Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Still trying to figure what exactly has the left's panties in such a bunch....
First it was that Ted said that he would be dead or in jail this time next year....
Still trying to figure how the lefties feel threatened by that.
Then the Braveheart reference...I think he meant symbolically cutting their heads off by voting them out.That's why he said come November.

And why does Romney have to apologize for what someone else said.

The very clear inference is that he would commit a violent act against President Obama if he was reelected.
So Ted is meeting with the Secret Service tomorrow. My prediction - the SS will be well fed and go away having a great meeting with him. There will be no arrests.

Exactly right. The SS didn't do jack shit when some radical leftist POS wrote a book about killing President Bush, and they won't do jack shit about Ted blowing off some steam.

Do you mean that book about prosecuting Bush for all of his high crimes and war crimes and sentencing him to death for them? Isn't that what they did to Saddam? Are you righties saying that if Bush really lied us into Iraq and let 9-11 happen so he could do it, that wouldn't be cause for a lynching? Because that is what the book argued, not murdering him. Isn't that what you do to traitors? Execute them?

Unfortunately, presidents don't go after former presidents. And they don't want future presidents going after them. That is why Bush isn't in prison or dead.

Or are you talking about another book?
Nugent may be LYING; Romney wants the NRA, not a couple nut jobs who happen to be NRA members.

That particular nutjob NRA member also happens to be on the NRA Board of Directors.

Yeah............pretty much a solid lock on the NRA if you have a director behind you, especially one as famous as him.
I didn't know he was an "officer".

Yep, and he's one of the top directors, like federal level.
Drawing a line in the sand against an imaginary enemy is lame.

Only in your mind is their a imaginary enemy. obama and people like you are the enemy. Any attempt of the government to do any gun grab and their will be lose of life and blood on the streets.

First off, I most likely own more guns than you. And if there was an ACTUAL REAL threat from Obama, Id be right beside you screaming Hell no!

Second, How to Use There, Their and They're with Examples - wikiHow ( sorry about the grammar nazi moment )

and Third, As there has been NO MOVE AT ALL from Obama to grab guns...either you're Nostrodamus or you're imagining it...unless you're just crazy, in which case, sorry, take your meds Im sure itll be alright. :lol::cuckoo::lol:

If you have less than 20 rifles of different calibers you're pissing in the wind. If you have less than 15 semi auto pistols and Revolvers you're pissing in the wind if you don't have at least two saiga 12 shotguns with 10 drum magazines and 30 10 round magazines and 5 pump shotguns you're pissing in the wind. If you don't have at least 30000 rounds of ammo you're pissing in the wind.

And for the rest of your comment Fast and the furious was not a catchy new race team slogan.
Still trying to figure what exactly has the left's panties in such a bunch....
First it was that Ted said that he would be dead or in jail this time next year....
Still trying to figure how the lefties feel threatened by that.
Then the Braveheart reference...I think he meant symbolically cutting their heads off by voting them out.That's why he said come November.

And why does Romney have to apologize for what someone else said.

The very clear inference is that he would commit a violent act against President Obama if he was reelected.

Be careful. Republicans will nit pick and point out that it doesn't necessarily mean Ted would go after Obama. He may mean he will go around shooting black people until he is in prison or dead.

Can anyone imagine any other explanation? What else could Ted do that would end up with him dead or in prison?

If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.

If Obama wins I'm going to run into an airport with a bomb and either end up dead or in prison.

Is he going to run around raping people? I want to know what Ted's plans are.

And so does the SS.

Funny he shit his pants to get out of Nam so you know he's shitting his pants right now. Don't think for a second he's really a tough guy. He's crying right now. Bet. Like he just got a letter from the IRS. Watch his tone tomorrom. No mo wango tango.
Still trying to figure what exactly has the left's panties in such a bunch....
First it was that Ted said that he would be dead or in jail this time next year....
Still trying to figure how the lefties feel threatened by that.
Then the Braveheart reference...I think he meant symbolically cutting their heads off by voting them out.That's why he said come November.

And why does Romney have to apologize for what someone else said.

The very clear inference is that he would commit a violent act against President Obama if he was reelected.

Be careful. Republicans will nit pick and point out that it doesn't necessarily mean Ted would go after Obama. He may mean he will go around shooting black people until he is in prison or dead.

Can anyone imagine any other explanation? What else could Ted do that would end up with him dead or in prison?

If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.

If Obama wins I'm going to run into an airport with a bomb and either end up dead or in prison.

Is he going to run around raping people? I want to know what Ted's plans are.

And so does the SS.

Funny he shit his pants to get out of Nam so you know he's shitting his pants right now. Don't think for a second he's really a tough guy. He's crying right now. Bet. Like he just got a letter from the IRS. Watch his tone tomorrom. No mo wango tango.

Do you have a problem with the quote The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure?
If what uncle Ted said gives you butt hurt, I guess you would really go ape shit with give me liberty or give me death.


And keep in mind if Washington would have been caught by the English, he would have been tortured and hung as a treasonist traitor. Remember Braveheart? Yea, like that.

And that is what Obama should do to Ted. Make him beg for mercy and lets see if Ted yells FREEDOM. :lol:
So Ted is meeting with the Secret Service tomorrow. My prediction - the SS will be well fed and go away having a great meeting with him. There will be no arrests.

But I bet you he tones down his rhetoric. This aint no beer summit.

Hell, I bet he'll even be a little apologetic afterward. He better be. :clap2:

Why is he going to apologize for being honest?
Still trying to figure what exactly has the left's panties in such a bunch....
First it was that
If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.


OR....he could just refuse to pay the higher taxes. Remember........the govt collects taxes by threat of violence for non-compliance.

If Ted refuses to pay, men with guns will come to arrest him. If he resists, they can use force.

Thus, he could refuse to pay the higher taxes and end up "in jail or dead". Right?
The very clear inference is that he would commit a violent act against President Obama if he was reelected.

Be careful. Republicans will nit pick and point out that it doesn't necessarily mean Ted would go after Obama. He may mean he will go around shooting black people until he is in prison or dead.

Can anyone imagine any other explanation? What else could Ted do that would end up with him dead or in prison?

If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.

If Obama wins I'm going to run into an airport with a bomb and either end up dead or in prison.

Is he going to run around raping people? I want to know what Ted's plans are.

And so does the SS.

Funny he shit his pants to get out of Nam so you know he's shitting his pants right now. Don't think for a second he's really a tough guy. He's crying right now. Bet. Like he just got a letter from the IRS. Watch his tone tomorrom. No mo wango tango.

Do you have a problem with the quote The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure?

Please go right mother fucking now to the White House email and ask them that same question and then let me know when you get out of that secret detention center dumb ass.
The GD RepubliCON$ are nothing but low-life degenerate dregs of society...utter GUTTESNIPE!!! *spits*

As it becomes clear that Obama cannot win an open and honest election, you go into full meltdown, bigot bois....

That summumabatch ran for the hills like the Chicken Hawk COWARD that he is!!

Nothing else, but vile, hatred and hypocrisy.

Yawn - more bullshit from the leftist hate sites.

Ted Nugent is a bonifed, tried and true PERVERT that has a known history of preying on UNDERAGE GIRLS..

You're a bonifide lying sack of shit. A demagogue attacking the opposition party with zero shame.

WikiPedia said:
In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with seventeen-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. Due to the age difference they could not marry so Nugent joined Massa's parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian, an arrangement that Spin magazine ranked in October 2000 as #63 on their list of the "100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock".

Damn, a rock singer sleeping with girls. That just faux outrages you leftists

You're a fucking demagogue, attacking Nugent because he opposes your Messiah®
OR....he could just refuse to pay the higher taxes. Remember........the govt collects taxes by threat of violence for non-compliance.

If Ted refuses to pay, men with guns will come to arrest him. If he resists, they can use force.

Thus, he could refuse to pay the higher taxes and end up "in jail or dead". Right?

Excellent reply. I didn't think of that.

But is that really what he was talking about at the NRA event? He wasn't at a Tax rally. :lol:

I'll have to go back and listen and see if he said anything about using the second amendment as a remedy or solution.
So Ted is meeting with the Secret Service tomorrow. My prediction - the SS will be well fed and go away having a great meeting with him. There will be no arrests.

Exactly right. The SS didn't do jack shit when some radical leftist POS wrote a book about killing President Bush, and they won't do jack shit about Ted blowing off some steam.

Why would they do something when no crime ever occured?
Still trying to figure what exactly has the left's panties in such a bunch....
First it was that Ted said that he would be dead or in jail this time next year....
Still trying to figure how the lefties feel threatened by that.
Then the Braveheart reference...I think he meant symbolically cutting their heads off by voting them out.That's why he said come November.

And why does Romney have to apologize for what someone else said.

The very clear inference is that he would commit a violent act against President Obama if he was reelected.

Be careful. Republicans will nit pick and point out that it doesn't necessarily mean Ted would go after Obama. He may mean he will go around shooting black people until he is in prison or dead.

Can anyone imagine any other explanation? What else could Ted do that would end up with him dead or in prison?

If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.

If Obama wins I'm going to run into an airport with a bomb and either end up dead or in prison.

Is he going to run around raping people? I want to know what Ted's plans are.

And so does the SS.

Funny he shit his pants to get out of Nam so you know he's shitting his pants right now. Don't think for a second he's really a tough guy. He's crying right now. Bet. Like he just got a letter from the IRS. Watch his tone tomorrom. No mo wango tango.

You don't think Ted's tough? Are you freaking insane?


And it appears all he would have to do to be raided by feds and a predator drone and a crazy ass freaking sheriff is to have a 40,000 acre property that 6 cows wandered onto.
The GD RepubliCON$ are nothing but low-life degenerate dregs of society...utter GUTTESNIPE!!! *spits*

As it becomes clear that Obama cannot win an open and honest election, you go into full meltdown, bigot bois....

That summumabatch ran for the hills like the Chicken Hawk COWARD that he is!!

Nothing else, but vile, hatred and hypocrisy.

Yawn - more bullshit from the leftist hate sites.

Ted Nugent is a bonifed, tried and true PERVERT that has a known history of preying on UNDERAGE GIRLS..

You're a bonifide lying sack of shit. A demagogue attacking the opposition party with zero shame.

WikiPedia said:
In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with seventeen-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. Due to the age difference they could not marry so Nugent joined Massa's parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian, an arrangement that Spin magazine ranked in October 2000 as #63 on their list of the "100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock".

Damn, a rock singer sleeping with girls. That just faux outrages you leftists

You're a fucking demagogue, attacking Nugent because he opposes your Messiah®

I think the same thing and worse about people like you. How do you like that? :D

Not kidding.
Be careful. Republicans will nit pick and point out that it doesn't necessarily mean Ted would go after Obama. He may mean he will go around shooting black people until he is in prison or dead.

Can anyone imagine any other explanation? What else could Ted do that would end up with him dead or in prison?

If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.

If Obama wins I'm going to run into an airport with a bomb and either end up dead or in prison.

Is he going to run around raping people? I want to know what Ted's plans are.

And so does the SS.

Funny he shit his pants to get out of Nam so you know he's shitting his pants right now. Don't think for a second he's really a tough guy. He's crying right now. Bet. Like he just got a letter from the IRS. Watch his tone tomorrom. No mo wango tango.

Do you have a problem with the quote The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure?

Please go right mother fucking now to the White House email and ask them that same question and then let me know when you get out of that secret detention center dumb ass.

Well fuck you mother fucker If it was good enough for Thomas Jefferson you can bet it's good enough for me. I tell you what why don't you fucking report me you stupid son of a bitch. Chicken shit.
Still trying to figure what exactly has the left's panties in such a bunch....
First it was that Ted said that he would be dead or in jail this time next year....
Still trying to figure how the lefties feel threatened by that.
Then the Braveheart reference...I think he meant symbolically cutting their heads off by voting them out.That's why he said come November.

And why does Romney have to apologize for what someone else said.

The very clear inference is that he would commit a violent act against President Obama if he was reelected.

Be careful. Republicans will nit pick and point out that it doesn't necessarily mean Ted would go after Obama. He may mean he will go around shooting black people until he is in prison or dead.

Can anyone imagine any other explanation? What else could Ted do that would end up with him dead or in prison?

If Obama wins, I will ______. and that will land me either in prison or dead.

What other things could Ted do? This should be fun.

If Obama wins I'm going to run into an airport with a bomb and either end up dead or in prison.

Is he going to run around raping people? I want to know what Ted's plans are.

And so does the SS.

Funny he shit his pants to get out of Nam so you know he's shitting his pants right now. Don't think for a second he's really a tough guy. He's crying right now. Bet. Like he just got a letter from the IRS. Watch his tone tomorrom. No mo wango tango.

lol you all will pussy out if you loose come November. Go ahead Prove me wrong.
You know they will....LOL!!! :lol: :lol:

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