Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

The very clear inference is that he would commit a violent act against President Obama if he was reelected.

Be careful. Republicans will nit pick and point out that it doesn't necessarily mean Ted would go after Obama. He may mean he will go around shooting black people until he is in prison or dead.

Can anyone imagine any other explanation? What else could Ted do that would end up with him dead or in prison?

If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.

If Obama wins I'm going to run into an airport with a bomb and either end up dead or in prison.

Is he going to run around raping people? I want to know what Ted's plans are.

And so does the SS.

Funny he shit his pants to get out of Nam so you know he's shitting his pants right now. Don't think for a second he's really a tough guy. He's crying right now. Bet. Like he just got a letter from the IRS. Watch his tone tomorrom. No mo wango tango.

You don't think Ted's tough? Are you freaking insane?


And it appears all he would have to do to be raided by feds and a predator drone and a crazy ass freaking sheriff is to have a 40,000 acre property that 6 cows wandered onto.

No Ted is not tough. Insane? Yes. Tough, no. Ignorant, arrogant and selfish? Yes. I know a lot of blow hards just like Ted. Remember, I live in Michigan. Ted's from Michigan. Guys like him and Kid Rock are stupid racist hicks. I grew up with them and those farm boys don't know how to fight. Shoot a gun? Hell yea. But it turns out Ted is a bigger pussy than the hicks I know because none of them would have shit their pants to get out of Nam.
If what uncle Ted said gives you butt hurt, I guess you would really go ape shit with give me liberty or give me death.


And keep in mind if Washington would have been caught by the English, he would have been tortured and hung as a treasonist traitor. Remember Braveheart? Yea, like that.

And that is what Obama should do to Ted. Make him beg for mercy and lets see if Ted yells FREEDOM. :lol:

So not so shockingly you want him to end up in prison or dead in the next year....

He was wrong, how, exactly?
If what uncle Ted said gives you butt hurt, I guess you would really go ape shit with give me liberty or give me death.


And keep in mind if Washington would have been caught by the English, he would have been tortured and hung as a treasonist traitor. Remember Braveheart? Yea, like that.

And that is what Obama should do to Ted. Make him beg for mercy and lets see if Ted yells FREEDOM. :lol:

Fuck the government they don't scare me nor does death scare me. I will defend myself against any home invader.
Do you mean that book about prosecuting Bush for all of his high crimes and war crimes and sentencing him to death for them? Isn't that what they did to Saddam? Are you righties saying that if Bush really lied us into Iraq and let 9-11 happen so he could do it, that wouldn't be cause for a lynching? Because that is what the book argued, not murdering him. Isn't that what you do to traitors? Execute them?

Unfortunately, presidents don't go after former presidents. And they don't want future presidents going after them. That is why Bush isn't in prison or dead.

Or are you talking about another book?

Oh, you're a TWOOFER.

Big surprise there....
Be careful. Republicans will nit pick and point out that it doesn't necessarily mean Ted would go after Obama. He may mean he will go around shooting black people until he is in prison or dead.

Can anyone imagine any other explanation? What else could Ted do that would end up with him dead or in prison?

If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.

If Obama wins I'm going to run into an airport with a bomb and either end up dead or in prison.

Is he going to run around raping people? I want to know what Ted's plans are.

And so does the SS.

Funny he shit his pants to get out of Nam so you know he's shitting his pants right now. Don't think for a second he's really a tough guy. He's crying right now. Bet. Like he just got a letter from the IRS. Watch his tone tomorrom. No mo wango tango.

Do you have a problem with the quote The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure?

Please go right mother fucking now to the White House email and ask them that same question and then let me know when you get out of that secret detention center dumb ass.

How do you feel about this quote? Do you think Holder should prosecute? Or would Holder only prosecute a white, honkey, cracker and pink NRA rock star?

MICHELLE WILLIAMS: Let me tell you, the things that's about to happen, to these honkeys, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people, these ---- people. It has been long overdue. My prize right now this evening ... is gonna be the bounty, the arrest, dead or alive, for George Zimmerman. You feel me?
Why would they do something when no crime ever occured?

I think speaking against Dear Leader is a crime now. Failure to praise him as GLORIOUS is punishable...

At least that's what Marc and Sillybonobo want....

Ironically, they think it's punishable by doing exactly what Ted said.
Is it really hard to believe that Obama would kill or imprison poltiical opposition if reelected? Men in power have been doing exactly that for thousands of years. It speaks amazingly well of the system our Founders established that this nation hasnt been doing that for any prolong period of time.

It's hard to believe you would say something that insane.

It's hard to ignore thousands of years of human history of that very thing happening.

So now you are comparing world history with the USA circa 2012? Interesting insight into your mindset...
Ted Nugent, another draft dodger, what is it with loud mouths and cowardice? Rush Limbaugh draft dodger, Dick Cheney draft dodger, these lazy useless cowards take advantage of the freedoms of America but are too cowardly to put up. Big months but weak backbones.
It's hard to believe you would say something that insane.

It's hard to ignore thousands of years of human history of that very thing happening.

So now you are comparing world history with the USA circa 2012? Interesting insight into your mindset...

I think it's more interesting that you want to ignore all of world history and pretend that now is somehow immune from the cycle of history.
Ted Nugent, another draft dodger, what is it with loud mouths and cowardice? Rush Limbaugh draft dodger, Dick Cheney draft dodger, these lazy useless cowards take advantage of the freedoms of America but are too cowardly to put up. Big months but weak backbones.

in other words, you cant really attack Ted on the substance of what he said, so you are going to insult and mock him instead.
It's hard to ignore thousands of years of human history of that very thing happening.

So now you are comparing world history with the USA circa 2012? Interesting insight into your mindset...

I think it's more interesting that you want to ignore all of world history and pretend that now is somehow immune from the cycle of history.

Depends what cycle you are talking about. Right now, you are saying Obama would kill or imprison people...excuse me while I barf at the patheticness of your thoughts...
If what uncle Ted said gives you butt hurt, I guess you would really go ape shit with give me liberty or give me death.


And keep in mind if Washington would have been caught by the English, he would have been tortured and hung as a treasonist traitor. Remember Braveheart? Yea, like that.

And that is what Obama should do to Ted. Make him beg for mercy and lets see if Ted yells FREEDOM. :lol:

Fuck the government they don't scare me nor does death scare me. I will defend myself against any home invader.

Tell that to Randy Weaver or David Koresh.

Btw, and this is to everyone who thinks Obamabadman is out to get your gun, here we are 45 pages in and not a single link to ANY legislation proposed by Obama since he became President that is trying to grab our guns. NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LINK!

So either produce some actual evidence to back up your claims or shut the fuck up and go sit in the corner drooling until Nurse Ratchet brings you your meds.
Be careful. Republicans will nit pick and point out that it doesn't necessarily mean Ted would go after Obama. He may mean he will go around shooting black people until he is in prison or dead.

Can anyone imagine any other explanation? What else could Ted do that would end up with him dead or in prison?

If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.

If Obama wins I'm going to run into an airport with a bomb and either end up dead or in prison.

Is he going to run around raping people? I want to know what Ted's plans are.

And so does the SS.

Funny he shit his pants to get out of Nam so you know he's shitting his pants right now. Don't think for a second he's really a tough guy. He's crying right now. Bet. Like he just got a letter from the IRS. Watch his tone tomorrom. No mo wango tango.

You don't think Ted's tough? Are you freaking insane?


And it appears all he would have to do to be raided by feds and a predator drone and a crazy ass freaking sheriff is to have a 40,000 acre property that 6 cows wandered onto.

No Ted is not tough. Insane? Yes. Tough, no. Ignorant, arrogant and selfish? Yes. I know a lot of blow hards just like Ted. Remember, I live in Michigan. Ted's from Michigan. Guys like him and Kid Rock are stupid racist hicks. I grew up with them and those farm boys don't know how to fight. Shoot a gun? Hell yea. But it turns out Ted is a bigger pussy than the hicks I know because none of them would have shit their pants to get out of Nam.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Do you have any idea what Ted's draw weight is?

Do you understand at all the strength he has? I wouldn't want to go up against him.

Calling him a pussy. Silly person. Now you say you grew up with him and Kid Rock did you? Neat trick. Ted was born in 1948 and Kid Rock was born in 1971.
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The GD RepubliCON$ are nothing but low-life degenerate dregs of society...utter GUTTESNIPE!!! *spits*

That summumabatch ran for the hills like the Chicken Hawk COWARD that he is!!

Nothing else, but vile, hatred and hypocrisy.

Ted Nugent is a bonifed, tried and true PERVERT that has a known history of preying on UNDERAGE GIRLS...

Source = Ted Nugent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's who the Republicans and self-proclaimed "Conservatives" are currently defending, uplifting and promoting to the hilt.



big deal..I'll DEFEND anyones right to Free speech, even this hate filled rant of yours..:lol:

Private message me your address Stephanie. If you do, I promise I will be in prison this time next year.

Now, if you don't think that is a threat, PM me your address. You should have nothing to worry about. :badgrin:

oooooooooooooo, I'm sceeeerd
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Ted Nugent, another draft dodger, what is it with loud mouths and cowardice? Rush Limbaugh draft dodger, Dick Cheney draft dodger, these lazy useless cowards take advantage of the freedoms of America but are too cowardly to put up. Big months but weak backbones.

What about Bush? Or John 'let the eagle soar' + 'six deferments because I have to teach' Asscroft?
Ted Nugent, another draft dodger, what is it with loud mouths and cowardice? Rush Limbaugh draft dodger, Dick Cheney draft dodger, these lazy useless cowards take advantage of the freedoms of America but are too cowardly to put up. Big months but weak backbones.

Muhammad Ali, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, all draft-dodgers.

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