are so smart and independent that they can shit in the presence of whackos, even nod in agreement, but that doesn't mean thats how they think. Ok. Got it.

fair enough. I dont agree with you, but good point.

Greenies incoming
Didn't they call Clinton a draft dodger? What is this called? Perfect endorsement for Romney.

Oh, and can the right create one more threat about eating dog food? And they say they aren't getting their marching orders from Drudge/Fox/Rush? :eusa_liar:

Would someone please arrest and charge Ted Nugent before someone gets hurt? Make an example of him. Hell, Chaney had a guy arrested just for walking up to him and calmly telling him he disagreed with his policies. And the man was with his kid. The charges were later dropped. Do I need to post a link? Republicans have such short memories and I doubt they heard about this on Rush, Drudge or Fox. Seriously, Ted needs to be arrested for his comments.

Or can anyone explain them to me? Only a lawyer could argue that this wasn't a threat. Or a Republican. They can argue anything. Global warming, giving the rich unfair tax breaks, war for money, attacking women, threatening the president, discrimination, pollution, corporations are people, hiring illegals (jobs Americans won't do), murder ala Zimmerman, ALEC, Citizens United, etc.
The GD RepubliCON$ are nothing but low-life degenerate dregs of society...utter GUTTESNIPE!!! *spits*

I love Ted's music, but I think it's funny how this guy claims to be a great American when in fact he ran like a coward when it came time for him to fight for our country during Vietnam. Yes, good old Ted was a draft dodger by getting a student deferment. Please explain to me how you get a student deferment when you are playing in band 300 days a year, when did he find time to study??
That summumabatch ran for the hills like the Chicken Hawk COWARD that he is!!

Nothing else, but vile, hatred and hypocrisy.


Ted and Rosie are fair game. Ted is right about Obama, as we all know.

Shallow calling Ted a pedophile is just the usual slander that you fucking demagogues are known for.

Shallow knows that he's lying, but as a fucking scumbag, he doesn't care. Just like when he lied about Zimmerman calling Martin a "coon."

Lying is what Shallow does.
Ted Nugent is a bonifed, tried and true PERVERT that has a known history of preying on UNDERAGE GIRLS...

WikiPedia said:
In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with seventeen-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. Due to the age difference they could not marry so Nugent joined Massa's parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian, an arrangement that Spin magazine ranked in October 2000 as #63 on their list of the "100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock".
Source = Ted Nugent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's who the Republicans and self-proclaimed "Conservatives" are currently defending, uplifting and promoting to the hilt.



Romney actually stalked Ted until Ted would give up his endorsement. :lol:

He is the perfect endorsement for Romney. Be careful what you wish for Mitt.
So lets get this straight..........

A bunch of right wing NRA members sitting in the presence, for ONE speech, of crazy Nugent saying dumb shit means ALL of them and all right wingers must obviously believe what he says for themselves.


Barack Obama sitting for TWENTY YEARS worth of speeches in crazy left wing preacher Rev Wright's presence.........doesnt mean shit, it doesn't mean Obama agrees with any of that, he just so happened to be in the presence when all twenty years worth of crazy shit was said.

Oh, ok, now I get it. Only righties believe what someone in their presence says, but lefties are so smart and independent that they can shit in the presence of whackos, even nod in agreement, but that doesn't mean thats how they think. Ok. Got it.

Oh so now you understand the difference? :clap2:

That Rosen woman was not speaking for me or Obama. But Romney did seek out Ted Nugents endorsement.

And I already brought up Rev. Wright. Took you long enough to spin it back on us. Did you have to wait to read the Drudge article before you knew how to spin it?

Rev. Wright said God damn the America that was racist until 1970. God damn slavery and what we did to Indians. Understandable. You made Obama make a half hour speech. Now you don't want Romney to disavow what Nugent said? Great. Then he agrees with the lunatic. :clap2:

Romney is as far from Nugent as Obama is from Hank Williams, Jr.
So lets get this straight..........

A bunch of right wing NRA members sitting in the presence, for ONE speech, of crazy Nugent saying dumb shit means ALL of them and all right wingers must obviously believe what he says for themselves.


Barack Obama sitting for TWENTY YEARS worth of speeches in crazy left wing preacher Rev Wright's presence.........doesnt mean shit, it doesn't mean Obama agrees with any of that, he just so happened to be in the presence when all twenty years worth of crazy shit was said.

Oh, ok, now I get it. Only righties believe what someone in their presence says, but lefties are so smart and independent that they can shit in the presence of whackos, even nod in agreement, but that doesn't mean thats how they think. Ok. Got it.

I don't think Romney has ever even heard a Ted Nugent song and until recently he probably didn't even know who he was.

I started suspecting it when they asked Mitt what he thought about Ted's music and he described it at marvelous. :lol:
Come onto my land and find out.

Ted is a paranoid freak. Name a single piece of gun grabbing legislation that been proposed by Obama. Just one.

There hasn't been one. Even after the Gabriel Giffords shooting, when the whole anti gun lobby full of losers jumped up and down waving their arms and flopping their fanny packs. Nothing.

All the paranoid idiots who say they're SURE Obama will go for their guns if he's re elected, when he's never, not once, EVER, made ANY attempt or even a single statement that indicates that he has even considered it, is just a bunch of crybabies looking for an excuse to bitch.

There's plenty of ideological differences for people to vote for the Mittney fuckhead over Ovama. Guns ain't one of them.

Oh but if you ARE concerned about someone grabbing your guns

Romney has signed more gun control into law than Obama. So maybe people like Ted ought to pay attention instead of letting their stupidity run away with them.

Here an idea let's talk about obama's anti gun past and his we must work under the radar Mrs Brady for gun control. Do you want to go there ?

Yes lets!

President Barack Obama on Monday received a failing grade from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence for running away from gun control.

The group, which endorsed Obama in 2008, gave him an “F” on every issue it scored, including background checks, gun trafficking, guns in public, the federal assault weapons ban, standing up to the gun lobby and leadership.

Gun control group gives Obama an

Hmmmmm.....let's see...gun control lobby gives him an F for not grabbing the that MUST mean he secretly wants to take away all our guns!!!

My god, you're absolutely right. He's a tricky bastard that Obama. By never proposing to take our guns, he's actually planning to do just that!

Give me a fucking break, man. Attack him on a REAL issue, not some Nostradamus prediction.

Fast and furious was not a cute catchy name for a race team.
Didn't they call Clinton a draft dodger? What is this called? Perfect endorsement for Romney.

Oh, and can the right create one more threat about eating dog food? And they say they aren't getting their marching orders from Drudge/Fox/Rush? :eusa_liar:

Would someone please arrest and charge Ted Nugent before someone gets hurt? Make an example of him. Hell, Chaney had a guy arrested just for walking up to him and calmly telling him he disagreed with his policies. And the man was with his kid. The charges were later dropped. Do I need to post a link? Republicans have such short memories and I doubt they heard about this on Rush, Drudge or Fox. Seriously, Ted needs to be arrested for his comments.

Or can anyone explain them to me? Only a lawyer could argue that this wasn't a threat. Or a Republican. They can argue anything. Global warming, giving the rich unfair tax breaks, war for money, attacking women, threatening the president, discrimination, pollution, corporations are people, hiring illegals (jobs Americans won't do), murder ala Zimmerman, ALEC, Citizens United, etc.
The GD RepubliCON$ are nothing but low-life degenerate dregs of society...utter GUTTESNIPE!!! *spits*

I love Ted's music, but I think it's funny how this guy claims to be a great American when in fact he ran like a coward when it came time for him to fight for our country during Vietnam. Yes, good old Ted was a draft dodger by getting a student deferment. Please explain to me how you get a student deferment when you are playing in band 300 days a year, when did he find time to study??
That summumabatch ran for the hills like the Chicken Hawk COWARD that he is!!

Nothing else, but vile, hatred and hypocrisy.


Ted and Rosie are fair game. Ted is right about Obama, as we all know.

Shallow calling Ted a pedophile is just the usual slander that you fucking demagogues are known for.

Shallow knows that he's lying, but as a fucking scumbag, he doesn't care. Just like when he lied about Zimmerman calling Martin a "coon."

Lying is what Shallow does.
Ted Nugent is a bonifed, tried and true PERVERT that has a known history of preying on UNDERAGE GIRLS...

WikiPedia said:
In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with seventeen-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. Due to the age difference they could not marry so Nugent joined Massa's parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian, an arrangement that Spin magazine ranked in October 2000 as #63 on their list of the "100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock".
Source = Ted Nugent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's who the Republicans and self-proclaimed "Conservatives" are currently defending, uplifting and promoting to the hilt.



big deal..I'll DEFEND anyones right to Free speech, even this hate filled rant of yours..:lol:
So lets get this straight..........

A bunch of right wing NRA members sitting in the presence, for ONE speech, of crazy Nugent saying dumb shit means ALL of them and all right wingers must obviously believe what he says for themselves.


Barack Obama sitting for TWENTY YEARS worth of speeches in crazy left wing preacher Rev Wright's presence.........doesnt mean shit, it doesn't mean Obama agrees with any of that, he just so happened to be in the presence when all twenty years worth of crazy shit was said.

Oh, ok, now I get it. Only righties believe what someone in their presence says, but lefties are so smart and independent that they can shit in the presence of whackos, even nod in agreement, but that doesn't mean thats how they think. Ok. Got it.

Oh so now you understand the difference? :clap2:

That Rosen woman was not speaking for me or Obama. But Romney did seek out Ted Nugents endorsement.

And I already brought up Rev. Wright. Took you long enough to spin it back on us. Did you have to wait to read the Drudge article before you knew how to spin it?

Rev. Wright said God damn the America that was racist until 1970. God damn slavery and what we did to Indians. Understandable. You made Obama make a half hour speech. Now you don't want Romney to disavow what Nugent said? Great. Then he agrees with the lunatic. :clap2:

Romney is as far from Nugent as Obama is from Hank Williams, Jr.

But Romney has more in common with both Ted and Hank than Obama, right?
So Ted is meeting with the Secret Service tomorrow. My prediction - the SS will be well fed and go away having a great meeting with him. There will be no arrests.
The only reason Mittens sought out Nugent's endorsement is because he already knew his positions on gun control while governor of MA would sink him with the GOP base.

Why did he seek out Nugent? Because Nugent is a big time member of the NRA, and he needs his support.

And, if you don't believe that Romney sought out Nugent's endorsement, why did Nugent HIMSELF say that Mittens sought him out on Glen Beck's radio show (I hear Beck is a good source for the righties).
Didn't they call Clinton a draft dodger? What is this called? Perfect endorsement for Romney.

Oh, and can the right create one more threat about eating dog food? And they say they aren't getting their marching orders from Drudge/Fox/Rush? :eusa_liar:

Would someone please arrest and charge Ted Nugent before someone gets hurt? Make an example of him. Hell, Chaney had a guy arrested just for walking up to him and calmly telling him he disagreed with his policies. And the man was with his kid. The charges were later dropped. Do I need to post a link? Republicans have such short memories and I doubt they heard about this on Rush, Drudge or Fox. Seriously, Ted needs to be arrested for his comments.

Or can anyone explain them to me? Only a lawyer could argue that this wasn't a threat. Or a Republican. They can argue anything. Global warming, giving the rich unfair tax breaks, war for money, attacking women, threatening the president, discrimination, pollution, corporations are people, hiring illegals (jobs Americans won't do), murder ala Zimmerman, ALEC, Citizens United, etc.
The GD RepubliCON$ are nothing but low-life degenerate dregs of society...utter GUTTESNIPE!!! *spits*

That summumabatch ran for the hills like the Chicken Hawk COWARD that he is!!

Nothing else, but vile, hatred and hypocrisy.

Ted Nugent is a bonifed, tried and true PERVERT that has a known history of preying on UNDERAGE GIRLS...

WikiPedia said:
In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with seventeen-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. Due to the age difference they could not marry so Nugent joined Massa's parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian, an arrangement that Spin magazine ranked in October 2000 as #63 on their list of the "100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock".
Source = Ted Nugent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's who the Republicans and self-proclaimed "Conservatives" are currently defending, uplifting and promoting to the hilt.



big deal..I'll DEFEND anyones right to Free speech, even this hate filled rant of yours..:lol:

Private message me your address Stephanie. If you do, I promise I will be in prison this time next year.

Now, if you don't think that is a threat, PM me your address. You should have nothing to worry about. :badgrin:
The only reason Mittens sought out Nugent's endorsement is because he already knew his positions on gun control while governor of MA would sink him with the GOP base.

Why did he seek out Nugent? Because Nugent is a big time member of the NRA, and he needs his support.

And, if you don't believe that Romney sought out Nugent's endorsement, why did Nugent HIMSELF say that Mittens sought him out on Glen Beck's radio show (I hear Beck is a good source for the righties).

Nugent may be LYING; Romney wants the NRA, not a couple nut jobs who happen to be NRA members.
So Ted is meeting with the Secret Service tomorrow. My prediction - the SS will be well fed and go away having a great meeting with him. There will be no arrests.

But I bet you he tones down his rhetoric. This aint no beer summit.

Hell, I bet he'll even be a little apologetic afterward. He better be. :clap2:
So Ted is meeting with the Secret Service tomorrow. My prediction - the SS will be well fed and go away having a great meeting with him. There will be no arrests.

Exactly right. The SS didn't do jack shit when some radical leftist POS wrote a book about killing President Bush, and they won't do jack shit about Ted blowing off some steam.
The only reason Mittens sought out Nugent's endorsement is because he already knew his positions on gun control while governor of MA would sink him with the GOP base.

Why did he seek out Nugent? Because Nugent is a big time member of the NRA, and he needs his support.

And, if you don't believe that Romney sought out Nugent's endorsement, why did Nugent HIMSELF say that Mittens sought him out on Glen Beck's radio show (I hear Beck is a good source for the righties).

Nugent may be LYING; Romney wants the NRA, not a couple nut jobs who happen to be NRA members.

That's it, throw him under the bus time. :lol:
The only reason Mittens sought out Nugent's endorsement is because he already knew his positions on gun control while governor of MA would sink him with the GOP base.

Why did he seek out Nugent? Because Nugent is a big time member of the NRA, and he needs his support.

And, if you don't believe that Romney sought out Nugent's endorsement, why did Nugent HIMSELF say that Mittens sought him out on Glen Beck's radio show (I hear Beck is a good source for the righties).

Nugent may be LYING; Romney wants the NRA, not a couple nut jobs who happen to be NRA members.

That particular nutjob NRA member also happens to be on the NRA Board of Directors.

Yeah............pretty much a solid lock on the NRA if you have a director behind you, especially one as famous as him.
Ah yes..pedophile Ted Nugent. Who walked around in his own piss and shit for two weeks to avoid serving in 'Nam.

What a sparkling example of Conservatism.

In all seriousness though....that was 45 years ago...and he has denied that story for that many years. On his military record it shows a student deferent as well as a medical deferent.
WHo knows...he was a hippie activist in those years for sure. Obviously he changed. We're allowed to do that.
So Ted is meeting with the Secret Service tomorrow. My prediction - the SS will be well fed and go away having a great meeting with him. There will be no arrests.

Exactly right. The SS didn't do jack shit when some radical leftist POS wrote a book about killing President Bush, and they won't do jack shit about Ted blowing off some steam.

Wasn't that sicko from France?
Ah yes..pedophile Ted Nugent. Who walked around in his own piss and shit for two weeks to avoid serving in 'Nam.

What a sparkling example of Conservatism.

In all seriousness though....that was 45 years ago...and he has denied that story for that many years. On his military record it shows a student deferent as well as a medical deferent.
WHo knows...he was a hippie activist in those years for sure. Obviously he changed. We're allowed to do that.

By what stretch of the imagination does dodging the draft when your country calls that makes Nugent a patriot?

All I see is some loud mouthed bigot in support of the Guardians Of the Plutocracy (GOP).
The only reason Mittens sought out Nugent's endorsement is because he already knew his positions on gun control while governor of MA would sink him with the GOP base.

Why did he seek out Nugent? Because Nugent is a big time member of the NRA, and he needs his support.

And, if you don't believe that Romney sought out Nugent's endorsement, why did Nugent HIMSELF say that Mittens sought him out on Glen Beck's radio show (I hear Beck is a good source for the righties).

Nugent may be LYING; Romney wants the NRA, not a couple nut jobs who happen to be NRA members.

That particular nutjob NRA member also happens to be on the NRA Board of Directors.

Yeah............pretty much a solid lock on the NRA if you have a director behind you, especially one as famous as him.
I didn't know he was an "officer".

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