Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Now, Obama has the brown shirts, er... the Nazi's... woops..........

I mean the Secret Police, er................... Service attempting to squelch Mr. Nugent's right to free speech.

What next - the Stormtroopers going to knock on our doors in the middle of the night and demand we surrender our guns?

Seig Fucking Heil Obama !!!
If someone told you to suck on the barrel of a machine gun, would you feel threatened?

No particularly.

When Wanda Sykes said that black people would kill all the crackers in their sleep, I didn't lose any sleep over it.

Performers tossing out hyperbole during shows doesn't cause rational people to panic. Of course, nothing rational about you.
The Reserve Officer is a person who is sworn in, after their training, by the Sheriff to uphold the laws of the State of Michigan and Lake County to the best of their ability. This person must be able to follow orders through the rank and file and abide by the bylaws of the Unit and have the willingness to work with fellow Officers to better serve the community."

Duties: The duties of the LCRU Deputy vary upon the needs that are required by the County, and sometimes those required outside the County. A few examples of duties: Search and Rescue, Traffic Control, and fulfilling various backup roles for full-time Deputies. Be sure to check out the training you will receive below in "How to Join the LCRU."

LCRU Roster
and Honorary Members
Honorary Members are people who are
"past Unit Members" and have retired in "Good Standing."

Ted Nugent

MI Lake County National Reserve Law Officers Association

Just a word again on Ted Nugent, the man has done a lot of good and while yes, when young he was known for not being much in the brains department, the same can be said for just about every persons young life. While his statement at the NRA was a bit over the top in my humble opinion and as such got the attention of the Secret Service and will be dealt with, I'm sure Ted Nugent wishes no harm to the President and perhaps this might serve to give the man pause to respect the office more.
The TEABAGGERS chose the nickname THEMSELVES!!! They liked the TEABAGGER nickname so much they sold "Proud To Be A Teabagger" buttons at all their events!!!!!!

Not really, but you Shitters certainly chose YOUR name;


Is that you, edtheliar?
Now, Obama has the brown shirts, er... the Nazi's... woops..........

I mean the Secret Police, er................... Service attempting to squelch Mr. Nugent's right to free speech.

What next - the Stormtroopers going to knock on our doors in the middle of the night and demand we surrender our guns?

Seig Fucking Heil Obama !!!
Ted Nugent gets call from Secret Service over violent election remarks -

It's no big deal. They just heard that the Nuge was going to have some groupies over and wanted to see if they could get a little bit of that action.

yea yea yea... you sure are tough like Ted "I'd rather shit on myself than go to Vietnam" Nugent.

Did you know that repeating a lie doesn't actually make the lie true, despite what ThinkProgress claims?

Here's a hint for you fucking liars for Obama, Richard Gere never had a gerbil surgically removed from his anus, either.

Holy fuck but you leftists are stupid.
The TEABAGGERS chose the nickname THEMSELVES!!! They liked the TEABAGGER nickname so much they sold "Proud To Be A Teabagger" buttons at all their events!!!!!!

Not really, ...
Yes really!

Tea party protesters arrive in D.C., Cheer Wilson | The Colorado Independent

WASHINGTON– The walk from the subway station to the Freedom Summit was quick, less than two minutes if the attendees didn’t dawdle. Every twenty or so paces, smiling volunteers with FreedomWorks shirts or badges ushered them towards the Armory, a sports arena more often used to host Rollergirl bouts and “American Idol” tryouts. Approaching the entrance, the people who’d trekked from as far away as San Diego and Maui could buy buttons — “Proud to be a Teabagger,” “ACORN is for Squirrels,” and “Quit AARP Now!”–and pick up information packets on how to make the most of what organizers assured them would be part of American history.


Proud to be a teabagger a Freedom Summit participant (Photo by David Weigel)
Yes really!

Right, so an old man had a button printed BEFORE Olbermoron and Madcow were calling them "Tea Baggers?"

Is that the party line that fucking liars for Obama are using.

Say edtheliar, what is the date on that photo? (September, 2009)

When was the first time a leftist called the infidels, "teabagger?" (Anderson Cooper, April 15, 2009, CNN)

Yep, some of those blue hairs had no idea what the term meant, and used it themselves. You fucking liars for Obama giggled until you peed yourselves over it. I knew what it meant, I play(ed) Counterstrike. But it was David Gergen and Anderson Cooper who created the term.

BUT your job isn't to recount the facts, you're a fucking liar for Obama. The party is everything, truth is irrelevant to you.
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The TEABAGGERS chose the nickname THEMSELVES!!! They liked the TEABAGGER nickname so much they sold "Proud To Be A Teabagger" buttons at all their events!!!!!!

Not really, but you Shitters certainly chose YOUR name;


Is that you, edtheliar?
That guy has now been identified as non other than Ted Nungent, in flashback and relapse of his Vietnam-era days. They say he's trying to avoid having to face the Secret Service today.
The TEABAGGERS chose the nickname THEMSELVES!!! They liked the TEABAGGER nickname so much they sold "Proud To Be A Teabagger" buttons at all their events!!!!!!

Not really, ...
Yes really!

Tea party protesters arrive in D.C., Cheer Wilson | The Colorado Independent

WASHINGTON– The walk from the subway station to the Freedom Summit was quick, less than two minutes if the attendees didn’t dawdle. Every twenty or so paces, smiling volunteers with FreedomWorks shirts or badges ushered them towards the Armory, a sports arena more often used to host Rollergirl bouts and “American Idol” tryouts. Approaching the entrance, the people who’d trekked from as far away as San Diego and Maui could buy buttons — “Proud to be a Teabagger,” “ACORN is for Squirrels,” and “Quit AARP Now!”–and pick up information packets on how to make the most of what organizers assured them would be part of American history.


Proud to be a teabagger a Freedom Summit participant (Photo by David Weigel)

Yes really!

Right, so an old man had a button printed BEFORE Olbermoron and Madcow were calling them "Tea Baggers?"

Is that the party line that fucking liars for Obama are using.

Say edtheliar, what is the date on that photo? (September, 2009)

When was the first time a leftist called the infidels, "teabagger?" (Anderson Cooper, April 15, 2009, CNN)

Yep, some of those blue hairs had no idea what the term meant, and used it themselves. You fucking liars for Obama giggled until you peed yourselves over it. I knew what it meant, I play(ed) Counterstrike. But it was David Gergen and Anderson Cooper who created the term.

BUT your job isn't to recount the facts, you're a fucking liar for Obama. The party is everything, truth is irrelevant to you.
As Rachael Maddow's April 9, 2009 YouTube video shows, the Teabaggers were using the term "teabag" BEFORE she did her report, and as the link to the Sept, 2009 story shows the teabaggers were still "PROUDLY" using the term AFTER Maddow.

[ame=]The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging" - YouTube[/ame]
That guy has now been identified as non other than Ted Nungent,


Looky there, Marc can repeat an old lie, made all new by the hate sites.

Isn't Marc clever to lie like that?

in flashback and relapse of his Vietnam-era days. They say he's trying to avoid having to face the Secret Service today.

Are you sure it isn't Richard Gere with a gerbil up his ass?

Oh, nope - it's just some stupid fuck leftist shitting on a cop car.

He'll vote for Obama.
Not really, ...
Yes really!

Tea party protesters arrive in D.C., Cheer Wilson | The Colorado Independent

WASHINGTON– The walk from the subway station to the Freedom Summit was quick, less than two minutes if the attendees didn’t dawdle. Every twenty or so paces, smiling volunteers with FreedomWorks shirts or badges ushered them towards the Armory, a sports arena more often used to host Rollergirl bouts and “American Idol” tryouts. Approaching the entrance, the people who’d trekked from as far away as San Diego and Maui could buy buttons — “Proud to be a Teabagger,” “ACORN is for Squirrels,” and “Quit AARP Now!”–and pick up information packets on how to make the most of what organizers assured them would be part of American history.


Proud to be a teabagger a Freedom Summit participant (Photo by David Weigel)

Yes really!

Right, so an old man had a button printed BEFORE Olbermoron and Madcow were calling them "Tea Baggers?"

Is that the party line that fucking liars for Obama are using.

Say edtheliar, what is the date on that photo? (September, 2009)

When was the first time a leftist called the infidels, "teabagger?" (Anderson Cooper, April 15, 2009, CNN)

Yep, some of those blue hairs had no idea what the term meant, and used it themselves. You fucking liars for Obama giggled until you peed yourselves over it. I knew what it meant, I play(ed) Counterstrike. But it was David Gergen and Anderson Cooper who created the term.

BUT your job isn't to recount the facts, you're a fucking liar for Obama. The party is everything, truth is irrelevant to you.
As Rachael Maddow's April 9, 2009 YouTube video shows, the Teabaggers were using the term "teabag" BEFORE she did her report, and as the link to the Sept, 2009 story shows the teabaggers were still "PROUDLY" using the term AFTER Maddow.

[ame=]The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging" - YouTube[/ame]

Yes they were. Then low lifes such as yourself decided to attach a different meaning.
Yes really!

Tea party protesters arrive in D.C., Cheer Wilson | The Colorado Independent

WASHINGTON– The walk from the subway station to the Freedom Summit was quick, less than two minutes if the attendees didn’t dawdle. Every twenty or so paces, smiling volunteers with FreedomWorks shirts or badges ushered them towards the Armory, a sports arena more often used to host Rollergirl bouts and “American Idol” tryouts. Approaching the entrance, the people who’d trekked from as far away as San Diego and Maui could buy buttons — “Proud to be a Teabagger,” “ACORN is for Squirrels,” and “Quit AARP Now!”–and pick up information packets on how to make the most of what organizers assured them would be part of American history.


Proud to be a teabagger a Freedom Summit participant (Photo by David Weigel)

Right, so an old man had a button printed BEFORE Olbermoron and Madcow were calling them "Tea Baggers?"

Is that the party line that fucking liars for Obama are using.

Say edtheliar, what is the date on that photo? (September, 2009)

When was the first time a leftist called the infidels, "teabagger?" (Anderson Cooper, April 15, 2009, CNN)

Yep, some of those blue hairs had no idea what the term meant, and used it themselves. You fucking liars for Obama giggled until you peed yourselves over it. I knew what it meant, I play(ed) Counterstrike. But it was David Gergen and Anderson Cooper who created the term.

BUT your job isn't to recount the facts, you're a fucking liar for Obama. The party is everything, truth is irrelevant to you.
As Rachael Maddow's April 9, 2009 YouTube video shows, the Teabaggers were using the term "teabag" BEFORE she did her report, and as the link to the Sept, 2009 story shows the teabaggers were still "PROUDLY" using the term AFTER Maddow.

[ame=]The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging" - YouTube[/ame]

Yes they were. Then low lifes such as yourself decided to attach a different meaning.

I'll admit I attached the right meaning but it was after maddow's crap

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