Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney


And keep in mind if Washington would have been caught by the English, he would have been tortured and hung as a treasonist traitor. Remember Braveheart? Yea, like that.

And that is what Obama should do to Ted. Make him beg for mercy and lets see if Ted yells FREEDOM. :lol:

Fuck the government they don't scare me nor does death scare me. I will defend myself against any home invader.

Tell that to Randy Weaver or David Koresh.

Btw, and this is to everyone who thinks Obamabadman is out to get your gun, here we are 45 pages in and not a single link to ANY legislation proposed by Obama since he became President that is trying to grab our guns. NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LINK!

So either produce some actual evidence to back up your claims or shut the fuck up and go sit in the corner drooling until Nurse Ratchet brings you your meds.

And never forget the 70 innocent men, women and children that AG Holder's mentor that evil bitch from hell Janet Reno burned alive.
Still trying to figure what exactly has the left's panties in such a bunch....
First it was that Ted said that he would be dead or in jail this time next year....
Still trying to figure how the lefties feel threatened by that.
Then the Braveheart reference...I think he meant symbolically cutting their heads off by voting them out.That's why he said come November.

And why does Romney have to apologize for what someone else said.

The very clear inference is that he would commit a violent act against President Obama if he was reelected.

Be careful. Republicans will nit pick and point out that it doesn't necessarily mean Ted would go after Obama. He may mean he will go around shooting black people until he is in prison or dead.

Can anyone imagine any other explanation? What else could Ted do that would end up with him dead or in prison?

If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.

If Obama wins I'm going to run into an airport with a bomb and either end up dead or in prison.

Is he going to run around raping people? I want to know what Ted's plans are.

And so does the SS.

Funny he shit his pants to get out of Nam so you know he's shitting his pants right now. Don't think for a second he's really a tough guy. He's crying right now. Bet. Like he just got a letter from the IRS. Watch his tone tomorrom. No mo wango tango.

For some reason, some people think they can 'couch' their threats by using nonspecific language or vague terminology. But when it involves the President of the USA, that tactic won't work. It's too cute by half. The Secret Service isn't going to play Ted's game. Ted's on THEIR turf, and he's even crazier then he already seems if he thinks they're gonna take any shit from that self-absorbed prima donna has-been rocker.
Private message me your address Stephanie. If you do, I promise I will be in prison this time next year.

Now, if you don't think that is a threat, PM me your address. You should have nothing to worry about. :badgrin:

Private message me your address, Sillybonobo. If you do, I promise you will be in prison tonight, for the terrorist threat you made to Stephanie.

You piece of shit.
Ted Nugent just needs to suck on the barrel of his gun and blow all that worthless gray matter out where the atoms can be better utilized by new life.
For some reason, some people think they can 'couch' their threats by using nonspecific language or vague terminology. But when it involves the President of the USA, that tactic won't work. It's too cute by half. The Secret Service isn't going to play Ted's game. Ted's on THEIR turf, and he's even crazier then he already seems if he thinks they're gonna take any shit from that self-absorbed prima donna has-been rocker.

Yeah, you leftists would never make threats against the president..



You brainless, fucknut leftists are all about civil discourse...
Fuck the government they don't scare me nor does death scare me. I will defend myself against any home invader.

Tell that to Randy Weaver or David Koresh.

Btw, and this is to everyone who thinks Obamabadman is out to get your gun, here we are 45 pages in and not a single link to ANY legislation proposed by Obama since he became President that is trying to grab our guns. NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LINK!

So either produce some actual evidence to back up your claims or shut the fuck up and go sit in the corner drooling until Nurse Ratchet brings you your meds.

And never forget the 70 innocent men, women and children that AG Holder's mentor that evil bitch from hell Janet Reno burned alive.

Trust me I haven't forgotten. Concrete shouldn't burn like that.
Private message me your address Stephanie. If you do, I promise I will be in prison this time next year.

Now, if you don't think that is a threat, PM me your address. You should have nothing to worry about. :badgrin:

Private message me your address, Sillybonobo. If you do, I promise you will be in prison tonight, for the terrorist threat you made to Stephanie.

You piece of shit.

Oh fuck off you whining drama queen. He was making a point to indicate what Nugent said, not a genuine threat.

Or do you think Nugent made a "terrorist threat" too? And what the fuck at the "terrorist" qualifier. Why not just a death threat? Why do you feel so inclined to label it terrorist threat, you douche?
Ted Nugent just needs to suck on the barrel of his gun and blow all that worthless gray matter out where the atoms can be better utilized by new life.

Do you think everyone who speaks against Obama should be put to death?

No, I'm saying he should kill himself. Not saying he should be put to death. Unless it's by his own hands, in which case yes... that'd be awesome.

And I'm only mirroring his desire to have other people suck on the barrel of his gun, to instead do it himself.
Ted Nugent, another draft dodger, what is it with loud mouths and cowardice? Rush Limbaugh draft dodger, Dick Cheney draft dodger, these lazy useless cowards take advantage of the freedoms of America but are too cowardly to put up. Big months but weak backbones.

So was bill clinton.
Anybody who says the same thing about GWB needs the same treatment; the President remains our PRESIDENT.

You must earn respect.

And before you can earn respect you must give respect.

It's not a one-way proposition.

You can't talk about shooting the president. Somebody should pick that guy up and throw his ass in jail.

Nobody cares about Ted Nugent's respect. In fact, I'd be worried about those he has respect for.

Wait a min. He never said he was gonna shoot anyone. He said he'd ether be dead or in jail. That means he might start a peaceful protest and ether get thrown in jail for crapping on cop-cars or get gang-raped in a tent and knifed to death.
Man, the left are some of the most hateful people I have ever come across..

just look at this thread and many others about how they talk about people, be it a man or a woman..

the hate comes straight from their ugly hearts
You must earn respect.

And before you can earn respect you must give respect.

It's not a one-way proposition.

You can't talk about shooting the president. Somebody should pick that guy up and throw his ass in jail.

Nobody cares about Ted Nugent's respect. In fact, I'd be worried about those he has respect for.

Wait a min. He never said he was gonna shoot anyone. He said he'd ether be dead or in jail. That means he might start a peaceful protest and ether get thrown in jail for crapping on cop-cars or get gang-raped in a tent and knifed to death.

Yes, because that's the Ted Nugent way.

You can't talk about shooting the president. Somebody should pick that guy up and throw his ass in jail.

Nobody cares about Ted Nugent's respect. In fact, I'd be worried about those he has respect for.

Wait a min. He never said he was gonna shoot anyone. He said he'd ether be dead or in jail. That means he might start a peaceful protest and ether get thrown in jail for crapping on cop-cars or get gang-raped in a tent and knifed to death.

Yes, because that's the Ted Nugent way.


Ascribing Nugent's beliefs & actions to Romney is ridiculous.

And keep in mind if Washington would have been caught by the English, he would have been tortured and hung as a treasonist traitor. Remember Braveheart? Yea, like that.

And that is what Obama should do to Ted. Make him beg for mercy and lets see if Ted yells FREEDOM. :lol:

Fuck the government they don't scare me nor does death scare me. I will defend myself against any home invader.

Tell that to Randy Weaver or David Koresh.

Btw, and this is to everyone who thinks Obamabadman is out to get your gun, here we are 45 pages in and not a single link to ANY legislation proposed by Obama since he became President that is trying to grab our guns. NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LINK!

So either produce some actual evidence to back up your claims or shut the fuck up and go sit in the corner drooling until Nurse Ratchet brings you your meds.

You silly bitch you think fast and the furious was a logo for a race team?
You must earn respect.

And before you can earn respect you must give respect.

It's not a one-way proposition.

You can't talk about shooting the president. Somebody should pick that guy up and throw his ass in jail.

Nobody cares about Ted Nugent's respect. In fact, I'd be worried about those he has respect for.

Wait a min. He never said he was gonna shoot anyone. He said he'd ether be dead or in jail. That means he might start a peaceful protest and ether get thrown in jail for crapping on cop-cars or get gang-raped in a tent and knifed to death.

Shame on you.
You can't talk about shooting the president. Somebody should pick that guy up and throw his ass in jail.

Nobody cares about Ted Nugent's respect. In fact, I'd be worried about those he has respect for.

Wait a min. He never said he was gonna shoot anyone. He said he'd ether be dead or in jail. That means he might start a peaceful protest and ether get thrown in jail for crapping on cop-cars or get gang-raped in a tent and knifed to death.

Yes, because that's the Ted Nugent way.


Whatever he plans on doing would be peaceful......but it wouldn't be any worse than the shit Al Sharpton pulled last month dick-wad.

Now.....if he decides to put out a bounty for Obama Dead or Alive.......that's a different story.

But figure the odds on that ever happening shit-for-brains.

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