Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Now, Obama has the brown shirts, er... the Nazi's... woops..........

I mean the Secret Police, er................... Service attempting to squelch Mr. Nugent's right to free speech.

What next - the Stormtroopers going to knock on our doors in the middle of the night and demand we surrender our guns?

Seig Fucking Heil Obama !!!

The right to free speech does not extend to threats.

If he had said, get into the voting booth, or we have to get this this bum out of there, go vote, free speech. But he didn't he said not to blame the coyote because you didn't SHOOT him. That's not only a threat, it's a call for others to do it.

The method Ted used is called the Lone Wolf activism. A supposed leader makes inflammatory statements that are thinly veiled threats expecting one of his followers to actually carry it out. It gives plausible deniability.

Did he mean let's shoot Obama? Maybe. Maybe not. But now he triggered the same reaction that would have been triggered if ANY of us made that statement publicly and the Secret Service got wind of it.

So now taxpayer money has to be wasted sending people out to feed the ego of Ted Nugent.

A California appeals court ruled this week that threatening posts made by readers of a website are not protected free speech, allowing a case charging the posters with hate crimes and defamation to proceed.

The case raises fundamental questions about cyberbullying and the line between online speech and hate crimes.

Court: Cyberbullying Threats Are Not Protected Speech | Threat Level |

Mailing threats is illegal

18 USC § 876 - Mailing threatening communications | LII / Legal Information Institute

Most importantly:

Threatening the President of the United States is a class D felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making "any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States".

According to the U.S. Attorney's Manual, "Of the individuals who come to the Secret Service's attention as creating a possible danger to one of their protectees, approximately 75 percent are mentally ill."[2]

Threatening the President of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well Ted certainly qualifies. :badgrin:
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I doubt the Secret Service will do much but lecture the dimwit.

They wont arrest him. It's an election year and it would cause too much drama.

If it was last year though...I think Ted would be facing charges. If you or I made those statements, it wouldn't be pretty. Teds too high profile to go after during an election.

My concern is Madman Ted does something stupid and gets himself arrested or worse while the Secret Service are there.
I doubt the Secret Service will do much but lecture the dimwit.

Imagine, threatening the president.

Leftists would never do such a thing.



Yes they were. Then low lifes such as yourself decided to attach a different meaning.

Older people never even considered such a meaning would exist. Tea bags were worn to express fealty to the views of the Boston tea party.

King Barry finds it all very offensive.
Old people didn't create, produce and sell the buttons!!! GOP leader Dickless Armey's FreedomWorks made and sold the buttons to raise money for the GOP's astroturf "movement."
Fuck the government they don't scare me nor does death scare me. I will defend myself against any home invader.

Tell that to Randy Weaver or David Koresh.

Btw, and this is to everyone who thinks Obamabadman is out to get your gun, here we are 45 pages in and not a single link to ANY legislation proposed by Obama since he became President that is trying to grab our guns. NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LINK!

So either produce some actual evidence to back up your claims or shut the fuck up and go sit in the corner drooling until Nurse Ratchet brings you your meds.

You silly bitch you think fast and the furious was a logo for a race team?

Sorry just saw this.

It's stupid, though. Try again.
Old people didn't create, produce and sell the buttons!!! GOP leader Dickless Armey's FreedomWorks made and sold the buttons to raise money for the GOP's astroturf "movement."

Armey was a late comer to the Tea Party movement. He tried to coopt for the GOP.

The buttons were probably home made with a BadgeAMint.

He succeeded in co opting it.
That won't interest Nugent...unless they're under 18.

At 25, Ted liked a 17 year old. Most people have taste for older women as they get older.

I suspect Ted favors those in their 30's.

What about Obama's Secret Service, what age do they like their tax payer funded hookers? Any gay hookers? We don't want to leave Barry out....
That won't interest Nugent...unless they're under 18.

At 25, Ted liked a 17 year old. Most people have taste for older women as they get older.

I suspect Ted favors those in their 30's.

What about Obama's Secret Service, what age do they like their tax payer funded hookers? Any gay hookers? We don't want to leave Barry out....

You don't know much about Ted's history, do you?

When he was about 30, the Motor City lunatic took legal custody of a 17 yo girl, Pele Massa, with whom he was 'involved.' He should have been arrested.

In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with seventeen-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. Due to the age difference they could not marry so Nugent joined Massa's parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian, an arrangement that Spin magazine ranked in October 2000 as #63 on their list of the "100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock".[27][28]

Ted Nugent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Old people didn't create, produce and sell the buttons!!! GOP leader Dickless Armey's FreedomWorks made and sold the buttons to raise money for the GOP's astroturf "movement."

Armey was a late comer to the Tea Party movement. He tried to coopt for the GOP.

The buttons were probably home made with a BadgeAMint.
Nope, the buttons look professionally made, painted directly on to the button.

Like I said before, those who speak against Obama are no more traitors than those who spoke against Bush.

It's called being fair to both sides. You think there aren't extremists on both sides?

Find me ANY signs at Tea Parties, or whatever, calling for the DEATH of Obama. Yeah, some called him a liar, some even said he is Kenyan. But find be even ONE calling for the DEATH of Obama.

You can't, and we both know it. Because despite your claims and equivocating, both sides are NOT the same. Not even close.
Yes they were. Then low lifes such as yourself decided to attach a different meaning.

Older people never even considered such a meaning would exist. Tea bags were worn to express fealty to the views of the Boston tea party.

King Barry finds it all very offensive.
Old people didn't create, produce and sell the buttons!!! GOP leader Dickless Armey's FreedomWorks made and sold the buttons to raise money for the GOP's astroturf "movement."

You had to add astro turf to make yourself stay within the confines of stupidity.

Congratulations on mission accomplished.
You don't know much about Ted's history, do you?

When he was about 30, the Motor City lunatic took legal custody of a 17 yo girl, Pele Massa, with whom he was 'involved.' He should have been arrested.

Arrested on what charge? (Age of consent, 16)

Being opposed to the policies of Barack Obama in the first degree? What punishment should that carry?

What about Lindsay Buckingham? He did a 13 year old, and as I recall, played the Clinton Whitehouse.

But that's different, the crime is opposing Obama, not being a Rocker who does the groupies.

Steve Perry famously claims to have never succumbed to the lure of the groupies. That makes him unique - and we all know it.
You don't know much about Ted's history, do you?

When he was about 30, the Motor City lunatic took legal custody of a 17 yo girl, Pele Massa, with whom he was 'involved.' He should have been arrested.

Arrested on what charge? (Age of consent, 16)

Being opposed to the policies of Barack Obama in the first degree? What punishment should that carry?

What about Lindsay Buckingham? He did a 13 year old, and as I recall, played the Clinton Whitehouse.

But that's different, the crime is opposing Obama, not being a Rocker who does the groupies.

Steve Perry famously claims to have never succumbed to the lure of the groupies. That makes him unique - and we all know it.

I've never heard of a case where a 17 yo girl could give consent to a man who had legal custody of her. That's no surprise since legal custody is means that the person has guardianship of a minor child (emphasis on the CHILD part) or a person otherwise not of capable of caring for themselves or making decisions about their own care.

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