Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Like I said before, those who speak against Obama are no more traitors than those who spoke against Bush.

It's called being fair to both sides. You think there aren't extremists on both sides?

Find me ANY signs at Tea Parties, or whatever, calling for the DEATH of Obama. Yeah, some called him a liar, some even said he is Kenyan. But find be even ONE calling for the DEATH of Obama.

You can't, and we both know it. Because despite your claims and equivocating, both sides are NOT the same. Not even close.

I'm sorry I thought this was a thread about Ted. I was still talking about him.

But here's some tea party images for you.





But I suppose you'll say armed dissent really isn't a threat,

I WILL however agree with you that the images that you posted are worse. FAR worse.
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You don't know much about Ted's history, do you?

When he was about 30, the Motor City lunatic took legal custody of a 17 yo girl, Pele Massa, with whom he was 'involved.' He should have been arrested.

Arrested on what charge? (Age of consent, 16)

Being opposed to the policies of Barack Obama in the first degree? What punishment should that carry?

What about Lindsay Buckingham? He did a 13 year old, and as I recall, played the Clinton Whitehouse.

But that's different, the crime is opposing Obama, not being a Rocker who does the groupies.

Steve Perry famously claims to have never succumbed to the lure of the groupies. That makes him unique - and we all know it.

I've never heard of a case where a 17 yo girl could give consent to a man who had legal custody of her. That's no surprise since legal custody is means that the person has guardianship of a minor child (emphasis on the CHILD part) or a person otherwise not of capable of caring for themselves or making decisions about their own care.

The whole thing about Ted and the 17 year old is bullshit.

Ages of consent in North America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

16 is the age of consent in Hawaii.

I know I posted about this earlier. I am retracting my former statement.

The facts have disproved my opinion on that point.
Man, the left are some of the most hateful people I have ever come across..

just look at this thread and many others about how they talk about people, be it a man or a woman..

the hate comes straight from their ugly hearts

Oh shut up already and your stupid reverse the situation routine..

And fuck you for thinking anyone wouldn't notice...

You being one of the biggest haters of anything left..

you are looking in a mirror I take it
vulgar and PROVE MY POINT
way to go
It's TEA Party...not 'Teabagger'...only sexually impotent Statists as you that question thier own sexuality use the term 'Teabagger''

Learn it, Live it, KNOW it.

Funny how all of these old farts didn't know what Teabagging meant in the gay community......

Think they would be happy being called one after they found out?

Would they like the fact that Obama called them one knowing he knew what it really meant?

Notice there isn't a mind on the Earth that a CON$ervoFascist can't read.

Prove the TEABAGGERS didn't know and Obama did!!!

you don't even mind calling our Senor Citizens vulgar must be proud
Funny how all of these old farts didn't know what Teabagging meant in the gay community......

Think they would be happy being called one after they found out?

Would they like the fact that Obama called them one knowing he knew what it really meant?

Notice there isn't a mind on the Earth that a CON$ervoFascist can't read.

Prove the TEABAGGERS didn't know and Obama did!!!

you don't even mind calling our Senor Citizens vulgar must be proud
I'm not the one who called seniors "old farts!"
Notice there isn't a mind on the Earth that a CON$ervoFascist can't read.

Prove the TEABAGGERS didn't know and Obama did!!!

you don't even mind calling our Senor Citizens vulgar must be proud
I'm not the one who called seniors "old farts!"

Old farts is tame compared to using a picture of our Senior Citizens while calling him a teabagger
Even I didn't know what the hell that name meant when it first came up..
I'm still wondering what is "patriotic" about dodging the draft.

You've got one draft dodger (Romney) seeking out the endorsement of another draft dodger (Nugent) for the office of president.

Didn't the GOP used to support the troops (or at least say they did)?
I'm still wondering what is "patriotic" about dodging the draft.

You've got one draft dodger (Romney) seeking out the endorsement of another draft dodger (Nugent) for the office of president.

Didn't the GOP used to support the troops (or at least say they did)?

oh brother, what branch of the military did Clinton and Obama serve?
Now all of a sudden you people care about all this
I've never heard of a case where a 17 yo girl could give consent to a man who had legal custody of her.

Who cares?

You're just a partisan hack attacking an enemy of the party based on orders from the hate sites. It's not like you're rational or able to formulate a logical thought.

Nugent had a 17 year old chickie - perfectly legal to fuck. But guess what? He couldn't take her across state lines. So her PARENTS agreed to make him her guardian so she could tour with him.

Damn, what a scandal..

That's no surprise since legal custody is means that the person has guardianship of a minor child (emphasis on the CHILD part) or a person otherwise not of capable of caring for themselves or making decisions about their own care.

Yawn, such faux outrage from another fucknut hack....
I'm still wondering what is "patriotic" about dodging the draft.

You've got one draft dodger (Romney) seeking out the endorsement of another draft dodger (Nugent) for the office of president.

Didn't the GOP used to support the troops (or at least say they did)?

oh brother, what branch of the military did Clinton and Obama serve?
Now all of a sudden you people care about all this

Neither Clinton nor Obama dodged the draft.

Romney and Nugent did.
I'm still wondering what is "patriotic" about dodging the draft.

You've got one draft dodger (Romney) seeking out the endorsement of another draft dodger (Nugent) for the office of president.

Didn't the GOP used to support the troops (or at least say they did)?

oh brother, what branch of the military did Clinton and Obama serve?
Now all of a sudden you people care about all this

Neither Clinton nor Obama dodged the draft.

Romney and Nugent did.

and what skin is that taking off any of your asses?
Getting into Georgetown was avoiding the draft? Baby Bush joined TANG when he couldn't get in to law school, that is more akin to DODGING the draft. Of the three, Bush II, Cheney, and Clinton, only Clinton gave up an EARNED exemption one year while he protested.
Look Ted Nugent's sex life is what the left likes is it not? Tons of chicks, underage or not, no consequences. I mean lets look at Obama supporter Don Henley

Gotta love this part. The craziness included the arrest of drummer, songwriter and vocalist Henley in November 1979 after a naked 16-year-old prostitute suffered a drug overdose during a party at his home in LA. Cocaine, marijuana and quaaludes were seized.
Neither Clinton nor Obama dodged the draft.


What a fucking moron.

Clinton's Draft Avoidance

Romney and Nugent did.

You leftists sure are shameless liars....


He registered..and was available for the draft.

He didn't show to the draft board in clothes that he'd been shitting and pissing in for two Nugent. He was also against the war.

Unlike Romney..who was Pro-Vietnam..but against doing any fighting.

He had other priorities..

His pro-war son, meanwhile, never served in south-east Asia because his status as a Mormon missionary exempted him from the draft.
The GOP hopeful spent just one year at Stanford before heading to France for 30 months of missionary

Read more: Mitt Romney, 19, demonstrated in favour of Vietnam War draft | Mail Online

Saving the French from eating to much cheese.

Good job boys.

Turns out Mittens asked gutter snipe Nugent for his endorsement and Mittens son tweeted how happy they were tht he agreed. The son used the word "cool".

Just one more lie from Mittens.

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