Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Neither Clinton nor Obama dodged the draft.


What a fucking moron.

Clinton's Draft Avoidance

You leftists sure are shameless liars....


He registered..and was available for the draft.

He didn't show to the draft board in clothes that he'd been shitting and pissing in for two Nugent. He was also against the war.

Unlike Romney..who was Pro-Vietnam..but against doing any fighting.

He had other priorities..

His pro-war son, meanwhile, never served in south-east Asia because his status as a Mormon missionary exempted him from the draft.
The GOP hopeful spent just one year at Stanford before heading to France for 30 months of missionary

Read more: Mitt Romney, 19, demonstrated in favour of Vietnam War draft | Mail Online

Saving the French from eating to much cheese.

Good job boys.


oh well, if the daily mail says so..
I've never heard of a case where a 17 yo girl could give consent to a man who had legal custody of her.

Who cares?

You're just a partisan hack attacking an enemy of the party based on orders from the hate sites. It's not like you're rational or able to formulate a logical thought.

Nugent had a 17 year old chickie - perfectly legal to fuck. But guess what? He couldn't take her across state lines. So her PARENTS agreed to make him her guardian so she could tour with him.

Damn, what a scandal..

That's no surprise since legal custody is means that the person has guardianship of a minor child (emphasis on the CHILD part) or a person otherwise not of capable of caring for themselves or making decisions about their own care.
Yawn, such faux outrage from another fucknut hack....

LOL! Do you HEAR yourself? You're saying that Nugent had a perfectly legal girlfriend he couldn't legally take across state lines.

Show me the reaction of ANY man who had a 17 yo minor daughter who showed up with a 30 yo guy who's 'donin' his daughter. I don't know about Hawaii 30 years ago, but because of the perfectly sensible existence of statutory rape laws, any guy not within two years of the age of the girl would be guilty of a crime. Consequently, nobody could blame a father from chasing off the guy with a shot gun or a shovel.

As a note, these statutory rape laws are not only meant to protect young girls from older predatory males like Nugent, they're meant to prevent bad parents from doing the exact kind of thing Massa's parents did -- essentially 'selling' their daughter to an older man.
Getting into Georgetown was avoiding the draft? Baby Bush joined TANG when he couldn't get in to law school, that is more akin to DODGING the draft.

Normally I find you as that most rare of breeds, a semi-rational leftist.

But seriously, you toss out this kind of shit?

One of the two had military service, and it wasn't Clinton.

Of the three, Bush II, Cheney, and Clinton, only Clinton gave up an EARNED exemption one year while he protested.

{August 7, 1969 - Clinton is reclassified 1-D after he arranges to enter the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas.
--[Wash Post Sep 13 92]
According to Cliff Jackson, Clinton's Oxford classmate, Clinton used the ROTC program to "kill the draft notice, to avoid reporting on the July 28 induction date, which had already been postponed. And he did that by promising to serve his country in the ROTC, number one, to enroll in the law school that fall ... and he never enrolled."
--[Wash Times Sep 17 92]
Comment - Clinton's admission into the ROTC program again runs contrary to his repeated statements that he received no special treatment in order to evade military service. Col. Eugene Holmes, commander of the University of Arkansas ROTC program, said Clinton was admitted after pressure from the Hot Springs draft board and the office of Senator J. William Fulbright (D-AR). }

Clinton's Draft Avoidance
Like I said before, those who speak against Obama are no more traitors than those who spoke against Bush.

It's called being fair to both sides. You think there aren't extremists on both sides?

Find me ANY signs at Tea Parties, or whatever, calling for the DEATH of Obama. Yeah, some called him a liar, some even said he is Kenyan. But find be even ONE calling for the DEATH of Obama.

You can't, and we both know it. Because despite your claims and equivocating, both sides are NOT the same. Not even close.

I'm sorry I thought this was a thread about Ted. I was still talking about him.

But here's some tea party images for you.





But I suppose you'll say armed dissent really isn't a threat,

I WILL however agree with you that the images that you posted are worse. FAR worse.

Armed dissent is strictly forbidden by the United States Constitution.

Something the right wingers don't seem to know. But they don't seem to know much about the Constitution..really.

What a fucking moron.

Clinton's Draft Avoidance

You leftists sure are shameless liars....


He registered..and was available for the draft.

He didn't show to the draft board in clothes that he'd been shitting and pissing in for two Nugent. He was also against the war.

Unlike Romney..who was Pro-Vietnam..but against doing any fighting.

He had other priorities..

His pro-war son, meanwhile, never served in south-east Asia because his status as a Mormon missionary exempted him from the draft.
The GOP hopeful spent just one year at Stanford before heading to France for 30 months of missionary

Read more: Mitt Romney, 19, demonstrated in favour of Vietnam War draft | Mail Online

Saving the French from eating to much cheese.

Good job boys.


oh well, if the daily mail says so.. comes with pictures and stuff.

Unless you think they were photoshopped.
Find me ANY signs at Tea Parties, or whatever, calling for the DEATH of Obama. Yeah, some called him a liar, some even said he is Kenyan. But find be even ONE calling for the DEATH of Obama.

You can't, and we both know it. Because despite your claims and equivocating, both sides are NOT the same. Not even close.

I'm sorry I thought this was a thread about Ted. I was still talking about him.

But here's some tea party images for you.





But I suppose you'll say armed dissent really isn't a threat,

I WILL however agree with you that the images that you posted are worse. FAR worse.

Armed dissent is strictly forbidden by the United States Constitution.

Something the right wingers don't seem to know. But they don't seem to know much about the Constitution..really.

Those poster were a WARNING.....not like you seem to care there are politicians out there calling for taking away our second amendments rights..

He registered..and was available for the draft.

He didn't show to the draft board in clothes that he'd been shitting and pissing in for two Nugent.

With a gerbil up his ass...

You're such a stupid fucking liar.

Seriously, the level of scum you have to be to keep repeating a two decade old, thoroughly discredited bullshit story is amazing.

I understand that you have absolutely zero integrity, but aren't you embarrassed by being continually exposed as a complete fucking liar?


Fucking liars for Obama, you'll say anything....
Getting into Georgetown was avoiding the draft? Baby Bush joined TANG when he couldn't get in to law school, that is more akin to DODGING the draft.

Normally I find you as that most rare of breeds, a semi-rational leftist.

But seriously, you toss out this kind of shit?

One of the two had military service, and it wasn't Clinton.

Of the three, Bush II, Cheney, and Clinton, only Clinton gave up an EARNED exemption one year while he protested.

{August 7, 1969 - Clinton is reclassified 1-D after he arranges to enter the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas.
--[Wash Post Sep 13 92]
According to Cliff Jackson, Clinton's Oxford classmate, Clinton used the ROTC program to "kill the draft notice, to avoid reporting on the July 28 induction date, which had already been postponed. And he did that by promising to serve his country in the ROTC, number one, to enroll in the law school that fall ... and he never enrolled."
--[Wash Times Sep 17 92]
Comment - Clinton's admission into the ROTC program again runs contrary to his repeated statements that he received no special treatment in order to evade military service. Col. Eugene Holmes, commander of the University of Arkansas ROTC program, said Clinton was admitted after pressure from the Hot Springs draft board and the office of Senator J. William Fulbright (D-AR). }

Clinton's Draft Avoidance Bill Clinton Draft Dodger?

Clinton eventually registered for the draft. And for a war he did not support.

He registered..and was available for the draft.

He didn't show to the draft board in clothes that he'd been shitting and pissing in for two Nugent.

With a gerbil up his ass...

You're such a stupid fucking liar.

Seriously, the level of scum you have to be to keep repeating a two decade old, thoroughly discredited bullshit story is amazing.

I understand that you have absolutely zero integrity, but aren't you embarrassed by being continually exposed as a complete fucking liar?


Fucking liars for Obama, you'll say anything....

Descredited by whom?

It was NUGENT who told the fucking story in the first place..moron.
I'm sorry I thought this was a thread about Ted. I was still talking about him.

But here's some tea party images for you.





But I suppose you'll say armed dissent really isn't a threat,

I WILL however agree with you that the images that you posted are worse. FAR worse.

Armed dissent is strictly forbidden by the United States Constitution.

Something the right wingers don't seem to know. But they don't seem to know much about the Constitution..really.

Those poster were a WARNING.....not like you seem to care there are politicians out there calling for taking away our second amendments rights..

Warning or not.

Armed dissent is strictly un-constitutional.
I've never heard of a case where a 17 yo girl could give consent to a man who had legal custody of her.

Who cares?

You're just a partisan hack attacking an enemy of the party based on orders from the hate sites. It's not like you're rational or able to formulate a logical thought.

Nugent had a 17 year old chickie - perfectly legal to fuck. But guess what? He couldn't take her across state lines. So her PARENTS agreed to make him her guardian so she could tour with him.

Damn, what a scandal..

That's no surprise since legal custody is means that the person has guardianship of a minor child (emphasis on the CHILD part) or a person otherwise not of capable of caring for themselves or making decisions about their own care.
Yawn, such faux outrage from another fucknut hack....

LOL! Do you HEAR yourself? You're saying that Nugent had a perfectly legal girlfriend he couldn't legally take across state lines.

Show me the reaction of ANY man who had a 17 yo minor daughter who showed up with a 30 yo guy who's 'donin' his daughter. I don't know about Hawaii 30 years ago, but because of the perfectly sensible existence of statutory rape laws, any guy not within two years of the age of the girl would be guilty of a crime. Consequently, nobody could blame a father from chasing off the guy with a shot gun or a shovel.

As a note, these statutory rape laws are not only meant to protect young girls from older predatory males like Nugent, they're meant to prevent bad parents from doing the exact kind of thing Massa's parents did -- essentially 'selling' their daughter to an older man.

Her parents consented. therefore he had consent. But again why no outrage over Don Henley or several liberals that do this stuff? I just find it funny people like you cant say Nugent and liberals were wrong, but again Nugent had the parent's consent.
LOL! Do you HEAR yourself? You're saying that Nugent had a perfectly legal girlfriend he couldn't legally take across state lines.

Ohmygawd, you must be faux outraged, faux outraged I tell you...

Show me the reaction of ANY man who had a 17 yo minor daughter who showed up with a 30 yo guy who's 'donin' his daughter.

Uh stupid, daddy signed guardianship to Nugent so that she could tour with him...

I don't know about Hawaii 30 years ago, but because of the perfectly sensible existence of statutory rape laws, any guy not within two years of the age of the girl would be guilty of a crime. Consequently, nobody could blame a father from chasing off the guy with a shot gun or a shovel.

Yeah, sure...

{1980 . . Eagle's Don Henley was arrested after a naked 16 year old girl was found at his home in Los Angeles suffering from a drug overdose, he received a $2,000 fine with two years probation. }

On This Day - Music History - November

That's cool though, Henley is a far left Obama supporter - so it's different.

But with Nugent, you're faux outraged, faux outraged I tell you...

As a note, these statutory rape laws are not only meant to protect young girls from older predatory males like Nugent, they're meant to prevent bad parents from doing the exact kind of thing Massa's parents did -- essentially 'selling' their daughter to an older man.

Yeah sure, it's just coincidence that you're suddenly faux outraged, faux outraged I tell you... when an enemy of the party is identified by the hate sites for attack.

Fucking hack...
Who cares?

You're just a partisan hack attacking an enemy of the party based on orders from the hate sites. It's not like you're rational or able to formulate a logical thought.

Nugent had a 17 year old chickie - perfectly legal to fuck. But guess what? He couldn't take her across state lines. So her PARENTS agreed to make him her guardian so she could tour with him.

Damn, what a scandal..

Yawn, such faux outrage from another fucknut hack....

LOL! Do you HEAR yourself? You're saying that Nugent had a perfectly legal girlfriend he couldn't legally take across state lines.

Show me the reaction of ANY man who had a 17 yo minor daughter who showed up with a 30 yo guy who's 'donin' his daughter. I don't know about Hawaii 30 years ago, but because of the perfectly sensible existence of statutory rape laws, any guy not within two years of the age of the girl would be guilty of a crime. Consequently, nobody could blame a father from chasing off the guy with a shot gun or a shovel.

As a note, these statutory rape laws are not only meant to protect young girls from older predatory males like Nugent, they're meant to prevent bad parents from doing the exact kind of thing Massa's parents did -- essentially 'selling' their daughter to an older man.

Her parents consented. therefore he had consent. But again why no outrage over Don Henley or several liberals that do this stuff? I just find it funny people like you cant say Nugent and liberals were wrong, but again Nugent had the parent's consent.

Henley's not on radio telling other people how to live. And it's one thing to sleep with a groupie after a drug/alcohol fueled binge..and another thing entirely to seek out underaged women..straight as an arrow. Nugent didn't drink or do drugs. And he's had sex with girls as young as 13.
Armed dissent is strictly forbidden by the United States Constitution.

Something the right wingers don't seem to know. But they don't seem to know much about the Constitution..really.

Those poster were a WARNING.....not like you seem to care there are politicians out there calling for taking away our second amendments rights..

Warning or not.

Armed dissent is strictly un-constitutional.

so there was no point in you posting those pictures, now was there.
At least he's honest enough to admit he will not fight in an unjust war, obama want do that what he does is send other to fight an unjust war and help America's enemy in Libya.

So much for the whole patriotism schtick. Face it, your rebuttals are as interesting as watching the Nuge prowl down a small varmint in his back yard. If you want to have an NRA orgasm every time he says dumb shit then more power to you; it's only a reflection on him and those who are stupid enough to defend the retarded shit he is capable of stating.
You can't handle what I say because you can't handle the truth. You're to fucking stupid to be honest with yourself that you support a failure president.

Of course I can handle what you are saying; I am not worried about idiots saying dumb shit. If you can figure out how to scroll up you'll see, in fact, that my very first post in this thread indicates what kind of a non-issue Teddy and his dumb statements are.

but please, do keep grandstanding as if you are something special.

LOL! Do you HEAR yourself? You're saying that Nugent had a perfectly legal girlfriend he couldn't legally take across state lines.

Ohmygawd, you must be faux outraged, faux outraged I tell you...

Show me the reaction of ANY man who had a 17 yo minor daughter who showed up with a 30 yo guy who's 'donin' his daughter.

Uh stupid, daddy signed guardianship to Nugent so that she could tour with him...

I don't know about Hawaii 30 years ago, but because of the perfectly sensible existence of statutory rape laws, any guy not within two years of the age of the girl would be guilty of a crime. Consequently, nobody could blame a father from chasing off the guy with a shot gun or a shovel.

Yeah, sure...

{1980 . . Eagle's Don Henley was arrested after a naked 16 year old girl was found at his home in Los Angeles suffering from a drug overdose, he received a $2,000 fine with two years probation. }

On This Day - Music History - November

That's cool though, Henley is a far left Obama supporter - so it's different.

But with Nugent, you're faux outraged, faux outraged I tell you...

As a note, these statutory rape laws are not only meant to protect young girls from older predatory males like Nugent, they're meant to prevent bad parents from doing the exact kind of thing Massa's parents did -- essentially 'selling' their daughter to an older man.

Yeah sure, it's just coincidence that you're suddenly faux outraged, faux outraged I tell you... when an enemy of the party is identified by the hate sites for attack.

Fucking hack...

That was not a "one off" thing with Nugent. He slept with perhaps hundreds of women. Many below the age of consent.

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