Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney


yea yea yea... you sure are tough like Ted "I'd rather shit on myself than go to Vietnam" Nugent.

by all means, go get your militia on and see how that works out for you.


At least he's honest enough to admit he will not fight in an unjust war, obama want do that what he does is send other to fight an unjust war and help America's enemy in Libya.

So much for the whole patriotism schtick. Face it, your rebuttals are as interesting as watching the Nuge prowl down a small varmint in his back yard. If you want to have an NRA orgasm every time he says dumb shit then more power to you; it's only a reflection on him and those who are stupid enough to defend the retarded shit he is capable of stating.
You can't handle what I say because you can't handle the truth. You're to fucking stupid to be honest with yourself that you support a failure president.
Speaking of ugly words.....Jon Stewart scolded Rachel Maddow (and Obama) for calling the Tea Party Teabaggers.

At least Mr Stewart has some decency about him. I respect that.

Jon Stewart Scolds Rachel Maddow and MSNBC for Saying 'Teabagger' - YouTube
The TEABAGGERS chose the nickname THEMSELVES!!! They liked the TEABAGGER nickname so much they sold "Proud To Be A Teabagger" buttons at all their events!!!!!!


It's TEA Party...not 'Teabagger'...only sexually impotent Statists as you that question thier own sexuality use the term 'Teabagger''

Learn it, Live it, KNOW it.
I've attended the LimpBoy Institute of Compassionate CON$ervatism and RESPECTFULLY calling the TEABAGGERS their chosen nickname is more of an "Act Of Compassion" than your MessiahRushie calling Mario Cuomo, "Cooomo."

Learn it, Live it, KNOW it.

April 1, 2008
RUSH: New York governor Mario Cooomo who was on -- where was this? -- The Situation Room. For those of you new to the program, "Rush, it's Cuo-mo." I know that. But a long time ago, I heard the Reverend Jackson pronounce his name "Cooomo." You know, it's not stylish and it's not classy to correct somebody's pronunciation of things, especially when the mistake is made by a man of the cloth and a respected, revered Rev. So if he thinks it's Cooomo, then on this program, it's Cooomo, and that is an act of compassion.

More lamo with every post Lakhota. Especially considering your source Media Matters paid for MJ Rosenberg's constant anti Semitic and anti Israel attacks. They are such a scumbucket organization who've no right to pass judgement on anyone.


Well, it has live source links for the mentally challenged.
The TEABAGGERS chose the nickname THEMSELVES!!! They liked the TEABAGGER nickname so much they sold "Proud To Be A Teabagger" buttons at all their events!!!!!!


It's TEA Party...not 'Teabagger'...only sexually impotent Statists as you that question thier own sexuality use the term 'Teabagger''

Learn it, Live it, KNOW it.

Funny how all of these old farts didn't know what Teabagging meant in the gay community......

Think they would be happy being called one after they found out?

Would they like the fact that Obama called them one knowing he knew what it really meant?

Notice there isn't a mind on the Earth that a CON$ervoFascist can't read.

Prove the TEABAGGERS didn't know and Obama did!!!
Interesting how once the left realized the manufactured outrage they have against Ted was being seen right through, the subject has changed.

Why isn't someone asking Ted Nugent exactly what did he mean when he said "If Obama is wins in 2012 this time next year I will either be dead or in jail" Sound like a direct threat on the President's life. Or he is inciting other nuts to do harm to the President.
GOD saved us from the radical right wing extremist rhetoric if this was a Obama suporter saying this about Romeny. Look how they castrated Rosen and Rev. Wright and the New Black Panthers.
They are looking into Nugent, do you get out much? Now tell me why doesnt Eric holder investigate the Black Panthers? I think bounties are more serious than off the cuff remarks, dont you?
The left set the bar too high to be bothered by cherry picked scoops by Media Matters when they promoted a movie showing the assassination of a sitting president.
The left set the bar too high to be bothered by cherry picked scoops by Media Matters when they promoted a movie showing the assassination of a sitting president.

excellent point, but liberals "forgot" or the aged old excuse it was made by a comedian.
Why isn't someone asking Ted Nugent exactly what did he mean when he said "If Obama is wins in 2012 this time next year I will either be dead or in jail" Sound like a direct threat on the President's life. Or he is inciting other nuts to do harm to the President. He would be in jail or dead why?
GOD saved us from the radical right wing extremist rhetoric if this was a Obama supporters saying this about Romney. Look how they castrated Rosen, Rev. Wright and the New Black Panthers.

His explanation was not an explanation. It was condescending and arrogant.
Why isn't someone asking Ted Nugent exactly what did he mean when he said "If Obama is wins in 2012 this time next year I will either be dead or in jail" Sound like a direct threat on the President's life. Or he is inciting other nuts to do harm to the President. He would be in jail or dead why?
GOD saved us from the radical right wing extremist rhetoric if this was a Obama supporters saying this about Romney. Look how they castrated Rosen, Rev. Wright and the New Black Panthers.

His explanation was not an explanation. It was condescending and arrogant.

Why isn't someone asking Ted Nugent exactly what did he mean when he said "If obama is wins in 2012 this time next year I will either be dead or in jail"
Why ask him about something he did not say?
What Ted is supposed to have said took place when obama was a junior senator.
Interesting how once the left realized the manufactured outrage they have against Ted was being seen right through, the subject has changed.

It's too funny. I just put up this article in the Rubber room but part of it has relevance to your post.

Talk about a bogus liberal rant they've been on.:D The left is really getting desperate.

From the article: Secretes Service Takes Stoic Break From Drunken, Underage Colombian Whorebanging to Investigate The Motor City Madman

UPDATED 4/18: Nugent feels as persecuted as a poodle at an Obama Ramadan feast. Or something slightly less inflammatory.*

No, not really. Just the usual suspects hyperventilating deep breaths into their man panties in hopes that the Secretes Service can raise their glazed maws from the line of fresh cocaine and inviting chlamydia of underaged Colombian gape enough to paint Mitt Romney as some headbanging denim demon.

:D And this.

It’s doubtful Mittens will be naming Nugent as Surgeon General of Metal Health but it’s good that the Democommies are giving him this chance to remake his image as something other than Wednesday Night Mormon Jubilee choir.

Thanks, dickholes.

Me? I’m still waiting for the coveted Dave Mustaine endorsement.

Why isn't someone asking Ted Nugent exactly what did he mean when he said "If Obama is wins in 2012 this time next year I will either be dead or in jail" Sound like a direct threat on the President's life. Or he is inciting other nuts to do harm to the President. He would be in jail or dead why?
GOD saved us from the radical right wing extremist rhetoric if this was a Obama supporters saying this about Romney. Look how they castrated Rosen, Rev. Wright and the New Black Panthers.

His explanation was not an explanation. It was condescending and arrogant.

Teddly is never ever condescending or arrogant. And what he meant was that if Obama got another 4 years we'd be living under an Obama/Holder former Reno supporter/Sunstein crazy regime.
Interesting how once the left realized the manufactured outrage they have against Ted was being seen right through, the subject has changed.

Isn't that what they normally do when confronted? backed into a corner?

A POX on them.

I'm having a blast watching them twist in the wind. I don't know what's funnier. The Teddly so called scandal or the Obama eating dog meat scandal.

It gets funnier day by day.
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"If Obama wins in November, I'll either be dead or in jail."


Banging a 17 year old groupie now makes him a pedophile? He was actually decent and wanted to marry her but couldn't.

But come on. If banging a teen groupie in the 60's and 70's made one a pedophile then every rocker was a pedophile.

On the other hand, Obama's mentor admitted to being a pedophile and doing a 14 year old girl with his wife in Hawaii.

Mmmmmmm. A young white girl who her family trusted him with. Yup. Obama's mentor was a true pedophile.

But he couldn't fucking WAIT A YEAR? He wanted to become her fucking LEGAL GUARDIAN and assume that parental type power and then marry her?

That's some creepy ass shit.

You're fucked up if you don't find that creepy.

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