Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney



Ah yes the mindset of the rabid right, who are dying to take up arms...

The mind set of the rabid right?
Dumb fuck where did the quote the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. originate from?
What is the American historical importance of The Gadsden flag?
I love Ted's music, but I think it's funny how this guy claims to be a great American when in fact he ran like a coward when it came time for him to fight for our country during Vietnam. Yes, good old Ted was a draft dodger by getting a student deferment. Please explain to me how you get a student deferment when you are playing in band 300 days a year, when did he find time to study??

Did you not see my previous post?

Did you know in an interview from years ago, Ted told how for week before his draft board physical he stopped going to the bathroom? Oh he still peed and pooped, he just stopped doing it in the bathroom. Ted spent a week crapping his pants so that he didn’t have to go fight in Vietnam.

No I didn't sorry. I haven't had time to read every post.
Ted Nugent would fit in very well with the fucked up right wing whackos that post here.

Give him a big round of applause and make him feel welcome.:clap2:

Maybe Mittens will name Ted as his VP candidate. That will make the NRA happy.
Ted Nugent would fit in very well with the fucked up right wing whackos that post here.

Give him a big round of applause and make him feel welcome.:clap2:

Maybe Mittens will name Ted as his VP candidate. That will make the NRA happy.

yeah well, Bill Maher fits in very well with you and most of the liberals posting here..

so give yourselves a hand for being crude and classless:clap2:
Ted Nugent would fit in very well with the fucked up right wing whackos that post here.

Give him a big round of applause and make him feel welcome.:clap2:

Maybe Mittens will name Ted as his VP candidate. That will make the NRA happy.

And most of the sheeple here are just like Rachel Madow and the rest of those lefty nut-cases in the media.

Btw, Ted Nugent is a rightwing activist. We are not exact replicas of him. If we were we would be in the news too. He is his own man. Nobody else is like him.
Who cares what Ted Nugent thinks?

Aparently a lot of idiots on the right.

On the larger issue, I think this shows where the GOP has gone horribly wrong.

The NRA has become pretty extreme in recent years. So much so that Former President GH Bush quit his membership after Wayne LaPeirre called ATF agents "Jack booted Thugs" when they tried to arrest a crazy pedophile named David Koresh who was stockpiling automatic weapons.

But the thing, is the Democrats haven't really fought the gun wars since Clinton left. Even after the Gifford Shooting and the Martin Shooting, no one in the White House has proposed even modest gun legislations, like not letting crazy people buy guns.

The NRA is acting like gun confiscation is just around the corner, and politicians like Mitt Romney have to show up there and kiss LaPierre's ring and pretend he didn't sign gun control laws when he was governor.
That's my ex husband. We were together 14 years. Two children by him. And life with Ron was tame after all my years of misspent youth.

He was a folk singer after all. :D Great player (never that famous but well known) and we are still in touch. My son and daughter and my grandaughter live with him.

What's not to believe?

How needlessly in-depth. Quite the fantasy. You're famous baby, you're famous! That's all I hear every time you've mentioned that here and elsewhere.

My fantasy?

You can go right to his website. . He's got this one section up on some of the people we promoted that were mostly indies at the time from the seventies and the early eighties from Canada.

I guess the most famous songwriters that you would recognize would be a toss up between Chris Ward who ended up co writing (with Dave Tyson) " Black Velvet" for Alannah Myles or Eddie Schwartz who wrote "Hit Me With Your best shot" for Pat Benatar (we got a Juno from Eddie for promoting "All our Tomorrows" that's the equivalent of a Grammy in Canada).

Sylvia Tyson well she's just a legend. Total joy to work with. But his website will give you an idea of what we used to do for a living. Ronnie Spector was awesome.

Then there is the Forgotten Rebels.. I had soooooooooooo much fun with them. Crazy punk. We crossed all music lines helping out indies and making a pretty good life for ourselves.

I could go on and on. But why don't you just check it out for yourself.

Here's his website that he's got up Feel free to email him as well. Ron's addy is on the website for you.

Tell him you've been chatting with his ex wife on this message board. I'll be calling the kids this weekend so I'll know if you did get around to emailing him.:eusa_angel:

Ixtlan-X Management

Jesus Christ woman, you already responded to that post of mine once after telling me off, now a second time? You just proved my fucking point. Needlessly in-depth on your fantasy.

NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR BORING ASS FAKE SHIT. The way you keep going on and on about this person and that is absolutely pathetic.
Ted Nugent, another draft dodger, what is it with loud mouths and cowardice? Rush Limbaugh draft dodger, Dick Cheney draft dodger, these lazy useless cowards take advantage of the freedoms of America but are too cowardly to put up. Big months but weak backbones.

in other words, you cant really attack Ted on the substance of what he said, so you are going to insult and mock him instead.

If there is substance in his stupidity you must be privileged to see it, for I only see an ignorant loud mouthed coward who when he had a chance to put his money where his big mouth was copped out.

"All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting." George Orwell
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Of course not; and Romney cannot be held responsible for what every one of his supporters says or does.

I think that a lot of Obama disciples, like Cowman, do favor summary execution of any who are not loyal to Obama.

His stated wish to murder Ted Nugent is simply a precursor to general purges. The ultimate expression of leftist ideals was the Khmer Rouge. Ultimately, the left will purge any and all dissent. Tolerance of contrary views is anathema to the goals and general methods of the left.
Oh fuck off you whining drama queen.

That you support an internet tough guy threatening to murder a women is not of any surprise.

You're not a scumbag because you're a leftist, you're a leftist because you are a scumbag

He was making a point to indicate what Nugent said, not a genuine threat.

That you support his threat does not alter it. I understand, Stephanie is not a party member, so she deserves death.

Or do you think Nugent made a "terrorist threat" too?

Did Ted Nugent send a message to Barrack Obama stating that if he knew his address he would come kill him?

Sillybonobo did to Stephanie.

And what the fuck at the "terrorist" qualifier. Why not just a death threat? Why do you feel so inclined to label it terrorist threat, you douche?

Making death threats through electronic means is a terrorist act under the law. It's what Sillybonobo would be charged with.
Ted Nugent would fit in very well with the fucked up right wing whackos that post here.

Give him a big round of applause and make him feel welcome.:clap2:

Maybe Mittens will name Ted as his VP candidate. That will make the NRA happy.

And most of the sheeple here are just like Rachel Madow and the rest of those lefty nut-cases in the media.

Btw, Ted Nugent is a rightwing activist. We are not exact replicas of him. If we were we would be in the news too. He is his own man. Nobody else is like him.

Nor is Romney responsible for what NUGENT says or does.
No, I'm saying he should kill himself. Not saying he should be put to death. Unless it's by his own hands, in which case yes... that'd be awesome.

In fact, you did say he should be put to death.

When you took your loyalty oath to Obama, you probably noticed that some of your neighbors weren't in line. Did you write down the names of those who chose to be enemies of the party?

And I'm only mirroring his desire to have other people suck on the barrel of his gun, to instead do it himself.

Should those who failed to take the loyalty oath to Obama be given a second chance to take the oath, or would you support rounding them up right away?
Ted Nugent would fit in very well with the fucked up right wing whackos that post here.

Give him a big round of applause and make him feel welcome.:clap2:

Maybe Mittens will name Ted as his VP candidate. That will make the NRA happy.

That would be a great choice IMHO. Ted is a very giving and charitable man. He relates to the common man very easily. Not to mention he is law enforcement.
Its not so much ted nugent who has voiced out, its the things he says that is of importance. I wish people could see clearly what he is saying. He has said everything that actually is true and happening today.........why are there people unable to see this????? It is really puzzleling to see people out there that can't see this obama and his administration for what they are and what they are doing against all of us. This administration is going against the people who support him and all of us and yet there are those incapbable of seeing it.........just blows your mind.
Nugent is still claiming that Romney solicited his endorsement, and Romney says it's not so.
Actually...that is correct. It's well known that Romney long sought after that Chicken Hawk's endorsement. As you can see, the self-proclaimed "Conservatives" and RepubliCON$ worship him, they'd suck the jam out his toes. Romney wants in on that.

Since I've had better luck discussing things with you, Marc, maybe you can provide the proof of that claim that no one else here has been able to provide.

Not just a rag's misleading title making the claim and talking about a phone call.
I want to know who initiated that phone call and see how Romney SOUGHT Nugent's endorsement.

Thank you in advance......

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